My Mom Was The Online Tease All Along {incest | mmmf | friends | gangbang | spying | mom/son/friends | cons}

**Part 1 Jay Gets Into His Mom’s Panties**

After school one day I invited my friends over to my house to hang out. Frank and William were two of my best friends. We would hang out almost everyday and when we were not together, we would be messaging each other in either by text or in one of our chatrooms online. Today we would be coming to my house to talk about some of the wild videos we seen online, as well as the topics that had been coming up in our chatrooms that were public for others to join.

All three of us walked home from school together to my house. When we got there I seen that my mother must of been at work still, since her car was not in front of the house. I told the others that it looked like we had the house to ourself today. We walked inside, got ourself some drinks from the kitchen, then headed up to my room. I sat down at my computer, while Frank and William sat down on my bed.

“So what have you two been getting into online lately.” I asked as I logged onto my computer.

“Here recently I have been getting into watching drunk girls getting too loose.” William said to us, hoping to get some good feedback.

“Those are always fun to see, but I have been getting into milf women the last couple weeks. Did you see the chatroom I invited you both two.” Frank asked us eager to see what we thought of it.

“I joined it last night and was up too late looking at some of the posts that people were making on there. So many people willing to share photos of their milf wife, mom, or other women in their life. Even seen a few people claiming to be a milf on there, with some great bodies.” I told Frank to let him know that I was into it too.

“Told you it was a good one. What about you Will?” Frank asked after getting my confirmation.

“I did not join yet, I told you I was busy last night and not at home.” William said to let us know he was out of the loop.

“Well here I will show you.” I said to him while pulling up the chatroom on my computer.

After logging into the room, I began to slowly scroll through the recent messages to show William that there was plenty of people posting the older ladies in their life on here. We seen plenty of images of people posting their mother’s great bodies while they cleaned the house or sat around watching tv. Others posted photos of their older wives since they were men who liked to show off their ladies to creeps online. Either way, the posts were good enough for me and my friends.

“I will for sure be joining this when I get home tonight.” Will said after seeing a few posts on the site.

“Good it is one of the best ones we are in. It is one of my new favorites.” Frank said to convince him even more.

“Hey guys I got an idea for how we can get into this community!” I said to my friends as I seen a post that inspired me.

“How?” Frank asked ready to participate.

“Look these people love seeing dirty panties of the milfs on here.” I replied while showing him all the people commenting on a photo of dirty panties.

“Okay so? How does that help us?” Frank asked now curious how that could possible help us join.

“Well my mom is gone and I am sure we can find some of her dirty underwear laying around.” My naughty mind was revealed to my friends.

“You’re willing to post you own mother’s underwear online Jay? You sure that you want to go that far with it.” Frank asked a little nervous about the plan.

“Yea I do not know if that is a good idea.” William said clearly scared about taking it that far in real life.

“Stop being scared you two, it is my mom. Not your’s.” I said to them as I got up from the chair and told them I would be back.

Once I left my room, I went down the hall to my parents room. Going straight to the master bedroom’s bathroom in their room. I knew that my parents had a hamper for dirty clothes in there that I could probably find some underwear in. When I opened up the basket lid I started to rifle through the clothing. Until I found a pair of underwear towards the bottom.

The panties were a pair of white cotton bikini style underwear. They were a wrinkled mess that had clearly been worn. This was the first time I had touched my mom’s underwear, besides when doing laundry. Now it was for my own pleasure. Examining the white panties, I noticed that the center had a small spot that was right where her vagina would be resting inside. There was a tiny spot of discolor on the cloth.

My finger started rubbing in the the area of where my mom would cover her vagina in them. Feeling the dirty spot on them for a long moment. I pulled them to my face where I took in a big sniff. The aroma of my mother’s vagina on the dirty panties made me hard as I carried them back off to my room.

“So do you guys want to see some of my mom’s panties or not?” I asked teasingly as I walked into the room with the pair of underwear behind my back.

“No way you found some that easy.” Frank said with excitement in his horny voice.

“Let’s see them.” Will said not as eagerly.

I moved my hand out from behind my back, dangling the cotton panties out in front of their faces. Showing them off as I opened them up and displayed them for us all to admire. When Frank reached out to grab them, I moved them out of his reach.

