I let [M]y Best [F]riend fart in my face [Friends] [Cheating]

My best friend in the whole world is a girl. We met at college and at first everyone assumed we would just get together once we were both single, but really we were just best friends from day one. We clicked as soon as we met and were pretty much inseperable from the outset. She had a long term boyfriend, but that wasn’t even something that registered as an issue for us.

At first I was worried that having her as my best friend would put other girls off or worse that she would get jealous that other girls were taking up my time, but thankfully that didn’t happen. If anything she was the best wingman I could have had. I slept with a few of her girl friends and later she would give me feedback and let me know what they talked about if I was brought up. Something that was mentioned frequently was the size of my dick. I feel I’m fairy average maybe 7.5in on a good day, but I got slightly lucky in the girth department and it became a running joke between me and Emily and she started calling me things Girthy McGirthison and Mr. Choad.

Our relationship changed one night after we had been out clubbing and decided to sleep over at hers. We had become pretty comfortable at this point; she would come round and get ready in my student accommodation and vice versa and it wasn’t ever weird for us. I had never seen her completely naked but it wasn’t because we made a conscious choice to not be naked in front of each other, it just hadn’t happened up until that point. Although we were super close, we had never slept just the two of us in one room and knowing that she slept with no clothes on I assumed, on the taxi ride home, that I would be seeing her completely naked for the first time. I also knew she was thinking the same thing because I didn’t wear anything to bed either, but she didn’t mention it so neither did I.

There’s no point pretending that the thought of seeing her naked didn’t turn me on. She was my best friend and our relationship was completely platonic, but the thought of knowing what her pussy looked like was making me harder than I had been in ages. It’s difficult to explain because I knew we wouldn’t have sex that night (and we didn’t but keep reading you won’t be disappointed!) but knowing that from that day on whenever we saw eachother I would be able to say things like “I know that you’ve got an outtie” (she does) or “I know you don’t shave your pussy” (she doesn’t) was such a big turn on for me.

Up until that night, the most intimate thing we had done was when I was having a shower and she was getting ready in my room (we had en suite bathrooms). Without knocking she comes in and says

“Heya do you mind if I poop while you’re in here?”

I was behind the shower curtain so she couldn’t see anything and neither could I. I’m not really into that type of stuff, but I started getting hard at the proposal for this new level of intimacy.

“Yeah sure, I don’t care”

“Ergh thanks!”

I heard her rustling about as she pulled her shorts and panties down and sat down on the toilet

“This is definitely one of those things we don’t tell James about by the way” I said from behind the shower curtain where I had resumed showering.

Throughout our friendship we had developed a list of things that we agreed we wouldnt tell her boyfriend about. Not that we felt it was cheating or anything, but he was the jealous type and sometimes it was just easier not to tell him.

“Oh fuck yeah. He’s asked me to like poo for him so many times! Like I wouldn’t mind if he had just walked in on me one day, I literally poo in front of all my friends, I would’ve just let him watch, but he made it weird by saying he wants to like watch my hole open up and it coming out and shit”

At this point I was laughing hysterically as I rubbed shower gel on to my loofa.

“Shut up! It’s fucking weird, I don’t even let him like listen because he asked for that too. Just like standing outside with his ear to the door like some sort of pervert. I had to start putting paper down so he couldn’t hear”

“What do you mean? Hear what?”

“This, hang on.”

And at that point she went silent and I heard the splash of her poo hitting the water. At this my cock spasmed involuntarily and I gave it a few strokes. I don’t why it was turning me on so much, but the way she just did it so casually and the fact that she had done something for me that she wouldn’t do for her boyfriend probably had something to do with it.

“So yeah, definitely don’t tell him that you just heard that because he would be fucking pissed!”

The conversation moved to what we were doing later, but twice she told me to “hang on” while I was talking and in the silence I heard her poo hitting the water again at which point she said “ok sorry keep going”. At the time I didn’t think anything of it but when I got home that night I realised she was making sure I heard it every time. I thought about that as I jerked off and came all over the floor in my room.

That memory was what was going through my mind as we pulled up outside the student dorms and went into her room. I had a quick shower and brushed my teeth in her bathroom while she got ready in her room. I stripped down to my boxers and thought best not to just walk out naked before checking what she was going to sleep in. I was worrying for nothing because I came out to her standing completely naked in front of the mirror doing her hair up ready for bed. I was already hard but I felt myself flex my dick, which I had had to put to the side for it to be comfortable in my tight fitting boxers.

