Justice’ night at the ring! [Helltaker]

Hey everyone, sorry its been a while! Hope you enjoy! This one has a bit more action, perfect for tonights demon.

“Ahhh, that hits the SPOT! Thanks my main man helltaker!”

 Justice said as she patted her belly from the good meal. Helltaker smiled as he finished the last pancake, swerving the pan around to get an even spread of batter. He placed it down as it cooked, and grabbed some yogurt from the fridge to eat. Tonight was cooler than the weeks before, and he finally had recovered his eyes from the gaming sessions he had promised to Malina.

“Awesome. Altered the recipe a bit, glad to hear it goes down good.” He commented, washing some dishes and placing them onto a drying rack. She finished off the pancake, licking her fingers to get every little taste left.

“Hell yea. Say, watcha doing tonight? Ill probably go beat up some dudes.” She joked, looking at the back of her gloves. He finished flipping the pancake, and placed it after onto a pan of other finished ones. He looked toward the fridge, which had a few ads on it he had gathered from the local paper.

“Actually, i have an idea. Theres an underground fighting ring you know. Quite popular.” Although she had shades on, Her eyes shone like a hells brimstone pit.

“Oooh? Thats sounds sick!” She said, rubbing her hands together. “When do we go?”
He snickered, then took off his SATAN gown, replacing it with his classic white suit.

“Tonight.” She hollered in excitement, pumping her fists in the air.
“YEAAHH! Lets go lets go lets go!” She said as she walked out the door, Helltaker clicking off the lights after taking one last glance at the stove to make sure it was off.

It was a fairly cloudy night, the moon glowing upon the earth, the streetlamps illuminating the way toward the park where the ring was held.

“So, im curious. How do you even know about this ring?” Justice asked, her jacket and tie waving a little in the breeze. Helltaker pointed toward his biceps.

“How do you think I got these? One of my friends introduced me many years ago. Moving boulders in hell takes a good deal of strength for a mortal you know.” He replied, feigning a kick as they walked. She laughed.

“Nice nice. How can we sign up?” She asked, cracking her knuckles. He shrugged.

“Theres no sign up. Just walk into the ring after the previous guy leaves or goes down.”
He leaned in a little. “Ya know. With your demonic strength we could make a few good bucks.” She smiled.

“True. But if its boring Im leavin. Ill try to scale my power down though, try not to kill anyone. Thats pretty lame.” She said, putting her hands behind her head.
He nodded.

“I also need to be here during the day too.” She tilted her head.

“Whys that?” He opened a picture on his phone, himself in a checkered outfit.
“Im a Ref. Only rules are 5 second counts, and no killing or weapons.”

“Seriously! Thats awesome! Ohoho I cant wait!” She excitedly said. As they continued walking, the sound of yelling and screaming grew louder.

“This?” She asked, pointing beyond a gate. There were slides and sand areas, with a big playground. He shook his head pointing to the baseball benches that were lined up against a fence.

“There.” They walked over, kids playing on the slides and seesaws. At the fencd was a beefy looking man dressed in black shorts and shirt, who eagerly shook his hand.

“Oi, it is Polish ref! Good to see you my friend. Come to do overtime?” He said in a hard russian accent. He waved his hand.

“Not tonight Senya. My friend here wishes to partcipate.” He beckoned to Justice, who eagerly shook the guards hand.

“This small one here? I see you have gloves ready. We cannot allow those. Here we prefer-” he cracked his knuckles-“visceral, combat.” She snorted.

“Fine by me. When can I start?” She asked. He smiled.

“Immiedetly. Please do strip down to your bare essentials, it makes sure neither fighter is hiding anything. Then procced into the ring once you are ready. Good luck Polish Referees friend. And what can we call you?” He asked. She thought for a second, then snapped her fingers.

“Themis.” He nodded, wrote it down on a note, then passed to another person.
“Good luck contestant.”

Justice and helltaker went under the bleachers. When out of sight, justice snapped her fingers, and her glasses, suit, and gloves dissapeared into black smoke: it revealed a highly toned athletic body, with proper MMA style shorts and bra. He whistled.

