The customs and rituals of the Kundalese people [Incest] [World-building] [Tribal] [Ritual] [Mom-Son]

Tradition has been a part of mankind for as long as we can remember. While some see it as superficial parts of human nature. A deeper look into traditions that have been carved into us over the course of many generations shows us their importance in making a society stand tall for ages.

The Kundali tribe are one very vested in tradition and customs that have been practiced for hundreds of years. Every male of the tribe is trained intensively as a warrior from the age of 6. Learning everything from raw fighting skills and combat strategy to how to survive on their own in the wilderness with nothing but nature to aid them. Once they become of age each male must face a test in which they are vetted in order to see whether they are worthy enough to become warriors.

Becoming a warrior is the most fundamentally important steps in a Kundali boys life. In fact, even in their language the word for “Man” And
“Warrior” are the same. The Kundalese do not believe that one can become a man without being a strong warrior as well. Meaning failure is not an option for these boys, otherwise a lifelong punishment awaits.

Once a boy passes the test to become a warrior, a huge celebration is held. One that honors the boy and his family and where the boy receives a warriors name. At night, the manhood rite will commence. The boy waits in his room as the boys mother is decorated in jewels and runes. After she is ready, the boys father will guide the mother by a collar and leash strapped around her neck as she crawls on her hands and knees to her sons room. Her body bare naked for all to see as she approaches his tent. Once inside, the father hands his son the leash, and explains to him both the responsibilities and the rewards that come with being a man.

The father then explains to the boy that his mother no longer has any authority over him. She must submit to his every request and the role of motherhood is now gone. She is now a dutiful servant to her son. She cannot speak out of line, deny any of his requests, or command him to do something any longer. She must now submit to him as he is her master.

Once this is explained the mother presents herself to her son, and vows never defy her sons new authority. For the rest of the night she and her son will be alone in his tent as he takes her body however he pleases. For the next few months, the boy has exclusive rights over his mother, meaning he is her only master. In order for everyone to know this a mark is painted upon her which is visible to everyone of the tribe, indicating her son is her exclusive master.

During this time the son can order his mother to do anything and she must oblige without hesitation. If he wished to display and share her to his friends then she must do so. Even if he wishes to walk her on her hands in knees bare naked in front of the village she is to do so.

This is only one aspect of kundali culture however. If the boy does not pass the trial to become a man for example, a completely different fate awaits him. A life of humiliation and being the lowest of the low in society.

I may go in detail about that in another post, and if anyone is curious about other aspects of the tribe, feel free to ask me any questions.
