My girlfriend’s cock is bigger than mine (MTS | anal | bj | exhibitionism )

My girlfriend’s cock is bigger than mine.

I met my girlfriend on the beach, of all places. I had come out of a bad relationship a few months prior, unsurprisingly related to my tiny cock. My then girl just got bored of it I guess, but it might have been my constant bitching and self inflicted deprecation, who knows. In any case I met Cassandra at the beach.

She was on a lazy chair sunbathing and I was playing with my dog. I threw his ball but the wind caught it and fell next to her. She was startled when a huge hyperenergetic golden retriever jumped at her searching for it. I ran to apologize and had to grab Mr Woofer by the collar.

“Sorry miss,” I said, she was shockingly beautiful, long dark hair, big puffy lips with a smile waiting to shine, dark green-brown eyes, a huge pair of tits that she showcased to all to see on a tied two part bikini, and between her legs, the largest bulge I had seen on a girl outside of the internet.

“Don’t worry pretty boy,” she said winking and started to pet my dog, “whose a nice boi? eh? whose a nice boi?” She said while petting him.

“Umh, hi,” I awkwardly said, she took her eyes out of the dog and smiled at me, “I’m Jonathan, people call me Jon.” I extended a hand to her. She kept smiling looking up at me from her lower point of view. “Nice to meet you Jon,” she took my hand and grabbed it stronger using me to pull herself up. “Name’s Cassandra.”

She was taller than me, she was all better than me, just by what her bulge said. And she wasn’t even erect yet.

“Always get your dog to do your wingman work Jon?” She winked at me, her prescense was overwhelming. It was like being next to a greek goddess.

“What? No! I… It was an accident I swea–” She interrupted me by laughing, “Relax pretty boy,” she repeated her compliment of earlier. Her hand went to my shoulder and she gently shooked it. “I’m teasing you Jon.”

I relaxed a bit. “Oh, well, I’m sorry. I’m sure you get people all over you all the time.” She laughed again a took her hair out of her face while getting her other hand to her navel side, once her hair was out of her face she used the same hand to signal her cock and said, “you’d think that, pretty boy, but most get scared away by this monster right away.” She shook my shoulder again after I kept my eyes under there for a long while. She laughed again, “Like what you see Jon?”

I gulped and went back to her face, she had her beautiful smile back at it again. “I mean,” I started, “I mean, it’s bigger than mine by a lot.” She started laughing again. She shook my shoulder one more time, it looked like she was fond of handling people around, a thing I would learn to love in the upcoming years. I kept going, “But still, you’re stunning either way.”

“Oh Jon, do you want me to get in your pants eh?” she smiled again, her boobs shaked rather unnaturally, they were obviously implants and rather larger than most, but they didn’t look out of place on her large build. She laughed again when I blushed and looked away.

We kept talking for a while after that, about random things, but she kept teasing me and asking me if I wanted to fuck her a few times, each time it got easier to say yes. By then my own penis was harder than it had been on a long time, but it could be hardly noticed under my bathing suit. Hers on the other hand had started to grow chubbier and chubbier, first her head poking out of the bikini, but midway our conversation her cock was half out, uncut and glistening, on the sun, her cock head was red as apples and her balls just pocked out of the bottom. She was so big.

I simply stared at a point. I couldn’t do anything else. It was impressive to say at least. The most perfect cock.

“So Jon,” she said shaking my shoulder for the umpteen time in our conversation, “Do you wanna fuck or what?”

That’s how I met my girlfriend.


The first time me and my girlfriend had sex was the same day we met. She walked me up the beach holding my hand. Her cock flopped all the way, slapping up and down her bikini bottoms, we got stares all the way up the walkaway by other girls and dudes, some winked and did finger guns toward us. Mr Woofer followed us happily all the way.

When we reached the hotel’s reception we got some looks from the receptionist, but she was bussy talking to a business suit woman and couldn’t really say them anything, not that she really cared anyway. The business woman looked back at them and saw Cassandra’s cock out and opened her eyes further but then turned and kept talking to the receptionist about something or other, that wasn’t even the most remotely weird thing she’d seen in this city, after all you don’t make an exclusive adult oriented resort with strong prohibition of minors without a reason. This was a free sex resort.

Cassandra walked me toward the elevator and pushed the button, then Mr Woofers came and the receptionist said that we should leave him in the hotel’s kennel, no pets allowed on the rooms. So we left my dog with the carer, who looked up and down at Cassandra and me and winked at me when he though she wasn’t looking.

“People think you got quite a catch,” she said to me when we got back.

“Oh… I think it too,” I said to her. She grabbed me stronger on a side hug, “Oh, I’m gonna FUCK you,” she said laughing. My tiny cock got even harder, I could probably cut diamonds with it. We got to the elevator and she pushed the number six, “I got room nine,” She winked at me. “Nice,” I responded.

