Having Some Brie, Chapter 3 [fm] [Incest] [Brother/Sister]

[Chapter 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hso85t/having_some_brie_chapter_2_fm_incest_brothersister/)

I woke up early, as planned. It didn’t seem the sun had been up for very long, and I was appropriately feeling like shit. Pulling myself out of bed – and indeed, almost collapsing onto the floor immediately – I trudged to the bathroom to freshen up before settling down at the desk in front of the laptop. I grabbed the coursework out of my bag and checked the sources I needed before flipping the screen up. Brie was still logged in. And she hadn’t left it open on Wikipedia.

It was porn. Dozens and dozens of tabs open across a handful of separate browser windows, a window for each medium of porn. I couldn’t help but browse through all of it. There was a window of porn videos. A window of hand-drawn explicit artwork. A window of erotica, perhaps the one containing the most tabs. Then there was stuff I didn’t even know existed. Pornographic audio files. Download sites for 3D-rendered porn games. And the genre they all had in common screamed at me with such intensity that for a moment I actually thought it’d wake Brie.


Brother-sister incest.

I gulped and quickly logged out of her account before typing in my password. So that’s… That’s what she was doing last night. And why she was so adamant of me waiting my turn. I looked over at her sleeping form, now sprawled inelegantly on top of her duvet. Had she gotten off to thoughts of me? My head spun with possibilities.

I was so distracted that I still wasn’t done with my homework by the time Brie woke. She yawned and stretched, then groaned and just sat there in bed with her eyes closed, acclimating to the thought of another day of school.

“Morning,” she grumbled.

“Ahem, uh… morning,” came my response, sounding strangled and guilty all at once. She paid it no mind, getting out of bed with a sniff and heading to the bathroom.

Two days ago I was plotting how to seduce my sister, or at least nurture an interest in the idea of incest. I just realized I didn’t plan for what came after. What was I supposed to do now? I dropped my head into my hands, reprimanding myself for how fucked up I was to begin with.

Brie burst into the room, making me jerk back and fall out of the chair.

“Did you see what was on the computer?!” she demanded.

“Fucking Christ, what the fuck, Brie?!” I barked, picking myself up.

“What did you see when you opened the laptop?” she asked, clearly agitated. She was well aware of what was left open on the computer last night.

“The fucking login screen,” I lied with an edge of irritation. She visibly calmed, and I decided I had to tease her to avoid suspicion. “Why, were you watching, like, porn or somethi–”

“Of course not!”

“Then… why were you so worried I’d see it?” I leaned forward against the chair smugly. The act came easily; I was genuinely entertained by watching her sweat over this. She turned so red I thought she was about to blow a gasket.

She finally settled on screaming, “God, you’re such an idiot!” before storming back to the bathroom, and I chuckled.

I wrapped up my work and got changed, then found mom in the kitchen cooking breakfast. “Morning, mom.”

“Morning, sweetheart,” she said over her shoulder. She looked good for her age, both her face and her body, but the divorce had put grey in her hair. As I took a seat at the table, I felt my temper flare up at what our father had done to us. Brie joining us snapped me out of it, thankfully. I tried not to dwell on dad, but sometimes it just snuck up on me.

“Morning, mom,” Brie said, avoiding looking in my direction.

“Morning, baby,” she replied, setting down two plates of sausage and eggs.

“Did you find dinner in the microwave?” I asked.

“Oh, yes I did. Thank you so much.” She kissed the side of my head before starting to wash the frying pan.

“You’re not eating?” Brie asked.

“Oh, I’ll just have a granola bar.” Mom nodded to the box on the counter. “Listen, kids, I’m gonna be late again tonight, so don’t wait up, alright?” Before either of us could say anything, she whipped a granola bar out, grabbed her bag and was headed out the door. “See you, kids! Don’t be late for school!”

Just like that, she was gone, leaving us speechless. We locked eyes and both shook our heads sadly at how hard she was working to support us.

“I need the laptop today,” Brie announced after breakfast. “I’ve got English.”

“Yeah, do you?” I grinned mischievously, and she punched my arm. She probably figured, as I hoped, that if I really had seen what was on the computer, I would have said something about it. Therefore her secret was safe, and I was just making typical sibling jabs at her expense.

But I knew. And if I was gonna make this work, I’d have to read the terrain from now on.

“Where’s that sexy-ass sister of yours?”

“Drew, I swear to God. One of these days, I’m gonna punch your goddamn lights out.”

The prick gave me his best shit-eating grin, and when I jumped to my feet he took off toward the school yard, with me chasing him out of the cafeteria. After several minutes of cat-and-mouse, we finally collapsed back in front of our lunches.

“Still can’t catch me, Stef,” Drew gloated.

“Using stilts is cheating, dumbass,” I fired back.

