[M]y cousin’s wedding: I had to have her first – India; true story (Pt. 3)

[Part 2 ](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hwdybk/my_affair_with_my_cousin_after_that_night_at_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)

Till now you’ve read how my cousin sister and I met in a family function, one thing led to another, and we got sexually intimate while sharing a bed and blanket. After coming home, I received a barrage of messages from her where she admitted her true feelings, which were reciprocated by me. I had also gotten to know that actual intercourse between us hadn’t happened, which heightened my want for her even more.

We began a long distance affair, which had lots of phone sex, sexting and sharing of media files. I lost my virginity in college and went on to have sexual relations with quite a few partners but could never get her out. Eventually I did, as life took me ahead, and slowly our interaction stopped.

Then in 2018, I got to know of her wedding.

Now let’s read further.

Her wedding had been fixed for December that year. I quickly texted her number, congratulating her, as my thoughts took me back in time to that night, almost 4 years ago. She was not even 25, but still a large part of India believes in marrying off their women young.

When I got no reply of my message for a week, I decided to call her up. I dialled her number, feeling a little awkward because of how close we had been and then how easily and unceremoniously our relation had almost vanished. The first two calls weren’t picked up, as I let them ring through the entirety. She cut the third one, as soon as it rang. I was taken aback a bit. Was she angry?

Ping! I received a text. It was her. “Can’t talk now. Will call tonight at 12, if you’re free.”

At 12:03 my phone rang. I immediately picked up, feeling inexplicably burdened with guilt.

“Hello?” I said the first word.

“How are you Dev?” her soft voice came from the other end. And just like that, all the forgotten, faded memories and wants and desires began to rush up. My eyes widened as I realised that very soon all that I had let go over the course of these years would take hold of me again and I won’t be able to control it.

“Are you there?” she asked, when I failed to answer for a few moments.

“Uh huh, yeah. Yeah, I there. What did you? Oh yes, how am I. I’m good. Good, I err…” I managed to mumble like an idiot. I heard her chuckle, and that did it. I was back to where I was all those years ago. I wanted her. More than anything else.

“So you congratulated me, eh? Should I take you’re happy with the announcement?” she asked, now getting a little serious.

What did that mean? “I am, yes. I mean, your happiness means my happiness Varsha. Why?”

“Oh. That’s fair I suppose.” Silence for a moment or two, before she spoke again. “Do you think I’m happy with this?”

My tongue was tied. I had no idea to respond. “I mean, a marriage is supposed to be a happy oc…” I managed to mumble before she cut me off.

“Cut the bullshit Dev.” Her curt words hit me like a slap across the face. “I’ll keep the phone down after I say this. I hope to see you at my wedding, don’t disappoint me. If you don’t come, I’ll never talk to you again. And after I cut this call do not message or call me. Take it as an order or request, whatever suits you, but do not try and contact me. The next we’ll meet is when you come. Goodnight.”

Before I could get word in, she had disconnected the call. A million thoughts swarmed my head as I lay down to sleep. Why did she do that? What were these mixed signals? Anger? Desire? Guilt? Maybe all of them. I didn’t know. But I knew one thing for certain. I HAD TO go to her wedding. I had too see her. I decided to abide by what she said and not contact her till then. As I fell asleep that night, my mind was already seeing her in a the wedding lehenga (Indian wedding gown), looking beautiful and so fucking desirable.

I had a tonne of work, so I got busy for the next few months. I soon for over that stronghold of emotions but had that thought in the back of my mind, always. I didn’t know what would happen when I saw her, just that I’d see her, so I wasn’t expecting anything.

But as the wedding came closer and closer, I started losing sleep at nights. Two days before I had to go there I got so overwhelmed with lust and a heartache I couldn’t understand, that I knew I needed someone that night to calm me down.

I managed to convince a girl from work to come back to my place with me, and proceeded to fuck her brains out. This girl had a boyfriend, and after we’d done fucking she started crying with guilt. I had planned on dropping her back to her place after sex, but it seemed too ruthless now. I calmed her down, consoling her, telling her everything was okay and she needn’t be ashamed. Little did she know my story, and that I was the last person to talk about right and wrong. Anyway, I managed to get her to sleep, curled up in my arms. For the better, as our warmth help me fall into a deep, peaceful sleep that my body really needed. (If you guys are interested, I’d love to write about this whole incident as well, who she was, how we had met, etc.)

The next couple of days went by easier, and before I knew it, I was parking my car infront of my uncle’s house. You could know from a distance that there was a wedding or some other celebration in that house, all dolled up with shimmering lights. I was about 200 kilometres from where I lived, so I’d decided to drive there in my own car. December cold anyway made for a nice and cozy drive, and I’d wanted to flaunt my recently purchased SUV.

I had noticed the humdrum as I’d come nearer, a flock of people busy with various tasks going in and out of the house. Food items and hampers. Bundles of clothes. Furniture. Electronic appliances. Dowry is criminalised in India but somehow the society has still not come to terms with it. As Indian as it gets.

