Dinner with Friends and More – Part 3 (MFMF)

[Link to Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/i0vt38/dinner_with_friends_and_more_part_1_mfmf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x)

[Link to Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/i0vukq/dinner_with_friends_and_more_part_2_mfmf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x)

*Note: Please read Part 1 & 2 as this picks up immediately where Part 2 left off.*


Sarah and I said our goodbyes and headed home, we were in a rush to get home and have each other. We had just gotten past the front door when Sarah got down on her knees in the foyer and yanked my pants down. She took me into her mouth, rushing to start sucking my dick. I wasn’t even out of my shoes yet. I hardened in her mouth as she sucked on my head and stroked my cock. I groaned for her. Much as I loved Sarah sucking my dick I just had to have more of her. I pulled her up and had her lean against the wall next to the coat rack, we both worked to get her pants down, we didn’t even bother with our shirts, we just needed each other so badly. I grabbed her hips while she reached behind her to guide my dick up to her already wet pussy. I didn’t try to ease into her, I just thrusted right in. Her pussy was ready for me, wrapping my cock in her warmth. Sarah moaned for me as I went to work right away thrusting in and out of her. I moved one hand around her front to rub her clit as my cock pumped away into her pussy. We were both moaning now.

“Oh fuck babe! God I need you harder!”

I picked up the speed of my rubbing and my thrusting. I lifted one foot up on the shoe bench near the door to gain more leverage. My hard cock was slamming into her now, our bodies smacking with each thrust in. I squeezed her large breasts through her cotton shirt, feeling the padding of her bra.

“Just…a bit…AHHH! AHHH!! OH Fuck Dave fuck!!!” Sarah’s pussy tightened around my cock as she began to cum. Everything that had happened tonight came to a boil. I felt a wave of pressure rise up within me, my body tensed and I came.

“AGhhhhH!! Sarah!”

My cock exploded cum into Sarah as I continued to thrust in and out of her pussy, growing wetter with Sarah’s orgasm and my cum. We had only been fucking for a few minutes! Our evening with Ben and Lindsay was the ultimate foreplay and we just needed a final nudge to reach our climax. My hips started to slow as my dick pumped out the last of my cum into Sarah. We were both breathing heavily. Sarah looked back at me satisfied.

“That didn’t take any time at all!” We both laughed at the absurdity of our foyer quickie.

I held myself inside of Sarah, not wanting to pull away to get cleaned up and go to bed.

“I think we have Ben and Lindsay to thank for that.”

Sarah leaned back to me and we kissed before I pulled out of her, she rushed off to the bathroom trying not to let my cum leak out of her and onto the hallway floor. I headed for our bedroom to change clothes and get ready for bed letting out a loud sigh of relief from the much needed sexual release.

Sarah and I had finally gotten into bed and turned off the lights when we got to talk about what had happened.

I turned to Sarah in bed, “I still can’t believe we watched each other’s sex tapes.”

“I hope things don’t get weird with them. I thought it was fun! Who knew!”

“I know, it’s like, I never knew I wanted to do that..until it happened.”

“I was thinking the same thing!”

“But how does that affect us? I mean, were you ok with what we did tonight?”

“I wasn’t at first, and Ben and Lindsay are such good friends, but like you said, I started to like it once it was actually happening. Were you ok with it? I don’t want you to be doing anything that you don’t want to do either.”

“Definitely ok, I think if we weren’t as close with them to begin with, none of this would have happened. I feel like the best word I can use to describe how I feel right now is “excited”?”

“Dave, me too. I didn’t know how hot it would be to see them watch us! I have always been nervous of someone else seeing me naked, but this was totally different.”

“So what, does this make us swingers?” We laughed a bit but were genuinely curious.

“Well it’s not like we’re fucking them.”

“Yeah. Now I won’t judge you at all, because I love you but I have to ask, and I don’t want it to come across as accusing, just curious…would you be interested in fucking them? God that is such an awkward question.”

“I love you too, so much!” Sarah paused for a bit, thinking, “Hmmm, I mean, I don’t see it even happening, but in a hypothetical situation, where there’s no judgement and if we were in total agreement that it wasn’t cheating and basically the same thing as playing a board game with them…yeah. I think yes. Does that make you uncomfortable? You know that I want to be yours forever baby. Hypothetically this would only work in a purely physical space.”

“I think if you said that to me yesterday I would have been uncomfortable…but after tonight, the thought of it. It turns me on.”

“So you would want to have sex with Lindsay?”

“In a hypothetical world…only if you didn’t become uncomfortable, and this brought us to a new level in our relationship…then…yes.”

“Mhhmmmm, I feel like a bad girl now, because that..really turns me on…”

“Oh does it?”

“Mhmm hmmm!”

Sarah and I moved closer to each other to kiss. We made love again that night and went to sleep already hoping for Friday to come around.

