Her Name was Natalie (part 5) [Ffm]

We had been laughing and giggling the whole way, walking towards Ashta’s small house. Our high spirits came in part because of the prank we had pulled on Kevin, Natalie’s ex who had thrown her out of their apartment. The prank was petty, even a little cruel, and probably a little unwarranted, since Natalie had cheated on him with me. But we didn’t care. As far as we were concerned, he got what he deserved. And of course, we all knew what was going to happen now. Natalie wore a light summer dress, almost sheer when the sun hit it, with nothing underneath. Both my and Ashta’s hands had wandered underneath it from time to time, squeezing her ass or caressing her pussy. The more we did, the more sultry Natalie became, and the wetter she got. Occasionally, she would flip up the hem of her dress, exposing herself to us and to anyone who happened to pass by. Ashta wore a pant suit cut so deep it only just covered her nipples and her navel. Passing by an alley, she had ducked in. We had followed dutifully, to find her waiting with her breast exposed. Without needing to be told, Natalie and I both took a nipple into our mouths, caressing with our tongues and biting softly. Ashta’s moans echoed through the alley. She pushed our heads away, covered her breasts again and strode out of the alley, everything perfectly normal. I looked at Natalie, her mouth agape and her breath coming quickly. All the built-up arousal flowed into a long, sloppy, passionate kiss. I grabbed a breast just as she grabbed my cock through my sweat pants.

“Well, now,” Ashta called from the entrance to the alley, “having fun without me? You two clearly need to be disciplined. Come along.”

She turned around and walked away. Natalie and I exchanged a glance, mirth and hunger on our faces, before hurrying after her. By the time we arrived at her house, there was a dark spot on my pants, and I noticed glistening lines running down Natalie’s legs. Ashta fished a key from her clutch.

“While I’m going upstairs to freshen up, you are going to go into the bathroom and make sure you are both clean. When I get back, you will be waiting in the living room to receive a punishment for your indiscretion.” Her voice was stern, but there was delight written all over her face. She opened the door and walked inside. “Oh,” she said, casually looking over her shoulder, “exactly one orgasm for each of you.”

I glanced up and down the street. There was no one in sight. Stepping behind Natalie, I slid my hand under her dress and stroked her with a single finger, first gathering her juices before circling her clit. She leaned back into me with a sigh.

“I could make you come right here, on the doorstep”, I whispered in her ear. “Is that what you want?”

“I want to please you.”

My finger trailed past her pussy to her asshole. The moment I touched it, she started pushing back into me.

“You’re such a good little pet.” My finger slipped inside of her; she gasped softly. “I’m going to make you feel good.” With my other hand I undid the button at the base of her neck and pulled the zipper down. “And you’re going to make me feel good.” I took a step back, pulled my hand away and let her dress fall to the ground. “Go to the bathroom”, I said and gave her a resounding smack on her ass.
She seemed frozen to the spot for a moment, her whole body shivering almost imperceptibly. Then she exhaled slowly.

“Don’t keep me waiting”, she said, and went inside.

I adjust my cock in my pants. How did I get this lucky?

The bathroom was small, but felt luxurious, with a walk-in rain shower and low lighting bathing the room in a very soft pink. Natalie sat on the floor on her knees, hands in her lap, looking up at me in a way that made me throb. I considered her for a moment, pushing down my urge to simply flip her over and take her. No doubt we both wanted it, but now was not the time. As I took of my clothes, my eye fell on a small box sitting next to the sink. I put my shoes and clothes on a pile to the side and grabbed it. Ashta had clearly planned something.

“Use your mouth.” I didn’t look at her, my attention still on the box. She bent forward, her lips enveloping me in an instant. I immediately felt my orgasm bubble up. My hips shot backwards. “Easy there,” I said, “only one orgasm, remember?”

She let go, shot me a knowing smile, then slowly ran her tongue along the underside of my upright erection. I gave a small shudder. Lifting the lid, my eyes went wide. My heart thumped in my chest as I picked up the first item my eye had fallen on. There could be no doubt that this rubber butt plug was meant for me; the end of it connected to a cock ring. Inspecting the toy, I couldn’t help but feel a little intimidated. Its girth was slightly bigger than mine, so more on the modest side, while it was a bit shorter, but this would be the first time anything other than a finger penetrated me. I swallowed hard, both aroused and anxious. Putting it aside for now, I focused on the other items. These seemed to be tailored more towards Natalie. A small metal plug, two nipple clamps, a black leather collar, and blood red lingerie. My cock twitched, slapping Natalie lightly against her cheek. She giggled. I placed the box back on the counter with a smile and replaced the lid, before pulling her to her feet. Brushing her hair from her face, I was struck by how happy and relaxed she looked. A far cry from our first meeting. I took hold of her shoulders and turned her around. My cock fit snugly between her cheeks as I pressed her against me. She let her head fall back onto my shoulder, exposing her neck to me. I kissed it and took a nipple between two fingers. She started to grind against me, moaning softly, as I pinched and pulled. I licked my way upward and softly bit her earlobe. With my other hand I cupped her pussy, letting a finger glide inside of her.

