My Friend Shows Me Mom’s Can Be Hot (mmf | incest | mom-son-friend | taboo | spying | drunk)

I am going to tell you a story about how my friend Frank and I ended up with my drunk mom all alone one night. To get there though, we have to start from the beginning where all of the craziness started in my life. The day I invited Frank to my house to hang out after class. He decided to come over to check out my new room at my house that our family just moved into.

When Frank came over, we grabbed some snacks from the kitchen where my mom had left us out food. We ate the food at the table before heading up to my bedroom. Frank asked where my parents were at since there seemed to be no one home. I told him that my father worked the afternoon shift, so he was always gone from noon to nine at night during the week. Then told him that my mom usually was taking a nap around this time. Frank thought it was cool that I had the house mostly to myself after school then.

After we finished up our lunch we headed up the stairs to my bedroom. On the way, my mother came out of her bedroom from her nap. She was wearing a white robe over her body as she greeted Frank and I.

“Hi boys, welcome to our new home Frank. Jay I will be going out for a couple hours, so make sure to lock up the house if you leave.” My sleepy eyed mother told me as she walked down the stairs.

“Okay mom I will be sure to do that.” I told her to quickly get her away.

“Nice to meet you Jean!” Frank said while we started to walk towards my room.

“Your mom is pretty hot for an older lady.” He told me before I punched him in the arm.

“Shut up Frank. Don’t talk about my mom you creep.” I snarled after hearing the gross comment.

“Sorry man, just saying.” He replied while rubbing his bicep.

I was stronger than Frank since I was a little bigger than him. Standing at 6 feet tall at 18, I was just a bit bigger than my friend. Frank was also 18, but only 5 foot 9 and less muscle on his body. We both had similar features otherwise. Frank was also a bit darker since he played sports outside often. Having a brownish tone to his Asian skin.

In my room I started showing off my bigger and better living area. Showing him that I had way more space and my own closet that I could walk into. Also my parents had let me spend some money decorating the room with some interesting pieces on the walls. Frank was impressed by my computer set up and wanted to check that out first.

“I can’t believe you got a new computer now.” He said clearly jealous of my improvements in life.

“Yea this is the best of the latest parts available. It can run anything at lightening speed.” I told my friend to gloat about how good my new room was. Not that I was intentionally bragging, but I was overly excited about it.

“Well I know where I will be hanging out at more often. You got this great new set up and a hot old mom who will feed us.” Frank said while looking at the quality of my PC.

“What did I say about talking about my mom you asshole?” I asked him rhetorically before giving him a good punch in the shoulder. “Now get up so I can show you how to use something this nice.”

“Whatever dude just stop hitting me.” Rubbing his arm he got up out of the leather chair. Standing behind as I sat down to use the computer.

“I am putting my book bag down over here and going to the restroom real quick. Where is it at by the way?” Frank asked while dropping the bag.

“Second door on the right just before my parents room with the large door at the end of the hall.” I told Frank when he walked out of my door.

While he was gone I started up some programs to show him how well they would run on my new computer. Then started a quick game that I recently gotten into. I played a full round of the game before I noticed that Frank was still not back. Looking at the clock on the screen I seen it had been almost 10 minutes. So I got up to go make sure he did not flood the bathroom or go to eat all my food.

Outside of my room I seen that the bathroom door was open. That made me look down the stairs to the kitchen assuming he was raiding the refrigerator. When I did not see him down there I went back upstairs to look for him.

“Frank what are you doing?” I yelled out at the top of the stairs. Figuring he must of been in the bathroom still with the door open for some reason. He did not reply back to me though. Now I was a little confused and worried as I walked to the open door.

“What the fuck?” I whispered to myself when I seen that he was not inside of the bathroom. I was starting to think that he may have gotten mad about me punching him and left. Then I remembered that he left his bag in my room.

