Black Vinyl [FF, MC, Fetish] (Part 2 of 2)


Angela couldn’t figure out why Kathryn hadn’t come by with her car yet. She was expecting to make the car swap an hour ago. Then she’d have plenty of time to get to the salon for her nail appointment before her date.

Well, could it really be called a date. She was meeting up with the guy from last night. Surprisingly, because she never extended one night stands past a one night stand. But he was so hot, she couldn’t pass up the opportunity for an encore.

The only problem was she was supposed to me him at St. Jack’s bar, and currently she had no car.

Angela had called Kathryn at least a dozen times in the past half hour, and if she called anymore it would just serve to get her more worked up. Where could the girl have gone! She wasn’t even answering her cell phone.

In a haze of frustration, Angela calmed down enough that it occurred her that something may have happened to Kathryn. A part of her hoped it didn’t happen while Kathryn was in her car. But she had her own car, and there’s no reason for Kath to have been driving hers today.

There were only a few options open, and the best one was for Angela to walk over to Kathryn’s house with her extra set of keys and just retrieve her own car. She’d leave a note on the door saying she picked it up so Kath wouldn’t worry it was stolen. Then again, maybe she should just take it and let Kathryn worry the way she had. But even though Angela would think it, she wasn’t nearly a cruel enough person to do it.

Kathryn was seven blocks away, and the walk would take about twenty minutes. If she hurried she could still get to the nail parlor before they closed. She grabbed her spare keys and marched out the door.

Nearly half an hour later, Angela turned the corner onto Kathryn’s street. Her house was just one up, and she could see both her own car and Kathryn’s in the driveway. What the hell was up with that? Was Kath alright?

Angela went up to the front door and knocked. No answer. She tried to peer into the window but couldn’t make anything out. So she went around back. Still no answer to her knocking and still no sign of Kathryn. But if she was in the living room then Angela wouldn’t be able to see her anyway. She tried the knob on the back door and it was locked. She walked around the house trying the windows and the side door and they were all sealed shut. But the last option, the most obvious, was the front door. And surprisingly it was actually open.

“Hello? Hey Kath, are you in here? Are you OK?” Angela called out into the house hoping for some reply.

She walked through the foyer to the living room where she thought she could hear something. She nearly jumped in surprise when she saw Kathryn sitting prone on the couch.

Then to add to the shock, Angela saw what Kathryn was wearing. It was a full body black leather body suit. From ankles to neck, wrist to wrist, her friend was covered in very form fitting shiny black.

“Shit Kathryn, what the hell is wrong with you? Why didn’t you answer me? I don’t’ have time for this, OK?”

No response.

“Hello? Kath? Are you OK?” Angela went from being annoyed and surprised back to being worried. “Please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead.”

But she saw her friend blink, and could make out her chest rising and falling as she breathed. Frankly how could she miss that? Her friend’s ample chest was accentuated by the very tight back outfit she was wearing.

Angela walked over to her friend and touched her arm. There was no response. She shook her arm but still couldn’t rouse her.

“What the fuck is going on here? Do I need to call an ambulance?” She said, pretty much to herself since Kathryn was completely unresponsive.

Finally, Angela turned to see what Kathryn was staring at all this time. Was she in some sort of catatonia, or was she actually watching the TV? And why would she be sitting there watching the TV in that outrageous outfit? Angela reached out again to try to wake Kathryn and noticed the suit wasn’t leather as she first thought. It was probably some kind of vinyl, like Kathryn’s skirt had been last night.

“Shit, I don’t have time for this.” Angela sighed as she tried to figure out what to do. First she turned off the TV. Then she went into the kitchen to get the portable phone. She wanted to call somebody to for help. She just couldn’t think of who.

When she walked back into the living room with the phone, Kathryn was still prone on the couch, but the TV was back on, and the VCR was rewinding.

“What the fuck? Are you addicted to this?” Angela angrily snapped her fingers in front of Kathryn’s face a couple of times.

“Oh,” Angela sighed, and the world seemed to dip a bit on its own axis. “You are stressing me out. I have to sit down.” And she plopped down on the sofa next to Kathryn and tried to get her head straight.

“Who can I call?” She asked. Again, rhetorically. “And what in the world are you watching?”

Angela looked at the phone in her hand and tried to think of who to call. But she couldn’t quite come up with a name. Then it hit her, she’d call Mary. Yeah, Mary would come over and help. She started to dial, but couldn’t quite remember the phone number. She looked around the room as if she were searching for answers from somewhere else. But of course there was no one else there that could help her.

Finally her attention resided on the TV. The tape had finished rewinding and started playing. Angela needed to focus and figure out what to do. Well maybe she could relax for a minute and see what was so interesting about this tape. She had been wound up all morning since not being able to get a hold of Kathryn. It wouldn’t kill her if she sat and caught her breath for a minute.