“Nah, it’s ‘cause of those fish legs of yours,” he chuckled. I threw a shred of my burger bun at his head, and he laughed some more.

“Ugh, how old are you guys?” Brie said as she stopped at our table. She was holding her lunch tray, seemingly having just gotten to the cafeteria. Her best friend Lexi was standing beside her, tossing her honey blonde hair over her shoulder and beaming at me.

“Hey boys,” Lexi purred, sliding onto the bench next to me. “Mind if we join you?” A bit late to ask that, so she was obviously not taking no for an answer. Brie sat down beside Drew, and he waggled his eyebrows at me. I gave a withering look in response.

“Lexi decided to take pity on you and join you guys at the losers’ table,” Brie explained, and Drew scoffed in mock offense.

“I’ll have you know, my dear,” he said, affecting maybe the worst English accent I’ve ever heard, “that we fine gentlemen are each a member of athletic teams representing this esteemed institution of ours. Or at least I am.” He gave me a provoking wink, and Brie shook her head with a look that said “boys will be boys.”

“How often is bouncing a ball gonna save your life, Pencil Legs?” I shot back, and Lexi giggled. She was sitting pretty close to me. Make that very close. Our shoulders were almost touching, and I could see Brie watching that distance from behind her chicken sandwich.

“Well I think swimming is great,” Lexi gushed. “It works your whole body, and being a lifeguard is a noble job.” She leaned into me then, and something in her eyes… Was she hitting on me? She was the flirty type, but she never showed any actual interest before.

I was wondering what changed, and was about to tell her that lifeguards required special training that I didn’t have, when Brie stood up abruptly. “I should probably study in case there’s a quiz,” she bit out before trotting away. Drew looked after her in disappointment, but as I watched her go I caught Lexi smirking mischievously.

I didn’t do anything and somehow had still gotten into something messy.


I was lying on my bed, bored out of my mind. I didn’t have work, and Drew was spending the weekend with his family. Dinner was cooked, ready to just be reheated. I’d sold my gaming console to help cover costs during the move – anything to help mom out during those first few weeks – and I think it contributed to me losing my mind over Brie so quickly. There was nothing to do but retreat into one’s own imagination which, as it turned out, had its own set of dangers.

I heard the front door close, and Brie walked in, dropping her bag on the floor and herself on the bed. She lay there with her face buried in her pillow, and I chuckled.

“Long day?” I asked. She gave a muffled response that sounded vaguely in the affirmative before turning her head so she could look at me, one eye still pressed against the pillow.

“I’m starving. Can we eat now?”

I checked my watch. “Bit early, but sure. And that’s what you get for skipping lunch.”

She groaned as we both got up to go to the kitchen. “Yes, mom.”

“What was that about, by the way?” I asked. “Since when do you need to study for a quiz during lunch?”

“It’s nothing.” She sat down at the table and picked at the grains in the wood. I started the microwave and leaned on the counter.

“Is this a “nothing” nothing? Or a “please ask me to show that you care” nothing?”

“It’s an “I don’t wanna talk about it” nothing. So shut up.”

Well alright then. We ate in silence, and I did the dishes. She didn’t suggest watching anything tonight. As I was drying my hands, it looked like she was about to say something when we heard scraping at the front door. I pulled a knife out of the block and dashed in front of Brie, holding out an arm to keep her back. She was grasping my hand, and I swallowed, hoping whoever it was didn’t have a gun.

The door opened. And mom stumbled in, some guy’s lips latched onto her neck. The guy was kind of scrawny, but looked about college age. Mom gasped and grabbed his face before making out with him, and they wobbled over to the couch together. I was shocked, and I guess Brie was too.


Her head whipped over to me, then to Brie. “Oh. You kids are still awake?”

“It’s seven.”

“Oh. Well what are you kids doing home at seven on a Friday night?” she slurred. She seemed to totally miss that I had a knife in my hand. How could she be this drunk this early in the evening?

“Who the hell is this guy?” Brie demanded, finally coming to her senses.

“Oh. Kids, this is Elliot. Elliot, these are my kids, Stefan and Sabrina.”

“Uh, hi.” Elliot gave us an embarrassed wave.

“Now why don’t you two go and do whatever you teenagers do on weekends and give me and Elliot some privacy?” And with that, mom stumbled to her feet and haphazardly led Elliot to her bedroom, slamming the door behind them before giving a muffled squeal.

“What the fuck…” Brie breathed.

“I’m gonna kill him,” I stated, starting to march to mom’s room, when Brie caught me by the arm.

“Stef…” She hesitated. “Maybe we should just head out for a bit.”

“Are you crazy? What if he hurts her?!” As if on cue, mom started moaning behind the closed door. Thin walls, remember? I stalked toward them and Brie pulled me back again.

“Stef. C’mon, let’s go.”

“That motherfucker,” I growled, then winced at my choice of words.

