Yes… Your Body Will Do Perfectly | Sci-Fi, Tentacles, Forced, Creampie, Non-Con, Anal, Deepthroat, Horror

**Hey guys! This is another idea from the absolutely fantastic** u/nothingisnothing1**. It serves as a sequel to her previous idea that I wrote,** [**which you can read here!**]( **I was so happy to see the reaction to the previous part and I hope you’ll all enjoy this part just as much!**

**Also, Elizabeth is based of** [**Elizabeth Olsen!**](

**So please, enjoy the tentacles…**

Elizabeth watched the man from across the street. Under a streetlight she pretended to look at her phone, only glancing up occasionally to watch for when he had left.

She’d been waiting for a few hours, walking around the block every now and again to make sure she didn’t look suspicious, always checking to see if his car had left yet. The sticker on the passenger side door told her he was an UBER driver, and it was a Saturday night, so she assumed that he would be leaving to give the drunk people in the city a ride home.

The front door of the house opened and the man who Elizabeth had been watching for a week stepped out on to his gravel driveway. He was tall and handsome, with slick backed black hair, and strong sharp features.

Elizabeth was lying to herself if she said she didn’t find him hot, but that wasn’t why she was here. Her reason for staking out this guy’s house was more… illegal.

She was going to break in.

It was a monthly activity that Elizabeth had been doing since she was fifteen. Find a house in a middle-class neighbourhood, wait until the occupants had left, and find an open window, or if she was feeling particularly courageous, smash a window.

She didn’t know why she did it. It started out as a dare by one of her friends, now it was something she did on her own. A sort of personal thrill ride. She didn’t steal anything. She didn’t break any of the furniture or make a mess. She just explored the house, looking at how they lived and what they wore. The risk of being caught was as addictive as any drug to her.

The man locked his front door and got into his car. The engine whined to life and he reversed off the drive. As he turned down the street, he flashed a glance at Elizabeth. It was only for a split-second, but it felt much longer. His dark eyes eating her up. She smiled casually back, not letting on what she was going to do when his car was out of sight. He hit the accelerator and sped off.

Elizabeth crossed the street and walked up the driveway. The night had gotten cooler while she had been waiting, and she now regretted her style choice. Fishnets and cut-off jeans weren’t exactly the most practical of breaking and entering attire, and she really wished that she had worn a bra.

She had seen him lock the front door when he had left, so she would have to find another way in. She followed a stone path around the side of the house. The was a window low on the wall.

A basement?

She got down on her hands and knees. The window was stained and dusty, she tried wiping it, but still couldn’t see in, and it was locked from the inside.

‘Damn it.’ Elizabeth got to her knees and carried on to the back of the house. She tried the back door. Locked. Maybe she would have to find another house? No, she had been set on this one, and she knew that he was out.

Placing her hands on her hips, she sighed and went around the only side of the house she hadn’t explored yet.

A window. Just slightly ajar. She tiptoed over pulled the it open. She carefully lifted herself up and over and found herself in a bedroom. It was messy, with clothes strewn everywhere and the bedsheets unmade. A true bachelor.

She felt the excitement coming over her. Being in a place she shouldn’t be, the risk of getting caught getting higher the longer she stayed.

Elizabeth slowly made her way into the hallway. The house was sparsely decorated in white and grey paint, with no paintings or plants to be seen, almost as if this guy had only just moved in and hadn’t had time to unpack his belongings yet.

‘This guy seriously needs an interior designer.’ She joked to herself quietly and explored the living room. It was empty except for a black leather couch and a large flat-screen TV. Back in the hallway she turned and found a door secured tightly with a large metal padlock.

The basement. Elizabeth smiled coyly. She *had* to get inside and see what was worth hiding behind such a lock.

She went into the kitchen. It was stainless and clinical, like a surgery room. On one of the worktops was a small ceramic plate, holding miscellaneous items such as coins and receipts. And a small silver key.

Elizabeth took it and tried it on the padlock to the basement. A satisfying *click* and the lock fell to the ground. She smiled as the door creaked open, revealing a wooden staircase leading down into the dark. The aged wood groaned as she walked down, eager to discover what was hidden down here.

The basement was completely concrete with metal pipes running across the ceiling. One of the pipes had a chain attached to it.

What has he been hanging down here? Elizabeth thought. She turned, her eyes still adjusting to the dark. The basement appeared empty. There was a dirty mattress in the corner and not much else.

Disappointed that there was nothing of interest down here, she turned to leave. Then she saw it. In the corner of her eye. Against the far wall.

