{Fanfiction} {Consensual Sex} {Bondage} {Shoe Fetish} {Rope Bondage} {Tape Bondage} {Panty Gagged} {Sock Gagged} Uncharted: Samuel’s Fortune (Prologue-Ransom of the Rajas)

Apologies for the essay style introduction in advance…

Hello r/eroticliterature, I was here a few months back posting my more intense chapters back when I was first getting into and sharing my smuty Uncharted fanfiction. ICYMI, I am a beginner fanfiction writer who is a gamer in my SFW life, with my current favorite series being the Uncharted franchise. My stories incorporate my fetishes of bondage (either consensual non consensual or non consensual as shown in popular culture) , shoes, and pantyhose into them via the classic bound and gagged damsels in distress in need of rescuing cliche. I’ve always wonder being a Uncharted (plus the same way with Tomb Raider and its sexy protagonist in Lara Croft) fan how more often the ladies (Elena Fisher, Chloe Frazer, and Nadine Ross) don’t get kidnapped, bound and gagged on their treasure hunts. Well my stories change that up and they do, with Nathan Drake and crew needing to save them!

So far I have one complete novel, being a alteration of Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception. But I’ll touch more on that and my short story series some other time. Today what we’re here for is Samuel’s Fortune. This is a novel set after the events of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and The Lost Legacy, more so for the diehard Uncharted fans who’ve yet to experience 4 and/or The Lost Legacy. It focuses on the trio of Nate’s ex con older brother Samuel Drake, Nate’s ex and now Sam’s Indian-Aussie girlfriend Chloe Frazer, and Sam’s rival turned frenemy, the South African mercenary turned treasure hunter Nadine Ross as they race for a Portuguese themed treasure called the Golden Ore in the southern Amazon jungle. But as always in my stories, Chloe and Nadine end up kidnapped, tied up and gagged with Sam captured as well by old enemies of Nate in Eddy and Rika Raja’s Indonesian pirate crew. Little do they know another old enemy is running the show…

With that, I hope you enjoy my story below. As said before, I did share this and a few other stories before. But back then, I didn’t have the knowledge structure wise of writing that I do now, and I am still learning. As a result, I am going back and editing as well as partially rewriting my tales. So far I’ve gotten this one plus the prologue and first two chapters of the Uncharted 3 novel done with plans to work on my other released chapters. So stay tuned for that.

But before the trio undergoes their captivity, let’s flash back to the night Sam Drake met the sexy Chloe Frazer…

Sam was knocked unconscious by the fall he and Chloe took in their crash trying to escape their mysterious attackers. While unconscious, he flashed back to his first-time having sex with a woman in almost 20 years…

**2 months ago**

Sam had checked into a hotel room in New Orleans on his weekly visits to Nate and Elena after their adventure for the Libertalian treasure. Little did he know but he was in for a big surprise as he opened his door….

Sam could only look in surprised horror as he saw a naked Chloe Frazer with her huge ass in the air, her arms barely covering her huge tits and she was barely keeping her eyes open with one hand sucking on her thumb and the other hand playing with her ponytail laying on the front end of his hotel bed.

Little did Sam know it but he was in for the best night of his life at the time…

“Who are you sweetheart and why are you naked?” Sam remembered asking her nervously trying to maintain his composure, even with a tight bulge in his leather khaki pants.

“Frazer. Chloe Frazer. Nate said you was kinda a nervous wreck love,” she chuckled with a dry sense of humor as she walked up and put her hand on his chest.

“Wait a minute, you’re that Aussie girl in Nate’s stories, aren’t ya? Nate did say he fell for you pretty hard.”, Sam asked, still trying to compose himself as he stared at her breasts.

“Uh, isn’t it obvious?” she laughed as she then pushed Sam onto the bed and placed her hands around his neck and chest, exposing through his leather shirt some of his prison tattoos by unbuttoning his shirt.

“Woah honey, I’m rusty on the womanizing and romance ok? Let’s not get too hasty.” Sam chuckled nervously.

