Please help me find the book “Trapped and Trained” by Christy Anderson


“Trapped and Trained” by SissyIndy on Literotica is one of my most favorite online stories ever: [](

Unfortunately it stops after Chapter 18 and has never been finished.

But i found this book online by Christy Anderson: [](

Unfortunately the short summary sounds rather mystical and im not sure if it’s really the same story. But there is strong evidence that it might be. So i want to try my luck. Sadly I didn’t find the book anywhere available anymore. Does anyone know or could find out where to purchase/find the full version? It doesn’t care, in which format: paperback, e-book, pdf…whatever. (although i would prefer an online version)

Regarding to this link ([]( there was an online version (kindle/e-book) available too. I also found it here: [](

I already asked Smashwords Edition and they answered: “Although we did publish a version of this book for the author, they have since unpublished it in our system (and closed their account with us)”.I also asked Amazon for help but they also couldn’t help me and just told me that the book wasn’t available right now. They adviced me to contact the author, but it’s hard find contact details therefore.

Any hints/advices in this case would be highly appreciated.

(Of course i’m openminded for any kinds of hints. Maybe SissyIndy published the final version on other sites? If someones knows SissyIndy and thus knows for sure that she has never finished the story, that information would also be appreciated. At least then i could put it behind.)

Thanks in advance