“Frank where are you at dude?” I yelled out again to see if he was just messing with me. After no reply I texted him but heard the ding come from his bag in my room. There is no way he left without his phone. I looked outside to see if he was in the yard before researching the house for him. It felt like Frank had to be messing with me by hiding or something.

After checking outside and downstairs, I checked my room one more time. Empty. Then I walked down the hall. Checking the two storage closet before getting back to the bathroom. Finally I went to check my mom’s room. Inside I seen that the light was on, but the room was empty. The master bedroom had its own bathroom, which was also open with the light on.

“What the fuck are you doing Frank!” I yelled when I walked up to the door to see my friend was inside.

“Ahhh!” Frank yelled out as I caught him smelling a pair of my mother’s panties in her bathroom. They were a pair of lacy white panties that were tiny in his big hand. It looked like a fancy pair of panties, then I noticed that there was a matching bra on the floor below him.

“Frank you fucking creep! What are you doing with my mom’s underwear.” I yelled again now angrier at him then I was at his comments about her earlier. He was frozen for a moment when getting caught with them up to his nose.

“Jay I am so sorry. I came in to use the bathroom and found these on the floor.” He tried to say to calm me down.

“No you did not come in here to use the bathroom. You passed up a bathroom to get into this one you dick. Now put those down and get out of my house!” I ordered him with a serious stare.

“Don’t be that mad, we are friends. It was fucked up what I did, but we are still friends Jay.” My friend pleaded with me after lowering the panties to his side. Still holding them in his hand though.

“Frank you are gross even touching those. Get the hell out.” Ordering him once again to drop them and leave.

“Like you never thought about doing this before or something with your mom.” Frank said shocking me with the statement.

“What? I would never do that.” Claiming that he was insane for even thinking of such a thing.

“Jay every guy thinks about his mom at least sometimes. It is not that crazy to think a mom is hot.” Frank tried to convince me he was not a creep.

“No you are weird. Leave!” I stated again.

“Really Jay you never thought about how hot your little mom is? Look at her slutty underwear. I bet she is so sexy in this white set of lingerie she has here.” Frank says while picking up the bra now too.

“For real now. Stop talking about my mom before I actually beat you up Frank.” I warned him one more time.

Then he walked closer to me with the set of matching lingerie in his hands. As he got closer he held them up for a better view. Bringing them just a few inches from my face before stopping. I leaned my face back, away a little further since I was uncomfortable with the entire situation.

“See the wet spot in the panties? I think your mom fucked your dad before work today in this little outfit.” Frank said to me as I noticed that there was a creamy spot in the center of the white lace material.

“I see it there I think. Wait Frank stop this is gross.” I said pushing his arms away.

“No it is not Jay, all of us have done this with our mom’s underwear before. John and I use to steal panties from the dirty laundry all the time from his mom.” He said bringing me into the idea.

“Really you and John did that?” I asked intrigued now. “What was his mom’s like?”

“She always had wet panties, because she was a single mom who was loose when she got drunk.” Frank told me when he seen that I was calming down now.

“I guess it is not that bad.” I said as I was brought into his creepy fetish.

“See! Now take them and feel them in your hands.” He said pushing them out for me to take.

I grabbed the underwear from him. Running my fingers across the soft lace material. Stopping when my finger touched the damp spot in the center. Squishing my index finger into it. All while the other hand felt the cups of lingerie bra. I looked at the tag to see that she wore a 36C size bra to support her breasts.

“Feels nice, but now smell her juices on the panties Jay. That is the best part.” Frank said while watching me. He seemed excited to be getting me to join him.

Taking in a quick sniff with my nose I could smell the musky aroma. It was an odd smell in my nose, but I enjoyed it for some reason. Then I took in a deeper inhale through my nostrils with the panties almost touching the tip. The scent filled my nose as I felt myself getting hard.

“They do smell good. We got to put them back so we don’t get caught though Frank.” I said while walking to put them back on the floor. Trying to hide my boner from my friend as I walked away.