“Dev!” someone called as I had just locked my car and begun to move towards the house, looking forward to seeing Varsha. God no, not this person. He was my uncle’s wife’s brother’s son, or something to that effect. Was too bubbly for my liking. I had to stop and chitchat for a bit. Then someone else I knew bumped into me, and before I knew it I had been assigned the task to ‘take these bags upstairs, will you? God bless.’ Nobody asked me for water, even. Whether I was tired, nothing.
‘You are a youngster, what is this tired charade? Rest when you’re old’ they say. As Indian as it gets.

I pushed open the door, balancing the two mammoth bags in my arms. I couldn’t even see infront of me due to there size and had moved sideways up the stairs. “Fuck these weddings” I muttered as I dropped the bags down. And then I stopped dead in my tracks.

Standing in front of me was her.

She looked gorgeous. Her hair was tied in a bun, and she was wearing a white low neck kurti (like a kurta, but for women), white provided a contrast against her dark skin. Her breasts, which seem way bigger than when I had last seen her, seemed to be fighting to spill out of her dress at the slightest provocation. She wore dark blue leggings, hugging her shapely legs, and the toenails on her bare feet shined with a deep red nail paint.

I couldn’t move. I felt paralysed, like in a state of trance. She continued to stare at into my eyes which were drinking in her beauty.

“Dev, I didn’t know you were coming today” her words finally broke the spell.

“Yeah, I… I don’t know, I thought I’d help around, I guess…” my words trailed off. I was nervous all of a sudden. My hands and feet were twitching.

“Are there more of these to bring up?” she asked looking down at the bags.

“What? Oh! Oh. Yeah, two more I think.”

“I don’t suppose you’ve been asked for water, even?” she asked, with bright eyes, as she moved towards me, looking a bit amused.

My body stiffened in anticipation of the unknown. “No, no I hav…” before I could finish she was bending before me. My cock became as hard as a rock. She was going to blow me, right there?

And then she just calmly dragged the two bags to back of the room. I stood like dumbfounded, as a smirk spread across her face. “Get the other two bags, I’ll get you something to drink”, she said walking past me, out of the room.

I robotically turned around and dragged my feet downstairs to get the rest, confused and excited at the same time. When I came back up, she wasn’t in the room. I walked to the other end of the room and dropped the bags with the other ones, when the door opened. I turned around to see her, standing with a tall glass of juice in her hand.

She moved in and closed the door behind her, putting on the latch. What was going to happen? My heart was beating so fast, I was sure I’d faint if a certainty wasn’t established soon.

We both moved towards each other. Slowly. Hesitantly, even. Before I could close in the distance she raised the glass between us, as if directing me to stop. I was desperate to make some physical contact with her. I tried to hold her hand as I took the glass from her, but I’d barely brushed my fingers against hers when she pulled her hand back.

“Drink”, she almost ordered rudely.

I couldn’t say anything. I began to sip the orange juice, as she scrutinized my face, arms crossed over the chest.

“I haven’t even kissed anyone apart from you, you know”, she said softly, out of blue, as if thinking to herself. I stopped drinking and looked at her square in the eyes, trying to ascertain her thoughts. “Finish it”, she ordered sternly, pointing to the glass.

Not gonna lie, I was getting a little uneasy by this shift in her tones. I quickly finished it, and kept the glass down on the dressing table nearby. As I did I glanced at our reflections in the mirror, and caught her eye looking into mine.

She slowly moved between me and the dressing table, never for once taking her eyes off the mirror. Both of us were now into the mirror. We were so close, as if she was stuck between the table and me. My thighs grazed against her hips. My breathing was becoming laboured. I didn’t know what was about to happen. But I didn’t move. Her reactions before that had left me unsure and I didn’t want to be presumptuous.

Her gaze was still stuck to the mirror as our reflections looked back at us. She unbuttoned her kurti, and started to peel it down her shoulders. My heart was beating faster than a marathon runner, and I felt I tightness in my chest. In the mirror, I saw her top being peeled down, down to her navel, as her bra clad breasts came into view.

“Open it”, she softly murmured. I quickly moved my hands up to her back and unhooked it. The bra didn’t fall off. Her breasts were definitely way bigger than last time, probably a D cup. She pulled the bra away from her. Her perfect boobs came into view. They were big, perfect globes of dark skinned flesh, glistening with the tiny beads of perspiration. Her nipples were dark and big. They stood straight up, hardened.

I couldn’t stop myself anymore, and moved into her with force, pressing her thighs into the table, putting my arms around her and cupping her breasts in my hands. The initial shock of my movement had disbalanced her slightly, as well as her gaze. As she placed her palms on the table top, she again fixed her gaze into the mirror, fire in her eyes, and the slightest hint of smile.

I begin to knead the hot boobs, and pinch her nipples, looking at us in the mirror. I began kissing her neck and shoulders. And slowly, I began grinding into her ass.

It was a busy house, there was a possibility of a knock on the door anytime. She’d shut it, but it would seem so suspicious if we were found together in a closed room. I didn’t give a fuck!

Varsha started moaning, and my hands continued to move all over her chest and stomach, circling, pinching, squeezing. My cock continued to thrust into her ass. I was so horny for her at that moment that if continued dry humping for another couple of minutes I’d have cum inside my jeans. I didn’t want that. I wanted my cock inside her hot and wet pussy. We were both looking at our reflection, it was so fucking hot, I was on the verge of an explosion.

