Royalty Chapter 1 [Bondage][Kidnapping][OC]

**The morning sun beamed through the coffee shop window. My usual cup of orange juice sat to the left of my open book. My fingers instinctively reached out to grab the styrofoam cup to take a sip of the sweet citrusy liquid. Strands of my caramel hair had drifted down to impair my vision causing a sigh to free itself from my lips. I pressed the bridge of my glasses up my nose and pulled back my hair behind my ear before returning to pages of text.**

**The background noise of customers, coming and going with their morning coffees and breakfast treats. Some sat down at one of the many tables in the shop; even fewer came over to hit on me. I kindly disappointed all four guys who thought to ask for my number this morning. I had more than enough things on my mind that adding a relationship to the list wouldn’t be worth the effort. I at least understood why they came over, or at least, I assumed why. I was a pretty brunette sitting alone in the corner reading a fantasy book as my glasses slid down my nose.**

**I didn’t think I was sexy, or drop-dead gorgeous. I just thought of myself as pretty. I had curves in all the right places, my legs toned from years of playing volleyball, and breasts to make most girls envious. Personally I was most fond of my hair; with how it stretched to the small of my back, pin-straight, getting me more jealous looks than my chest.**

**I propped up my head with the back of my hand pressed into my cheek as I turned another page with my free hand. The book was getting annoyingly dry. I had read a thousand like it and this new one was just as dull. Fairytale princess turned damsel in distress to be saved by her knight in shining armor. I can’t remember why I particularly enjoyed these types of stories when I was little. Maybe it was the idea of princesses in general that allured me to the fantasy genre.**

**I pulled out my cell phone from the back pocket of my jeans to check the time. It was a quarter after nine. My class wouldn’t start for another two hours. Thus with an exasperated sigh, I returned to my reading. The story had been plodding along with our princess turned damsel begging for freedom as the evil lord awaited the hero. I wish it would just skip the monologue and get to the fight already. This back and forth chatting between the damsel and the bad guy had been going for the last four pages.**

**I was torn by the interruption of yet another man, probably seeking my infatuation, taking the seat across me. He didn’t immediately speak and his appearance wasn’t anything of importance. He looked average, everything about his appearance was oddly mediocre. I thought little more beyond that and returned to my book paying him little more attention.**

**The man did unnerve me as he sat silently across from me. Maybe that was his game, get me bothered and angry then charm me into giving up my number. I tried to focus on the boring scenes but the harder I tried the harder it was to ignore him. I gritted my teeth angrily and I think in the corner of my eye I caught him smirk triumphantly.**

**I closed my book loudly enough to startle him. Forming a smirk of my own, I felt quite successful rousing him. I took the hardcover book and shoved it into my purse. Rising from my seat I noticed his smirk had morphed from triumphant to surprised. I giggled then waved goodbye to the silent average man.**

**Brushing past him towards the door, a hand reached out and grabbed my arm. I suppressed a yelp and shot a glare his way. I didn’t need to look to know whose hand that latched on to me belonged to the strangely quiet man. He returned my glaring with a dark stare that made me feel smaller. He was stronger then he looked as I tried to tug myself free. I grit my teeth sustaining my angered glare on him.**

**“Let go of me,” I finally said breaking the silence.**

**“Now why would I do that? We were having such a lovely time together.” His voice was rough and didn’t suit the person I saw.**

**“I said let go of me freak!” My yell catching the attention of some of the other patrons. Their gazes lingered for a bit but they quickly went back to their own business. Their quick looks appeared to me like they didn’t realize where my voice was coming from but how could that be? I was clearly standing in front of them.**

**“Confused? It’s because I’m using magic to make it so. To them, we just look like a bickering couple. If you hadn’t screamed to cause a commotion maybe I wouldn’t have to make you look like a bitch” His smirk formed again and I knew exactly why I was bothered by him. “Scream again and I will hurt you. Understand me, girl?”**