“I’m going to wash you now,” I said, “thoroughly. Go turn on the shower.”

A drop of precum slid from the small of her back to her ass as she did so. I grabbed a washcloth from the counter. Once the water had heated up, she stepped under the rain shower and turned to me. Still resisting the urge to simply take her, I held the washcloth under the jets and poured some shower gel on it.

“Chin up.”

The water splashed on her face. I washed her neck, her throat, then went to her shoulder and down her arm, rubbing the rough fabric slowly over her skin. My hand closed around her wrist and I lifted her arm, making sure I got every spot. As I raised her other arm, she brought her head back down. There was a small smile on her lips that vanished as the cloth moved to her chest. I circled her breast, closer and closer to her nipple, and her lips parted, her tongue flitting out. I moved lower, skirting her mound before going past her thigh to her knee. Lifting a foot, I made sure the soap got everywhere, then started on the other leg.

“Turn around, hands against the wall, legs apart”, I said, putting the other foot back down.

She did so without hesitating. I took my time with her back, half washing, half massaging. She let her head hang forward. I could just hear her low moans over the sound of the water. At her lower back, after grabbing and lifting her cheeks one after the other, I ran the cloth through her cleft. She shuddered, clearly still close. Reaching for the small shower head, I only noticed that it was not at all standard as I pulled it from its mount. Long and thin, it looked like a silvery dildo with small holes around the tip. Its use was clear. I swallowed with some difficulty. Ashta clearly wanted us to be clean inside and out.

“Uhm, Nat?” My voice rang with uncertainty.

Natalie looked back with a frown that quickly morphed into a broad smile when she saw what I was holding.

“I’ve always wanted to try that!” She shut off the overhead shower and turned down the temperature. “Don’t worry,” she went on, my hesitation probably clear on my face, “use a little shower gel as lube, make sure the water isn’t too hot and don’t use too much at a time.”

“At a time?” I was still trying to get my head around it.

She grinned and turned the water on. Water flowed from the head.

“Why don’t you relax me a little first?” She turned back to me, bending her knees a little.

My fingers knew what to do, caressing her labia through her legs, then spreading her wetness between her cheeks, until my thumb found her rosebud. She started panting as I rubbed around it with as much pressure as I could without slipping in. Her hips ground against me, wanting more than this modest touch. Shutting off the water again, I took the shower gel and applied it to the head before placing it where my thumb had been. My other hand snaked under her arm to rest lightly around her neck, in an attempt to reassert my control.

“Ready, pet?”

She nodded. As I pushed the metal rod into her, she exhaled and I felt her relax. After a moment, I let go of her neck and put my hand on the faucet. I turned it slowly. The warm water started filling her and Natalie let out a low moan. I counted to ten in my head, then turned it closed. She breathed deeply a few times, then turned to me.

“I should go to the toilet, probably.”

Her words took a few seconds to register. Then my eyes widened as I understood, finally. Slowly I let the shower head slide out of her ass. She walked slowly to the toilet and sat down. I turned the water back on and quickly rinsed the metal, ignoring the gurgling sounds coming from the toilet. This felt decidedly unsexy, and my own rod had gone down. But I knew it would pay off. So when Natalie took her position against the wall again, I reapplied some shower gel and placed the shower head against her asshole. Taking hold of her chin, I turned her head and kissed her. My tongue grazed her lips and I pushed the metal inside of her. She gasped, opening her mouth. My tongue darted in. As we were making out, I blindly searched for the faucet. My hand closed around it and I turned it on again. The water filled her up and she moaned in my mouth. I counted to twenty this time. By the end, she had stopped kissing me, left to grunt open-mouthed. I pulled the showerhead out of her and she waddled to the toilet, her stomach showing a clear bulge. After expelling the water and wiping, she walked back into the shower.

“Once more, please”, she said. “The last one.”

Before she got into position again, I grabbed her arm.

“On your knees. Ass in the air.”

A shiver ran through her. Then she dropped to her knees and pressed her cheek to the floor of the shower. I took my time to admire the view, caressing her ass and letting my fingers brush past her swollen pussy. Grabbing the shower gel again, I squirted it straight on her rosebud this time and ran the dildo through it, coating it abundantly. The tip slid easily inside of her. I pushed it a little farther than before. She let out a soft sigh. When I turned on the water, her hips moved to slow, swaying rhythm. After a count of fifteen, I shut the water off and let the shower head slip out of her. Her asshole seemed to pulse.

“Go relieve yourself.”

She made to get up, but my hand landing hard on her ass stopped her with a shuddering groan.