“Ew. Drop the knife and let’s get out of here. I don’t want to hear the rest of this.”

I finally relented, and let out a heavy sigh once we were out the front door.

“What if he steals something?” I complained.

“You gonna wait out here to shank him if he does?” Brie asked sarcastically. We could still hear them going at it from out here. “I want to put some distance between us and the thought of…” She shuddered.

I sighed again. “Wanna watch a movie or something? Hopefully they’re done by the time we are.”

Brie looked up at me wide-eyed for a moment before turning away and brushing her side-swept bangs out of her face. “I… haven’t been paid yet.”

“I just got paid today. C’mon, my treat.” I took her hand and led her down the stairs. “Didn’t a movie you’ve been waiting for come out recently?”

“A Dreamlike Life,” she agreed. “But I was gonna see it with Lexi.”

“Well, plan’s changed.” I smiled at her, and she blushed.

“You’re gonna hate it. It’s a total chick flick.”

“Then wake me up when it’s over,” I laughed, earning me a slap on the arm.

Turns out she was right, to an extent. A Dreamlike Life was a romance, but it had a thriller subplot and a few good action scenes. The female lead’s brother was a total badass, singlehandedly winning a gang fight at one point. But at the end she got kidnapped, and her lover and her brother had to go and ransom her back.

It was looking pretty bleak. The lover was pinned down by gunfire, and the heroine was just seconds from getting incinerated in a furnace. Knockoff Bond villain antics, honestly. The brother had a better shot of running to save her, but it was still suicide.

“Take care of my sister for me!” the brother character yelled to the lover over the gunfire. Before the lover could talk him out of it, the brother ran out into the open and made a mad dash for the lever to shut the furnace off. He was almost there when a bullet went through his chest.

Beside me, Brie grabbed my hand that was resting on the arm rest, crushing it like a vice. There were tears in her eyes as the brother fell, his hand managing to grasp the lever and pull it down with him, shutting off the furnace. The sister was saved, and she cried as she watched her brother die through the grate in the furnace door. Then the police arrived and cleaned all the bad guys up. The film ended with the female lead and her lover having their fairytale ending, and it reminded me of why I didn’t make a habit of watching this kind of garbage.

The lights came on as the credits rolled, and most of the audience began filing out of the theater house. Brie was still transfixed, her breath shallow and tear tracks on her cheeks. I put a hand on her shoulder to try and shake her out of her stupor.

“Hey, Brie,” I said gently. “Movie’s over. Time to go.”

She turned to me, fresh tears welling up, and she threw her arms around my waist and buried her head in my shoulder, gulping down her sobs.

“Whoa, easy there.” I rubbed her back, looking around to make sure we weren’t making a scene. Almost everybody was gone, save a couple of staffers cleaning up and a few people chatting in the aftermath of the ending. “It’s okay. It wasn’t real.”

After a moment she straightened up, wiping her face with the back of her hands. “I…” she sniffled, before continuing indignantly. “I know it wasn’t real.” She turned and walked stiffly out the exit, and we stepped out into the crisp evening air. Every so often I’d look over at her to make sure she was alright.

“So…” I said casually. “Enjoyed the movie?”

“That movie sucked!” she said angrily.

“Alrighty then. Money well spent.”

“No, I’m sorry.” She rubbed her nose and swallowed to gather herself. “I liked it. It’s just… Why did Felix have to die?”

“Would you rather her boyfriend died instead?”

“…Maybe. Xander was a jerk anyway. And how long did they even know each other?!” Brie ranted as we walked home. “He’s your brother, you dumb bitch! Any other guy is probably just gonna leave you broken-hearted!”

I was beginning to question if, in the past few days, I was reading too much into stuff. But I couldn’t help wondering at some of the things she said ever since she caught me with her panties. And the discovery I’d made that morning should’ve been proof enough. I shook my head. What a wild few days it had been.

“Hey,” she said suddenly. “About mom and that guy…”

“If that Elton asshole is still in the house when we get there, he’s dead,” I muttered.

“Stefan.” There was sternness in her voice, and I let her continue. “I think we should just let it go.”

“You’ve gotta be kidding.” I stopped and stared at her. “You want to stand by and let some random douche fuck our mom? Are you serious?”

“If that’s what she needs,” Brie insisted. She let it sink in. “I think… it might be her way of dealing with what happened with dad. He got a younger woman, and so she needs to prove to herself that she’s still got it too. That she can nab a young guy and have meaningless sex, because somebody still finds her beautiful.”

“But she *is* beautiful,” I said, frustrated.

“It doesn’t count if we say it,” she explained.

“Then it doesn’t count if I say it to you either?” I asked softly. Her eyes went round with surprise, then looked away bashfully.

“Let’s just get back and check on them,” she said distantly. Internally I gave myself a high-five for the smoothest line I’d ever delivered. But Brie had got me thinking. She was probably right; mom needed an unbiased voice to prove her self-worth. Didn’t mean I had to like it.