My hands began to travel south. I hooked my thumb in the elastic of her leggings, and began to pull it down.

But she slapped my hand.

“Varsha?” I almost cried in my lustful, confused daze.

She pushed me back and turned around, leaning back into the tabletop. I was looking right at her with a confused mix of emotions.

“You know I’ll get married tomorrow”, she said, without any emotion, simply stating a fact. “The next morning, I’d leave with my husband. And in the night, he’ll fuck me.”

I wanted to say something, but I knew whatever I’d say would be the wrong thing at the time. So I kept shut. My hands were at her waist, not holding tightly, just resting on her hips.

“I’ve talked to him only twice, you know. He seems like a nice person. Has an okay job. I think he’s almost as tall as you”, Varsha looked at my forehead. “He doesn’t have a beard like yours though. I’ve always admired a good beard, you know. But not the bear like, that you sometimes grow, all gruffly and untidy.” She raised her hand to hold my cheek, then thought otherwise and lowered it down, resting it on my chest.

“I’m sure he’ll make you happy”, I said the only logical enough thing that came into my mind.

“Hmm, we’ll see about that”, her eyes lowered, lost in thoughts of her own.

I decided to take charge, I was getting too impatient. I’d been on the verge of cumming before she steered us here. I moved down my face into her breasts, and inhaled the intoxicated musk of my cousin. I started to kiss her boobs, and suck on her nipples. Her hands were in my hair at the back of my head, pushing me in.

“I don’t know if he’ll make me cum like you did, Dev” she growled. “You… I want you do something for m…” her voice trailed off as pinched and twisted her nipples. “I want your mouth down there. Please make me cum” she moaned, arching her back even further, her sweaty breasts pushing into my face.

I pulled my face away, looking into her eyes. Then I roughly turned her around, as we looked into the mirror once more. I looked at us briefly before dropping down, my face in line with her arched ass.

I quickly pulled down her leggings. A whiff of her smell, her arousal filled my nose. As I pulled her panties down, sticky liquid stretched down, stuck on the fabric. She moved back, arching and bending even more.

I parted her ass cheeks with my hands, and started at her dripping pussy, with puffed lips. Just above that, the subject of my multiple rounds of orgasms and so many fantasies. Her perfect little asshole. So inviting.

I dived right into her asshole with my tongue.

“Oh my FUCKING GOD! DEV! FUCK!” Her reaction was all I needed to know that she’d been waiting for this too.

I began to furiously make love to her asshole with my tongue. I slathered it with my saliva. I darted my tongue in, as deep as I could, and tongue fucked her asshole till my mouth got tired, all the while rubbing my fingers over her clit.

“Fingers… in… please… three…” she moaned in ecstasy.

I shoved three fingers in. Her wet pussy easily took them in, and before I knew it her entire being began to shudder. She moved back her hands and pushed my face into her ass, my tongue moving back and forth from her pussy to ass. And suddenly my mouth and face were flooded with her cum. She didn’t stop shuddering for over a minute.

When her orgasm finally, subsided, her knees began trembling, as she put her head into her arms, down on the table, barely standing.

I stood up, my face and beard coated in her juices. I was happy. Elated. I was still horny, my cock was till rock hard, ready to explode as the lightest flick, but I didn’t want to pull my pants down and ram into her like an animal. I was surprisingly content.

I bent and pulled up her panties and leggings. She raised her, possibly surprised at this action. I bent forward and picked up her bra from the table, and with as much love and care as possible, put it on her. We were both looking into the mirror again, but something about her gaze had changed. She didn’t look at me the way she had ever since I’d come. Her eyes looked like the eyes of that young girl who was in my arms all those years ago, on [that night](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hvc99g/a_night_with_cousin_at_my_other_cousins_wedding/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)

Adjusting her kurti, she turned back to face me, looking into my eyes with love and vulnerability. I smiled, and kissed her softly, holding her face in my hands.

“I’ll go now, Varsha, I might be needed downstairs.” I paused a moment, before continuing. “I’m sorry. I don’t know for what, exactly. I… errr… I wish you’re very happy in life, and I mean it, with all my heart.” Her lips quivered. A tiny droplet of tear escaped her eye. I wiped it off with my thumb. I felt so protective towards her.

I stepped back, and drank in her face with my eyes once more. She was looking even more beautiful, almost radiating with an after-sex glow. I took a deep breath.

“I guess I’ll see you at dinner. If not, then tomorrow” I said, and left the room.

End of Part 3.

I had thought about writing 3 parts but I thought of breaking this further into two parts, and the last part would be the fourth part, which would entail the actual day of her wedding.

Stick around for it.

Let me know how you’re finding this series. Happy reading.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hx0why/my_cousins_wedding_i_had_to_have_her_first_india


  1. Omg! That was soooo hot!!! Please! Part 4! You write really well!

  2. Macha this is fucking amazing. Can’t wait to read what happens in the 4th part.

  3. Wow! This just keeps getting more interesting and hotter! Can’t wait for part 4 now.

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