How I [F] teased my husband [M] and myself into extacy

Hallo! It has been some time since I last wrote. The last weeks have been very complicated.

But inspired by my “bringing in the groceries” experience, I had been planning a great surprise for my husband and just pulled it off last night. I’m still steamy from it and wanted to share.

To set the stage. My husband was downstairs, engrossed in reading a book. I snuck my way up into our bedroom and got to work. First I stripped down and went to the closet. I grabbed one of my favorite all lace panties, my silk rope, and the super fancy phone app vibrator. (The one that can pulse to music, and is a kind of U shape.) I chose this one hoping that the way it slides in (one of the u sides goes inside against the g spot, the other presses against my clit and they kind of pinch together) would help it stay in place for what I had planned. But this alone wouldnt be enough. It works fine if I’m laying down but standing up it’s my kegels vs gravity and gravity doesn’t get tired.

This is why as I laid on the bed and slid it in place (thinking about this all morning, I had been wet and ready for a while), I quickly put on the panties. They still wouldn’t be enough to keep the vibe snug in place. That is where the rope came in. I slowly worked at knotting together a Karada (also known as tortise shell or body harness). This is my favorite and one of the few ropeplay ties I am comfortable with. It is comfy with the silk rope (chafing = turnoff) and DAMN does it make me look sexy as hell. And most importantly here, the lines that go across my crotch are PERFECT for holding the toy in place and pressing it deliciously against my clit.

Once I finished I quickly did some moving around. Things stayed in place nicely. Finally I threw on some sleep pants and a tee shirt, collected a few final things on my night stand and vanity, and then headed down stairs.

I found my husband where I had left him, still reading. I slowly made my way next to him and said “hey honey” in a questioning tone.

He ignored me, the dumbass.

Slightly more bitter, I said it again. This time he noticed and turned to look at me with a half-there expression. In a flash and harder than was necessary I smacked my finger into his forehead, leaving behind a sticker.

So when we were getting married, a friend gifted us this wheel of 500 stickers that all said things like “do you?” And “will you?” And “be mine?”. They were funny, and as a perfect moment of fate, one day on our honey moon I got really sexy and dominant and then stuck him with a “be mine?” Sticker and gave the most sexy dominant “well?” I could. Needless to say, now whenever I want to take control and or be dominant in the bedroom, I hit him with one of the stickers as a way of asking.

It took him a moment to process, but the nervous excited smile that came after was so worth it and made my heart skip. “Well?” I asked with a smile. “Yes” he replied equally grinning. I offered my hand and he took it. I quickly grabbed him by the wrist and began dragging him upstairs with excitement.

A bit too much excitement. I dislodged the vibe!

But keeping my composure, I led him into the bedroom and over to the door to our bathroom. I handed him the bundle I had placed on my vanity “go in and get properly dressed.” I said teasingly in his ear as I pressed the bundle into his hands. He grinned and nodded and went into the bathroom. The moment the door closed, I dropped trow and fumbled with the vibe and ropes until everything slid firmly back into place.

I managed it all just in time for him to open the door. He was now dressed only in a tight pair of boxer briefs that were a half size too small for him. They showed off his strong thighs and stomach, and outlined his dick (now fighting desperately for freedom) beautifully. But that was not why I picked them.

With a devilish smile I held my my arms behind my back, turning an item over and over in my hand I asked him “looking delicious. But are you fully prepared? Did everything asked of you?” He was still smiling but with a nervous sheepishness to him. He opened his mouth to reply and I quick clicked the remote three times. His “yes” devolved into the most intoxicating moan. His knees buckled with surprise and he leaned against the doorframe for support. Gods how I wanted to just jump him right there. But there was a schedule. I quickly cycled back to off. “Very good. Come along” and dragged my delightfully dazed lover to the bed.

With a kiss, I loosely wrapped first his ankles, then his wrists in the velcro straps of our under the bed restraints. After the last one was secured, and I had propped his head up on a pillow, I took a step back to admire him. Beautiful, erotic, his dick pulsing and pleading. Mine. Entirely mine to play with, pleasure, frustrate, and be oh so pleasured by. I had to fight another urge to just hop on him right there. Instead, locking eyes with him, I slowly and sexily began removing my sleep pants and shirt, revealing the sexy horny lover beneath. His eyes alighted as he saw the knots framing my form, showing off my curves, plunging into lace. But that area was locked away behind the rope and the lace. Off limits. He would have to earn that.

