The Field Exercise [M+F] [nc] [rape]

Samantha always knew she wanted to serve, following in the footsteps of her dad and grandpa. She had joined the JROTC, excelled athletically and academically, always pushing herself hard in pursuit of her dream. At 19 she was outside the door of the recruiter’s office ready to sign. Combat arms had just opened to females and she was excited to push herself even harder and break barriers. She signed on as an infantry solider and marked her calendar for basic training, counting her days down. At Basic and the later follow on school, she was almost always at the top. Pushing herself to succeed, she set her PT goals on the male standards vs the female. She struggled a bit at the follow on, the demands of the foot soldiers and weekly ruck marches wore on her but it just motivated her to do better and push harder.

Moving to her first unit was a much different story. She was the first female in what had been an all male unit. It was isolating at first, no other female to bunk with. The conversations that stopped dead when she walked by. The sense of extra pressure on her as something and someone different than the norm. She continued as she had in basic, pushing harder and taking on more. She asked the unit to grade her PT off the male standards and often spent extra time in the gym after duty hours.

Then her unit went to the field. A 4 week exercise to test their readiness and play against OPFOR, letting them put in play all the scenarios they had briefed in garrison. As was typical of the Army, Samantha, being the smallest, got her squad’s automatic weapon. Substantially heavier than the weapon she trained on in basic, the additional ammo belts and barrels tipped her ruck’s weight pretty close to her own body weight. She struggled the first week, always slowing up the ruck marches. So worn out her tasks at the end of the day were always slow and sluggish, prompting the ire of her sergeants. She could see the glares of the troops as she struggled to pull her weight.

It was the 8th day, she was assigned to a 0300 security shift and one of the 2 she was relieving kicked her awake 20 minutes before shift to get her shit ready. She stretched, blinking away the grogginess of sleep deprivation. She threw her blouse on and grabbed her gear and began picking her way through the dark. She went to lower her night vision monocular to see better but found the battery dead. “Shit” she mumbled…hopefully her partner had an extra. She struggled to see in the dark, even as her eyes adjusted. Then out of nowhere a hand came up, a sharp blow to the back of her head and she dropped to the ground seeing stars.

She was groggy when she came to. And something felt off….then the cool air hit and she realized she was completely naked, her clothing removed. She tried to scream out but the greasy rag stuffed in her mouth and secured with duct tape prevented anything more than a muffled noise. She tried to move but the rope bit into her ankles and wrists. She was bent over the hood of a Humvee, forced onto her tip toes. Ropes were anchored to driver and passenger doors and the 2 front tires leaving the poor thing spread and bound. “Good morning Private Smith.” she heard the commander’s voice. “It’s pretty clear you can’t do shit as an infantry troop. You’re a shining example to those admin dykes that we aren’t equal. You clearly don’t belong here. But the Army says you’re assigned to us, for now. So I have to find something you can do that’s useful to us.” He was behind her now, she could smell the musk of dried sweat and stale BO from the past 8 days that baby wipes and deodorant couldn’t erase. He was groping her tits hard as she whimpered and pleaded. “You’re now in charge of unit morale. We need to raise spirits and I think you’re exceptionally well qualified for that task. You’ll report every day here at 0600 and assume this uniform and this position and assist any troop needing their morale raised. Today we’re going to rotate the entire company through here to have a little fun…” He laughed sadistically, leaving her wide eyed as she added the numbers in her head…she began to sob. There were over 70 men in the company! 

The commander was roughly rubbing her pussy, then fingering her. He leaned in close and whispered in her ear, “I have a daughter your age. She knows better than to even think of joining. I told her the only women that join are dykes or whores. I don’t think you eat pussy, do you Smith? Yeah you’re a nasty little whore that likes getting dicked down….” his cock pressing against her tight lips he began to violate her as she screamed into her gag.

They left her bound and gagged to the truck for the next 18 hours as 105 men took turns on her.  They weren’t overly rough or brutal to the girl. It was almost matter of fact in the way the fucked her. Her mind raced when the Captain pulled away, leaving a trail of cum down her thighs. He was old enough to be her father! Her mind screamed, how could he treat her like this?! And he had a daughter! She thought of her own father, 25 years in before he retired. She began to cry softly but not from the rape as another soilder began taking his turn. She thought of her own father and began to wonder if he and his friends had done this. She retched a little as she thought of her daddy allowing his own men to do this. All the stories he told, how proud she was and how much she looked forward to her own service began to crumble. Her world was shattering.

She began to realize how silent things had become. Other than her own soft whimpers, sobs and occasional scream if something was especially painful the men raping her didn’t say much. Guttural grunts as they enjoyed her femininity, the tempo of their breathing getting quicker as they reached climax. Other than the act of violence that had brought her here there was little need for continued threats or physical punishment. She had realized quickly that any effort to fight or flee was worthless. Grossly out numbered she could be seriously hurt. They had collected cell phones, so there was no way to call home. And she knew the military structure well enough to know that when the commander raped her any hope was gone.

The one small mercy was that they could only go one at a time the way she was bound. She had heard stories of a another female private who was gangraped at a house party. She had even seen video, passed around the various cliques, of the poor girl being fucked 3 at once screaming in pain. Samantha found herself being thankful that her rape was far easier even knowing it was far from over, which only fucked with her head more.

As soon as one finished another would take his place. She began to drift in and out body and mind overwhelmed only to come awake to the sensation of being fucked. She would scream into the gag until her mind began to process and bring into the present. The nightmare was her present reality.

The first round finished. It took her a few minutes to realize they had stopped raping her. She could hear the rustling as they grabbed packs and weapons, heading off to relieve their comrades and let them
have some fun. Her pussy and ass ached from the violation. She felt degraded as the cum dripped down her thighs. No one had condoms. A fresh round of tears stained her cheeks as she lay her head on the hood and closed her eyes.

She felt hands on her and braced herself for another round but this was something different. They had filled a bucket with water and soap and began washing her. The water was cold but refreshing, though she felt embarrased feeling her nipples harden. They gently scrubbed her, washing the sweat and cum from her. It was a new and especially degrading feeling having someone else clean her, especially when they focused on her privates. She began to realize that it wasn’t for her sake that they were cleaning her. They were merely getting her ready for the next group. The cruel kindness was really breaking her. She was lost trying to process it. Then she realized what it reminded her of. The soliders were drilled and disciplined on maintaining their equipment. She was always amazed watching them carefully break down, clean and oil their weapons before they even considered food or sleep. She lay her head down, crying softly, as she realized this act marked her as little more than a piece of equipment. Something to be used hard but taken care of. They began to dry her off. The sun was up now and beating down on her. They began laying rags and other bits of cloth between her and the truck to keep her from getting burnt. She felt something cool on her back and realized they were rubbing sunscreen on her. If the rape hadn’t broken her yet this had completely dehumanized her. The undid her gag, pressing a canteen against her lips and she eagerly drank. She could hear foot steps approaching and braced herself for the next round.

*all characters 18+*