“Keep your dirty hands off them until I get the pictures. We need them to get involved in the community.” I told them as I sat back down at my desk. The placing them on my desk for photos. Making sure to get a few angles of them so there was plenty to see. The final picture was an up-close shot of the dirty spot on the front to really get the members going.

“You are really going to post images of you mom’s panties online?” William asked while sounding like he was against it.

“Yes. Why not?” I asked him.

“I do not know man. Just sounds a little wrong.” He said back.

“It is not like anyone will know who’s panties they are anyway.” Frank butted into the conversation with a good point.

“Exactly! No one will know it is my mom anyway.” I said while uploading the pictures. I hit send and there was no turning back now.

All three of us sat around the screen as the other members in the room started to talk about the picture. They wanted to know all about my mother so they could get into the fantasy. I told them that her name was Jean, a 48 year old married asian woman, who was my mother. They all raved about how hot it was that I was sharing photos of her panties with them.

“Holy Shit! They love it.” I said quietly as I seen the messages popping up quicker than I had seen them move in any other chat room.

The questions kept coming in for us to answer more. Telling them that she was 5 foot 3 inches tall with a slender figure. I had checked her bra once in the past when practicing on how to undo them and seen that she wore a 36C. I told them all about her golden asian skin, her long dark black hair, and even her little feet that were normally painted white on the nails. This chatroom was loving that I was talking about my mom.

As it started to slow down, I ran out of my room suddenly. Straight back into my mom’s room with the dirty panties in hand. My cell phone in the other. When I got to the hamper in the bathroom I opened it up and put the panties back in. I searched around until I found a bra. It was an older black bra that clearly was worn often. I snapped a few photos, put it back in, and returned to my room.

“I got a picture of her bra.” I told my friends as I returned.

“Nice let me see it!” Frank said standing up from my computer chair. I showed him the few pictures of my mom’s bra before sitting back down to send them to the chat.

Again the chat was loving it. Talking about how amazing it was that a son would share dirty images like this. I told them a few more personal details about my mom, like how she had caught me with a boner one morning. Making sure I did not give enough away that they could find out who we were.

“Ohh fuck!” I said to my friends as I heard my mother coming up the stairs. She must of just gotten home. Panicking I turned off the computer screen. Quickly pretending to be talking about school before she knocked on my door.

“Hey Jay are you home from school?” She asked while opening the door slowly.

“Yea mom I am home. My friends came over too.” I replied as I seen her peek her head in.

“What are you boys doing today?” Mom asked while stepping into the room. She had her hair up in a ponytail while wearing a white dress. I was looking at my mom so different now. After posting her underwear online, I was imagining her wearing them.

“We were just hanging out, they will be leaving soon.” I told her while my friends tried not to start like the horny men they were.

“Alright. Well have fun. Do you want a snack?” She asked before leaving the room.

“Sure.” All three of us said to her as she left.

“That was close.” William said as my mom walked downstairs.

“Sure was, but it felt exhilarating.” I told them while my heart was pounding in my chest.

“Your mom is so hot. I have always thought it, but did not want to make you mad before.” Frank said to me trying to be careful with his words.

“Well just keep it a secret and we will be fine to keep doing it.” I told them both as I heard my mom walking back up the stairs.

“Here you boys go. I made you something to eat before you go.” Mom said as she handed us a plate of snacks. As she passed the plate, she dropped the napkins that was underneath as I took the food.

When she bent over to grab them from the floor I was worried we was going to get caught staring. Mom gave us a clear peek down her blouse. All three of our eyes watched her cleavage as she picked them up. Her boobs hung slightly, but looked round and soft in the dress. Then she came back up, ending our fun to hand me the napkins.

“I have to go.” William said nervously after grabbing some food.

“Me too.” Frank said with a handful of the snacks.

“I’ll let you guys out.” I said realizing how crazy I sounded, but I was nervous and hard from seeing my mom’s boobs.

“Jay want to come over to my house for a little bit before dinner?” Frank asked as he started to leave.

“Sure. Sounds cool.” I said to him just wanting to get away from my mom with my boner. “I’ll be back for dinner mom.” Telling her goodbye before I left with my friends after handing back the plate of napkins.

“See you later honey.” Mom said as I headed to hang out with Frank for a while.

**Part 2 Jean Finds Her Son’s Chatroom**

After Jay and his friends left, I was cleaning up his room while he was away. He never cleaned it like I told him to do. Picking up some trash that was left on the desk, dirty clothes on the floor, and everything covered in dust. After taking out the trash and clothes, I came back with some dust cloths.