Her back was to me so I could see her ass, which was bigger than an average white girl’s. In the reflection I could see her tits (sorry not too sure on cup sizes but they’re massive) and was immediately drawn to her huge nipples which were rock hard. I had been with a few girls at that point, but hers were definitely the biggest I’d seen. The areolae were big too but seemed to be smaller than they should have been for nipples that size. I could also see her pussy in the full length mirror and wasn’t surprised by the full bush she had. Emily just didn’t seem like the type of girl who would have a shaved pussy. Despite the fact that it was clearly untrimmed it wasn’t hairy enough to hide the long inner labia which hung down from her pussy. I felt myself flex my dick again as I saw her labia move slightly as she adjusted her hair and realised that if she were to walk around the room I’d be able to see them flap about.

“Hey Choady” I heard her say. I looked up to find her watching me in the mirror with her eyebrows raised “Is that thing because of me?”

She was staring straight at my boxers where it was obvious my dick was hard straining against the fabric of my underwear.

“Haha, yeah sorry. I didn’t think I’d come out to full on pussy. I thought we’d build up to it”

“Fuck that I wanna see what all the girls keep talking about. Take it out” with this she walked over and stood in front of me. As she stepped towards me I watched her pussy lips move with her. She left me enough room for me to pull my boxers down and let my dick spring free.

“Omg that’s ridiculous” she laughed


“Look at it, you must wreck every fucking hole you put that in!”

“It’s not THAT big”

“Yeah well I dunno!” with this she stepped closer “do you mind if I touch it, I just wanna see if I can fit my hand round it”

I shook my head and she reached out and grabbed my cock. I automatically tensed it and struggled to keep from groaning and she tried her best to get her fingers to meet around it

“Nope” she said as casually as if she had been trying to turn a key in stubborn lock or something “I love how bent it is. I know most guys don’t have completely straight dicks, but yours has a proper curve in it, it’s pretty hot”

I knew what she meant, it had never been brought up before, but having someone critique my dick so casually to my face was getting me more and more worked up. Without warning she slowly pulled the skin back. I couldn’t help it, I let out a “fuuuuck”

“Haha sorry, I just wanted to see how big the head was. Jesus, it’s like a giant purple mushroom!” as she spoke I instinctively thrust slowly against her hand and saw precum start to drip from the the head of my cock. She caught this in her hand and wiped it on her thigh without comment.

“Okay! My turn! What do you think of me?” She pushed me back on to the bed and twirled around for me

“Errrrmmm I’m liking the full bush”

“Ergh, really? James hates it and asks me to shave all the time. I would even do it for him, but … Promise not to laugh!

I had already started cackling “What fucking shite are you gonna come out with now?”

“Fuck you! You know how I don’t let him watch me poo like what I told you that time you were in the shower and I let you listen?”


“Well it’s not actually because I think it’s like weird or anything. I mean, I let you listen and for me the most embarrassing thing about pooing is people actually hearing it. He’s my boyfriend, I don’t mind if he wants to watch or whatever and if he really wanted I’d like do it so he could see my hole and everything, but one time right at the beginning right he asked me if he could like fart on my face?”

At this point I lost it, I was on the floor laughing so hard my throat and belly hurt and there was no noise coming out of my mouth

“Fuck you, you dickhead! I’m not telling you now!”

“No no tell me go on” I said getting back on the bed and wiping away tears of laughter

“So yeah he asked me to do that and I was, well it’s not what I’m into but if he wants to why not. So he got on the bed on his back and he farted in my face a few times and then I even opened my mouth without him asking and let him fart in my mouth right”

At this point I had stopped laughing and was tensing my dick again. The thought of Emily on her knees humiliating herself like that was making it hard for me not to start stroking my dick as she kept talking.

“So we did that and then fucked or whatever and a few weeks later I asked if I could do it to him. I’m not even into it but I thought well it’ll be fun who cares. And he fucking said no because that would be disgusting! So yeah now whenever he asks for special stuff or whatever I say no and I’ll keep saying no until he asks me to fart on his face!”

There was a small pause and suddenly we both burst out laughing

“Ah Emily I love you man. So that’s why you’re rocking the messy pussy look?”