I walked over to the side of the bed. “I have a series of… challenges for you. And if you succeed, there are rewards.” I played with his remote teasingly. “But, you have to choose, between the two”, I said as I pressed my crotch into his hand, allowing him to cup it and feel the vibe I had there. Showing him the controller to my vibe in my other hand. “Who gets the reward, me or you? That’s for you to decide.” I said grinning wickedly. “Want to play?” I asked coyly. He nodded vigorously. “Good. For the first game” I took the blindfold from the night stand and placed it onto him. “Dont react” I whispered into his ear.

I took a long feather from the night stand and twirled it in my fingers. Where to begin? I decided to be nice, and started by trialing the tip of the feather from the center of his chest, down to his stomach. He let out a gasp and a shudder. I quickly snapped the feather up. “Tisk tisk. That’s your first try lost. You only get three more and then all of this stops and is over. Am I clear?” He nodded earnestly. “Good.” I replied in a soothing tone. Next I was cruel, and traced a line on his side. To his credit he didnt make a sound, but he did shiver slightly. I decided to be kind. I brushed his cheek, his thighs, even across his hips and he held strong. A bit frustrated, I placed the feather down for a moment and slowly slid my fingers along his thighs, up up to where his dick bulged and begged for freedom. I am a merciful dom. With a quick twist of the fingers, I slid back the flaps of his boxer briefs and extracted both his dick and balls, their soft, eager skin glowing in the sharp contrast of the surrounding black underwear. That, got a gasp. “Only two left…” I teasingly chastised as I took up the feather again. Trailing it without warning quickly up along his shaft. This gained a moan and a bucking of hips. “Oh come on, you have to actually try! Last chance” I teased. And again started at the base, slowly moving my way up. I could almost hear him tensing, fighting with all his energy. Just before I reached his head I stopped, and then did one quick swirl around the base of it. A sharp inhalation. But he did not make a sound.

“Very good. Very good! You’ve won this challenge. Now, who is rewarded?” I asked. He seemed in deep thought. Finally, “you”. I smiled, pleased. “You are very kind” I said and clicked the button on my remote, right next to his ear. Moving again so his hand could cup my now delightfully buzzing mound.

“Kindness pays off” I said, grabbing a marker from my nightstand. I got onto the bed and straddled one of his thighs, my vibrating clit pressing against it. I took a few slow grinds for myself. He smiled. “This next game is easy. Just tell me what I write.” He nodded. Again I started simple, on his right inner thigh just before the underwear started, I slowly drew a heart. He guessed correctly. “Very good” I cooed and lightly stroked his pulsing dick. God how I was craving it now, the warm vibrations making my desire grow. But I persevered. Next I moved to straddle his chest. On his shoulder, I wrote slowly and carefully. “T” he called out. Very good. “O”. yes. The last took him a moment. “Y. Toy?” “That’s right. And whose toy are you?” I asked in his ear. “Yours, to use as you desire” he replied. I rolled my hips, and slid down bracing on my arms until my lovely pulsing body caressed the base of his dick. “Damn strait. Mine. To use for my pleasure, and I suppose yours if I get around to it. ” I moved away. Standing beside the bed. “Last one” I said. And began to write, along his waistline. “U” … “S”… “F? No E”… M.. E.” He paused then “use me”. “Dont mind if I do” I replied, then gave a flat, broad lick from the base of his dick all the way to his tip. He tasted like clean skin and smelled like “I want you in me”. I wrapped a hand firmly around his base and took him slowly into my mouth, my tounge and lips playful, searching for the places I know drive his wild. Blowjobs always get me craving him. Something about the scent, the way he reacts, the intimacy of it all. Just makes me feel like this is the most amazing, godly cock and it is all mine! I quickly pulled away before I got carried away. He let out the slightest whimper.