When we got back to our apartment, Elliot was walking aimlessly around on the sidewalk.

“You’re still here, asshole?” I snarled, advancing on him.

“Whoa whoa whoa!” he yelped, holding his hands up in self-defense. “Helen drove me here. Afterwards she kicked me out and now I’m stuck here ‘cause the buses stopped running around here after nine.”

“Then call an Uber, dickwad,” I said through clenched teeth. He scratched his head sheepishly.

“I left my phone on her night stand.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Brie muttered. “Wait right here, I’ll get it.” She headed inside to retrieve his phone, leaving me alone with the guy who just fucked my mom. I only managed to keep it together because Brie would have been disappointed in me if I lost it on this guy.

“So…” he began.

“Dude, shut the fuck up,” I snapped. “Don’t fucking talk to me.”

“Right. Sorry.”

Brie came back downstairs and chucked the guy’s cell phone at him. She looked a bit green around the gills.

“Now get the fuck outta here,” I ordered, and he wisely walked down the block before calling a rideshare service.

Inside, mom was asleep in her room. Brie gave a dramatic sigh before smiling weakly at me.

“Jesus Christ,” she murmured.

“I know, right?”

“Hey,” she said, stepping forward and putting her hands on my chest. “I’m proud of you. For not fucking that guy up. And I think it’s sweet that you’re so protective.”

“Yeah, well. Gotta keep my girls safe.”

Her lips parted, and her fingers curled across my t-shirt. Her eyes drifted longingly to my lips before she suddenly withdrew, fidgeting behind her back as she cleared her throat.

“Well. It’s been a long day. I think I’ll turn in early,” she said, and I grunted in agreement.

Unlike me, she hadn’t showered when she got home. While she was in the bathroom, I lay awake in the dark, reflecting on everything that was happening. It was getting too real. This wasn’t a fetish anymore, and I was afraid of what would happen if we kept going down this road. There wasn’t a future for whatever this was. Not realistically, anyway. I had to nip this in the bud before it blossomed into something that would ruin Brie’s life.

The door opened and I feigned sleep. I listened for Brie climbing into bed, but instead, she was standing near mine. Please don’t climb in, I prayed. I’d lose control if she did.

“Stef? Are you awake?” she murmured.

No I’m not, go to sleep. Just let this day end.

She ran a finger across my cheek, and that was enough, I was off to the races. My erection tented the covers, and she gave a little gasp. I had to resist the urge to squeeze my eyes shut, which was my instinct but would have given me away. Thankfully she went to bed, and I let out the breath I was holding.

Except she didn’t. Her sheets began rustling, and her moans were quiet but not nearly as abashed as the previous night. There was less restraint, less inhibition. And then I heard my name on her lips.

“Oh, Stef…” she breathed. She was facing me tonight, and when I snuck a peek at her, I could barely see in the darkness that her eyes were squeezed shut in concentration. “Yes, just like that…”

Before I knew it, I had my hand around my cock. I had somehow slipped it out from under the covers and pointed it toward her, all without her noticing. My mind felt numb, and it seemed all the thoughts I had before she walked in went right out the window. All I could think about was how much I wanted her.

Like before, I stroked to her rhythm, heart pounding with the knowledge that she had to but open her eyes to see me thinking of her while she was thinking of me.

“Don’t stop, Stef…” she moaned, and it felt like she was actually speaking to me, which spurred me on even more. And then she froze. I followed suit, eyes whipping up to meet hers. She’d seen me.

Neither of us moved, both just in shock that in our brazenness we’d finally been caught. But that was part of the thrill, right? She wasn’t screaming at me, and she wasn’t turning away either. And my stupid dick took that as consent to keep going. I resumed stroking myself, eyes locked onto hers now. She hesitated before pulling her covers aside to reveal the tops of her thighs, then likewise continued touching herself, not breaking eye contact. What the fuck was happening?!

Not a word was exchanged. Her moans stayed nonverbal, and our breathing was labored in the excitement of it all, of stepping over another line. Our strokes quickened, and it wasn’t long before I couldn’t hold it anymore. The sound of my seed splattering on the wood floor sounded like thunderclaps, and she immediately began spasming in response, biting her pillow and letting out anguished cries of ecstasy.

We lay there gasping in the afterglow of our respective climaxes. My mind felt hazy, like a layer of it had turned into brittle foam and was threatening to become mush at the slightest touch. Brie was the first to move, quickly pulling the covers back up to her chin and turning over. Finally the guilt hit me, and I did the same, suddenly wishing morning would never come so I could just hide in my dreams forever.

But Brie was there too, radiating light like an angel and ever out of my reach as I fell into an endless pit of sin.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hwu1k8/having_some_brie_chapter_3_fm_incest_brothersister


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