“The underwear are only part of the fun Jay.” He said as I came back into the bedroom. Frank was going though the drawers near my parents bed. From one he pulled out a tiny bottle of lube to show me. Then put it back to check the rest of the drawers.

“Jackpot!” Frank said now sounding even more excited. He pulled out a white dildo from the bottom drawer. It was about five inches long and not too thick, but curved upwards at the end. He turned it on to make it vibrate then smelled it.

“Too bad she cleans it after using it.” He said disappointed by the lack of odor.

“Alright that is enough Frank, let’s get out of here.” I told him worried that we would get caught or they would notice that their stuff was rifled through.

“We can go in one second. I know something we can do that is even better than the seeing her used sexual objects anyway.” Frank told me with an evil grin on his face while closing the drawers.

“Nothing else Frank. We have to go.” I was just wanting him to get out.

“Alright, Alright, let’s go.” Frank said while walking towards the door.

We walked back to my room, where I tried to bring the conversation back to my computer. Telling him that we should play this new game. Unfortunately Frank was not interested in the computer anymore.

“So Jay have you ever seen your mom naked or anything?” He mentioned from my bed.

“No Frank.” I said trying to show I was not wanting this to keep going.

“Well do you want to?” Frank asked, which intrigued me once again.

“What do you mean?” I spun the leather chair around to look at him. He was laying back on my bed with a photo in his hand. “What is that Frank?”

“Just a picture I found in the drawer.” He said fanning himself with it.

“Of what?” I asked curiously.

“Looks like an old photo of your mom naked for your dad. It was under his bottle of lube in the night stand.” Frank said as he sat up on the edge of my bed.

“No way!” I said not believing my innocent mom would do something like take a nude photo. Then again, I did not think she had sex or wore lingerie until a few minutes ago. Up until today I just assumed they was a boring old married couple.

“Have a look for yourself. I was right though. Your mom is still hot for a milf.” Frank said testing me once again.

As I grabbed the picture I had to stop myself from punching him instinctively. I was not mad at him for that comment for some reason. Snatching the photo I took a close look at it. Bringing it near to my face to really take in the details.

It was my mom alright. Standing nude in front of a white wall completely naked. Her hands on her nice hips with her legs in a spread out stance. My mom was tiny and petite, but had a nice full set of tits on her. Her skin had aged well, still fairly tight and smooth for an older Asian woman. A small bush above her neat pussy was shown in her wide stance.

“Holy shit Frank! I never thought my mom had an attractive body before. She hides it well in those old person outfits I guess.” I spoke out loud accidentally. Now I was complicit in his dirty world.

“See Jay I told you.” He replied quickly. “What if I told you I knew a way to see more?”

“What do you mean?” My curious brain had to know what Frank had in mind.

“I have a camera that we can hide in her room to see more of your hot older mom Jay.” Frank said with a creepy smile on his face.

“I don’t know about going that far. It is fun and taboo, but I do not think I could spy on my mom like that.” I said now nervous about what I had gotten started by letting him keep pushing me.

“It is a tiny camera that we can hide easily, nothing to worry about. Plus if anyone finds it then her own son is going to be the last suspect.” He said in with convincing amount of confidence in the plan.

“I just don’t think we should.” I told him now getting anxiety about the whole idea.

“Just wait here and I will go get it. You’ll see it is tiny and easy to hide.” Frank said getting up and walking to get his bag.

“You can get it, but I doubt I will still put a spy cam in my parents bedroom.” I yelled as he left the room.

While Frank was gone I was frantically pacing my room. Thinking about how fucked up all of my thoughts were becoming . Then I would stop and check out the photo more. That would bring me back into the fantasy for a moment. Right back to being filled with anxiety when I was not staring at her almost 50 year old body. After a while I was nervous he was not coming back. I went into her bathroom to smell the dirty lingerie again. Taking in a few deep sniffs before going back to my room with a hard in my pants.

