The Pleasure of Business: An Erotic Novel, Chapter 17

The next morning the boss explains a few things about the gala to Anna. It’s finally the day she has been waiting for.

He explains that it is tradition for the men and women to get ready in separate locations. Monique will come pick Anna up and take her to get ready with several of the other women attending. There they will have hair and makeup professionally done. Manicure and pedicure. Waxing.

“All those torturous things women put themselves through to pretty up for their men,” he chuckles and kisses her. “And Rod will be there to make any final alterations to your dress. I think you may have lost a few pounds here. Or more accurately had them pounded out of you.” He winks. Anna giggles and playfully slaps his arm.

While the women prepare, the men get together to play cards and smoke cigars at the tree house. They also determine their final prices.

“Prices?” Anna asks.

“Yes, at the end of the gala there is a private group that makes extra money by allowing the others to purchase time with their dates,” he says in a tone that says this is all completely normal to him.

Anna’s eyes go wide.

“This is the first year I won’t be purchasing time with any women. I’m not leaving you alone,” he says trying to calm her. “But if someone wants to pay to fuck you, I think we should let them, don’t you?”

Anna gulps and nods, “I guess so, sir.” She takes his hand and squeezes it. “Just don’t leave me alone, I’m not sure if I would be okay if you weren’t there.”

She takes a deep breath and he wraps his arms around her. She was already nervous about the gala. Finding out she is secretly for sale makes her nearly frightened. Who would pay money to fuck her? That’s insane. She’s just a normal girl. Laying next to her boss in bed, her head spinning, she turns to face him.

“How much?” she says.

“How much what?” he responds.

“How much would someone have to pay to be with me?” she says, hardly believing the words are coming out of her mouth.

“You’ll find out. You’re going to be a high priced item,” he says, kissing her for reassurance.

He chuckles.

“Nobody says it but the reason they separate the men and women to prepare is so nobody fucks each other on gala day.”

He slides his stubbled face down her body and playfully kisses her pussy. “I’ll miss you. But you’re going to get quite the play later if my instincts are correct.”

Anna giggles as he talks to her pussy. She pulls him back to her face and wraps her arms around his neck, kissing him and saying, “I trust you. Just promise you won’t leave me alone.”

“I would never leave you alone with these animals,” he says, returning her kiss.

They lay in bed for a while before he pulls her up and takes her to their balcony where breakfast has been set up. He hands her a mug of coffee and sits next to her.

“I’ve so enjoyed Paradise, sir…” she says suddenly. “I hate that our time here is almost over.” She looks away from him, down into her coffee, a grin crossing her face.

“You know, Anna,” he says in a serious tone she has rarely head from him, staring off the balcony. “You don’t have to go back. To your house. To your marriage. To any of it.”

Anna looks at him confused.

“You’re not happy there,” he says, turning to her. “This could be your life. Permanently. The travel. The money. The adventure. The crazy amounts of wild sex. You belong here.”

He takes her hand in his.

“You belong with me.”

Anna is speechless, her shock and surprise written across her face.

“Think about it,” he says.

He walks away and refills her mug.

“But for now, breakfast. You’re going to have a busy day.”

Her head spins again. She hadn’t even thought about her husband, let alone thought about having to go home to him. Maybe he’s right. Maybe she should leave it all behind. Part of her is scared to even think about it. But he has taught her so much about her freedom and what she deserves. She’s never said it out loud but she feels it. She belongs to him now. Not the stranger she shares a house with back home.

“Sir… I…” she tries to speak but he puts a finger to her lips.

“Think about it,” he says again.

“I will,” she whispers. She may already know the answer but she’s not ready to admit it to herself yet much less admit it to him.

She takes the coffee from him and he kisses her forehead and smiles, trying to calm her.

“Rod picked up your dress yesterday so it’s already over there,” he says sipping his own coffee and changing the subject back to gala preparations. “Try not to fuck him.” He winks.

Anna rolls her eyes and sticks her tongue out at him.

“Monique will be here to fetch you soon,” he chuckles. “I’d tell you to try not to fuck her either but she seems to be very persuasive. Maybe you have a crush on her as much as she has one on you.”

Anna mocks surprise then giggles and blushes. “I will neither confirm nor deny this information.”

“Have fun being pampered and primped like royalty. Because you will be. Literally. The personal style team to the royal family of Greece will be among those working on you ladies today,” he says, his casual tone about such a thing surprising her again.

“Oh mademoiselle,” familiar sing song French inflected voice interrupts them. “I have come to take you away!”

