Why Do Teachers Lean So Close? – [FF][Lesbian][Kissing]

(All characters are 18+)

You know what always annoyed me growing up. When teachers would walk the room while you were working. Not on tests, I get that, but just doing remedial classwork. They would walk around and if you had a question or they wanted to check in with you they would bend down and lean in so close, or crouch and be level with you and their face and head would invade your space. Why do so many teacher’s do that?

Okay, yes, I understand I’m complaining about helpful teachers which is a solid 10 on the the ‘being a complete brat’ scale, but I don’t really feel this way anymore. Not for a good reason, of course, but because of Ms. Rain.

Ms. Rain was a tall, dark-haired, hazel-eyed, slender woman who was chipped out of marble and breathed life into by a goddess. Okay, that may be a bit hyperbolic. I guess you can guess, though, I loved her.

Eighteen years-old, a simple girl sitting in Ms. Rain’s European History class, I couldn’t seem to take my eyes off her when she taught. I would take in the air when she walked by and look into her eyes intently when we spoke.

Ms. Rain had that habit I was talking about. She would give us classwork, practice essays for the college credit exam, and come by and check in on people.

One day she checked on me. She crouched a little and bent a little and looked at my work. Her face turned to mine, head tilted, and I turned to hers and it was so close. Why did teacher’s get so close? Why did I ever think it was a bad thing. Her hand was on my desk. I sat in my stupid shirt that suddenly felt childish and my grey cardigan, sleeves halfway down my palms. and swallowed in nervousness.

“Anything I can help you with, Grace?” She asked me. I looked into her eyes.

*My gaze drifted to her lips then flipped back up to her eyes. I leaned in most of the way, and she leaned in the last few inches. Our lips pressed together. It was a good, square, kiss ending quickly only for ourl ips to come together again. She was so soft. So sweet. Everything I wanted. Again they pressed to each other, more open this time. We inhaled each other. The class around us continued to work.*

*My hand underneath her came up and held the back of her head. Her hand left my desk to come up and touch my shoulder, then drifted down and ran over my breast clothed, giving me a tingle. My other hand held her face. Our lips continued to open and close against each other.*

*They were unevenly pressed. I pulled back slightly and opened my them and felt her tongue press against mine, both moving up against each other only for our lips to collapse back in. The next kiss was simple. The one after that was the most open one yet, tongues getting to know each other much more profusely. It closed as well. My hands came down, taking my pen back in my hand. Her hand drifted by my breast once more and landed on the desk where it had been.*

*One last kiss. Simple, but firm, lips peeling away, sticking in places, as if never wanting to leave, and making a satisfying final sound of release. She went back to where her face had been. I took a few breaths to relax myself.*

“Grace?” She asked again. I blinked hard and shook my head wordlessly and she smiled at me and my daydream ran through my mind once more. She stood and walked back to her desk at the front of the room.

I was going to fail that class.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hur8jt/why_do_teachers_lean_so_close_fflesbiankissing