Finally I heard the front door open, so I ran down the stairs. It was Frank like I thought. He was holding a long wire with two small black boxes on each end. One for power and the other must of been the camera. From his back pocket he pulled out a small power bank.

“This will keep it recording for about a week without being recharged.” Frank told me quickly catching his breath from running back from his house in a rush.

“I thought about your plan a lot. And I am in!” I told him just horny to see more at this point.

Upstairs we hooked up the camera on a decorative shelf in my parents room. Lining it up to face back at my parents bed. The angle was perfect as we checked it on the app downloaded to Frank’s phone.

“Share access with me, so I can control the camera. You’re not getting the power of controlling it.” I told him as my only demand so far.

“No way! It was my idea and my camera.” He snarled back sounding annoyed.

“Then we are not going to leave it in here.” I said threatening to snatch the camera back down from under the decoration.

“Fine Jay I will let you control the account, but you better let me see the recordings get.” Frank agreed to my terms since it was his only option to keep it going.

Sitting next to him on her bed we checked the camera angle to make sure it was perfect. Then I watched as he signed over all rights to the camera to my account on the app, for the account that I had just set up. Once that was all ready and the power bank was hidden well behind the decorations, we headed back to my room. We talked about how great the videos would be for a while until we heard my mom come back home.

“Hey Frank, wanna see if we can check out my mom?” I asked him now taking charge in a dirty plans.

“Of course I do! I will never turn that down.” He said eagerly. I had him follow me downstairs to see what my mother had gotten while gone. Then we seen she only came back with a cup of coffee. She must have just went out with friends.

“Hi mom!” I said greeting her back to the house.

“Hi Jean!” Frank followed the act.

“Hi boys. Are you two having fun today?” She asked nicely.

“We are having a great time hanging out and using my new computer. Thanks again mom.” I told her to keep it all sounding normal.

“No need to thank me. Thank your hard working father when he gets home Jay.” Mom replied back.

“Can I show you something on my new computer?” I asked trying to get her to come with me.

“Sure. What is it?” My mother asked curiously.

“I just want to show you how well it runs being brand new is all.” I tell her innocently.

“Okay let’s go before I have to start dinner.” She says heading up the stairs.

My mother is the first one to head up the stairs, with Frank and I close behind. She was wearing a typical one of her dresses. This one was a floral pattern that was dark green and black. Walking up the stairs, Frank kept trying to peek up her skirt and so did I. Unfortunately the dress was low to her knees so we could only see her sexy golden thighs.

“So what do you is so special about this thing anyway.” Mom asked as we walked into the room.

“It is just the fastest computer out right now and it can run anything flawlessly you see.” I tell my mom sitting down and opening it up. Frank sits on the bed while my mom stands with her arms on the back of my leather chair over my head.

I “accidentally” drop a pen off of my desk, to where it falls underneath the edge of my desk.

“Oops.” I say pretending that I did not mean to hit it with my arm.

“I’ll grab it for you.” My sweet mother tells me. Then she bends down grab the pen under the desk beside me.

Looking over I can see that Frank is checking her ass out as she climbs under the desk. I decide to see how the view is also. “You got it mom.” I ask to keep her distracted.

“Yes, it fell to the back and I am trying to get it from the wires.” Mom says leaning far back under the desk.

Her dress rose up half way past her thighs while grabbing the pen. Giving Frank and I a good look at her round little ass in the dress, with just a peek of her upper thighs. My mom’s skin looked soft and I wanted to smack her butt so bad. I knew that was not an option right now.

“Here you go.” Mom says handing me the pen as she stands back up.

“Thanks mom.” I tell her being nice.

“Anything else to show me?” She asks clearly ready to get out of my room.

“One more thing mom. Check out how good this video looks on my new computer.” I say just to keep her in here a few more minutes.

Telling her to get closer to the screen since I know she can not see too well. My mom leans down putting both of her elbows down on the table. Just inches from the screen as I play the video. I glance back to see if Frank was getting a good look. Instead what I see is him with his phone camera out taking pictures of my mother’s ass.