“Relax love. I’ve done this many times before. Nate told me that you’re just like Victor, always a womanizer. I know you’re gonna want this ass Sammy boy, judging by your massive boner….,” she quipped as she put his hands slowly over her buttocks followed by slowly pulling down his pants and underwear before wrapping her hands back around his neck and slowly kissing his lips with hers.

“Ah, this feels great hun. You know I haven’t had a time like this in 20+ yrs. Do you mind if I, you know, touch your boobs?,” Sam asked, still shaking from a combination of anxious excitement and not having smoked since he left his brother’s house.

“Sam, you do what’s comfortable for you. Nate said to make this night all about you, love.” Chloe reminded him.

“Thanks Chloe. I think this is the start of something beautiful.,” Sam whispered as he started at her visible pussy, still while gripping onto and spanking her bare ass with his penis only getting more and more erect by the minute.

The couple then got to work that night, trying out different sexual techniques to stimulate their senses and really get to know each other. Never since his teenage years had he had a woman as sexy as Chloe Frazer. No girl he ever slept with could compare…

But before Sam could reimagine the rest of that night, he heard a voice yell his name…

“WAKE UP SAM DRAKE!” the voice yelled, waking him up from his dream.

**The next morning (back to the present)**

“HUH? WHO’S THERE? HELLO? ANYONE THERE? CHLOE? ANYONE?” Sam yelled, realizing that he was tied to a chair in a seemingly abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere.

“Oh shit this isn’t good…. Great. Chloe is missing. I’m sitting here tied to a chair. Great start Sam….,” he muttered to himself before hearing mysterious screams echo within the walls of the warehouse.

“MMMMMPPPPPPPPPPPHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!” yelled the mysterious screams as suddenly Sam heard footsteps from downstairs to the left side of the warehouse.

“Rika, for the last time, keep those *menggerutus* quiet! *Mereka membuatku gila*!” yelled the Indonesian pirate Eddy Raja as he walked upstairs with his golden Desert Eagle in hand.

“Eddy, old buddy. It’s been a long time, huh? Heh?” laughed Sam nervously, figuring out that Eddy was likely responsible for his capture.

“Well, well. Sammy Drake is awake, MOAH?” said Eddy with an evil smirk on his face as he walked towards Sam.

“Eddy, I should’ve known you were responsible for this…. Look, I’m sorry for what Nathan did to you back on that haunted island. But to be fair, you kinda did have it coming working for a scumbag gangster like Roman. Trust me, we’ve all been screwed by that son of a bitch. Me, you, Nate, Victor, Charlie, we’ve all been scammed by that no-good conman! Look, I know you have Chloe. Don’t lie to me Eddy. I’m willing to offer….” said Sam, waiting for Eddy’s temper to explode.

“*BERCINTA KAMU!* Listen to me maggot, I was promised a Golden Ore. But as on that damn island, our men are dying or betraying us! Ever since I was on that wretched island, I’ve waited for you Drake boys to show back up! But instead, the wrong one, the missing one comes up on my goddamn doorstep!” yelled Eddy in another of his classic angry temper tantrums.

“Look Eddy, you better not have hurt Chloe or I will hurt and kill you. I’ll make you a fair offer. What if I offer to help you find this Ore? Who are you working for this time, huh?” asked Sam with a chuckle, still struggling to get loose from the chair.

“You were always one to bargain with, huh Sammy? NO ONE DEMANDS FROM EDDY RAJA!” he yelled, waving his Desert Eagle in the air.

“Easy Eddy. Play nice, let me and Chloe go, and let’s have a nice little chat, beer and cigarettes in hand, huh? Shit I ain’t gonna lie, you could use a beer, and I could definitely use a cigarette.” Sam offered sarcastically.

“Enough talk! Rika, *bawa* Miss Frazer!” yelled Eddy downstairs.

“Eddy you’re scaring me. What have you done with her you son of a bitch?” demanded Sam.

To Sam’s horror, Rika Raja, Eddy’s sister and 2nd in command of their pirate gang forced Chloe up the stairs, also with a Desert Eagle in hand.

“MMMMMPPPPPPPPPPPHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Chloe could only scream incoherent profanities to her captors as she could only hop up the stairs and into the room in her tight rope bondage, arms tied behind her back and her legs tied together. Her breasts were also exposed, bouncing up and down from her black tank top and from her breasts down to her pussy was a tight and embarrassingly painful crotch rope in her tight and sexy khaki pants. Most notably she was muffled by a tight black hood covering her head and face.

Rika forced her to hop to a chair sitting across from Sam. She then removed Chloe’s hood, revealing her tight and large black cleave gag, stuffed in by a pair of panties.

“MMMMMMPPPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” Chloe screamed through her gag to Sam with tears coming down her bruised and beaten face as she struggled in her tight rope bondage.

“Chloe, uh, I don’t know what to say…heh. They tied you up and gagged you good honey, huh? I am curious. How do those panties taste? I don’t know what else to say, nice tits, I guess…” joked Sam trying to somewhat lighten the mood despite trying to get loose and with an ever so slight bulge in his blue jeans.

“MMMMMMMPPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!” she screamed again with an angry yet fearful look in her eyes, pissed off at Sam’s joking about their situation and that he was the one to get her bound and gagged this time instead of Nate.

“Ok, ok. I’m sorry. Bad joke, right? Look sweetheart, I’ll get us outta this. I swear to you. We’ll kick the shit outta these bastards. I’ll come up with something.” Sam sighed, trying to calm Chloe down.

“Shit, where did Eddy and Rika go?” asked Sam as he looked around meanwhile to see Eddy and Rika suddenly disappeared before hearing more muffled screams from downstairs.”

“MMMMPPPPPPPHHHHH!!!!!” came the screams from downstairs.

Chloe then tried to no avail to get Sam’s attention and tell him something through her gag.

“What? I can’t understand you with that gag in your mouth, speak clearer!” said Sam in frustration as Chloe continued to yell muffled words with her rolling her eyes, knowing that her message being heard properly was futile.

Suddenly, Sam somehow partially figured out what she was trying to tell him.

“Wait a minute, did you say Nadine?”

“MMPPPHHH!!!” said Chloe shaking her head.

“What about Nadine? OH SHIT do they have her too? How long have they had you guys for? What’s she doing here?” he asked realizing what Chloe was trying to tell him.

“By the way, Mr. Drake those panties in your girlfriend’s mouth happen to be mine, isn’t that right Nadine?” said Rika as she forced Nadine upstairs.

“MMMMPPPPPPPHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” screamed Nadine furiously with angry looking eyes towards both her captors as well as her frenemy Sam, struggling to get free from her tight duct tape bondage with her arms taped behind her back and her legs duct taped together. She could only hop around momentarily with her large black breasts bouncing up and down out of her ripped blue t-shirt and white bra and scream incoherent profanities through her tight duct tape cleave gag wrapped around her head with her recognizable Afro hairstyle and stuffed in by a pair of white socks before being forced by Rika into the other chair across from both Sam and Chloe and taped up to it by Rika with both her legs in her tight khaki pants with her crotch area bulging slightly. Even a muscularly buffed bodybuilder mercenary like Nadine Ross wasn’t escaping this horrible tape bondage.

“Heh, Chloe you were right. Nadine was here! Hi Nadine! How you doing hun? What a wonderful morning this is turning out or what? Here I am tied up to a chair by Indonesian moron pirates and my girlfriend, the love of my life and my frenemy who kicked my ass last year on a pirate island are bound, gagged, and exposed to bondage torture and abuse! Isn’t this fun ladies?” Sam joked.

Chloe and Nadine looked at Sam with really fearful but angry looks on their gagged faces and both the girls screamed at him in ultimate anger.


“Ok, ok. I was being sarcastic ladies, I’m sorry. Give me a break! But in all seriousness, c’mon Eddy and Rika, why do you gotta torture them and abuse them like this? Yes, I know me and Nadine can’t stand each other, but even for her this is too far you know?”

Chloe and Nadine both muffled continued noises with still angry looks towards Sam.

“Oh, one more thing and this is for Nadine. Where are your boots? In fact, where is your socks?” asked Sam as he noticed that Nadine was barefoot during her ordeal.

“MMMMMMPPPPPPPPPHHHHHH!!!!!!!” Nadine coughed in disgusted anger.