The week went by without anything noticeable, but I could tell that Sarah and I were both ready for it to be Friday already. I could tell by the fact that our sex was more vigorous with each passing day. I had been thinking about Lindsay’s ass, how she was impaled by Ben’s dick. I had to imagine that Sarah was thinking along the same lines as me. We were both focused on each other’s bodies but the images that we had seen may have motivated us just a bit more.

Friday evening had finally come and we had pizza dough all rolled out, toppings ready for dinner. There was excitement in the air, I wasn’t even hungry, I just wanted to see how the night would unfold once we were done with dinner and just hanging out together. I heard the doorbell ring and my heart skipped a beat.

“I’ll get it.” Sarah hurried off to the door. I heard the opening of the lock to the sounds of Ben and Lindsay.

“It’sa me, Benicio!”

“Get in here losers.”

“We brought some bottles of wine, I hope you aren’t upset.” I could hear Lindsay say from down the hall. I heard their footsteps approach. I was trying to focus on making sure the oven was ready but I was anxious to see them. My eyes did not disappoint me. Lindsay came around the corner in a short white dress with blue accent lining. A v-neck showed off her tanned chest. Her hair had been done up, a few curls adorned her face. Her legs looked magnificent thanks to the wedges she had on. Ben had a slim fit polo on and some khaki shorts, he looked very very happy.

“Hey vassupp guys!”

I came around the kitchen island to give them both a hug. Upon hugging Lindsay I could smell her perfume, it was intoxicating. I had made sure to put on Sarah’s favorite cologne tonight, the one that always riled her up. I hoped it had the same effect on Lindsay. I pulled back from our hug.

“Ok, everyone gets one pizza, you load it up however you see fit, even Hawaiian is an option, for you sick sick individuals who like that sort of vile stuff.” Sarah elbowed me playfully, knowing that comment was for her.

“Don’t be mad that you can’t appreciate the beauty of pineapple and ham!”

We got to work assembling our pizzas and drinking through the first bottle of wine. We were through our second bottle by the time we had all finished eating. As an aside, my pizza took home first with the secret ingredient of fresh arugula on top of the finished pizza, but enough about me.

Sarah and I started cleaning up dishes while Ben and Lindsay put away the leftovers. It was a quick affair.

“All done! You guys want to start working on that third bottle in the living room?” We had been distracted by dinner momentarily but now I could see in everyone’s eyes what was on their minds. We all knew what we were about to do next. The four of us took the third and potentially a fourth bottle with us into the living room. It wasn’t cold out but I turned the fireplace on for ambiance.

“Very suave move with the fire Dave.” Lindsay spoke. Sarah poured out four glasses and we all raised a glass.

“To a wonderful night with amazing friends,” said Sarah. The glasses dinged together and we each took a sip.

“So what’s in store for tonight?” asked Ben.

Sarah and I exchanged a look before I responded, “Well unfortunately, the video that we wanted to show you is corrupted and won’t play.”

“Way to get our hopes up,” Lindsay said, “Ben and I..” she looked at Ben with mischievous eyes, “…were looking forward to it all week.”

Sarah took her turn to speak, “Dave and I were talking and we think why watch a video when you can watch the real thing.”

Ben and Lindsay stopped moving, they were visibly turned on. I wondered if they had been hoping to go beyond watching a video just like us.

“So how does this work?” Lindsay was leaning in now.

“Well we first wanted to say that, what happened last weekend was completely new for us and Dave and I both think that we have discovered something new about ourselves that we didn’t know existed before. You two are our closest friends. We also think you two are incredibly sexy. But we want to know how you feel about all of this before we go any further.”

Ben and Lindsay turned to each other before he spoke, “We umm, we were shocked by last weekend. I myself was a nervous wreck the day after but the two of us talked about it, and then we found ourselves all over each other whenever it got brought up. We have had more passionate sex than we have ever had. To steal your words, you guys woke up something in us too. And there is no-one else who we would rather walk down this new path with. We love you guys.”

We all raised our glasses to Ben’s sentimental words and took a deep drink.

“So we are all ok with this, whatever happens? No judgement, no jealousy, no shame?”

We all chimed in with a strong “yes”.

“This doesn’t change our plans to still go on a boat trip will it?” Lindsay asked and we all laughed, letting loose some tension, but we were still so wound up.

“Sooo, should we strip now?” Ben asked.

“Right to it honey?!” Lindsay chided Ben.

We all smiled at each other, each person hesitating to be the first one to make a move. ‘Fuck it’ I said to myself as I stood up and yanked my shirt off, exposing my chest. I had spent more time on core this week to try and measure up to Ben’s physique. I then undid my belt, my button and slid down the zipper. I shoved my pants down and stepped out, wearing only underwear now. All three of them were just staring at me, “Well I guess I’m doing this all by myself then.”