I used the cloth to wipe off his shelves and tv first. After getting a few items cleaned, I already needed another. Jay must of not done this since the last time I forced him to. I thought while grabbing another cloth for his headboard and night stand. By the time I got to his dusty desk I was on my last cloth. Using it to wipe down the computer, the desk, and finally the screen.

When I rubbed the bottom of the screen to get the dust off all the sides, I accidentally must of hit one of the buttons. The screen flashed on, causing me to be startled by the light. As I reached back down to turn it off, I noticed that it was open to a chatroom.

“What the hell is this?” I said to myself as I read the title of the room. “Milfs and Moms Chat” was the title at the top of the screen. Men were talking all about how hot their wife was in bed and sharing pictures. Then I started scrolling up thinking my son was on a porn chat.

“Ohh no.” Whispering to myself again. There was a photo of my black bra in my bathroom in the chat. I thought that there was no way that was really my underwear. Scrolling up further I seen my panties, so I began to read what was going on. Jay had been telling these people all about me and how sexy he thought I was, while they all agreed.

My son was playing in my dirty clothes and telling men online that I was a hot mom. Showing them my underwear, all while his little friends were over. They must have put him up to this, I thought. I scrolled back to the bottom before turning off his screen again. Picking up the dusty clothes from the desk as I left the room.

The next couple hours I spent the time cleaning. I could not stop thinking about how bad it was that my son was thinking about me sexually. Even worse, he was sharing it with strangers and his friends. By the time I started cooking dinner my mind had started to shift away from my initial thoughts.

My husband had not been fucking me except on rare occasions the last few years. It had to be a holiday or special night for him to want to have sex with me. I was always a modest woman so I did not go after him much, but I wished he would go after me more often. It was odd that my son found a 48 year old woman like me sexy, but my husband did not even seem to even notice me.

While cooking dinner my mind raced with thoughts of how bad this whole situation was with my son. Switching constantly from that to, how my husband was neglecting my natural needs as a woman. Then back to my son being perverted enough to play with my dirty panties.

“Hey mom I am back from Frank’s. What is for dinner?” Jay said as he scared me nearly to death. I jumped back from the stove as he yelled from the door. His voice seemed more like a man’s to me than ever before.

“Jay just in time. Help me make our plates.” I told my son while trying to calm down my racing heart from being startled.

“Okay mom, is dad working late again?” He asked curious if he needed two or three plates.

“You know he works til night during the week now.” I replied. That forced me to remember that my husband had switched to afternoon work in the last few years. Meaning he was gone most nights, leaving Jay and I alone.

“Aright, well. Here.” Jay said handing me plates.

I made up our meal onto each plate before taking it to the table, where Jay was already waiting for me. We ate dinner together more silent than normal tonight. A few remarks that did not spark conversations was all we had. Although I did feel like I caught him looking at my chest a couple of times. After dinner he went to his room, while I cleaned up.

Once I was done, I sat on the couch alone, watching tv. Then I got inside of my mind. Wanting to know if Jay was on that chatroom again. So I opened my phone internet and searched for the room online. Sure enough it was simple to find. Clicking on it to see that it was the same site he had open earlier.

After creating an account, which I named “AsianMilf04”, I was able to join the chatroom. The newest topic of conversation seemed to be about me as I started reading what was posted. I got up to the account I recognized as Jay’s. He had said that during dinner he got to see my cleavage. Telling them about earlier, when his friends and him got to see my tits. Catching a glimpse when I bent over to get something from the floor.

“How could my son be talking about his own mother like this?” I thought to myself after reading his messages.

I was upset for a moment, before thinking about how it was the first time in years that I felt wanted. That my body felt like it was being viewed sexual by a man. My husband never seemed to be aroused by me, but my son was obsessed with me. Something about the whole situation started to give me chills as I felt myself getting wet. I got up from the couch, quickly heading up to my room.

I stopped by Jay’s room while passing by. “I am going to bed early tonight, see you in the morning son.” I said after opening up his door. He was clearly scared and on the site, because he looked like he had seen a ghost. I pretended not to know.

“Goodnight mom.” He said to me nervously.

Goodnight Jay.” I replied as I shut his door. Quickly I went to my room. Looking at the time on my phone. I seen that I had at least two hours before my husband got home.