“Ok, who gets the prize this time?” I asked. “You” he said again. Such a caring lover! I eagerly clicked the button. “You are such a thoughtful love” I replied. “For that, you get a special challenge”. I grabbed some lube from the night stand and made sure it was well and slowly applied to all of his now hardfast cock. Then, I removed the blindfold and straddled him, but holding myself off of him.

“Here is the next challenge. You must get close, oh so close, but not cum. You understand? Let me know the moment before and no sooner.” He nodded. I smiled and lowered myself down, being sure that the knot that was principally in charge of holding the vibe against my clit was pressed firmly but carefully against his shaft just below the head of his dick. This extra pressure and the new setting was getting me going. His moans and expletives were just fuel on the fire. I could not resist rocking and grinding, moving to get it into exactly the right spot. With a moan he bucked slightly, and the vibe moved perfectly into position. Things happened quickly. I leaned backwards, bracing myself with my arms on his legs, inadvertently squeezing them as a very respectable orgasm made it very clear it was happening soon. I debated holding off, but no, I can use him however I wanted. This was my time. So I dug in and let the orgasm crash over me. Nothing super crazy, but very nice. Not long after, he tapped me and made it clear he was close. I hesitated just a moment longer. (I am proud that I am VERY good at timing just the right moment to stop him short) and then retreated.

Panting I told him “very good”. He smiled wickedly. Too mischievously. I clicked his remote. His head shot back in surprise as he let out a low slow moan.

“And your reward.” I said. Taking this time to turn off my vibe and remove the rope work. (But kept the panties on).

On the first setting he was safe. But the second setting. That one never failed to get him off, alone or otherwise. Just a matter of time. “You have two challenges left. Are you ready?” I asked. He was very preoccupied, but nodded.

“Time for hard mode.” I said, and got my magic wand from the nightstand. He looked worried. I smiled. “You have to endure one minute of the wand without cuming. If you start, I’m taking it away and you wont get a satisfying end. Am I clear?” He nodded. I got my phone and got the timer ready. Sitting on the bed beside him, I held the broad head of the wand to the base of his very well lubed shaft. “Ready? And… go” I said, switching the wand on and using my dial to take it somewhat briskly to 50% power. The moans, the writhing of this man was delicious. The wand is always one of my favorite toys to use on him. 30 seconds left In I took him up to 80%. He began almost growling. At 10 seconds left I began to see the tell tale clenching that ment he was going to cum.

Let no one say I am not a merciful dom. I took my other hand and quickly used my pointer finger to press firmly on the base of his shaft, on the channel that leads up from the balls to the head. Firmly pressing here, It takes ALOT for him to be able to cum. Robbing it from him, he grunted in thanks and dismay. My phone timer went off, and the wand went away.

He lay panting heavily on the sheets. “You did so good. Take a few and then we will start your last challenge” i said. he grumbled and I began tracing patterns on his chest with my fingers. After only a small while I was too impatient, that first orgams was not satisfying and I needed that dick.

I got onto him once more, laying down on his chest so that his dick rested just barely at my now very wet and ready entrance. “Your last challenge.” I spoke in his ear “cum” I clicked his remote and slid down onto him in one fell swoop. Mode two on his vibe was the highest constant vibration available. It is so strong that it basically turns his entire dick into a vibrator for me. I relished the feeling of him filling me, sliding into me. And when that vibration through him hit my g spot, I had no more restraint. I sat up into cowgirl, and grabbed the wand from the table. Setting it to 30% I buried it against my clit and gave into the pleasure. “Go” I called to him and he eagerly began thrusting in and out. Each stroke sending alternating waves of hunger and satisfaction flowing through me. I felt a deep orgasm coming on, and remembering the groceries experience I tossed the want aside. This made the orgasm delay, but as he kept thrusting it soon arrived, and it drove me down onto him, filling me, and I came HARD around him. As the waves began crashing over me and I reeled from my orgasm, I felt the toe curling pulses of his godly cock as he came into me. I never can have enough of that feeling.

I collapsed on the bed beside him, turning off his vibe and pulled off the velcro restrains. “I love you.” Was all he said before collapsing in exhaustion.


1 comment

  1. This was so hot! What kind of silk rope/tie do you use? Where did you learn to tie the harness?

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