She looked back down at the phone and then placed it in her lap. The show was from the Masquerade club, where they had been last night. It looked like a tape of a costume party, and a lot of the patrons were wearing the same outfit Kathryn had on. They all looked just as sexy in it as Kathryn did.

There was a narrator talking about the club and the party, and the music was pretty cool. Not the loud dance music from the night before, but something a little more rhythmic. Basic.

As Angela watched, she realized she was having a hard time focusing. She wondered what was going on, and looked over at her friend next to her. Kathryn seemed OK. She was just sitting there watching the show. It must be pretty good if Kathryn was so interested in it. So she turned her attention back to the screen.

She lost track of time as the tape played through the introduction, and through a costume contest. After the contest the screen zoomed in on some lava lamp looking thing behind the stage, and Angela thought the show was over at this point.

Ok, time to do… what did she want to do again? Oh yeah, Kathryn was all freaky. She was going to help, oh yeah the phone was in her lap. Well then, time to call someone and try to sort this out.

She tried to look down at the phone, but she couldn’t quite tear her focus away from the TV. The swirling patterns had captured her attention, and she had become just as prone as Kathryn was. There was a nagging notion that she needed to put on a shiny vinyl suit like Kathryn’s, but there was none.

There was a bit of a contradiction in her thoughts as the video was telling her to put on the suit, but there was no suit to be had. This lasted for a few minutes and just before Angela was about to go out of her mind with the paradox, the video shifted gears. All her thoughts of getting help or making a phone call were slowly siphoning out of her mind. The anxiety flowed out of her as the patterns on the screen became more relaxing. She relaxed further and the phone rolled out of her lap and landed on the floor with a thump. Angela didn’t pay it any mind.

The video continued like this for a while, and a few times Angela thought that she should move, or should pick up the phone. But she couldn’t quite motivate herself to do anything other than stare at the screen, blankly, just as her friend was staring.

Her thoughts did manage to resurface for a moment, and she finally tore her attention away from the screen. She looked over at her friend, hoping to find some kind of help from her motionless co-captive. She looked at Kathryn for a while, and her gaze drifted slowly from her eyes down to her full latex breasts. That suit looked so great on her. She wished she could have her own suit and look sexy too.

Then she chastised herself for that thought. No! She needed to focus on help. On Kathryn. On getting Kathryn help. Or was it, she needed to focus on helping Kathryn. Yes, focus on Kathryn, help Kathryn focus. The words became a jumble, and still Angela sat there not actually accomplishing anything, just staring.

Then, without realizing what she was doing or why, Angela leaned over and thoroughly licked Kathryn’s left breast. She sat up and a thin trail of saliva gleamed from her mouth to the suit. Colors reflected off this trail in a strange pattern. This caught her attention again and she leaned back in for another lick. This time she lingered, circling her friend’s nipple with her tongue.

A wave of panic flowed through her. The adrenaline briefly countering the effects of the drug on the vinyl suit. She began to stand, but the TV again caught her attention. The adrenaline slowly faded as her attention was refocused. Meanwhile the effects of the drug sank in. Angela was vaguely aware of what was going on, and the idea was reinforced by the voice from the TV. It was telling her there was no need to worry. She should let go of her worry and her inhibitions… The TV was telling her the drug would allow her to relax, that there was no point in resisting. And Angela saw no point in resisting. What she was feeling was so relaxing and freeing, she just wanted to sink down into the sensation and let it carry her away. She enjoyed the feeling that the drug and the pheromones from the suit were inducing in her body. She was warm and relaxed, while new thoughts flowed freely into her mind. Ease and contentment, no worries. Just relax.

The light on the TV continued to sooth her and bring her deeper into her hypnotic attachment. The drug continued to take its affect on her body while the video opened and molded her mind. She lost awareness of her friend next to her who had watched this countless times. The video that had orgasmed her mind into near oblivion. Angela didn’t know what was in store for her, she hardly cared at this point.

The video changed from the flowing form, over to show a group of people wearing the same outfit Kathryn had on. Angela made some basic connection with this. Just as she was subtly disappointed that the pattern had gone away. However she was in a deep state of obedience and needed to keep watching the film. She didn’t notice that Kathryn was beginning to moan softly. Her complete focus was on the video.

Thoughts of caressing and touching anything and everything were filling her mind. She was degraded to a state of complete wanton abandonment to her feelings and the commands. She had acknowledged that she did not have a black vinyl suit like her sisters on the screen, and she felt smaller for that absence. Instead, in her trance Angela recognized that if she couldn’t be wearing a suit, she should not be wearing anything else.