I went to my closet to change into my night clothes. Tonight I decided to wear something sexy since I planned on having to pleasure myself. It was always nice to look sexy while doing it, plus there is always a chance it might turn on my dead eyed husband.

Straight into bed I climbed. Now wearing only the silky gown that hung down to the middle of my thighs from the two tiny straps over my shoulder. It was soft on my bare skin with the white silky fabric. It felt amazing on my body as it caressed my soft skin in the bed. Now I was really getting turned on in comfort. Slowly I started to rub the silk gown against my vagina with my hand.

The thoughts in my brain were so sexual. Being about how it use to be with my husband, when we were young. He was so handsome and full of sexual desire. Back then he wanted me any chance he got. My mind imaged him in his 20’s dominating my small asian body. I was really getting myself so worked up. Then I thought about how much he use to look just like our son Jay, who was now 18.

My body was more aroused as that thought crossed my mind. Why was my son able to corrupt my thoughts like he had done with that chatroom messages. I could not resist opening up to see if they were talking about me. I logged onto my phone, with my other hand still rubbing myself. I seen that Jay was telling them about the time we went to the beach. Describing my body to the strange men.

“She was 45 at the time. Still looking amazingly sexy for her age. Those big breasts looked perfect in the sun, all wet and glistening. My mom even has a round ass for an older asian milf.” Jay typed into the chatroom from his account.

The thought of him thinking back on me in a bikini from a family vacation was at first very creepy to me. It did not take long for my corrupted mind to think it was sweet that my son thought I looked so good for an old woman. My hand started rubbing myself again. The other began to be used to type into the chat.

“Hey I am new here. I am an asian milf who is almost 50.” I sent as a message to all of them. Messages began to spam into the chat saying it was one of the rare women. Saying that there was only about eight of the nearly 100 members. They said I needed to prove I was a woman and not a man pretending.

I replied with a photo of my boobs being pulled out of my night gown. The silky white dress tucked under my breast for the photo. This was not like me, but I was horny from being neglected by my husband for work. Corrupted by my son for talking about my body. Messages started pouring in again quickly. All men praising my body.

One stuck out to me, thinking it was Frank, since it had his name with some numbers. Also sounding like him as he typed that I looked amazingly sexy. “Damn baby you can be my mommy anytime.” The brave boy said from the comfort of his keyboard. Never would he say that to me in real life or if he knew it was me. That turned me on more.

“Prove that is really you. Send it again with two fingers held up.” Jay’s account replied right after.

Again I pulled out what I though was my saggy breast and snapped another picture. This time with two fingers around the nipple. Sending it out another photo of my breasts. What had I gotten myself into? I thought as I watched them talk about my boobs. Before tonight my husband was the only man to ever see my nude body. Now I was sharing it with a chatroom of strangers, my son, and his friends.

“Holy shit this milf is real.” Jay’s account typed out into the chat.

“She is a sexy little slut.” Frank’s account replied back to him.

“Send us some more if you are a real naughty milf.” Jay said to his mother unknowingly in the chat.

I did not know if it was the the lack of sexual attention or if I was just always suppressing this side of my mind, but I was wet seeing the boys talking about my body. Then I took a picture of my vagina being covered by just my hand. Showing just the top of my trimmed pubes to tease the people inside the chat, but most importantly for the boys I knew in there.

“You have to show us more lady.” Jay said in the chat seeming to really need it.

“Your body is perfect for a 50 year old woman.” Frank said not knowing how rude that sounded. Then sent a picture of his hard dick in the chat right after.

“Looks nice baby.” I teased the boy for being so brave to send that big dick in chat with his friends in there.

“Thanks mommy.” Frank replied to my compliment.

Seeing that hard cock brought me close to an orgasm, so I stared at the veiny erection while going harder on my clit. Moving my hand under the dress to tease my bare clit finally. Quickly bringing myself to a quiet climax as I seen another man’s cock for the first time that was not on tv or a movie. The purity I once had, now seemed broken as I orgasmed to my own son’s best friend.

“Goodnight boys.” I said showing my wet pussy to them after I just had an orgasm. Waiting around for some of their sweet replies, even William chimed in finally to compliment how wet I was. Then I went to bed, satisfied, after logging off.

—Part 3 and 4 up on my site since reddit can’t fit it!

This was a custom story from the Fiverr account!


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Links in my Reddit bio for website and Fiverr if you want your own custom stories written!



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