I turned around, she was wearing flip flops and still my eyes were around her lips, I looked up at her and jumped to her lips. Her hands went to my back and she pulled me up, my lips were on fire, her’s were water, I couldn’t keep out of the lock that had formed among them. I drank from her lips, from her tongue, my hands found her butt and I grabbed it with both of them. It was soft and squishy. The elevator pinged and the door opened, an elderly lady got in carrying a leash from where two twentysomething girls where tied and looked at us. She smiled and stood at a side. We relented on our kissing and stood hastily to the other side. Cassandra’s cock was all over the place, no longer contained by the least by the fabric of the bikini. “Mistress Jessica,” Cassandra said to the woman, “Cassandra,” She responded with a nod and a smile, “got yourself a good one?” she asked. “We’ll see, have some hopes so far,” I started blushing to the side and shifted a little. Mistress Jessica laughed and nodded again, “Have fun you too” she said when our floor finally arrived.

We got to room 69.

As soon as the door closed she took off the top of the bikini, her huge tits flopped down heavily, my head went immediately toward them and I frothed them all over my face, my mouth going directly toward her hard nipples and slowly licking them all around. I couldn’t get over the idea that I was dreaming. I stood back a few paces and just looked at her in all her glory.

“take off your pants,” she said. I blushed, my tiny cock had always been my worst fear, how people react to it means everything and I read too much on my own value as a man from it, again, now from years of being the boyfriend of a girl whose cock is an order of magnitude bigger than mine I can say I read too much into it, but back then it was everything, so I took some time to do it, she never hurried me tho, letting me took my time. After mustering will for a a while I looked back at her and saw her smiling at me, her glorious cock hanging erect, her round tits glistening with the sweaty remains of my licking. I took my bathing suit and threw it at a side. My tiny cock had receeded with the fear and anxiety, but it was growing to it’s little power back again.

She dropped to her knees right there and put it all in her mouth without saying a word. I was shocked, but my little soldier responded to attention immediatelly and I was back at full erection in seconds. I have to say too, that to some regret I also came almost one minute into it. I had been getting aroused for the last hour or so, so don’t judge me. It was so much cum. Ropes after ropes of it, I couldn’t believe it, I had never came so hard before. It started in her mouth, but soon she took it out and ropes of cum covered her whole face and hair. She kept playing with my balls and liking my tiny friend over and over while i came. My legs fainted and i had to grab the side of a table to avoid falling down.

“Holy shit pretty boy,” she said, her face like a bukake actress, “you were pent up or what?” I nodded. “It’s been a while.” She laughed again, getting up and scooping cum from her face into her mouth, smearing the rest all over her tits. I couldn’t believe how erotic she was, even after cumming like a hose I just wanted to keep going. She took my face and gave me a wet kiss, I could feel the goops of cum still sloshing around and she started to share my own cum with me while we exchanged saliva. I could feel the sticky substance in her huge tits too, and her pocking cock pushing mine to a side.

Her penis was so big that I could feel it pocking at my ass from the front, “I’m going to fuck you now,” she said to my ear. I shivered. “Yes, okay,” I just agreed. She went to the room and came back with a large bottle of lube, it was almost as big as her cock. A measuring unit i’d be using from now on to her amusement. She grabbed me and turned me around, like if I weighted nothing, and pushed my legs appart kicking them with her feet. Squirted a large amount of lube on her hand and started to smear it around my asshole. She kept adding more and more, slowly inserting a finger at first, but then she placed the nooze of the lube bottle up there and squirted a hard pump, I reacted surprised feeling the cold liquid go far up my ass in a second, she kept nudging more and more lube while using more and more fingers to strecth my hole. Finally she gave me as kiss on an asscheek and said, “you’re as reddy as yallbe.”

She stood up and put her hand on my back, slowly caressing me, “are you ready pretty boy?” She asked, I was about to say yes when she pushed it in.

The world stopped for a second.

I could feel the head of her cock just resting there, filling me up like nothing had ever done. For some reason I started to cry, not pain, no, it was a feeling of completion, of oneness. I felt like i had found something i had been missing my whole life.

I always knew I needed a big cock to be happy.

I just didn’t knew it didn’t had to be mine.

And then she started to push it further. It was painful, but not unbearable, she kept pushing and pushing, when my mind said that she couldn’t be so big she kept going. And then i felt her balls hitting my cock. She bend over and kissed my neck, “easy pretty boy,” she said at my ear, “now the fun starts.” I could feel her massive tits on my back and the heat of her body. She pulled out almost completely and pushed back in, the whole process repeated, again, and again. Slowly. Filling me completely. And then her rythm started to accelerate. My mind went away. I was on pure bliss. I could feel my tiny cock trembling each time her balls slapped mine, she pulled my hair up and turned my head so we could kiss. It was awkward, awkward as fuck you could say. She let me go and picked up even more faster pace. Pumping and pumping. I dissapeared, I only existed for her to obtain pleasure. And then, after long enough I lost track, she pushed full up my ass, her whole cock pulsating and getting even bigger, she started to cum, over and over again. If i had cum incredibly before hers was like floodgates opening, so much warm goo filled my ass for almost a minute. She kept her cock up my ass while she layed on my back, her breasts pushing and transmitting heat, her lips kissing my face.

When she finally removed herself from me i could feel the slushing cum dripping out my gaped hole. She turned me around and kissed me again, her wet cock on my leg, now chubby but not erect anymore. She pulled me up the table and i couldn’t stand properly, my legs failing me now with my asshole destroyed. She laughed and pulled me up, walking with me toward the bathroom’s shower.

That was the moment i knew i’d do anything for her, my girlfriend cock is bigger than mine, and I love her.


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