Lindsay and Ben just stared at me for a few seconds before they stood up from their seats, followed by Sarah. My heart was pounding, this was really happening. I grabbed my underwear and shoved it down. I was completely naked now, and all eyes were on me. I loved the feeling of Ben and Lindsay’s eyes on me, curious and lusting. I took pleasure in knowing I could now focus on them as they began to disrobe. Sarah pulled her blouse off, revealing her black bra holding back her large breasts. I could tell that Ben’s eyes were ready for her to unclasp. I saw Ben yank his polo off, exposing his sculpted body, Sarah and Lindsay took a moment to appreciate it. Lindsay slowly unbuttoned some thing behind her neck and then slowly shimmied the dress down her body, revealing a skin tone bra, her toned stomach and then her bare pussy..She wasn’t even wearing underwear! I could feel my cock twitch at the site of her, growing in size. Next to me Sarah was undoing her bra, exposing her breasts for all of us to enjoy. Her nipples were hard from excitement and the slight chill in the air. She smiled, feeling the same thing that I had felt. Sarah and Ben both took off their shorts at the same time. Like Lindsay, he was also not wearing underwear, his cock coming into view as his shorts fell down. Noticing that Ben was already one step ahead Sarah sped up her movement to pull off her thong right after her shorts came off. God I loved my wife’s body, her ass was amazing and her flat stomach led down to her beautiful pussy. Ben was enjoying her body just as much as I was, gauging by his rapidly hardening cock. I looked back to Lindsay who had just finished unclasping her bra. It fell from her chest to reveal her perfectly sized breasts. They looked more beautiful in person, the light from the fire accentuating her curves.

“Fuck this is so sexy,” Sarah let out.

We all just took turns looking up and down each other, admiring every curve in our bodies. Lindsay stepped forward and turned a bit to face Ben, she looked back at me. “Dave, you said your favorite part was my ass right?” She glanced down her backside to her ass. My gaze followed hers, her ass was smaller than Sarah’s, more athletic, beautiful in its own way. I bit my lip and my cock grew harder. Lindsay smiled.

Ben spoke up, “Turn around for us Sarah, I want to see your ass too.” Sarah happily complied and turned around for Ben and Lindsay to admire her, I slapped Sarah’s ass, she let out a brief squeal of excitement. We stepped towards each other and kissed, letting our tongues explore each other’s mouths for a short moment before turning back to face Ben and Lindsay who were both facing us, only a few feet apart now.

“You two are amazing.” I looked at Sarah and Lindsay, “Ben, we are so lucky to have these women as our wives, god damn you two are beautiful.” I was so horny, I could have pounced on Sarah that very moment.

“Fuck Sarah, I knew you had big boobs but wow, those are awesome.” Ben exclaimed.

“Oh Sarah loves to hide those sweater puppies, but it’s not my first time seeing them!” said Lindsay.

I could see Sarah break my gaze to smile at Lindsay and Ben.

“Do you want to feel them?” Sarah asked, I could see tremors in Ben’s body. Lindsay stepped forward first with no hesitation and placed both her hands on Sarah’s breasts, giving them a squeeze. I had absent-mindedly grabbed my cock and began to stroke it. Ben stepped forward too, Lindsay let go of Sarah’s right breast and Ben reached out slowly to place his hand on it. He gave it a light squeeze. Sarah’s smile grew, so did Ben’s cock which was just inches from Sarah’s body.

“Your breasts are amazing.” Ben stammered. Lindsay pulled her other hand away so Ben could feel both, massaging them, running her nipples across his fingers. My hand on my cock kept stroking, this was so fucking hot. Sarah reached one hand to grab one of Lindsay’s breasts and Lindsay let out a faint moan. I stepped over behind and to the side of Sarah, close to Lindsay. I put one hand on Sarah’s left ass and squeezed while my other hand kept slowly stroking my cock. Lindsay was looking down at the size of my member, I could see her nibbling on her lower lip. She looked up at me, “Do you want to feel my ass Dave?”

My hand left my cock and found Lindsay’s hip closest to me, I rubbed my fingers down her smooth skin, landing on her firm ass. God it felt so tight, so good in my hand. The contrast between Sarah’s and Lindsay’s asses were amazing in my hands. Each amazing in their own way. I gave both of them a firm squeeze.

“Ben, am I getting you excited? Something hard keeps poking me..” Sarah said. I looked over her shoulder to see Ben’s dick was poking into Sarah’s stomach.

“Do..do you want to touch it?” Ben asked nervously. Sarah didn’t answer him with any words, but Ben let out a groan as Sarah placed her hand around the end of his dick, squeezing him. I could see her hand twisting around the head of his cock.

Lindsay spoke to me, “Can I?”

