Confessions of a (Sicilian) Lemon-Stealing Whore [FF]

Using a blunt knife, Alex cut two jagged slices from a lemon. She had picked the lemon herself, just that morning, while walking hand-in-hand with Rosa down a cobblestone street, wearing a cardigan that Rosa had lent her, since the mornings had been cold recently. She hoped that she had understood correctly: that the tree belonged to some distant relative or friend of Rosa’s family, and she hadn’t been goaded into committing a crime.

Alex dropped the uneven, wedge-like slices of lemon into a glass, added ice and chilled water from the fridge, and stirred the contents with her finger. Then she walked back through the terracotta living room, through a set of wood-and-glass doors and onto the patio at the rear of the house.

Rosa lay on a striped towel, spread on a small patch of grass next to the patio. She was naked, and Alex paused, glass in hand, to take in the contours of her body. She found it a little difficult to believe how, as the weeks of their relationship passed, she grew only more fascinated, more appreciative toward Rosa’s body. Her slender ankles were crossed; the peaks of her hip bones pointed straight upward. Her stomach rose and fell gently with her breathing, and Alex paused to note the tiny, macchiato freckle on the underside of her left breast; it had taken her some time to get close enough, in daylight, to see it, but now she took the time to kiss it every time she was near, always a worthy detour on the way to clasping her lips around a soft, pastel-pale nipple. Somehow, Rosa never seemed to tan all that much.

She was wearing her straw hat over her face, and with the gentle rise-and-fall of her torso, and the deep and unlaboured breathing issuing from underneath the hat, Alex wondered if Rosa was sleeping.

Alex stood over Rosa as she lay there, still and unmoving, her arms alongside her on the towel, her pale wrists turned upward to the sun. She put her fingers into the glass which she still held, moving carefully in order not to make any noise by clinking the cubes against the side, and plucked out a shard of glass. Holding it carefully between her fingers, she closed one eye, positioning it carefully three feet above Rosa’s belly button, and then dropped it.

The shard of ice bounced once, into the inner slope of Rosa’s hip, then slid down into the fine hair at the meeting of her thighs.

Rosa howled, loudly enough to echo around the slopes of the valley. She sat bolt upright, throwing the hat to one side, uncrossing and splaying her legs, flinging the piece of ice away from her and into a flowerbed.

‘*Che cazzo*!’

Squinting in the bright sunlight, her eyes taking a moment to adjust, Rosa shielded them with a hand curved across her forehead as she looked up at Alex. Alex shrugged and stuck out her tongue, and Rosa pouted.

‘*Piccola puttana*,’ Rosa said, but Alex could see that she was trying not to smile.

Alex sat down on the grass alongside Rosa, put her arms around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. Her hair was hot and sweet-smelling, and shining sunflower-yellow in the early afternoon light.

‘*Scusami, carina*,’ Alex said. ‘I won’t do it again.’

‘Better not,’ Rosa said, biting Alex gently on the neck. Alex squealed and manoeuvred Rosa back down onto the towel, on her back; letting her thigh fall in between Rosa’s, she kissed her.

Almost immediately, Rosa began playing with the shoulder strap of Alex’s dress. Alex felt strangely self-conscious, being fully dressed while Rosa was naked; she stood up again, and looked for a moment around them, listening intently, as if to confirm that there was nobody else around. Satisfying herself, she shrugged out of the two straps, pulled the dress down over her breasts and her hips, and allowed it to fall to the floor at her feet. Wearing only her sky-blue lace panties, she lay back down alongside Rosa.

They lay face to face, Alex’s right arm and Rosa’s left bundled awkwardly underneath them, their legs entwined, a tiny drop or two of cool water now pressed between them. Rosa ran her fingers sweetly through Alex’s hair and kissed her, and Alex sighed, settling into the way Rosa’s lips felt, the way the towel was warm and slightly scratchy underneath them, the sound of occasional birdsong echoing in the valley. She closed her eyes.

A moment later, she felt the weight shift between them, a little bit of pressure applied to the front of her shoulder, and she was on her back. Rosa sat on her hips, then took Alex’s hands and placed them by her sides, underneath Rosa’s knees. She kissed Alex again, and then she reached for the glass of ice and water which sat on the glass near to them. Looking down at Alex with the glass in her hand, she smiled and widened her eyes.