She stood back up and began taking off her clothes. She stripped out of her shirt and top, and removed her bra. She almost lost her balance as she tried to remove her damp panties without taking her eyes off the TV screen. The TV screen that was showing the mass of black hands, and breasts and bodies all touching and enjoying each other. Angela wanted to enjoy that too. She began running her hands over her body, joining the women on the screen in an orgy of touch.

Kathryn stood up now and began the same motions. The two girls stood together entranced, mimicking each other and their sisters on the screen.

Together they were guided down a path toward orgasm that was new to Angela and almost painfully but also blissfully familiar to Kathryn.

The voice on the TV invited the girls into deeper and deeper arousal. It told them to make each other cum. Angela was focused on herself and the women on the screen, but Kathryn was finally aware of a companion in the room.

In joy of having a slave sister with her with whom to share her devotion, Kathryn eagerly moved over to Angela’s fresh body.

Angela was now caressing herself completely. Her one hand snaked its way down to her now dripping sex and started rubbing the outer lips of her engorged pussy. Typically she needed some outside incentive to get her wet enough for sex, but now, by the induction and persuasion of the video, she was soaking wet before she ever laid a finger on herself.

She felt like she was there with the women on the screen. She did not share their outfit, but she shared their mindset, their devotion, and most importantly their lust. She was with them because the voice told her she was with them. She could feel her hands as their hands. Caressing the bodies, feeling the touch. She longed for the touch and felt sensational pleasure as she provided herself with it. She was immersed in sharing these sensations and having them shared with her.

That was the thought she had when Kathryn had moved around behind her and began caressing Angela’s breasts while also watching the video over her shoulder. Angela was so deeply immersed in her mindset that she didn’t even realize that the new set of hands should have been a surprise. From her mind, they had always been there. It just freed up her own hands to move elsewhere on her body.

And it did, her free hand snaked down over the curve of her naked stomach and hips and caressed her ass. Her entire crotch was soaked with her own juices and her sweat. She reached from behind and fingered her pussy. Both hands worked on her sex from different sides. One hand massaging and teasing the lips of her sex while her other hand reached under and slipped one finger into her hot hole. She rubbed this way for a short time, working her lubrication onto one finger. Then she removed her finger from her pussy, and gradually moved it back to her rear. She slowly slid her moist finger into her rear and worked both her sensitive holes.

Meanwhile Kathryn was licking and kissing her neck and pulling on her hard sensitive nipples. The feelings were completely engrossing as the video continued its long irresistible induction and conversion.

Angela was learning about the pleasure of joining the women, of giving in to the voice and the pleasure. The pleasure of what she was feeling and hearing, seeing and believing. Give in to the sensations. The erotic joy of the women driving you. Give in. Climax.

Her own fingers working her pussy and her ass, the extra hands massaging and enticing her tits and the hot breath on her neck would have been more than enough to send Angela over the edge under normal circumstances. In this instance the commands were on top of her natural arousal and she climaxed and went over the edge. Behind her the climax was echoed in the obedient feelings and actions of Kathryn in her black encased body. Crotch slick from multitudes of orgasms, but her mind never tired of the obedience and pleasures it brought. Now she had someone to share that with.

As the video moved to the next stage, Angela was drawn impossibly deeper. Encompassed by the group she watched and drawn to give and receive more and more pleasure, pleasure and obedience. The repetition was not even necessary at this point. Angela had given herself over thoroughly to the commands. But the instructions still came, and Angela reveled in obeying them.

She watched as the women on the screen continued to caress each other, some moving between others legs, licking gleaming suits and acting as if they were servicing each other. Tongues licked gleaming crotches as the recipients writhed in tortured pleasure of the act without the actual contact. Angela thought she could feel the cool breath between her legs and sighed.

Kathryn knelt behind her former friend and current object of lust. She moved Angela’s hand away and muzzled her face into that beautiful ass. She pushed the girl forward so she could reach the object of her desire. Kathryn was overwhelmed with joy as she stuck her tongue out to lick Angela’s sweet dripping slit.

Angela felt the wonderful intrusion into her pussy and moved her other fingers out of the way. She bent over to allow Kathryn better access to her snatch without losing sight of the video. Continuing to fondle her clit while her slave friend drove her thick tongue in and out of her box. All the while the video commanded her to give in and directed her to further orgasms. She was so happy to comply. She couldn’t remember ever feeling this much pleasure, although she couldn’t really focus on memories or anything else at the moment.

Kathryn drove her tongue into the sweet pussy and Angela was pushed over the edge again. She quivered and bucked her hips into her friends mouth with Kathryn lapped away at the free flowing juices. Angela reached down and pressed Kathryn’s face harder into her crotch and grinded her sex. This set Kathryn off on another climax while Angela was still bucking from her own orgasm.

The scene in the living room mirrored the scene on the TV. Both girls were living out their new fantasy, their new commands, and while they didn’t realize it, their new lives of service to their mistress.



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