Her eyes were nervous but lusting. I nodded and she placed both of her hands on my shaft. ‘Jesus Christ’ I screamed internally as her fingers wrapped around me one by one. She held me lightly but started to pull her hands towards her. Her first hand pulled up my shaft, coming to my head. She began to taper her grip as she pulled closer to the end of me. Her fingers left my dick one at a time, her thumb and index finger the last to squeeze around the tip. Her other hand continued its journey down the length of my cock, repeating the same motion. My hips bucked gently towards her. I let out my own moan now. Sarah was looking back at me now, looking down at Lindsay playing with my cock as Ben continued to play with her breasts. She had an open mouth smile, “Dave this feels so good.”

I leaned my head towards Sarah and Kissed her on the lips, our tongues met for a few seconds before I pulled my head back and looked to Ben, then Lindsay and then back to Sarah. We were all in a state of total pleasure and disbelief. We were teetering on the verge of fucking each other’s brains out, there was no going back now.

All of a sudden Sarah grabbed me, “I need you. Now.” Sarah grabbed me by my cock and pulled me over to the couch. She shoved me down into a seat and proceeded to mount me. I grabbed my cock and aimed up into her entrance. Her wet pussy took me in with no resistance as I disappeared into her. I moaned at the wet embrace of her pussy. Sarah wrapped her hands around my neck and shoulders to gain leverage as she began to rock up and down. I helped to lift her hips with each thrust up on my cock, letting gravity send her body crashing back into me. Sarah’s breasts began to bounce with her humping. Her moaning intensifying. I moved my hands up from her hips to her breasts, squeezing them as Ben had just done.

I looked over to see Ben and Lindsay had not just been standing around while Sarah took me for her own. Lindsay had been tossed onto the couch just a few feet from me, her legs spread wide as Ben came between her legs and fucked her from above. Lindsay’s mouth was wide open, letting out her moans as Ben’s dick thrusted in and out of her. She was looking at me with an animalistic desire. We were all in a deep state of carnal bliss. I shifted my eyes back to Sarah and pushed her upper body to lean back while still rocking up and down my cock. She moved her hands to my knees to hold her up as she arched backwards, both of our torsos on full display for Ben and Lindsay who were doing their best to keep their eyes on us even as Ben fucked Lindsay harder and harder. I moved a hand to Sarah’s clit and began to rub it with my thumb, the other back on her hip. Sarah looked nothing short of a porn star now, she had shifted from her knees to her feet on either side of me, letting her get more power with each lift up on my cock. I managed to keep my hands on her, continuing to rub her clit. Violent moaning was escaping Sarah’s mouth. I was almost over the edge myself. Our bodies were starting to tremble, the angle she was taking me at was rubbing intensely against the tip of my dick. My thumb rubbed her clit faster now. I don’t know if it continued like this for 5 minutes or 30 minutes, I just became lost in the moment until Sarah’s voice pierced the air.

“Fuck Dave I’m cumming!!” Sarah screamed and slammed her thighs together. Her pussy convulsed on my cock and I grunted from the intensity of her grip on me. I felt my cock swell, wrapped up by Sarah’s warm tight embrace. I erupted into Sarah, my cock sending my first shot into my wife’s pussy. But in her violent bucking she had pulled all the way off of me. My cock was free but I was still cumming, my semen shot up and all over my stomach and chest, my dick pulsed with each pump out. I yelled out from my release.

Just a few feet away Lindsay was growing more vocal, “Yes yes yes! Ben, harder! Hardaghhhh!! Ah ah ah!!!” Lindsay started screaming from the orgasm that was taking over her. Ben had been fucking her like a machine but even he began to shake.

“Oh fuck babe! Ugh!” Ben pulled his dick from Lindsay’s pussy and moved his hand to pump his dick as he exploded his load onto Lindsay. ‘Holy Shit’ I marveled as Ben unloaded onto Lindsay’s body, shooting cum across her breasts and her stomach.

“Ughh!!” Ben moaned out as he pumped the rest of his load onto Lindsay who was breathing heavily, trying to recover from her orgasm. I looked back down my body and Sarah was sitting on my hips, smiling down at me before peering over at the work that Ben and Lindsay had just put in, “That was the sexiest thing I have ever done…that beats the boudoir shoot by miles.” She giggled.

Ben was keeled over and was kneeling on the floor between Lindsay’s legs, looking over at us, “Jesus you two were so hot to watch.”

“Right back at ya,” Sarah perked up.

“Umm, do you guys want to transition to our bedroom? We have a King size bed, just saying.” I proposed.

“You know in all of the times we have been over here, I have never seen your bedroom!” Lindsay smiled, the cum on her body glistened with the light from the fire place.

“Well then, let’s clean up a bit and move out!”


[Link to Part 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/i0vxp2/dinner_with_friends_and_more_part_4_mfmf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/i0vw46/dinner_with_friends_and_more_part_3_mfmf