Alex shrieked and wriggled underneath Rosa’s weight, only half serious. She tried to pull her arms free, but Rosa slightly increased the pressure on her hands.

‘No, please!’ she said. ‘*Ti prego*!’

‘*Calma, piccola*,’ Rosa said, so gently that Alex stopped struggling.

Rosa took a long, luxurious mouthful from the glass, the condensation beading on its outside and running between her fingers. Alex watched her throat move as she swallowed, saw the cool water glistening on her lips as Rosa bent forward to kiss her deeply. Her lips were icy cold, cold enough that Alex’s own began immediately to feel numb, and her tongue pushed eagerly into Alex’s mouth, cold and wet and affectionate, tasting just slightly of lemon.

‘*Non è bello*?’ Rosa said, as she straightened back up. Alex wanted to reach out and touch Rosa; to grasp her hips firmly in her hands, to run her thumb over the freckle beneath her nipple, to grasp the back of her neck and pull her down to kiss her again. But with her hands pinned in place, Rosa’s weight gently but firmly holding her down—her pubic hair tickling slightly against Alex’s lower stomach—Alex could do nothing but look back up at her and nod meekly.

Rosa tipped the glass into her mouth again, and this time Alex saw her take in a large cube of ice. She sucked it, rolling it around her mouth, for a moment or two, then let it fall from her mouth and back into the glass.

Alex bit her lip as Rosa leant toward her again; Rosa’s hair brushed the sides of her face, and Alex inclined her head upward as though to kiss her. Smiling, Rosa changed course at the last moment, leaning down to Alex’s right nipple and running her tongue in a wide circle around its outside. Alex gasped: Rosa’s tongue felt shockingly cold, and she felt her whole upper body shiver and begin to be covered with goosebumps as her nipple hardened at the touch of Rosa’s mouth. Just as Alex began to relax and enjoy the sensation, Rosa took her nipple between her freezing lips, sucking on it hard as Alex exhaled deeply.

Rosa ran her tongue over Alex’s breasts and nipples until it was warm, and then she drew away. This time, Alex succeeded in freeing her arms, and she reached hungrily for Rosa’s body, clutching her hair and neck and trying to pull her close enough to kiss.

Rosa shook her head sternly, and laid a finger across Alex’s lips as she opened them to protest. She kept her finger there as she reached into the glass still alongside them, then took out another cube of ice and began applying it to Alex’s body. She ran the ice down the side of Alex’s neck, and Alex yelped and tried to shrug away. She ran it in circles around each of Alex’s nipples, and even though she could, now, have pushed Rosa away, she screwed up her face, enduring the cold and focusing instead on the tingling sensations which were shooting through her and beginning to make their way between her legs. As if again she could read Alex’s thoughts, Rosa ran the ice down her stomach, dragging it through her belly button and into the sloping insides of her hips. She ran the ice slowly up one of Alex’s inner thighs and then the other, then she put the ice in her mouth, pulled Alex’s panties down and threw them onto the patio.

Alex eagerly allowed her legs to fall apart. Closing her eyes against the sun and shielding them with her hand, she settled her head back onto the towel and the grass beneath it, and felt Rosa’s cool breath on her upper thighs and the lips of her cunt. A second later, Rosa’s tongue, shockingly cold again, drew a thin and hungry line which started in the millimetres between the openings of her cunt and her ass, slicked through her lips and finished at the top of her clit. Again Alex gasped, and again she wasn’t sure whether her instinct was to jerk rapidly away from the cold, or to grab Rosa’s hair and greedily demand more of her tongue.

Again Rosa’s tongue dipped into the valley of her asshole, again it drew a lingering, soft and flattened stroke along the slit of her cunt. As Rosa continued to lick her, Alex felt her tongue gradually warm, until no hint of cold remained, the ice having melted in her mouth amidst her own wetness and warmth. Wondering if Rosa was done getting her back for her earlier transgression, she threw back her head as she felt Rosa’s lips around her clit, the gentle suction and pressure of her tongue overwhelming her, until she let out a moan which must surely have echoed from one end of the valley to the other.