A wooden box, about the size of a coffin, up against the concrete.

Elizabeth slowly moved closer. The wood looked ancient and worn, like the dark flesh of an old oak tree. Her foot hit something on the floor. A padlock, identical to the one upstairs.

Had it been attached to the box? What’s worth hiding down here behind all these locks? Elizabeth pressed her fingers into the wood and opened the front panel.

She was greeted by darkness. A black void so devoid of light that it made Elizabeth feel like her soul had been ripped from her. The dark went on for eternity, a never-ending tunnel with no light to be found at the end.

She tried to blink. She tried to look away. Her vision was transfixed. Then she heard the voice.

*What a pretty little thing…*

The voice was in her mind. Reaching around the corner of her imagination.

*Yes. You’ll do. You’ll do perfectly.*

Elizabeth’s muscles had seized up, she couldn’t move. Despite the terror that was running through her, no scream would emanate from her mouth.

A face appeared in the dark. A female face, bald. Emotionless and pale, coming closer. And behind it, a large tentacle, moving unnaturally. *She* smiled.

Elizabeth couldn’t believe whatever it was she was seeing. Still not able to scream, she managed to pull herself away from *her* stare and attempted to flee. She made it only two steps before something harshly grabbed her ankle and tripped her up. Her forehead smashed into the concrete floor, shaking her onto the verge of passing out and stunning her.

Elizabeth lay still for a few seconds, regaining her composure. She could hear *her.* Moving closer and closer. Elizabeth forced herself to her hands and knees and painfully tried to crawl away.

Despite all the warnings telling her not to, Elizabeth turned around and finally saw *her,* in all *her* horrifying glory.

A human torso with human breasts… but long thick tentacles for arms, and a mass of squirming tentacles for legs.

Finally, the scream that Elizabeth had been wanted to let loose came. A loud, shrill shriek, that made her throat ache. She tried to crawl away, scrambling to get to her feet, when two tentacles shot forward across the ground and wrapped themselves around her ankles. She sat up and tried to pull herself free, fighting the strong limbs. Two more tentacles appeared and caught her wrists, forcing her to the ground.

Screaming, Elizabeth squirmed. All attempts at freeing herself were futile. *She* had her prey. Like a fly caught in a spider’s web. *She* came closer, leaning her torso over and bringing her head down within inches of Elizabeth’s crying face.

*She* smiled, and a long purplish tongue creeped out, slick with saliva. It licked at the tears falling from Elizabeth’s eyes,

*So sweet.*

*So pretty.*

*So young.*

*Yes. This one will do perfectly.*

A tentacle slithered up her leg, going under her jean cut-offs. It effortlessly tore the fabric apart, and then did the exact same with her panties and crop-top, leaving her in nothing but her ripped fishnets, pinned to cold concrete.

Elizabeth looked down, her screams now a mixture of pleads for help and the ramblings of a madwoman. A singular, larger tentacle was moving across the floor, up between her legs. A veiny, flesh log, lumbering closer.

*You have got some fight in you, young one.*

*I will need to weaken you it seems.*

The thick tentacle rubbed past her thighs, as the ones around her wrists and ankles lifted her up slightly. It looked as if she was levitating; squirming and struggling against the fleshy binds. Elizabeth felt the tentacle press against her crotch, then move slightly lower. It forced itself in between her ass cheeks, spreading the skin and poking at her hole.

Elizabeth’s scream as the tentacle pushed itself into ass was horrifying and animal-like. So loud and unnatural, that it seemed alien coming from a gorgeous teen like Elizabeth.

The flesh of her virgin asshole was being stretched and pulled to fit around the throbbing tentacle. It slowly forced it’s way deeper and deeper, invading her insides, making her belly bulge outwards.

The feeling of being filled up was that of a severe cramp. Her stomach muscles contorting and straining. Elizabeth screamed.

‘Please… stop…’ She whimpered, ‘Please-’ She howled again and her words were lost in the high-pitched shriek.

*Why are the young ones always so rude and loud.*

Another tentacle appeared. It came around underneath Elizabeth and started to wrap itself around her neck. Tightening and compressing around her delicate skin, the head of the tentacle slapped wetly against her face. Elizabeth screamed, and the slivering extremity wiggled its way into her mouth. It explored her, pushing out her cheeks and poking at her tongue, before sliding down her throat. She gagged as her neck bulged, the tentacle could be seen underneath the skin, like something out of a science fiction movie.

Elizabeth’s horrified screams were muffled.

