The Field Exercise – Part 2 [M+F] [nc] [bondage] [drugged]

[Part 1](

She could hear them coming now, eager and excited voices. The things they had said about her, never to her but always in hushed whispers and leers, were lewd enough and always made her blush. She could only imagine what
what was said in the showers and barracks when she wasn’t around. There were numerous times after she had come to the unit that some of her civilian laundry had gone misssing. She figured a handful of her thongs were being passed around the barracks as trophies. Or cum rags. And now their worst, and favorite, fantasies were reality.

She felt hands on her. Roughly groping her tits. The touch sent shivers down her spine. Her breathing quickened, her nipples hard. Her breasts had always been sensitive and the soldier molesting her was hitting all the right spots. She tried to fight it, her mind screaming as her body betrayed her. She let out a soft moan as his calloused fingers pinched and rolled her nipples. Those that could hear laughed and mocked her as she blushed red in shame at her arousal. His hands moved lower and she winced as he brushed against the fresh bruises on her thighs. She was sore and in tremendous pain from the last round. She had no idea how long or how many. Then a strangely familar sensation as he began rubbing her pussy. They must have sent someone back to the barracks to raid the stash. She was thankful they would use lube this time. It actually felt good and she closed her eyes enjoying the sensation as he teased and toyed her. She was suprised, he was actually good at this. They laughed, watching her buck and squirm as she moaned while their friend fingered her. She was getting closer, “just…just…a little…mmm….FUCK…THERE!” she was actually grinding against his hand. She couldn’t believe herself, allowing them to watch her enjoying it. “Fuck…fuck…fuck….” she mewed, on the brink of orgasm. She hated herself. “MMMM….FUCK….HARDER….HARDER…..” she instructed and he obliged. She didn’t care about the pain, she could tell she was close. “FUUUUUCKKK….” she moaned as he made her cum. Her body quivered as she rode the waves of pleasure.

As she lay panting she heard the familar voice of the company medic, “It’s a big group, baby girl. Want a hit, take the edge off?” She could see him holding the morphine syringe from the aid bag. She was torn. The narcotic would help her endure the remaining nightmare. A welcome relief from methodical gangrape as they worked to run the entire company on her. She knew it would be another way for them to control and manipulate her. Turn her into a junky and make her degrade herself for another hit. Threaten her career with a positive drug test. Her mind raced as she contemplated. In the end she had no choice, there was no way she could go much longer without something. She nodded, a little more dead inside as he prepped her arm and gave her the drugs. Her eyes fluttered as the morphine hit, numbing her and relieving her of the pain.

They renewed their assault on her. Despite her stupor she had a moment of clarity and sudden horror as she realized the narcotics allowed them to use her harder. As the first began to rape her she could tell it was a group of younger soliders. They were rougher, more violent and with less purpose other than to cum. Like bucks in rut. She was thankful she was numb to the pain but could feel his thrusts and hear the sound of his skin against hers. She had no idea how she would ever process tgis trauma. Too intense to ever repress. She knew her survival was dependent on submission. Ungagged she had her best chance to placate them. She was disgusted with herself, nearly vomiting as she began to play to their desires. “Mmm…you’re so big” she moaned…”fuck your little whore.” Trying to play the part of the good slut. The younger ones enjoyed her dirty talk, which only egged them on. Soon it seemed like there was a competition to see who could take her harder.

The older ones were easier on her and more responsive to her. “Slow down…mmmmm…there…just like that” she’d moan as she tried to grind back into them. She hated herself for putting on the show, playing the charade. “Mmm…just a little harder….FUCK…” she would moan. “Make me cum, show me what a nasty whore I am…” they started to tease her clit and soon she was being forced to cum repeatedly as they raped her. Her mind swirled, so lost in the depravity she had no idea if she was actually enjoying it or simply doing what was necessary. The worst was when they’d fuck her ass and finger her pussy. She had never been a fan, only letting a few guys try and always regretting it in the morning. The soldiers took perverse pleasure forcing her to cum as they sodomized her. Another favorite game was to run several in a row on her pussy or ass, each harder and rougher than before until she begged to be fucked in the other. She was lost in her mind, wondering what life would be like after this month. With the entire company involved she was at their mercy. She knew it would be the company’s dark, nasty secret.

The sun had been high when the second group started. She watched as it began to slowly set. She was starting to realize that they had split the company in 3 groups and given each a set time. It was bad enough she was being gangraped by so many but now she was horrified at the the thought of how many times she’d been penetrated with some taking multiple turns. The last pulled out and she was once again left. They cleaned her again and the medic bandaged her wrist and ankles, rubbed raw from the rope. The medic prepped another syringe and gave her another, larger dose of morphine. As her eyes glazed he leaned in and whispered, “Only 35 left…you’re doing great.” They untied her and she fell limp to the ground, her legs numb from the day long abuse. As the next group trickled in she was positioned on all 4s in the dirt. She whimpered, knowing they were now able to use her completely.