**Logically my mind was telling he was full of shit. The actions of the people in the shop however made my logic mind lose out. They couldn’t see me or understand what was going on and honestly, I didn’t understand. However he looked displeased and that told me at least that the other customers maybe weren’t supposed to be able to hear me.**

**“Did I have a power of my own? No that would be silly… wouldn’t it?”**

**It was quite irrelevant whatever the case was. Sure they could hear me, or maybe he let something slip, but they couldn’t see me. Since they couldn’t see me they’d just consider themselves all mad at the confusing sounds of me getting cut, beaten, or killed. I bowed my head ashamed, trying my best to suppress my whimpers. A small grunt of satisfaction sounded from the man. He knew I was beaten, at least enough to be subservient for now.**

**“Sit,” He commanded.**

**The man released my arm and for a moment I thought about running. In the end, I didn’t see any point in trying to run away. Surely he’d chase me down with that hidden strength and catch me. I sat complacently back into my chair, dropping my purse to the floor. I had hoped that he could only hide me from sight. Thus if people noticed a change in my purse’s position might alert someone that something was off.**

**“What do you want from me, creep?”**

**He frowned as if disappointed by my question.**

**“Don’t call me that. You’ll only make this worse for yourself.” I guess he wasn’t fond of being called creep.**

**“You didn’t answer my question,” I mockingly pointed out. Just because he had me absolutely terrified and cut off from help didn’t mean I had to like it.**

**“And what makes you think that I have to answer you? I don’t think you understand very well that I’m in charge here. Perhaps you do understand and you’re just trying to keep up an air of confidence to hide your fear,” he paused folding his hands beneath his chin with a smug expression. “Either way, it’s just as irrelevant to me. Step out of line once more girl and I’ll be sure to look away when the twins want to have their way with you.”**

**I could feel the color drain from my face. I didn’t know who the twins were but the prospect of being sexually assaulted by not one but two people was a scary thought. I nodded expressing my understanding then let my eyes drift downward. I heard another of his triumphant grunts. What I couldn’t figure out was his desire to stay silent. People like him usually want to taunt and berate their victims, or at least that’s what I thought people like him did.**

**I had dared to look up a couple of times during our waiting to look at my captor. His features had shifted quite considerably. His hair once, once a jet black was now dirty blonde. Scars had appeared over his cheeks. They seemed to avoid his eyes or lips. Speaking of his lips, they were now cracked, almost bleeding. His eyes turned a dark shade of gold. His skin had bronzed a bit but not too noticeable.**

**I should assume then if he can hide me from other people that he hid himself from me originally. I must have forced him to reveal when I left so abruptly. Which reminded me, I would have to leave for my class soon. The barista behind the counter would surely notice and come to check on me. A small glimmer of hope swelled inside me that maybe my captor wouldn’t have known.**

**Unfortunately for me, that was not going to be the case. This man, my captor, now stood and motioned for me to do the same. I did so and he instantly grabbed my arm in that tight grip that he had me in before. I noticed another thing that was different. He wasn’t the average scrawny man anymore, in his place stood a taller, more muscled man. He looked similar to one of those mercenaries you would see in movies.**

**“Pick up your purse and walk to the door. Hurry up. Your little stunt of walking off earlier made me improvise a bit.”**

**“*****So that’s what we’ve been waiting for, he wanted to make it look like I was snatched up on the street by surprise. Maybe that was his original plan.*****”**

**I bent down and grabbed my purse as I eyed my captor warily. Rising back up, I threw the strap over my shoulder and walked toward the door. He followed closely behind me. I looked backed, peeking over his shoulder, and froze, dumbfounded by the sight. It was the perfect image of me, shaking the average guy’s hand and handing him a thin piece of napkin. I could barely make out the blur of blue ink but I was positive that there were numbers and my name on that napkin. Everything felt surreal, the imitation, my clone was absolutely perfect in mannerisms as well as appearance.**

**“*****How could this be real? Magic shouldn’t exist yet here it is being used as easily as it is to breathe,*****” I thought.**