Anna smiles and hugs him before Monique comes up through the door, “Thank you, sir. For everything…” she whispers in his ear before kissing his cheek and turning to face Monique.

“Hi, lady,” she says with a playful smile, as Monique pulls her into a hug and kisses her on both cheeks. “I’m ready I guess for this craziness to begin!”

Monique takes her hand and pulls her out the door, nearly running in her excitement. “I will take good care of her, Mr. Bruce!” she calls back as she bounces down the stairs, keeping Anna close behind.


The tree house is enveloped in cigar smoke as Wyatt, Bruce, and more than a dozen other men lounge about inside smoking. Having been naked for as long as anyone can remember it seems almost absurd that they are all in some manner of tuxedo now.

“Ain’t anything on this earth like an expertly made cigar,” Wyatt says, puffing a cloud of smoke into the air. “The man who made these may doesn’t speak any English and lives in a place that can’t reached by vehicle but there ain’t a finer smoke available in the world.”

Cards litter a table, the remnants of a high price game that has concluded, money changed hands

Wyatt sets his smoldering cigar down and seems to snap to business mode. “Alright, gentlemen. We have business to tend to. Time to present your prizes and their prices. Let’s get moving.”

“Your bid guarantees you one shot. You blow your load in 30 seconds, that’s your back luck or their great skill. Make it worth your investment. Payments will be cash only, to be paid in full before you enter the room with your prize. If she has any limits, kinks, safe words, or anything else a potential buyer needs to now, speak them now if they are to be honored. I’ll open up business.”

He places a glossy photo of Monique on the table. He’s clearly had her photos professionally done. Bruce kicks himself for not doing the same for Anna.

“$500,000. No rules. No limits. She is a wild ride. I haven’t found anything yet she doesn’t like. And you boys know me, I try it all. Go one at a time. Gang up on her. She’ll do it all with a smile.”

“I’m in,” calls a voice from the back of the crowd.

“Hold your horses, cowboy, this ain’t a live auction,” Wyatt chuckles. “Sounds like somebody ain’t gonna get his money’s worth. Remember your numbers. My prize is #1.”

He pulls out a marker and puts #1 on the photo right on Monique’s ass.

“Now who’s next?”

Gentlemen present their prices. Blondes. Brunettes. Redheads. Long hair. Short hair. Thick. Thin. Shaved and not. Most with limits. Some not. Some asking to be tied up, violated, destroyed. Some offering only blowjobs. Some refusing blowjobs. High prices that try to outdo Wyatt. Low prices that reveal lack of confidence. A few professional photos. Most not.

Bruce stands and waits. Observes. He aims to present last. And now it is his turn.

He pulls out a photo he took of Anna in skimpy lingerie with color scheme that matches her gala dress.

“Number 33. The most incredible woman I have ever fucked. World class mouth and snatch. No anal. Ass play is fine but none of you animals are going to fuck her in the ass. Loves to be eaten and teased but would rather focus on your pleasure. One at a time is fine. If more of you bid, she’s not going to say no to group action. Safe word is Carolina. She has requested I be there during any and all action. Non negotiable.”

He looks around the room seeing them anxiously await the price they will have to pay to be with her.

“10 million dollars.”

He sees some eyes drop knowing they won’t get their chance. Others doing quick math to see if they can.

“That’s a pretty big number,” Wyatt says, straight faced. Then he cracks a smile, “But worth every goddamn penny.”

Wyatt’s endorsement puts a buzz into the room. Then he says something else.

“I’d pay more to make her a complete woman,” he casually says.

“She’s a complete woman,” Bruce says sternly, knowing what he’s driving at.

“I’ll say it right now. I will pay 50 million dollars to fuck that woman in the ass,” he says with a grin. He knows he’s getting under Bruce’s skin.

“No deal,” Bruce says.

“That’s a lot of money, youngbuck,” he says.

“Sure is. No deal.”

“How do you know I haven’t done it already?” he chuckles.

“Because I know goddamn better than to leave any woman alone with you, old man.”

Bruce puts his face level with Wyatt’s.

“No. Deal.”

“You’ve got some fucking balls, youngbuck,” he says. “Glad you finally learned to use them for something besides fucking.”

Bruce doesn’t move. They stare at each other.

Wyatt breaks first, chuckling. “Fine. No deal.”

He addresses the rest of the room.

“Prizes and prices have been presented. You know the rules. If you are putting in a bid, you will do so at the gala by placing your marker in the hand of the gentleman you are doing business with. Be discreet. I don’t own the whole country. Prizes will be claimed tonight at midnight back here at Paradise in the dome at the center of the property.”

