Greg or Eight penis tentacle hell beast seeks nice woman for walks on the beach [F-monster] [Tentacle] [romance] – Part 2

Beth waited for Greg to show up. He usually dropped by to see if he had anyone interested on Thursday, in the hopes he’d have a date for the weekend. She was glad she could give him the good news for one, he always tried to act not disappointed when she had to tell him no. She heard someone outside yell “Holy shit!” Greg was here.

“Hiya Beth! Got you those cookies I promised” He was carrying a Tupperware container, setting them on the counter.

“You are such a dear” Beth takes out a cookie and bites into it “what’s your secret you have to tell me”

“You know I can’t” he turns around to fake like he’s looking for spies “Its just a hint of cinnamon” holding a massive cock up to his mouth and her ear to whisper. Beth shivered, if only she wasn’t married and well lots more reasons.

“You have a match” she says proudly, sliding him a tape and a card with into. “Really?” Greg asks looking her “really?

She points down the hallway “booth 5 is open for you”. Greg goes down the hallway to watch the tape.

“Hello My name is Ethel and I…”
“She’s beautiful” Greg says watching the tape. She is so beautiful. She said she writes romance stories, a romantic!

She has a cat, Mr. Snuffers. Greg smiled “a friend for Prince Bloodsplatter”

He jets out of the booth to the front “She really wants me, she saw my tape?”

“yes she did and she watches all of them, but never gave us a hint at a match” Beth says pointing at the card. “She said she wants coffee at 8 PM tomorrow, is that ok?”

“Golly yes!” Greg practically yells. “8 PM tomorrow, which shop?”

“she said there was one near her, Jackson Street Coffee Slingers”

He looks at her “I’ve never been there, but I know where it is” He grins widely “I’ll be there!”

Floating out of the shop, he raises all 8 cocks into the air “I HAVE A DATE!!!!!” The street turns to face him, a mother covers her daughter’s eyes. Greg grabs a guy near him “I have a date with a woman!”

“Fucking shit ass!” the guy yells out terrified as he’s surrounded by massive cocks. Greg releases him and bounces down the street, yelling “I gotta date! I gotta date!”


Ethel felt nervous. What if he said no? What if it was all some sort of prank? She looked in her box of toys at all the things she’s acquired over the years. Dildo’s a plenty, ones shaped like humans, others like tentacles.

“I’ve been dreaming of this forever” she sighs looking at her half written tentacle erotica “A Squirmy Serenade”. This was like her wildest fantasy come true.

Her phone rings, she darts to it “Hello?…..He did?….8 PM…Thank you”. She dances with glee. He said yes.

She goes into her room and dumps the box on herself, rolling around with all the rubber cocks. “He’s going to go out with me” she thought. She sits up “I got to clean up!” She knew she wanted him for more than just coffee. She had to, it had been so long since she had a real…man in side of her.

She hurries and packs up her toys, hiding them from view and begins to decide what she was going to wear on her first date with Greg.