**My captor pushed me forward as he grunted angrily.**

**“Move girl,” He ordered.**

**I did so, moving my heavy feet closer to the door. As I got close, reaching out my hand to open the portal that would lead to my doom, the man grabbed me by the wrist stopping me. I suppressed the urge to yelp lest I incur more of his wrath. I looked back at him and he only glared at me.**

**“Wait,” My captor said softly.**

**I turned back to see that my shadow was walking towards us. It eventually passed through me pushing open the door. I had little time to be marveled at the abilities the clone could produce as my captor unceremoniously shoved me out the open door. I hit the pavement of the sidewalk, scraping my knees and causing me to let out a shrill screech. I immediately tried to sit up.**

**My captor was looking around the street. No one had noticed me as my shadow self marched on down the street making everyone oblivious to the kidnapping occurring right under their eyes. Reaching forward, he grabbed my arm pulling me into a standing position and drug me along. The grip was uncomfortably tight.**

**We walked for a while until we reached an alleyway. Like with the door, he pushed me again forcefully. This time I managed to prevent myself from falling down. The tight grip had returned to my arm and was back to pulling me along. When I looked further down the alley, I saw it, A windowless white van parked at the far end of the alley. Too paralyzed to move, my captor had to use force to drag me along.**

**When we reached the van, I turned trying to bolt hoping his guard would be down. Sadly I had no such luck and with his speed, I barely got a few feet away. Throwing open the doors he grabbed me with both hands and tossed me into the back of the van. I stumbled to get my feet under me but his weight was already pressing me into the cold metal flooring.**

**I was forced onto my stomach letting out a screech. His knee dug into the small of my back pinning me further. Even with me flailing my arms about trying to throw him off balance he managed to grab hold of my wrists. My attacker pulled them behind my back making one wrist cross over the other in an “x” pattern. A pair of plastic cuffs circled my wrists and then there was a loud zipping sound as they tightened, pinning my hands in place.**

**My captor turned, trying to catch my kicking legs. Eventually, my movements slowed and he was able to quickly grab them. The same plastic feeling quickly enveloped my ankles. I assumed it was another pair of plastic cuffs and was proven right by the zipping sound that soon followed.**

**Wiggling and squirming granted me no sense of freedom. Removing his knee from my back, he let me struggle, but it was no good, the binds were holding tight. With no way out, I opened my mouth to scream. A firm hand clamped over my mouth causing muffled cries of distress that wouldn’t alert anyone. Annoyed with me, he grabbed a roll of duct tape and a cloth rag. His hand pulled away and I tried to take advantage of the momentary freedom to scream. In a lightning-fast motion, my open mouth became stuffed with a disgusting rag. Quickly he followed that up with several slices of tape pressed firmly over my lips and sealing the rag inside. The tape obscured my lower face with everything from my nose to my jawline being covered in the silver adhesive slices.**

**I struggled against my bonds again, vainly hoping to get some slack. The attempt was pointless as I just hurt myself more causing the thick plastic of my bindings to dig into my skin. Satisfied I wasn’t getting anywhere or making any noise my captor took in a deep breath. The back door swung open and two hooded figures with bandana masks appeared.**

**One wore a black hoodie with blue bandana and the other had a grey hoodie and yellow bandana. The main captor slid out of the van walking around to the driver’s seat. The two hooded men jumped in the back eyeing me warily.**

**“Any followers?”**

**“None,” both the men said in unison to the original captor.**

**The engine roaring to life startled me. The van started to move and I knew wherever I was headed I wasn’t going to like it. I gave up fighting, I was only hurting myself trying to get free. I curled myself into a ball, hoping the sound of my cries would be drowned out by the loud engine. The two men didn’t seem to prod or mock me so I assumed they didn’t notice. I didn’t know what else to do. My captor had magic and who knows what these two could do.**

**The ride was long, or maybe it was short, I didn’t keep track of time between my tears. The two men in the back had discussed irrelevant things like the basketball game that occurred last night.**