He stands.

“Good luck and good fucks, cowboys. Now let’s head over to meet the ladies.”


As Monique leads Anna down the hallway by the hand they giggle and start to chat about their dresses, what ideas they have for makeup and hair, and start to chat about the men and what they are up to.

“Mr. Wyatt has told me he has set a high price for me,” Monique says, “I guess we will see who is willing to pay up for some fun with me” She giggles.

“I’m a little nervous. Bruce said he set a high price for me as well. He also said he was not bidding on anyone today. He will be with me the whole time,” Anna says, biting her lip.

Monique squeezes her hand and smiles, “Mr. Bruce is too nice. He must really care for you. I’m sure many men will want you. I know how much fun you are!” She winks and pulls Anna through a door and the preparations begin.

“There’s my babygirl!” Rod shrieks, hugging Anna tightly before whisking her away to a chair where three women descend, one for nails, another doing her hair, and the third doing her makeup.

“If she looks like anything less than a princess, I will personally kick all three of you old biddies back to Greece!” Rod calls over his shoulder before heading to check on another girl’s progress.

The three women don’t speak a word, making Anna even more nervous. She can’t see what they are doing to her. She just has to trust their expertise. After what feels like hours in the chair they let her look in the mirror. Her eyes sparkle, her lips look natural with a slight red color, and her hair is curled and pinned to the side.

“Babygirl! Baby! Girl!” Rod shrieks, walking quickly toward her. He clasps the necklace her boss bought for her from Jennifer around her neck. He unzips the garment bag her dress is in and helps her into the dress. He stands back to look at his work.

“Babygirl, how much fucking have you been up to since you last had this thing on?” he says, clicking his tongue. “Let the master get his tools! You got dropped weight on me!”

Rod sets to work making final alterations to the dress as Anna tries to stand very still.

Monique enters in her gown, gold, floor length, showing off her delicate curves. She squeals, “You look beautiful! All of the men will want to pay up for you with how you look!”

Rod finishes his work, steps back, give a last look, then slaps Anna’s ass hard. “Go get ‘em, babygirl!”

Monique hurriedly takes her hand again and leads her as quickly as her tall heels will allow toward where they have been instructed to meet their partners.

As the ladies exit, the men are in a line outside the door. It becomes immediately clear who has gone to Rod for tonight’s outfits as he has color coordinated the men’s suits with the women’s dresses. Monique spies Wyatt at the end of the line and takes off in an awkward heel addled run.

“Oh, Mr. Wyatt! You look like the Prince from the fairy tale books!”

He chuckles and kisses her. “You silly woman. I ain’t a prince. I’m the damn king.” He winks and smacks her ass before leading her to the last in the line of limousines at the gates of Paradise.

Anna scans the line looking for her boss, finally spotting him trying to walk toward him casually as her heart threatens to beat out of her chest. He waits for her to come to him. Then he pulls her in and kisses her deeply.

“You look magnificent, Ms. Aubergine,” he whispers. “Truly like a princess.”

Anna smiles and blushes. She takes his arm as confidently as she can. “You clean up nicely yourself, sir. I admit I have missed seeing you in a suit.” She winks and kisses his cheek as he leads her to their limo. She is already thankful Rod got her heels she can walk in easily, even if they are 4 inch stilettos.

“Now, no shenanigans like last time I picked you up in a limo. We have to pretend we’re not depraved perverts for a few hours,” her boss chuckles.

He opens the door for her.

“‘ello, ello!” comes the voice of Francis from out of the limo.

“They let a piece of limey trash like you drive one of these?” the boss says to him.

“Yep! And I’m keeping the fancy threads! Make some lady think she’s swallowing a fancy man’s knob!” He laughs heartily.

“Just get us to and from where we need to go first, you old pervert,” the boss says, shaking his head.

“And will the lady be showing an old driver a bit tonight?” he says, watching Anna get in and licking his lips.

“The lady will not,” the boss answers for her. “Now drive. We have places to be.”

Anna settles into her seat, biting her lip nervously. She needs to say something.

“I thought about what you said before Monique picked me up, sir,” she says quietly.

“You don’t have to decide now. Take all the time you need. Or don’t decide at all and keep things how they are. It’s all up to you, my glittering jewel,” he says, kissing her cheek and smiling but an unfamiliar nervousness fills his chest. He silently hopes he hasn’t made a huge mistake and ruined all of this for her.