I wanted to be mad at him, but I also could not wait for to see the photos he got back there. Returning back to watching the video with my mom, I noticed that her breasts were resting on my arm that was holding the mouse. She was leaning over it while resting her arms on my desk to see closely. My cock got hard just from the slight touch of my mom’s boobs on my arm.

Once the video was over, my mom left the room bored of our stalling. Frank quickly started showing me all the pictures he took of her. The first photo was a great angle her nice long legs arched over to my desk. My mom had a great ass for a woman in her 40’s. Still thick and fairly tight.

As he scrolled through the camera roll, I see more and more of her legs. Until she had moved just enough that he got a small peek at her yellow cotton panties. Just the edge of her fat mound was being show where the panties covered the bottom of her vagina.

The next set of photos he must of gotten very close and risked being caught. They were from a lower angle to see up the dress more. There he got images of her ass from under the dress in just the underwear. It was perfect. I was hard. I am sure Frank was hard too.

“Send me those now!” I ordered, needing to have access to them for when I was alone.

“Already was on it. It is a large file of photos, but it is sending now.” Frank said just as my phone dinged from my desk. “I got to go though, keep me updated on the videos.” He said grabbing his backpack and leaving my room.

“Later Frank.” I said as he ran out of my bedroom door.

Over the next few days I would check the camera each day after school. Seeing what antics my mom got into. The first few were uneventful besides a few hot peeks at her naked body leaving the bathroom. Other than that there was not much worth saving. Then Friday afternoon I came home ready to check the app like normal.

When I got to my house I went straight to my room. My mom was taking her nap when I checked the live feed. Laying in bed fast asleep. I started skimming through the past recordings from throughout the day. Less that three hours back into the archive I was surprised by the frame of my mother naked with messy hair on the bed.

Skipping back I had stumbled onto what looked to be my mother after some sort of sexual encounter. Her body was glistening with light sweat as she laid out on the bed fully nude. Going back further I seen that my father had just fucked her before leaving for work. Once I found the beginning of the two of them entering the room, I got up and locked my door.

Quickly climbing back into bed to watch my parents have sex. Jerking my erect cock while I watched the ten minute encounter. It started with my mother getting naked and laying in bed. Then my father followed her actions.

They did not do much in the video, but it was more than taboo enough to make up for the lack luster show. Dad humped my mother in missionary position most of the time. Towards the end she laid on her side for him to get another angle. My mom’s moans were seductive and sexy, but she did not seem to aroused. She never got to orgasm before my father finished on her nice little Asian ass. No emotion was in the sex, like it was routine for him before work sometimes.

Stroking myself to the brink of bumming before the video ended. Saving the climax for another time. After I finished watching the clip, I checked the rest of the recording to see nothing happening. Then I texted Frank to tell him about the video, he was texting me constantly waiting for something to happen since installing the camera. Finally it had.

“Hey Frank come over, we finally got something good!.” I texted my friend to invite hime over.

“On my way.” He replied instantly.

Ten minutes later there was a knock at my door. My mom was awake now and in the kitchen downstairs when I went to answer it. She was already going to see who it was as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

Since that day in her room with Frank, I have not been looking at my other the same. Getting turned on by any hint of exposed cleavage or thigh being shown. Now her robe shifted showing her round butt walking towards the door with the toned little legs sticking out the bottom.

“Ohh hi Frank, nice to see you again.” My mom said as she opened the door in her robe like always after the nap.

“Hey Jean. Great to see you again too. Is Jay home?” He asked while staring at her dark eyes.

“He is coming now I believe.” She said turning around to see me walking over. “Jay your friend Frank is here.”

“Thanks mom. Frank is going to be staying over this weekend, we have some work for a class to do.” I lied so she could not be annoyed with the unannounced house guest.

