
I had just started working, at the Toronto General Hospital as an X-ray tech . The department was short staffed and I still hadn’t received my orientation. At about three thirty in the afternoon , one of the night shift techs called in sick ;  last minute. The manager came to me, just before I was ready to leave, and asked if I could come back at midnight , to cover the night shift…. “please ! … Take the day off tomorrow,” he said.  “Stu will be here with you. ”  With some reservation, I said, “OK. You know, I won’t be of much help, if I have to do portables,”  I said.

So , I went home, had dinner, a nap, watched the evening news and returned back to the hospital at midnight. It started as an uneventful shift. I  covered the ER work and stayed in the department. Stu did the O.R. case and the 4 portables, 2 in ICU.  Around six a.m., the requisitions for the next day started coming off the printer.  I started reading the reqs. One was for a chest X-ray from the Psych ward , that they wanted done  before the patient was discharged; mobile was checked off. No orderlies were around, So I asked , “Stu , why don’t I go there to get this guy ? It’s just the other side of ER.” Stu looked up from his crossword puzzle and said, “yah , OK.”

I wandered off with my map and the requisition. Man, this hospital is a maze, I thought. It’s a big sprawling building that had additions built on every 10 years.
I got to the Psych ward entrance……. A sign in bold letters stated – This door is locked between 11 pm and 7:30 am.
Hmmm, I turned the corner and came to the med Lab. A cute young lady with short red hair and glasses was busy at the counter, cradling a phone on her shoulder and entering information at the keyboard. Sara – Medical Laboratory Services was printed on her badge, clipped to her scrub top pocket. She held out her hand and grabbed the req in my hand. “No, It’s not for me,”  I said. She held up her index finger and spoke into the phone, “Mr Peterson, room 410, CBC and full work-up , yah , got it.” Sara hung the phone up and looked at me.  I said, “I’m new here and lost.  I’m going to pick up a patient in the Psych ward, but the main door is locked. Can you tell me where the after hours entrance is ?”  Sara said,” better yet, I’ll take you there myself. I hate to see people lost.”.. and she smiled.  she called out to her co-worker, “Hazel, can you cover the desk, I’m going to give this newbie a quick tour.”

Sara walked ahead and I followed. Even through scrubs, I could tell that she had a nice slim body. we made a few turns and were now in the older part of the hospital. Sara pushed an unmarked door open. It turned out to be storage room with several gurneys against the wall. At first, i thought she had made a mistake and asked ” how long have you been here “? Looking into my eyes, she leaned back against the gurney and said, ” long enough to know my way around”

I wasn’t 100% sure, but leaned in to kiss her. She kissed back firmly and opened her mouth. I pressed against her and explored with my hands. Our mouths separated briefly. “Anything else you want to know”, She panted in my ear. I mumbled, “Are you a natural redhead” ? , as I nibbled on her ear and neck. ” Why don’t you find out for yourself ” , she whispered. I untied her scrub pants and they dropped to the ground. I lifted her onto the edge of the gurney. Dropping to my knees, I licked the skin at the edge of her panties, Then I pulled them aside with my left hand. Her pussy hair glistened with moisture . I rubbed my nose along her slit and licked on either side of her inner lips. I rubbed the entrance with my knuckle and then slipped my middle finger in – snug , but no resistance  – slippery. She gasped and spread her legs wider and pulled my hair with her hands.  I engulfed her pussy with my mouth and licked her clit with my tongue – lightly, in
circles. She convulsed. I held her ass with my free hand and pressed my tongue against her. I could feel her spasms against my face. I looked up and she eventually opened her eyes. I grinned , she smiled. I stood up and she rubbed the bulge in my pants.

Then we heard voices and footsteps coming towards us . Sara jumped off the gurney and I handed her the strings to her scrub pants . she secured them as  she went through the door . I followed. Standing in the hallway,  I quickly asked, “Hey, what’s your number. When do you get off ?” Sara grabbed my cellphone from my waist clip and punched in her number. “I finish at eight,” she said, as she handed the phone back and walked down the hall. I watched her leave; she turned, smiled and waved her fingers. “Oh”… , I blurted out, ” which way to the Psych ward ? ”  Half turning , she motioned to my left and said, “Just around that corner.”

I looked at my watch; it was 7 am. I cupped my hands to my face and inhaled. I closed my eyes and thought; nice …. very nice !

At this hour , the hospital was coming to life, as people started arriving for the day shift. I picked up my patient and escorted him to the Imaging Department. Stu asked, “what took you so long?”  I said , “I got lost.”  He looked at me with a quizzical look, ” well you didn’t miss much.”

At 7:30, my phone vibrated with a text message,

  breakfast……at my place ?



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