[M]y Spring fling with the soccer girl. Another erotic trip down memory lane. Specifically with the sweet little thing that stole my heart for a few months before transferring.

Hi there,

I hope you had a great weekend and are enjoying a lazy Sunday. This story is from my Junior year in college, at a small university up in the Catskills/upstate NY.

I had decided to take a “history of geology” course with a buddy of mine, and the professor was a total nut. He looked and acted like a dwarf who stepped out of the Lord of the Rings movies. Fun class, for sure. My buddy and I always sat in the back of the lab, usually next to a very cute artsy girl who I would casually flirt with during the more dense parts of the class. I didn’t even notice the sweet little thing whom this story is really about, until well into the semester. Spring semester.

I was out at a party in town and she practically pounced on me, as I was a little schwasted and dancing my ass off in some townhouse. The theme of the party I still don’t understand, but all the girls who were down to show off were wearing bubblewrap and colored duct tape micro-dresses they made. She slid in front of me and we locked eyes. Gorgeous green eyes that had me ensnared in a heartbeat. Her golden-brown hair a bit of a mess from how hot the room was gave her a “hot-mess” vibe and I was about it. She is a good deal shorter than me, probably 5’4″ or even shorter, so the whole time we interacted, those soul melting eyes were looking up at me in a way that made my knees weak. The form of her toned body was all on display, her top section tightly hugging her small but deliciously perky breasts. The hot pink duct tape dress ended dangerously high on her muscular but still slender legs. I was on her in an instant.

We danced and quickly started grinding. She had an ass that only a student-athlete was capable of walking around with and it was quickly getting me hard in my pants. We ended up making out in a corner and she told me she knew me from class. I was dumbstruck. I finally pieced together who she was, we’ll call her J. She always sat in the very front row so I’d only really seen the back of her head and briefly when we would all clear out of class.

She always struck me as the studious, shy-girl type. Always got A’s in the class and never really dressed flashy. The transformation into the girl that was seductively writhing her body against mine and groping me was incredible. After making out and feeling her tiny-but-plump lips all over my neck, with her hands grabbing at my shirt, I suggested we go to my dorm room.

We stumbled in the dark with the lights of the dorm’s main hallway silhouetting our shadows against the walls of my room, intertwined and lustily grabbing at each other. We made out for a while, my lips exploring hers, and I started pawing at her duct-tape dress, trying to unwrap her. I ended up needing scissors, the damn thing was so tight. Her milky white tits were on full display and I started moving down, on top of her. Sucking and licking her nipples until they were rock hard and she was moaning like she was in heat. She gently patted my hair and told me she felt a little dizzy. I could feel the alcohol and tiredness of my body, too, and got up to get her water. She thanked me and we sat on my bed for a bit before she told me she was a little too drunk to do anything more, but she gave me her number and I walked back to her dorm. I told her to text me to let me know if she got back to her’s alright. She did and sent me some sweet goodnight texts, telling me how hot our makeout session was.

It was later that week when I ran into her at the gym. She was repping out some serious leg lifts in a tight sports bra and yoga pants. Thankfully the gym wasn’t crowded that afternoon, otherwise, some people might have seen the tent that was forming in my shorts. I approached her and her face lit up once I said hi. We flirted and checked each other out very obviously. Her hair was back in a high and tight ponytail that accentuated her almost elf-like angular features. Small mouth, but full lips. Gorgeous green eyes and rosy cheeks. She was FIT. What little fat she had on her was in all the right places, mostly her thighs and trademark soccer girl ass. Strong, toned legs that were like marble wrapped in silk.

She couldn’t keep her eyes from darting from mine down to my lips, my chest, swollen arms, and down even further once or twice to the bulge in my crotch.

We arranged to meet up and watch some movies together after studying for an upcoming geology exam. I met her at her dorm, all the way on the other side of campus, and pretty far out from anything else. Built right into the side of the low mountain that our college was built on. It was rainy so I was glad to get inside. Her room was nicely decorated and once I dried off we got to studying for all of about 15 minutes before We got to talking and learning more about each other. We were mutually fascinated with how different our upbringings were. She was a straight-A student, soccer team since she was 6 or 7, went to church nearly every Sunday with her family and grew up in a very small town in upstate NY. I was a city boy, Brooklyn born and raised, terrible student when I didn’t care for the material, did graffiti, and was all around more roguish than the boys she grew up with. She grabbed me by the hand and pulled me over to her loft bed. We got in and I loaded up Princess Mononoke, which she had never seen before.

It wasn’t long before we were making out again and soon her small, delicate-yet-firm hand snaked its way down to my stiffening cock. She licked my chest while stroking me to full hardness, licked her hand, and then got to work. My highschool girlfriend never really gave handjobs, but J was a different kind of minx. She massaged me so well, with rhythm and alternating her grip at the right times. I put my hands behind my head and moaned deeply. I told her I wanted to be inside her. She declined.

I asked if she was a virgin.

“No. I had a boyfriend in high school.”

My hips started to buck and she tightened her grip and started to stroke my thick cock in earnest. I locked eyes with her and she had the sweetest gaze pouring out of her. She said in a low voice, “I’m not ready for that, yet. But I want to make you feel good. Close your eyes and let me make you feel good, T.”

I was already close but that put me over the edge. I came so much and so hard it got all over my chest and hers a little too. She smiled and kissed me softly on my neck and face as I let loose a low roar. She took off her shirt and wiped up the mess, before throwing it into her laundry bin. We cuddled and made out for a while after and the last thing I remember from that afternoon before I fell asleep was the smell of her hair, and the feeling of her small body wrapped up in mine.

There’s more to this story but I feel like this is a good stopping point. Thank you so much for reading and making it all the way down here. I have more stories on my profile, all of which so far are on the dirtier side. More to come soon.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/huwz92/my_spring_fling_with_the_soccer_girl_another


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