I [F] have fucked over 1,600 guys and I don’t see myself slowing down anytime soon

Look. I’m going to say this and it’s not going to be popular, but its true and I guess I’m saying it because I’m trying to make myself less afraid of doing so.

Yes, I have fucked a lot of men in my life. Like, a lot. Over 1,600 at least. I feel I owe some kind of explanation as to why. I know I probably come off as a whore. Maybe I am. But look.

I had been called the antichrist for so long that I started seeing it as my calling.

There were (and still are, I guess) a lot of things not to like about me. I was not (then or now) a particular modest or humble person. There was the Russian thing. I was a tall Russian blonde at a catholic boarding school. There was the slut thing. I had nice boobs even before I got them done but yes, they were a birthday present (from me to me) and yes, I did not make an effort to pretend like I hadn’t had them done.

There were a lot of ”uniform issues.” The uniform said you had to wear certain clothes. I really kind of felt like “look, I didn’t leave one place where people told me what to do to come to another place and have people tell me what to do here too.” So yeah, wear a white blouse—sure. There were a lot of “define “wear”” moments, where yes, I would refuse to button my blouse until the rules said so. And then they did. And so I wore I blouse around my arm and walked around in a coat with no bra. There was a lot of “look at my boobs y’all” and there was a lot of “I know you want to touch me.” I had a lot of difficulty complying with those damn uniform rules, and yes, they had all kinds of names for me. Yellow-headed devil. Satan’s mistress. The Anti-Christ. You name it. I heard it.

The more they said it, the worst I got. There was a need to put things in front of people, because, if you took it in the ass from three guys last night, but no one else finds out about it, did it really happen?

I was good at taking tests and particularly good at the standardized tests that got published in marketing materials, which meant I was pretty fucking sure they weren’t going to expel me if I walked down the hall naked with a bottle of vodka in my hand. It would have been nice in retrospect if one person maybe thought “hey, perhaps this person has something going on at home and maybe there’s more to this than her just being fucking possessed,” but, in the end, people are what they are.

Back then, I cared a lot about “bringing people down to my level.” In my mind, there was a sort of battle for civilization, where the parents, teachers, and “spiritual counselors” were on the one side, and there was little old me (and the entirety of the board) on the other. Some part of me had by then been trained to hear words like “modesty” and “patience” and “virtue” as attack words, as if they meant nothing more than “not me“ and “lets talk about how horrible and slutty and evil you are so that we can then talk about the hellfire in which she will burn for all of eternity.”

As I write this, I feel increasingly aware of the extent to which all of the above sounds like a rationalization. All of the above is true, but not all of what is true is above. Looking back at who I was back then, the simple truth is that I wanted to be liked. But listen, I’m not here to make this into a serious story so lets stick to dicks and the like.

At the end of the day, the simple fact is that I felt I looked good, I felt it was something that I had that other people didn’t, I felt that other people made a big show of the extent to which they were above me for one reason or another, and I always took pride in bringing people down to my level. And while it is certainly true that I quite liked anal sex, then as now I guess, I think that, at least at first, what I liked more was the way people looked at you when they knew you were someone who just loved showing you her butt, who could never manage to put her boobs away, whose skirt was always just a little too short or who always had a way of putting cleavage into your face and who had to see you looking at her tits or between her legs, who had to know that you knew that she was into anal and who went to great lengths to get you to fuck me in the ass so that all your friends would start looking at you as the brainless bimbo who loved semen and sodomy, and who had to know if any of you could ever see me as something more than that, and who honestly believed that the world was a safer place if you couldn’t.

Look, this is getting off topic and I’m supposed to be here telling you what a whore I am but somehow I guess I’m defending myself, and my understanding is that this sub is not the place for that. So yeah, I have fucked pretty much everyone who asked as well very many people who didn’t even need to ask. I probably have enough genetic material in me to colonize mars, and I really do love dicks. That is just a fact.

I’ll tell a better story next time. You can downvote me this time. I’m working on pulling together a better narrative. Let’s call this a draft and I’ll do better. Gotta run. Bye

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/i11c40/i_f_have_fucked_over_1600_guys_and_i_dont_see


  1. I really respect a women who likes to have fun and don’t worry about the body count she has

  2. A lot of notches on the belt but hopefully you ensured safety … often health is easy to to observe with fewer partners but when you have a high number odds tend to be stacked against you. Please be safe and enjoy yourself as you traverse the different flavors in life

  3. Ever thought about posting on r/NSFWIAMA? I’d imagine the people there would have a bunch of questions for you

  4. I adore you.

    I am a bit sad and teared up that you are so hard on yourself, but I hope you can see yourself in the eyes of a woman – I’m sure many women – who think you’re fucking cool.

    I’m sorry you had to grow alongside so many shitty people.


  5. Do you actively enjoy it, or is it just who you are now and you’re making the most of it?

  6. What a great read. Love your style. In more ways than one!

  7. sorry but the math doesnt check out unless youve been fucking a new guy every single day since the minute you turned 16

  8. Love to get to know more about your journey PM me if you would like to chat . Work in NYC

  9. I love the frank admissions. You be you.

    I have a weird fantasy where a woman just like you hits on me and fucks me right in front of my wife. I never thought it was possible until I read your post.

    Keep on fuckin’!

  10. First, let me say thank you for posting this. Like others here, I am thrilled when I come across (no pun intended) people who embrace their sexuality.

    >who had to know if any of you could ever see me as something more than that, and who honestly believed that the world was a safer place if you couldn’t.

    Does the first part of this mean you were looking for someone to have a deeper connection with? It sounds that way. Although you don’t explicitly mention anyone, have you made that connection?

    My dear, you’ve already embraced your desire, inasmuch as how it fulfills you in certain ways but you are still harboring some negative thoughts regarding this desire.

    First, do not allow labels of any kind be placed on you, by others or yourself. These labels stem mostly from the religious zealots that do not truly have anybody’s best interest at heart other than satisfy their own desire for self-importance, being judgmental and spreading hate.

    If what you’re doing is making you happy, then, by all means do it. And then, if one day it stops making you happy, make the change.

    We only live once. Do not regret what you do. Be happy just being you.

  11. Hope you figure things out, if you ever feel like having a conversation and vent about this strong feelings that you have just let me know, i’d love to listen.

  12. This is fantastic.

    It’s like a perfect manifesto of a woman who completely owns her sexuality with no apologies owed/requested.

    I would have every girl going through puberty read this and let them know they are the only ones that they have to answer to regarding their sexual (and other) choices.

    Seriously, fuck everyone’s social expectations and just be you! If that means 1,600 dicks in your ass, go for it.

    This kind of freedom is enviable and I for one salute you!

    I will love you even more if you live in Southern California…:)

  13. Oh my god, what city are you in? Because, if you don’t mind that I’m an older guy, I definitely want to fuck you. Keep going… ??✊???✊?????

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