“Wait a minute, Nadine. Did they actually….and…. OH GOD THAT’S PRETTY DISGUSTING. GOD AWFUL. JESUS. PRETTY FREAKING GROSS!” Sam yelled in disgust, almost throwing up as he realized that Nadine was gagged with her own socks and tasting the stench of her own feet.

“MMMMPPPPPPHHHHH!!!!!” Nadine continued to cough through her gag.

“Ladies, I promise I’ll see us a way outta this. Gotta let shit play out, ok? Eddy and his crew aren’t that serious. They’re small time, at least from what Nate and Victor told me, right? Look Chloe, I am so sorry for everything. I will get you out. You know this. I love you. And as for you Nadine, I’ll start treating you with more respect when we get outta here.” sighed Sam as Chloe and Nadine muffled more worried noises at him with Chloe whimpering more worried tears.

Sam then looked around to have seen Eddy and Rika gone and gleamed at a machete on the table across from the trio.

“Shit ladies, this is the plan, I’m gonna scoot over there where that machete is, ok. I’m gonna cut us loose and we’re gonna run for it. Stay here.” Sam insisted as he slowly scooted his way with his chair to the table and bended over with his back so that the machete would cut his arms loose from the chair.

“Gotcha!” Time to get you girls free! BTW I would fully untie ya but we’ll worry about that here in a few. Just gotta escape this warehouse. Follow me!” he said as he freed Nadine’s legs from her chair.

“MMMMPPPHHH……” Nadine screamed before having her taped mouth be covered abruptly by Sam.

“Shush, Nadine. You wanna get caught? We’re already on thin ice here!” Sam whispered with Nadine gleaming her usual angry look at Sam, not liking his risky plan to not fully free them from their bondage.

Sam and the girls (hopping gently of course through their rope and tape bondage) snuck their way out of the backdoor before coming to the right side of the warehouse, adjacent to a remote dirt road and the Amazon jungle.

“Hey girls, when I say go, we’re gonna run to that forest….and GO!” said Sam as he and the girls ran (again hopped in their case) to the edge of the forest before being seen by Eddy’s pirates waiting outside. But suddenly, several trucks and vans came up the dirt road to the warehouse complex.

“Oh shit, we’re screwed!” Sam yelled in frustration and the girls panicking through their gags as out came several British gangsters and ex-Shoreline mercenaries from the vans and trucks in front of them, led by their commander, the gray haired British crime lord Gabriel Roman in his usual attire of a blue and white striped shirt with his sleeves rolled up, beige pants, and brown leather shoes, typical of a 50-60 year old seasoned veteran of crime.

“Well, well. Look at what we have here; Samuel Drake, Chloe Frazer, and Nadine Ross. Mr. and Miss Raja, do you care to explain why we have trespassers interfering with our operation, hum? Never mind, I’ll handle it myself.” remarked Roman in a mildly yet firm tone of displeasure, drawing out his .38 stub nose Jackal revolver.

“Look Mr. Roman, no need to be hasty. Whatever is happening here, you can blame Eddy and his pansy crew. It’s his fault we ended up here, not ours.” said Sam with his hands up.

“Well, Mr. Drake I’m sorry to say that I don’t believe you. I suspect both you and Mr. Raja are conspiring against me. And to think you are in a relationship with Miss Frazer here…Samuel, don’t think I don’t remember twenty to thirty years ago old sport. You, your rich kid mate in Rafe Adler, and that street urchin Harry Flynn all working for my repossession business. I haven’t forgotten about you nor your brother Nathan and of course Mister Victor Sullivan, who still owes me that gold from the El Dorado dig.” Roman said with a bored yet deadly conviction in Sam’s face.

“As for you Miss Chloe Frazer, you remember those antique aircraft specs that were well crafted you promised to give me? I know you kept them for yourself but Mr. Raja has already taken care of you, hasn’t he my lady? By the way Miss Frazer, don’t say or yell a single word when I ungag you, is that clear?” he continued on her face before slowly removing her cleave gag with her giving a slow but fearful nod with her spitting out the panties in silent disgust as Roman then turned his attention to Nadine.