“Crawl, pet.”

She turned around on her knees, awkwardly in the small space of the shower, gave me a bashful smile, then moved slowly towards the toilet. I rinsed the showerhead and placed it back in its wall mount. The thought of that tip touching my asshole gave me conflicting feelings. But it was what Ashta wanted, so of course I would. I turned on the rain shower and turned up the temperature. The hot water was deliciously relaxing. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back, letting the water wash over me. The lips on my flesh startled me, but only a little. Natalie sat on her knees in front of me, hands behind her back. She smiled when she caught my eye, my half hard cock resting on her outstretched tongue. It didn’t take her long to get me fully erect again and deep in her mouth. She pulled back coughing, the water streaming down her face.

“Clean me.”

In response, Natalie grabbed the washcloth, wrung it out and put some shower gel on it. She started rubbing my legs with it, from foot to groin. The feeling would have been purely relaxing, if her other hand didn’t start to stroke me at a languid pace, occasionally cupping my balls. Still on her knees, she began to wash my stomach and my chest. Once those were clean, she got up. After wiping my neck, she dropped the washcloth. Her fingers sought out my nipple and tweaked it, while she pulled back my foreskin as far as it would go. My lips opened to allow for my panting breath, but she pressed her mouth on mine. I felt my orgasm approaching as her tongue entered my mouth, but before it got that far, she pulled back.

“Why don’t you turn around?”

A few deep breaths allowed me to come back from the edge. I placed my hands against the wall and my feet apart. She washed my back and my arms with a speed that betrayed what she really wanted to do. This became clear when I felt a finger slip between my cheeks. It pressed against my rosebud, making small circles. Any tension I still felt, left me when her finger pushed inside. She fingered me slowly, stroking my cock at the same time. Before I could get too much into it, she pulled out. From the corner of my eye, I saw her shutting off the shower and grabbing the phallic shower head. I swallowed hard. She noticed my uneasy, and gently squeezed my buttocks.

“Don’t worry, you’ll love it. And so will Ashta.”

I let my head hang forward and tried to relax. Instead of a metal tip, however, something warm and wet touched my asshole. My cock twitched and I groaned, pushing back as she tongued my rosebud. A moment later, the showerhead slid into me. I was so relaxed that it happened smoothly. It felt slightly weird, but mostly I felt deliciously full.

“Now, this might feel a bit odd”, she said, and turned on the water.

She was right, but it was far from unpleasant, a slight pressure building in my abdomen. When she pulled the shower head out, I walked to the toilet and relieved myself.

“Ready for more?” Natalie asked when I got back into the shower.

I simply took my position against the wall again. She filled me up longer this time, the pressure more pronounced. After relieving myself again, I felt ready for the last one. When she pushed into me once more, my cock stiffened. I hadn’t expected to take to this quite as fast. Even more water filled me now, my stomach extending. This time I waddled to the toilet and remained there for almost a full minute, as everything sprayed out. Natalie turned the shower back on, and we cuddled under the warm water, both of us as clean as we were ever going to get, our hands wandering everywhere. As we rubbed and pinched, stroked and kissed, I felt myself nearing the edge again. Natalie was not far behind, judging from her panting breaths and soft moans. I grabbed her by her shoulders and turned her around. Holding her wrists behind her back with one hand, I pushed her face against the wall, softly. I pressed my hard cock down, between her legs. It slid between her labia, and we both groaned. It took everything I had not to bend her forward even more and just take her right then and there. But this was only the warm-up; and Ashta wanted us clean. So instead, I started rubbing my erection against her pussy. Immediately, she started giving little cries.

“Are you going to come for me, pet?”

She didn’t answer right away. I slapped her ass, leaving a bright red imprint. She only moaned in response. Grabbing her ass cheek, my thumb found her asshole and started massaging it.

“Are you going to come for me, pet?” I asked again.

“Ah! Yes! Yes, master!”

With those words, her knees buckled and she screamed. I released her arms and pulled her into me as she came, shuddering and moaning the whole time.

“So,” I said once she relaxed in my arms, “‘master’, huh?”

She grinned. “It just felt right. Do you mind?”

“Not at all, pet.” I turned her towards me and kissed her. “Now, clean your master’s cock.”

Without hesitation she got on her knees and took my cock, wet with her juices, in her mouth. I had been close already. When one hand sneaked below my balls to rub at my asshole, I felt myself careening towards the edge again. She pushed a finger inside of me just as I hit the back of her mouth. I grabbed her head; my vision whited out as came in her mouth for what seemed like ages, my toes curling and my muscles spasming. When it looked down, she gave me a big smile.

“Very well done, pet. Ready for the main course?”

“Are you, master?”

I swallowed hard, remembering the butt plug, and wondering what Ashta had in store.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hyqojv/her_name_was_natalie_part_5_ffm