“Damn. Here, let me at least wrap your hands for you.” He took out a roll of red athletic tape, and did a slight wrap around both her hands, her cheeks blushing a little, like that of a prince laying a ring on his princesses finger.

“Oh, thank you. I havent used this outfit in a while, feels good. Sad I cant use the gloves from Lucifer though.” He nodded.

“Yeah. But I gotta say, you are mighty fine. Those scars from your fights back in the day?” He pointed to a few. She nodded, smiling at the acknowledgement.
“Mhmm. That girl Beezlebub was pretty crazy.”
She sighed, remebering a conflict from so long ago. “Anyway. Shall we?” He smiled, as he guided her to a hall in the middle of the bleachers section, light from the stadiums floodlights beaming. They covered their eyes, as they walked through the entrance to meet roaring crowds.

“OH, HOW TIMELY! A NEW FIGHTER ENTERS THE RING, AS JIMBO THE BREMBO GOES OUT! ESCORTED BY OUR BELOVED POLISH REF, PLEASE WELCOME, HER NAME TAKEN AFTER THE GREEK GOD OF JUSTICE, THEMIS!” The crowd roared in delight as she entered the spotlight, handing off her shades to Helltaker, climbing up to the hastily made hexagon, already doused with blood from previous bouts. She flashed a thumbs up to Taker, who responded likewise with a fierce grin.

“Man, you only see this in movies! Ooh this is so cool, my hearts pumpin!” She said, admiring the surroundings. The referee walked up to her.

“Themis. Please enter the oppisite corner so we may begin.” He asked, beckoning her to the opposite corner. She complied, walking over and stretching as she waited.

“Quick, whats a cool one liner. Hmmm.” She thought to herself.

 The other contenstant, tall, bulkier, and wider crushed a water bottle over his mouth, staring directly at her while doing so. He smiled, spit a gob of blood out, and met her at the center of the ring.

“So hottie, you think you got what it takes to take me down?” He snarked into the microphone the referee hadpostioned in the middle.  She smiled, staring him in the eyes.

“I dont know what your ugly mug looks like, but over these millenia Ive fought countless warriors. You. Heh. Back where I came from, I was known as high prosecutor. Trust me pal. I wont just best you. I will destroy you.” She replied, invoking an uproar from the crowd, leading into a fierce chant.

“THEMIS, THEMIS, THEMIS!” They cried, only to piss off her opponent more.

“Oh yeah little judge? Bring it.” He replied, stepping back into a combat stance. She wistled.

“Oh man, this might be funner than I thought!” She said, raising her hands up slightly, bouncing on the ground.
“Ok, hold yourself back a little. Human standards.” She said quietly. The refree stood in the middle, hands pointing to each contestant.

“Ok. Remeber the rules?” They nodded.
“Good. Begin!” He swiped his hands down, and the man charged straight at her, lunging a punch.

It missed, as Justice popped up on top of his shoulders.

“I am, the speed. Keep up!”

He growled, and threw a left hook up, as she effortless dropped to the ground, spinning backwards, sending her right heel into his legs, knocking him off balance. He hit the ground, but bounced back up, only to find Justice straight in his face.

“Hiya!” She said, sending a left elbow into his gut. He stepped back a bit, coughing. He recovered his breath, and began to rapidly sidestep, throwing uppercuts at her, Justice only needing to deflect a few, yawning.

“Ah cmon. This is a little bit of a letdown.” She said with a sigh, landing an open palm attack on his face mid combo, followed by a side kick that blasted the man across the stage. He hit the mat with a resounding thunk, coughing up blood. He lay there for a bit, until a voice cried to him.

“Use your inctantation dammit! Your gonna make me lose all my money!” A plump moustached man Yelled, waving a fist. The man opposite Justice groaned back up, a small red circle glowing on his forehead.

“Oh ho ho. A fanatic arent ya. Well well.” She said, a smile on her face. The man groaned louder mysterious phrases, as his body grew in size, his muscles rippling with otherworldly energy.

“RAGHHHH!” The thing cried, as it lept forward, smashing a fist into Justice’ guard, sending her flying into the air. It lept up, two hands clasped together, and pummled her back down into the ring. He bellowed again, walking over to the dust filled hole into the ring.