“That is fine Jay. Your father left for a business trip and will not be back home til Sunday, so it will be nice to still have two men in the house.” Mom teased as she squeezed my arms implying I was strong. My face turned red as she embarrassed me.

“Alright mom we have a lot of work to do.” I said to get away from her. “Let’s go upstairs Frank, got the project on my computer.”

“Okay.’ He said before following me pass my mother and up to my room.

When we got into my bedroom I shut the door behind me before sitting at my computer. Frank stood closely behind as I logged into the camera software on the big screen. Both of our eyes were locked onto the screen.

“So what is the big surprise?” He asked as the video loaded up.

“You’ll see.” I teased with a devilish grin.

My finger hit the space bar on the keyboard to begin playing the video. We sat in silence staring at the screen. Watching my father pump away into her body for the whole 9 minute and 34 second video. Neither of us moved or said a word until the second the video ended.

“That was hot, but your mom did not enjoy fucking your dad.” Frank said as I turned my chair to talk to him.

“I have never been so glad that I let you talk me into something. This was the best idea you ever had. What’s next?” I asked him hoping he had something great planned for the next step in being a creep.

“What do you mean?” He asked seeming confused by the question.

“What do we do next now that we got videos? I am down to do more of this stuff.” I told him eagerly.

“This is the most I have done before.” Frank told me. I was disappointed that he did not have more plans. My mind was fully of dirty ideas. How was the one who opened my mind to them, already out of them.

“You have never done more than this?” I asked curiously.

“No not really.” He said pausing for a moment. “Well one time John said his mom was drunk and he got to watch her sleep. He said he even touched her boobs, but I doubt that is true.” Frank seemed to be embellishing the story a bit. It did give me an idea though.

“Frank I got it. My dad is gone for the weekend. What if we get my mom drunk and we can see her body up close?” The idea just shot out of my mouth. I was excited to see what he thought of my suggestion though.

“I never did something so physical Jay.” Frank said now sounding like the newbie.

“Come on Frank, don’t be a pussy now.” I mocked him for being nervous, hoping to bring him in.

“You sure you want to do this? It is your mom after all.” He asked not being pushy for once.

“Yes we can do it tonight.” I told Frank before starting to plan with him.

Within an hour we seemed to have a pretty solid plan for getting my innocent mom drunk. It was tough since she rarely drank alcohol, meaning we may would have to trick or convince her. Her tolerance would be low since she had less that a glass of wine on special occasions. We were going to sneak hard alcohol into the wine we gave her tonight while having a little dinner together. Hopefully being able to talk her into at least having wine with dinner.

We left the house to pick up a few supplies we would need including the alcohol. When we got back home I asked my mom if she planned to cook dinner. She said that there would be a nice meal for us all around six pm. I showed her the wine, claiming that we got it as a gift. My mom felt obligated to drink some since it was a kind gesture for someone to gift it to us. Not knowing that we bought it and spiked nearly half of it with a stronger alcoholic beverage.

“I guess I will have a glass so it does not go to waste.” Mom said before grabbing it store away for dinner.

Frank and I went back to my room to make sure our plan was ready for dinner time. We went over every aspect that could go wrong or cause us to be caught trying to get her drunk. Luckily we had the wine to help us out on my little mom with a low tolerance. By the time we were called down for the meal, we felt ready and confident.

“Boys dinner is ready down here.” She yelled up from downstairs.

“Be right down mom.” I yelled back.

Downstairs we joined my mother at the table. She got up to grab the bottle of wine for us and three glasses. Frank and I both was checking her out in the light black dress she happened to be wearing tonight.

My mom was so small as she walked barefoot to the cabinet for glasses. Her ass was just big enough to push out the dress to create a curve. Her legs were a creamy golden color and toned under the dress that stopped at her knees. The top was fairly revealing since it was cut mid level on her chest with no sleeves. Showing off just an inch of cleavage at the top and her soft arms were fully exposed up to the shoulder. That was daring for my modest mother.