“And finally, we have Miss Nadine Ross. The most notable of you three that I’ve come across in my career. In case you don’t remember Miss Ross from our conversation a few days ago, you screwed me over on that wretched island by siding with Nathan Drake, didn’t you? I offered you more than a fair deal and to my disappointment and heartbreak, you betrayed me. Let’s just say you three are lucky you are in this predicament the way you are. The Raja crew, as Mr. Drake has pointed out are braindead squirrels who have failed me and their previous employers time after time. It’s a shame that an old friend like Mr. Big Raja has children that couldn’t get a cow to milk itself. They’re far too vulgar even for a veteran of the crime families like myself. That’s why I hired some help back home as well as from your company, isn’t that correct Miss Ross?” Roman finished his speech with an angry look at Nadine and likewise with her back at him.

“Look, I’m really sorry for what my brother and the gals have done to you Roman, ok. To be honest, me and Eddy were looking to partner up for a share of the Ore. But what if I wanted to give up my share and help you guys find it so you can split it amongst yourselves?” offered Sam.

“Hate to give you heartbreak sport but it’s a bit too late for that.” said Roman going back to his boring yet deadly tone of speaking as Eddy and Rika finally ran up to the crowd with their Desert Eagles in hand.

“Mr. Roman, please we can explain….” offered Rika as she slowly put her pistol down.

“Miss Raja, its simply too late. You’ve lost your cut.”

“WHAT DID I DO THIS TIME ROMAN? *TUHAN SIAI*!” yelled Eddy as he shot the ground with his Desert Eagle.

“Mr. Raja, Mr. Drake tells me you and your sister were gonna run off with the Ore amongst yourselves. Remember who is the real leader here, sport.” demanded the British gangster.


“Thank the heavens your nutcase brother is gone, my dear. Miss Raja, I’ll make you a fair deal. I’ll pay you your original cut if you help me get these prisoners loaded up and help us find the Ore.” offered Roman.

“Thank you, Mr. Roman, I won’t let you down.” she sighed.

Roman then once again drew out his stub nose revolver and pointed it at Sam Drake’s leg.

Sam then threw his hands back up in the air seeing that Roman wanted to get rid of him.

“Uh, Mr…” but before Sam could finish, Roman smiled and pulled the trigger, shooting Sam in the leg.

“Meanwhile with that settled, Mr. Drake if you don’t mind, I will be keeping your lady friends as decoys in case you try anything “creative.” It’s nothing personal my boy, it’s just business old sport. Toodles.” Roman remarked as Sam could only sit on the ground, slowly bleeding out into unconsciousness.

“SAM, NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!” screamed Chloe plus Nadine through her gag as they struggled and kicked barely their captors in helplessness watching Sam in near death….

**20 minutes later….**

While Sam was in and out of unconsciousness, meanwhile Chloe and Nadine would end up now in the captivity of Gabriel Roman and his mercenary crew as they prepared to embark on the journey through this part of the Amazon jungle to the Portuguese Golden Ore statue. Chloe would end up in the trunk of Roman’s luxury off road sedan, still in tight rope bondage, her breasts still exposed and crotch rope still tied to her pussy. Most notably though, she was thoroughly re-gagged with a new pair of Rika’s panties and this time, a large and tight black vet wrap gag was wrapped around her face. And this time she could only barely struggle in the uncomfortable and tight trunk smelling the stench of her small heeled boots.

As for Nadine, she would end up in the back of one of Roman’s mercenary vans. Her duct tape bondage was expanded upon with more tape with her still exposed breast wise of course but most notably she was hogtaped with the additional tape extending from being additionally wrapped onto her previous tape gag, still tasting her putrid socks down onto her already taped arms behind her back to her bare feet with it being taped together. To add insult to injury, Nadine was forced to smell the reek of her own feet in addition to tasting it by Roman having put her brown hiking boots straight in her face as she struggled to get loose on the hard and uncomfortable floor of the van’s rear as Roman’s convoy drove off with the girls in their respective perils performing muffled screams to no avail.

(To be continued….) (Uncharted: Samuel’s Fortune)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/i0va4d/fanfiction_consensual_sex_bondage_shoe_fetish


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