Greg or Eight penis tentacle hell beast seeks nice woman for walks on the beach [F-monster] [Tentacle] [romance]

The video starts up

“Is it on? oh….Hello My name is Grezebealan but most people call me Greg. I’m single and looking to find a nice woman to spend time with. I know what you’re thinking ladies. ‘It must be my lucky day!’

8 massive cocks enter the screen as if they are hands to hold up for a joke “I’m kidding of course, hahaha. I work as an Actuary for an Insurance Company. I mostly work from home so it can get a bit lonely. But don’t let my … Let me tell you a bit about myself. I love all sorts of fun things like long talks, cuddling, cooking”

holds up a pan and spatula with a beefy cock arm “Yum Yum!”

“and toy trains”

close up of a toy train with a cock on top if it, the shaft larger than the train

“Choo choo!”

“Salsa Dancing!”

Greg’s massive form struts around with an invisible partner as he makes salsa music with his gaping maw, the elephant trunk like cocks moving around

“I also…ummm….ummm” puts glasses on to read off a note card

“I also have a cat, named Prince Bloodsplatter, Master of Intestinal Grinding. I adopted him and he already that name. So if you’re allergic to cats, I might not be the one.”

Mimics a tear falling from his giant left eye, with a childish frowny face “So if you like what you see” holds up a card “or uh…If you think we might be a match, just tell the clerk you want to meet #45784658”

“And remember, consent is sexy and God Bless America” Putting a huge cock arm to his brow, large bulbous head on the end in a salute

Ethel watched the video completely and blinked. Jamming the rewind button, this thing, Greg moved in reverse with lines on his face. Play.

Was this real? She watched it again. Then once more.

Ethel never really found any guys on here. She had found herself at 35 and had really given up on dating. Not that she was bad looking, well she suppose it was who was looking. She was short, at that point that border lined curvy and chubby. She had good breasts, and they were heaving heavily now.

Was this real?

She pulled her hair back and adjusted her glasses. She looked ‘quirky’ but not the ‘quirkly librarian ready for a gangbang’.

Maybe this was a dream from too much erotica. She had retired from teaching English to write erotica. She worked in the ‘Rich man finds mousy girl to make his little pet/love of his life’ type. It was a living. She really liked the more outlandish type, the type that….Greg can’t be real.

She only came to this ‘Finding Connection’ store to get character ideas. She wasn’t expecting this.

Ethel gets up and looks back at the screen and writes down the number. She walks up to the counter, the woman looked up “Anything interesting this time?”

“Yes Beth.. #45784658” Beth begins to type in the number “oh…yes he’s real its not a costume”. Beth was obviously used to this question.

“No its not that…I want to meet him” Ethel says, wondering how much of this was really fake.

Beth sighs “Look, Greg is actually a nice guy. I know he looks, well you know. But he’s really sweet, so if this is some sort of…”

“No I mean I actually want to meet him. You can show him my tape and if he’s available, I’d like to have coffee…say Friday night, 8 pm”

Beth looks Ethel over “well then, I’ll let him know” writing down the information.


1 comment

  1. Greg sounds like a nice guy. Nicer than some single-penised fellows on dating sites. (I married a single-penised guy from a dating site. I may tell him I posted that exact sentence – it should lead to some lively discussion!)

    Thank you for a fun read!

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