“Ok big boy.” A hand rose from the hole, the familar demon rising from it, a fire in her murky eyes. “Wanna dance?” She grinned, as she darted forward, catching its fists. She flexed them, braced her legs onto the ground, and threw him into the air.  As it rose, she launched up, slamming a right elbow strike into his gut, followed by a midair spin roundhouse kick to his head, firing him back down into the ground, skidding into the fence. As she landed, she fired toward the demon, one final punch to the gut, smashing the fence, and then sending him straight back to the ring in a massive explosion of dirt.

When the dust settled, she walked over to the ring, her hair and taped fists a mess.

“Heh, your little transformation gave me a little more fun than I expected. Thanks.” She said, offering a hand to the man, now back in his mortal form.

“Hes unconcious, but alive.” Said helltaker. The other referee admist the chaos had fled, this supernatural battle too much to take in on a friday night, and so “Themis” was crowned victor.

“So heres all the bets. Since usually a fraction goes to the ref, Ill be taking it.” He said, handing off the remaining cash to her. She was still in her outfit, but had her glasses and gloves back.

“Thanks. Ill need to have a chat with Lucifer. Seems ol grammies influence is leaking again.” He nodded, stashing the cash away. “You know, it reminds me. How does this not get taken down by the cops?” She asked.
“Money has many benefits.”
“Mmm. I see. Its pretty awesome though, so ill probably come back to watch.”
“Thats good to hear. Though the town officals wont like the damage. Ah well. Shall we get home?” She nodded. As they walked back home, justice slipped her hand into his, and they went down the street back home.

“Going to the shower?” Helltaker asked, as he ate some leftover pancake. Justice went over to the bathroom, rhythmically wagging her waist as she did.

“Yeah. Wanna join me?” She asked with a grin, slipping off her bra.

“Hah. Cant say no now can I.” They both walked in, closing the door behind them. As she slowly stripped off her shorts, Helltaker got a nice view of her muscled toned back, all the way down to her ass. She slipped off the bra, revealing her perked boobs. They climb in, and as soon as the water was comfortable, they met with their lips, helltaker pinning her slightly against the wall. She stroked his already hard cock, aligning it with her pussy. Their lips seperated, as he placed one hand massaging her breast, a slight moan from her. They kissed again, as she continued jerking him off very slowly, just enough to get his cock nice and hard, water dribbling down their naked backs. They seperated lips for another second.

“I cant see you, but what Im feeling is, hot. Hella hot.” She said, stroking a hand down his back. He smiled.

“Yeah. Now. Why dont we take this somewhere else a little more, comfortable?” She snickered, turned off the shower, and jumped onto him, Helltaker taking her with both arms. They went to his room, where he lifted her against the wall, biting gently into her shoulder, Justice putting both hands on his back, pulling him in.

“Mmm, fuuuck. Thats so hot my dude. Just do it fuckin already, I can hardly wait!” He nodded, and slowly slipped his member into her pussy, a passionate moan from her.
“Mmm, yeeahh, lets make this night so good!” She cried, as Helltaker boucned her up and down the wall, her boobs going up and down with her, arms still wrapped around his back.

“Oh, damn, your sooo good. I am gonna prosecute the shit out of your pussy.” He said, a slight moaning laugh from justice.

“Oh yeah your honor, fuck me up!” She replied, grip tightening on his back. They then quickly moved to the foot of his bed, where he continued pounding her soaked pussy, her arms now gripping the bedsheet, her legs holding him down.

“Justice, Im, gonna-”

“Same here, just do it!” Her hands wrapped the sheets around her fist, his hands planted on the bed. Their lips met as he pounded faster.

“I, I, Im gonna cummm!”

They both moaned loudly as his seed went into her, both bodies then flapping onto the bed, panting.

“Oh, oh shit that was amazing dude. Ive been missing out.” He chuckled.

“Yeah. Hey, Modeus. I know your there.”

A shadow popped out from the darkness, Modeus, with her hand still in her pants.

“Heh. Hi~” she nervously said, a clear tint of hornyness in her voice. “Too good to miss.”

Helltaker frowned. “Right.” Justice simply put a thumbs up.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hw8068/justice_night_at_the_ring_helltaker