Anna smiles and looks at him.

“I think this is the life I want. The life I deserve to have. I’d never felt happier or more satisfied in my life until I met you. My family may not be happy about it but I can’t help but realize how tied down I am with a husband who barely notices me or cares about my career. He doesn’t care what I want or about my needs.”

Her boss sits in silence. Anna tries to read his face.

Then he puts her hand in his. “If this is the life you want, this is the life you will have.”

He pulls a small box from his pocket.

“When Jen and I got divorced I spent a year living back at Paradise. I was a successful business man but I felt like a failure in life. So for that year I buried myself in booze, drugs, and seemingly endless depraved sex. I decided if I couldn’t be the man I wanted to be, I would just focus on becoming Wyatt.”

He pauses.

“I don’t want to be Wyatt. I don’t want to be a 65 year old man chasing after 19 year old pussy in his naked playground. It works for him. I want something more.”

He turns and kisses her before opening the box.

Inside is an exceptionally cut diamond ring.

“My mother gave this to Wyatt for safe keeping. It has been in our family for more than a century. She said if I ever met a woman worth a damn I could have it. He wouldn’t let me give it to Jen. She doesn’t even know it exists. The entire time we’ve been here I have been asking him for it. Tonight he let me have it. Said he saw some thing in me he hasn’t seen before. That a good woman changes a man for the better. And that you are a damn good woman.”

He pulls the ring out and puts it on her finger.

“I’m not asking you to marry me. I’m not asking you for anything. I’m just thanking you for being a damn good woman. And changing a man for the better.”

Anna stares at the ring on her finger. Her boss has left her speechless many times but never like this. Her own wedding ring pales in comparison to this and it hasn’t been on her finger the entire time she’d been there. It had felt good to not have it on. But having this ring on feels different. Better.

“Sir… I… I don’t know what to say…” she stutters. Her eyes well up a little. “I never expected this, any of this… I don’t know how to repay you and don’t think I ever will repay you for what you’ve helped me realize about myself.”

She kisses him softly and his hands cup her face causing her to melt a little.

“I.. sir… This is all so nice of you… And I want this to be my life. With you. We don’t have to get married, but if you change your mind I certainly would consider it…” she says, the words running out of her mouth faster than she can think about them.

He smiles at her and squeezes her hand. Inside he is trying to slow his heart rate. He had been worrying about this moment for a month. He takes a deep breath and smiles again.

“I am a very lucky man,” he says more both to her and to himself.

“Well how about letting someone else get lucky, mate?” comes the coarse laugh of Fredrick.

“So much for a romantic moment,” Anna says, rolling her eyes.

“If you’re going to have a romantic moment, let me pull over so I can get a better view!” More laughs.

“Freddy just drive the goddamn car,” the boss says, clearly a bit annoyed.

“I’m drivin’ the car,” he says. Then he waits a beat. “But also thinkin’ about what your lady friend got on under all them sparkles. Or don’t got on!”

“Freddy…” Anna starts then lets the admonishment trail off.

“Anna, you’re going to see some incredible things and very famous people tonight at the gala. It’s all old news to me but I wanted to warn you so you don’t end up too star struck,” her boss says, trying to change the subject.

“Sir, I have learned to not be shocked by the life you have plus I don’t know if I’ll be star struck. I’m with you and you put a diamond on my finger…” She kisses his lips sweetly but pulls away before her more intense urges take over.

“When you say incredible what do you mean?” she asks inquisitively, still holding his hand and smiling.

“The gala grounds make the Met Gala look like a slum,” he chuckles. “Nobody is allowed to see the grounds until the night of. Anyone working on it has to sign an iron clad NDA. Last year there were ice sculptures 4 stories tall. Enough lights be seen from 40,000 feet. Sky divers. Fire eaters. It’s all so over the top. I’ve met presidents and world leaders. Athletes, models, and movie stars. I’ve seen Gordon fucking Ramsay serving canapes to Barack and Michele Obama and then turned around and clinked glasses with Derek Jeter, Brad Pitt, and Lady Gaga. It can be a little intense if you’re not used to it.”

Anna’s eyes widen again. “But… I thought this was a business gala…” she says, confused. “I guess there are things about this life I am going to have to learn.”

Her heart is still fluttering. Her life is about to change drastically. Normally she would be terrified but his presence calms her.

“It’s a business conference. But a gala is a gala. Everyone wants a piece of the action. The rich and famous rubbing elbows. And other body parts but they don’t want that talked about,” he chuckles.