“Hopefully this is good wine. You know I do not like alcohol Jay.” Mom said to me while sitting down.

“I heard it was a good brand Jean. The man that gave it to use said he drinks some every single night.” Frank was great at lying and had the charisma to get away with it.

“Well I guess we will see about that.” My mom said while uncorking the bottle. Then she poured three glasses half full with the expensive and spiked wine.

“Smells good.” I said before taking the first sip. My mother followed along with Frank and I, taking a few small sips.

“This is really good. Can barely taste that horrible flavor that alcohol normally has.” Mom said taking in another bigger sip.

“Guess we found a drink you actually like finally.” I told her as we began to eat our meal.

During dinner Frank kept my mother occupied with his charming stories that seemed to all be made up. He was a natural liar and manipulator by the looks of it. Even talking my mom into have a second glass of wine as the first got low. Except he poured almost a full glass for us all the second round.

“Trying to get us all drunk?” My mom asked as she took a big sip from the full red glass.

“No I just figured we all enjoyed it enough to have some more I guess.” Frank said smiling at my mother.

“You said you enjoyed the flavor. Plus you have nothing else to do tonight,” I said trying to sound as convincing as Frank.

“You’re right, I never just relax by myself.” She said taking in another gulp.

We were almost finished with dinner when Frank pointed out that the bottle was nearly gone from the bottle. Suggesting that we finish it up and not let it go to waste. There seemed to be just enough for another glass for us all inside.

“No way I could have another one you two.” My mom said clearly starting to get tipsy from the booze. Her arms now resting on the table. She was normally prim and proper with manners. This was a different side to her that I had not seen before.

“You have nothing else to do mom.” I told my mother while grabbing the bottle to pour out the rest of it. Filling each glass almost to the brim. Then I took a big sip from my glass.

“Fine, but I am going to bed after this one.” Mom said taking a sip from the fresh glass of red wine.

“Well that is no way to spend a night. No need to go to bed so early Jean.” Frank said in a different tone. A tone that was almost seductive to my mother.

“I do not want to be in the way of you boys having a nice night. I am just an old boring woman.” My mom joked, which she never did much in the past.

“You will not be in the way Jean. We will just be watching a movie tonight anyways.” Frank said now inviting her to join us.

“I guess I could use a nice relaxing night if you boys don’t mind me joining in.” Mom said seeming to agree to join us.

“Great! Frank you want to go get the movie ready while we clean up?” I asked him to get us moving forward with the plan.

“Sure no problem.” He replied before heading into the living room.

I took the final gulp from my wine down. “Don’t let that go to waste mom.” I told her before she raised the glass for the last few sips.

“Thank you for spending time with me while your father is away.” My mom was clearly drunk as she leaned in to hug me. She felt heavy around my shoulders as she hung from around my neck. I could feel her boobs pressing into my chest, causing my cock to grow hard in my pants.

“Just being nice mom.” I said starting to pick up the dishes after getting her off me.

“You’re just the sweetest son in the world.” Mom told me grabbing the remaining items to put in the sink. If only she knew what was going on in my dirty little mind as she kissed me on the cheek with her soft wet lips.

After we cleared the table the two of us walked into the living room to find Frank waiting on the couch with a movie ready to play on the tv. I sat down on the opposite end of the couch, leaving only the spot between us for my mother.

–Reddit can not fit it all so check out the ending where the boys keep taking it further on my website either below or on my bio!


Be sure to follow me on Reddit for future stories!

Check out my website for past stories and follow it for the release of multiple parts to many stories!

Links in my Reddit bio for website and Fiverr if you want your own custom stories written!



  1. The rest is on the site since reddit has a limit too small for this long one

  2. This was a custom story from a fan on Fiverr, but he did just get a second story. Not a second part, but same characters. Should be up in the next few days if you all are interested. Be sure to follow my site and the reddit to make sure that you do not miss it!

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