This wasn’t a movie. This was actually happening to her. This… *thing…* was real. And it was abusing her teen body, fucking her like a piece of meat.

Elizabeth’s eye’s rolled back in her head. Spit mixed with the creature’s juices seeped out of her mouth, dripping from her lips. Her mind was murky and grey. How long had it been happening? Being held up and ruined… it felt like hours…

The attack on her asshole was sending jolts of pain through her body as if a steel rail were being pushed into her and tearing her asunder. And, in her mouth, the bitterness of this thing, making her retch and gag, the oxygen slowly draining from her. Her arms went limp. The fighting stopped. The tentacles held her up like a ragdoll; an abused toy that had been designed for *her* pleasure.

The tentacles began to throb. A pulsing rhythm, going up the veiny flesh and into Elizabeth’s insides.

Something like a smile crossed across *her* bald head. Was *she* feeling pleasure?

Elizabeth felt the creature explode inside her. A thick goo, the consistency of warm syrup, shooting inside her and sticking to her insides like a glue.

It stopped. *She* pulled her tentacles out of the abused teen and unapologetically dropped her on to the hard concrete. Elizabeth curled up into a ball and murmured something under her breath… a plea? Calling for her father to save her? Or was it just an unintelligible gabble, a mix of jumble words that made no sense. Elizabeth’s ability to speak had left her, as had most of her bodily functions.

The creature stood over her, examining her victim, like an artist after finishing a masterpiece.

*No more fighting.*

*It’ll all be over soon, young one.*

A tentacle caressed Elizabeth. Touching her shivering leg through the fishnet.

*Such a healthy girl.*

*So young…*

*Yes… this body will do perfectly.*

The monster moved forward, and the tentacles enveloped Elizabeth, too broken to scream. *Her* torse arched over, bringing *herself* face to face with Elizabeth, *her* dark purple eyes staring into the girl’s soul.

*This form… I’ve been like this for eons. I have seen your pathetic little species evolve from monkeys. Seen your dirty little world morph and change with the wind. This form… is old. This form… is frail.*

*It is time for an upgrade. And you… my dear girl, will do perfectly.*

The bald head started to contort, to move in unimaginable ways. Like the flesh was being scrunched up, compacting into itself, over and over again, until it didn’t resemble a face anymore at all. This strange effect started to happen over the creature’s torso and tentacles.

Elizabeth found the strength to scream again, letting out a shriek as the monster folded itself up into one long tentacle on top of her, pinning her down to the ground.

This horrific process went on for another five minutes, and all Elizabeth could do was cry in terror. Eventually, this new, singular tentacle began to move towards Elizabeth’s face, slivering over her naked torse and squishing her breasts. It was an unholy sight, as it forced its way into her mouth. She tried to fight it, to grab onto the bulbous creature and pull it away, but her arms had no strength left and all she could do was pathetically bat at it with the palms of her hands.

It shouldn’t have been able to fit… but it did.

It slowly slid down her throat, her neck bulging to unnatural lengths, the flesh protruding in all the wrong directions. Under the soft skin of her chest, you could see it. A lump moving around, exploring her insides. It got to her stomach, and Elizabeth started to shake uncontrollably. Convulsing and foaming from the mouth, her eyes again rolling back in their sockets. Her arms and legs scraped across the cold ground in abnormal movements. A bizarre puppet with no strings.

Then she went limp. The bulge in her stomach disappeared, and she fell into an endless prison.


The man turned his car onto the drive and switched the engine over.

He sat disappointed, his hands still gripping the wheel. Five UBER rides and none of them had been worth bringing back to *her.* Three of them had been middle-aged guys, one had been an old couple. The last ride of the night had been an attractive older woman, who he had considered bringing with him, but he knew *she* only wanted the young ones.

Stepping out of the car, he stretched. Maybe tomorrow, he thought. Tomorrow he could drive around the airport and find some young foreign students. The type of people who wouldn’t be missed when they disappeared. A cute little Asian teen? He’d always wanted to fuck a Japanese girl… yes, the airport was a good idea.

The man went inside and into the kitchen. He got a cool beer from the refrigerator and took a long drink from it. He was horny and angry with himself that hadn’t found a suitable candidate tonight. That blonde chick he’d fucked in the ass last month was on his mind, and he was desperate for some more teen ass.

He felt his cock stiffen when he saw that the padlock on the door to the basement was on the floor, and the door was ajar.

‘The fuck…?’ He put the beer down on the counter and went over to investigate. The door creaked open and he placed his foot on the first step.