She threw a pillow at me “yes Choady that’s why. And if you think my pussy is messy you should see my butt hole”

“Oh you have to show me now”

“Haha nooooo fuck you definitely not you’ll laugh”

“Come on you have to I wanna see how hairy it is” Even though we were laughing and joking around like we usually did, I couldn’t help feeling we were crossing a line in our friendship

“Ergh! Don’t laugh or make me feel bad or I’ll never let you listen to me poo again!” As she said that she turned, bent slightly forwards, reached around with her hands, and spread her cheeks apart. It wasn’t as bad as she had made out but it was hairy enough that I couldn’t really see her hole. I openly tensed my dick as she looked back at me.

“That good, huh?”

“Yeah I kinda like it. Usually I always get girls to shave but you suit it.”

“Can you see what I’m doing?”

I looked back at her spread butt cheeks “no?”

“I’m winking it! Can’t you see?”

“No sorry I think it’s too hairy”

She threw another pillow at me said “come on” and grabbed my hand and led me over to the bed. She got on all fours and raised her butt up to me

“Spread my cheeks apart. I wanna wink my hole for you”

This had definitely taken an unexpected turn. I reached down and spread her butt open enough that I could finally see her hole. It was a dark brown the same colour as her nipples and, as I watched, it slowly opened and closed as she tensed it.

“Can you see it now?” she asked looking back at me.

“Yeah I’m watching”

“This is just for you, I’d never do something like this for James.”

As she continued to open and close her hole for me, I spread the cheeks a bit further and her hole gaped open audibly. I took a step back, still keeping my hands on her butt cheeks, and took a closer look at her pussy from behind. From this distance I could clearly see her huge labia dangling down.

“What are you doing?”

“I just wanted to look at your pussy. I love how big your lips are”

“Ergh that’s so embarrassing.”

“Reach back and hold your cheeks open for me.”

She did as she was told and spread her cheeks a bit more than I had, causing her hole to open further.

“You should feel really honoured by the way, I’d never gape myself for anyone else. This is literally the most humiliating thing I’ve ever done”

I grabbed my dick and lightly tapped it against her hole
“Ergh fuck! That’s so sensitive! Wait let me open it as far as I can for you” I watched as her hole opened further “okay slap your monster on it now I wanna feel it against the inside of my hole”

I slapped it as hard I could against her and we both moaned together as my dick battered the inside of her gaping hole.

Emily let out of a groan of frustration as I finally stepped back. I gave my dick a few strokes as I watched Emily continue to open and clench her hole.

“Fuck that was so good. You have more self control than me I would have let you ruin all of my holes if you had tried to put that thing inside me. I can’t believe you’re gonna leave me hanging like this!”

Without thinking I said “How about as payback I let you fart in my face?”

“Oh my God, really?!” Emily turned to sit on the bed. With her sat down and me stood in front of her, my dick was pointing straight at her face inches away from her lips. I took an impercetible step forward as she moved her face forward by an inch so that my cock lightly grazed her lips.

“Are you sure?” As she spoke her lips moved around the head of my cock. They came out slightly muffled. There was no way we could pretend not to notice, but we continued as if nothing was happening.

“Yeah you can if you want. That way you’ve tried it and you can get your own back on James”

“Umm okay” again her lips moved against my dick, pre cum now coating her mouth “where do you want me”

I gently pushed her back so she was lying on the bed and knelt down as I lifted her legs above her head. She grabbed her pillows and propped up her head so she had a clear view of my face “okay hold your face still like a good boy”

I did and watched as her hole opened and she farted on my face. It wasnt as bad as I’d thought and I started stroking myself under the bed

“Open your mouth I want to fart in there next”

I did and she farted twice into my mouth. And suddenly it was over. She rolled over and motioned for me to come up on the bed.

“Thanks that was super hot”

“Yeah I’m gonna have to cum before we go to bed otherwise I won’t be able to sleep”

“Yeah me too. Wanna just do it here?”


So we did it over the covers. We were mostly silent watching each other, but as Emily neared orgasm she asked me some questions like if I had enjoyed her winking her hole for me and if I liked that she could hold the fact that she’d farted in my mouth over me forever. When I replied yes and that I loved that I got to hear her poo and her boyfriend didn’t and that I was gonna think about my dick slapping against her her gaping hole to help me come in the future, it put her over the edge and she came loudly. As a “thank you” for letting her fart in my mouth she finished me off, but I was so close that all she really did was basically wrap her hand around my dick and hold it as I came everywhere. She kissed me lightly on the lips, told me she loved me, and we both went to sleep.

Let me know if you wanna hear more stories about me and my best friend!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hx3a3t/i_let_my_best_friend_fart_in_my_face_friends


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