“Speaking of that, I put a very high price on you tonight,” he says, kissing her cheek. “Any man or woman who wants you is going to have to pay up.”

Anna turns and looks at him, still not sure how this works.

“And when it’s done I am giving you every red cent. You’ll be the one earning it. So it will be your money,” he says.

Then he puts his lips to her ear.

“Anyone who wants to fuck you tonight has to pay $10 million. In cash. Up front. You are the highest priced slut on the market tonight,” he whispers.

Anna trembles, his breath and tone making arousing her but the words make her gasp.

“10… 10… Million? Dollars? Sir… I…” she tries to speak but he stops her with a gentle hand on her neck and a kiss on her lips.

“Let this be your party for your new life, Anna,” he whispers. “And have fun. I promise I won’t leave your side.”

Her mind is reeling again. If just one person pays to sleep with her she’ll have more money than she ever imagined. She can’t seem to wrap my head around that fact that anyone would pay to have sex with her much less pay that much to do it.

She looks at him and jokes, “You know, you sleeping with me is free, right? She winks and lays her head on his shoulder, trying to calm the nervousness that he can feel in her body language.

“Well someone had to do the hard research to come up with that price,” he chuckles, squeezing her thigh. “But you are worth every penny.”

He pauses.

“Wyatt also told the gathered crowd that you were worth that price,” he says, knowing Wyatt’s approval excites her further. “He only put a price of $500,000 on Monique. But he is known for putting a low price on his prize every year. He’s Wyatt. The king of Paradise. If he wants to fuck your woman, he will. Probably already has.”

She giggles.

“He offered me $50 million to fuck your ass. I told him to go to hell. Some pleasures are for me and me alone. I hope you’re not mad I turned down that much money. A man needs to have some principles. And I have a feeling by tomorrow morning you are going to be a very rich, very satisfied woman.”

She smiles at hearing how he stood up to Wyatt for her. “I’m grateful for that, sir. Very much. I want to having something that is only for you too.” She relaxes a little, as he runs his fingers up and down her bare arm.

“But I’ll be your woman tomorrow, sir. The money doesn’t matter to me very much. Even if it is more money than I could ever dream of. Now that I’ve realized I belong here I don’t really care how much money I have…” Her words trail off as she sees him looking at her intensely, “What, sir?” She smiles wider.

“Just enjoying hearing you call yourself my woman,” he says, not realizing he was staring to begin with.

Then I am staring again.

“Goddamn Rod did a hell of a job on that dress,” he says. “Is he still mad he had to do it for free for losing your bet?”

Anna giggles.

“I told him you were the best. Not my fault he didn’t believe me.”

She giggles again and strokes his cheek. “He didn’t mention it, actually. He was more worried about making sure I looked perfect for you.” She smiles and kisses him.

“Are we almost there? We better be soon before I start fucking you….” he whispers in her ear, nibbling her lobe and licking her neck playfully.

She can feel him getting hard in his pants. But she also knows she can’t have him. Not yet.

“15 minutes at least!” calls Fredrick.

“Make it 10 or less and it will be worth your while,” the boss tells him sternly.

They hear the engine roar as Fredrick tries to find out how the boss plans to sweeten the pot for him.

“You have no idea how much I hate knowing I can’t fuck you yet,” the boss whispers in Anna’s ear.

She lets out a small groan and strokes his thigh, resisting him as much as she can.

“Can I…” she kisses his neck and her hand trails up his thigh towards his growing bulge but he stops her and kisses her deeply instead.

“If I mess up your dress or makeup Rod may cut my balls off and wear them as earrings,” he chuckles.

“Plus the rules of the prizes say they can not be fucked until after the gala. Not even by their presenter. So I hope Monique behaved herself,” he says with a wink.

The car comes to a stop. They have arrived.

“16 seconds to spare! Pay up!” Fredrick yells.

“When we get to the entrance,” the boss tells him.

Another 10 minutes of waiting. Then it is their turn. The limo door opens.

Cameras start to flash immediately.

“Freddy check your phone. You’ve been paid.”

“What did you give him, sir?” Anna asks.

“I sent him one of the photos we took last night,” he responds.

Anna giggles, “Oh well I hope he enjoys it.”

“He will,” her boss says. “And Anna?”

“Yes, sir?” she says.

“Start calling me by my name. We’re equals. Sir is for the bedroom. Or anywhere else you want to fuck me.”

She starts to speak but he grabs her and kisses her deeply.

“Here we go,” he says, getting out of the car and reaching his hand back for her. “Time to accept your new life.”
