How I [M] 25 got paid to tutor [F] 39

It has been a few years since any of this has happened, and I have since moved away so I feel I can share now. While I feel I can share I also did not want to connect this to my normal account either so this is a toss away account.

At the time of this happening I was teaching high school math. I was a young male teacher and lived in the community that I was teaching in. When I was in school they had always suggested to not do it. Well, they might be right, or they might be just a tad wrong. I assure you that nothing illegal happened. Might blur some ethical lines, but never would I have done anything that really jeopardized my career.

I was living in a townhouse in a community that was a mix of single family homes and well as townhouses. The community had a common pool and gym that the HOA fee allowed one to have access to. I did take advantage of the pool and the equipment. Typically I would work out before school, run home, catch a quick shower and go. There would be a few other adults in there at that time, never would any of the kids be in at that time.

It was part way through the academic year and I was on my favorite recumbent bike getting a ride in while the news was playing on the tv in front of the bike. A woman that I had known as a mother of one of my average students walked over. “Hi, Mr. X. I was hoping I could talk to you for a couple minutes.” I stopped my peddling, reached for my water, toweled off some of the sweat, and looked back up at her. “My husband and I wanted to know if you would like to come over for dinner. we know our daughter is struggling and we really wanted to just get an idea of what we could do to help.” I looked back up at her and wanted to say that a parent conference could probably answer her questions, but before I could say anything she added, “we really just thought that living in the same area we could try to keep it informal and get to know one of our neighbors too.” I was always taught to never pass up a free meal so I said sure, and we made plans to meet up for dinner in a couple nights.

Dinner was nice. They made a simple dinner and we had a nice conversation about who they were and who I was. They both worked full time jobs and had really done what they could to provide for their two kids. They had married young, the oldest girl was in college, and the daughter in question was 15 and in my year two math class. The conversation had moved to her, her progress, and what could be done. I had suggested that she could attend the tutoring sessions I had after school. Unfortunately that was not going to work as the daughter had after school activities that she had to be at also. I offered a couple of other idea, but they asked if I might consider coming over for dinner again and helping their daughter. I had enjoyed having some adult conversation, and a free meal so I agreed. I just asked that they did not let others know I was doing this tutoring outside of school. I was not really sure how it might be perceived.

It had been a few weeks of tutoring. My student was making some progress, and her scores were coming up. We had just finished up another tutoring session when the husband walked in and asked my student if she wanted to go get ice cream. Of course she did. The two of them headed out to get some dessert. I was sitting there at the table when the wife came in. She looked at me, and I just got the feeling that something was not the same as the last couple of times. She came in close, closer from before and said into my ear, that she wanted to thank me for all the efforts I had been giving. She stepped back, and pulled her dress up over head revealing her now naked body before me. She was a very nice looking mom, she had full c cup breasts. Her pussy was smooth. She could tell I was nervous. She looked at me and told me that her and her husband had talked, and that this was as much his idea as hers.

She walked behind me, and she started to rub my shoulders. “Don’t worry, they are not going to be back for a while” She could feel my tension start to ease. She walked back in front of me. the bulge in my pants was very noticeable. she got down on her knees, and and gently rubbed. I smiled. I did not have to say how much I appreciated it. she looked up at me, unbuttoned my pants, and slowly let my zipper down. she reached into my boxers and pulled out my erect penis. I am nothing amazing, and I am not going to make up some outlandish stat. I am a decent circumference, and about 7″ in length.

Slowly she kissed the length of my shaft. She was taking her time. She was not rushing, and I was not complaining. I could tell that he enjoyed worshiping the cock. Slowly she worked back up my shaft, and opened her mouth. Slowly she worked her way down. Her mouth was warm, wet, and was inviting It felt amazing being in this mother’s mouth. My eyes were closed as I was lost in the feeling this mouth slobbering on my shaft. Her tongue was dancing over my shaft. I tried to focus on my breathing. I wanted this to last. She worked slowly, methodically, and enjoyed my cock in her mouth.

My breathing started to get deeper. I did not need to say a thing. She knew. She knew I was getting ready to explode. She took my cock out of her mouth and looked up at me. “Give me your cum. I want your hot cum in my mouth. I want your goodness for my dessert tonight.” She took my cock back into her mouth. As she had asked I gave her my cum. My cock shook as it shot rope after rope of thick goodness into her mouth. As my last spurt was erupting she pulled off and let the last bit of my cum fall onto her breasts. She milked all that was left of me onto her full breasts. She looked up, opened her mouth and showed me my cum as her hand milked the last bits of cum onto her. She closed her mouth and swallowed my seed into her stomach. She stood back up, leaned in, and kissed me on the neck.

I was exhausted, and really did not want to move. But at the same time I did not want her husband and my student coming back in with my now limp cock out in the open. I got up, hugged the Mrs. and thanked her. She said, “No, thank you. You have done so much for us. I am gonna leave this bit of cum here on my breasts to show my husband. It was his only request.” I turned beet red, and smiled. She found the dress she had on earlier and pulled it back on. “I hope that this will not change anything?” I assured it by all means did not. “Good, I am sure I might be able to tip you again like that if you would like that.” I smiled, and let her know that I would not be opposed.

We walked to the door, I gave her a quick hug and walked out. Just as I was pulling out in my car her husband and daughter were just coming around the corner. I smiled and waved. I am sure he knew what had just happened, but I could not get the thought out of my head that my seed was now in my student’s mom.

That was the first of several tips. I hope you enjoyed it. If you want to hear about more of my adventures let me know in the comments.



  1. We definitely want to hear more about the several other tips and don’t hesitate being elaborate about each of them. Looking forward to it!

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