Something Huge

Author’s Note: This story will contain very large cocks, breasts, and balls. If you do not enjoy large cocks, balls, and breasts please read something else. With that out of the way let the story begin.

Amy was waking up and started rubbing her eyes. She had felt a stain like a wet spot when she woke up and found that a tent had been formed. She was very surprised at what she saw so she pulled off her blanket to find her panties had snapped and a 12 in cock lay in front of her. Her new cock was accompanied by orange sized balls. She was baffled at what she saw. Now Amy wasn’t your average girl. She was what you’d call a hyper. Now Amy was born with a disease called hyperism. Hyperism is a disease that in recent years has given many people either huge dick(s), breasts, and or ass. She had huge breasts already with an ass that stretched over 80 in around. Now the world today has many futanaris with males being rare to find. Atleast 40% of the world’s population is made up of hypers with women taking 50% of the world’s population. The other 10% comes from males. With that in mind, only 30% of the population is affected by this disease. Hyperism is not harmful to the body but does increase the libido of a person. Now Amy attends one of many schools made for hypers like her. For hypers, cumming in public was no big deal as they had a pass to cum whenever they pleased so the smell of cum or a flood of breast milk was normal to people. Now Amy was one of the biggest breasted girls in her school and even possibly the entire world. Her breasts now were larger than yoga balls. Though her ass was not as big it would still put most women and futas to shame. And now she some extra parts were added on to her. She now sported a cock 12 in long and 6 in thick with her new balls. Now this cock would he called small compared to her classmates but that was all gonna change. A huge lust to jack off over came Amy and she began to vigorously move her hands up and down her shaft. She soon came but what surprised her was that her cock was somewhat bigger. She wrapped her hands around her shaft and it felt thicker and from her guesstimation she was atleast past 2 feet long. Her balls were larger than soccer balls now and her breasts seemed to have also grown but it didn’t make that much of a difference. Then the urge to come again appeared in her head. She then started to cum and cum for what felt like forever. Luckily, it was the weekend so she didn’t need to attend school. Her room was now soaked in cum with her cum now almost at her knees. Even after cumming her cock still did not calm down. Her cock was now over 6 feet long and 3 feet thick with her balls now resting on the floor being larger than her breasts. Her cock wanted more to needed more. Her cock then began to get larger at the thought of being larger with her breasts now the size of a car. She then heard something break. When she looked up her massive pole had broken through her roof and was thicker than anything she had ever seen. Her breasts had filled her room now and she was sandwiched in her massive breasts. Now her breasts were rubbing against her massive rod and it started to cum. This caused her breasts to break her room and her balls to break the back of her house with her cock now 60 meters long and 30 meters thick. With her excessive cumming and breasts growing, making her cock sink into the softness of her breasts. This in turn, caused a huge growth spurt from being 60 meters long and 30 meters thick to past 200 miles long and 100 miles thick. Her meat sceptor then fell flat on some land. This was a city and it was demolished by the sheer weight of her cock. Her cock began to grow and grow now past 5,000 miles long and around 2,500 miles thick. Her balls had reached an unimaginable size of being over 3,000 miles across. Her breasts soon grew and grew and were larger than her balls and all you could see was a massive cock paired with country destroying balls along with gargantuan sized breasts. She grew and grew and soon her balls were larger than earth itself. Her monstrous cock now was past 40 million light years long and 20 light years thick (a light year is around 6 trillion miles). Her cock, balls, and breasts now grew infinitely, with her now feeling pleasure each day.

The End