*Elizabeth* stood in the centre of the basement. She looked down at her hands, stretching her fingers, then started caressing herself. Moving her hands over her breasts, the perky nipples, down over her soft belly and her pussy.

She smiled, happy with her new form.

‘Yes.’ She said, ‘This body will serve me well.’

*Where am I? Oh god…*

‘Be quiet, young one. I’m in control now.’

*I can’t move… why can’t I move…’*

‘Quiet.’ *Elizabeth* snapped.

A footstep on the stairs. *Elizabeth* turned to see the man creeping down. The man who had kept her locked in a box for the last five years, the man who let her impregnate the pretty young girls after he’d had his way with them.

‘What the fuck?’ He said when he saw *Elizabeth,* naked except for the fishnets. ‘Who the fuck are you? How did you get in here?’

*Elizabeth* didn’t reply and stayed still.

The man examined her for a moment, then smiled devilishly. ‘You’ve made a big mistake, bitch.’ He circled her, taking in her naked body. ‘I’m gonna make you pay for breaking in… then I’ll introduce you to my friend.’ He raised his hand to her, ‘But first… you’re gonna suck my cock-’

*Elizabeth*’s arm shot up and grabbed his wrist with inhuman speed and strength. He let out a scream as she tightened her grip, and he fell to his knees.

‘I have had enough of you.’ *Elizabeth* said calmly. ‘Keeping me locked away. Leaving me the girls you’ve already ruined… like giving scraps to a dog.’

He looked up, the horror of realization falling over his face. ‘Y-you? H-h-how?’

*Elizabeth* smirked, ‘Do you like my new form? Pretty little thing is she not? I had to break her before I could take control… but it was worth it. She’s still in here, somewhere. Cowering in the deepest corners of her mind… she’ll be forced to watch as I use her body in all sorts of horrid ways.’

*No… no… this isn’t real.*

‘Shut it.’ *Elizabeth* said to herself, then turned back to the man. ‘So, it leaves me with one question.’ She moved closer, ‘What do I do with you?’

‘Please…’ He said, ‘I sorry I kept you down here… Please don’t hurt me…’

*Elizabeth* pondered for a second. ‘You were going to use this body? Before you knew it was me… Very well then.’ She grabbed his shoulders in one violent movement and pushed him to the ground. Pinning him with her unnatural strength, she climbed on and straddled him with her legs.

‘What are you doing…’ He said, fear taking his voice to a higher pitch.

‘Is this not what your pathetic species enjoys?’ *Elizabeth* reached down and ripped open the zipper of his trousers. ’I want to understand why.’

*Elizabeth* tore the fabric of his boxers and pulled out his cock, still hard from when he was planning to rape her. She stroked it quickly, then lowered herself down on it, pushing it into her ruined asshole.

*No please it hurts… please… stop…*

The tiny voice was ignored by *Elizabeth,* who quickly started bouncing up and down on the hard cock, feeling it tear and stretch her new hole.

The man pushed at her thighs, trying to throw her off, but *Elizabeth* grabbed both his wrists and forced them above his head. She leaned down, still moving her ass up and down, and said, ‘Isn’t this what you enjoy? All those young girls you bring back and brutalize? Is this not what you want?’

The man didn’t reply. He turned his head away, trying to look anywhere but *Elizabeth’s* crazed gaze.

*Please… I can’t… Stop…*

*Elizabeth* continued to ignore her new body’s previous owner and started to grind herself on his dick, feeling every inch of his throbbing cock inside her, feeling it begin to throb and twitch.

The man’s involuntary orgasm came hard and fast. His thick seed shooting deep inside *Elizabeth*, spilling out of her hole and staining his trousers.

*Elizabeth* stopped her brutal riding and looked deep into his eyes, the light fading, his breath getting course and slow, before stopping completely. She felt his heartbeat with the palm of her hand, a non-existent movement. His life-force draining, and eventually ending.

*Elizabeth* rose to her feet, her victim’s seed leaking down her thigh and getting caught on the fishnets.

*Oh… god… Is he dead? You killed him…*

*Elizabeth* smiled, *‘*No. *We* killed him. He was going to rape you anyway, just like he raped hundreds of other girls. Don’t cry for him, dear. We’ve only just started.’

She stepped over the man’s still corpse and went up the stairs. She left the house and walked down the gravel driveway, the stones rough on her bare feet. The dawn sun was rising over the empty street and there was a cool chill in the breeze.

*Elizabeth,* wearing nothing but tattered fishnets, walked down the sidewalk towards the city. Towards civilization, where there would be hundreds of girls for her to use.

**THE END.**



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