**The back doors of the van were pushed open by the hooded scrawny men and they quickly jumped out. The grey hooded guy discarded his hood and bandana, giving me the first look at his face. It was soft and young looking, perhaps he was in his late teens. The other dragged me out by my ankles and threw me over his shoulder. One of his arms wrapped around my knees while the other braced on my ass. He gave it a hard spank causing me to squeal out both with frustration and surprise. Being treated like one of the pathetic damsels in my books, made me furious.**

**“Hey!” My original captor shouted. Both men froze and turned slowly to face him, “Don’t you fucking touch her. After all the trouble I went through to capture this spoiled princess for the job you better not fucking try. I sense even for a second one of you idiots fucked her and I’ll cut your dicks off and leave you to rot in a cage. Got it!?”**

**Both men nodded timidly and I couldn’t help being intimidated by the commanding tone of my original captor. At least I learned one thing so far. I wasn’t going to be raped while I stayed here and that I wasn’t for anyone here, even my captor. It sounded as if I was kidnapped by them so that they could pass me off to whoever their client was**

**“I want to hear you idiots say it!” He barked again.**

**“Yes, Shade!” They both exclaimed terrified.**

***“Another thing learned”*** **I thought to myself.**

**My original captor’s name was Shade. A fitting name considering the feat he managed to pull off in the coffee shop. I was still unsure of what was in store for me. The man carrying me looked to the other and nodded. Thus began our walk to wherever they were going to keep me.**

**I was brought down numerous halls, twisting and turning in the dark grey stone building that would likely be my temporary home. I was the subject of many crass perverted comments of the two men that had been carrying me. They complimented my ass one second or my breasts then the next they talked about how much they wanted to rape me until I was broken. It was unbearable to be degraded like this. Thankfully, Shade’s threat kept their urges at bay.**

**If only I had the strength to do something or even the courage to do more when I had the chance. Despite my athletic form, I was never any good at fighting or running. I did the bare minimum to help me perform in volleyball. The sport was just more focused on jumps and other skill-based elements that running wasn’t as necessary. None of that self-defense stuff ever seemed necessary to me. How foolish I was to think that way.**

**The twins stopped before a door with two metal numbers barely hanging from the wood. The numbers one and nine sat next to each other. It was easy to tell it was meant to be identified as room nineteen. The rusted numbers and rotting wood were signs that this place wasn’t very well maintained.**

**One of the twins reached out to open the door and a womanly shriek tore through the walls. It wasn’t difficult to tell the origin of the sound coming from behind the door. I could feel my stomach twisting as my mind started to paint a picture of what was going on inside the room. There was no way that sound was good and the way the two perverted assholes looked at each other smiling. This led me to make a grim conclusion, that girl screamed because she was being fucked against her will.**

**“Damn they must have started the training already. I told you we should have hurried up,” The hoodless one said.**

**“I know I know. But it was pretty fun to get reactions out of this one wasn’t it?” They were teasing me, fucking bastards.**


**The hoodless man opened the door and the screeches didn’t just become louder, there were more of them. Another sound accompanied it, the sound of men grunting mixed with the faint sounds of bodies colliding. The room I was brought in was just a wide-open space that branched off down another hallway with more small bedrooms. Most were occupied that I could see by at least one guy and always one girl. Tears formed at the corners of my eyes. I didn’t know what was worse, the suffering they were enduring, or the fact that I was being left here untouched and forced to witness.**

**“Just drop her in one of the open rooms and lock the door. We’ll leave a sign to ward off the others. I’m not getting mangled by Shade for someone else’s fuck up,” the hooded man carrying me spoke.**

**“One of us should still sit guard.”**

**They both gave each other a look.**

**“Not me!” they said in unison. They really were children.**

**It was a short walk through this awful place before I realized it was worse to witness. A little over a dozen rooms, each occupied by a woman. Each woman was being subjected to brutal beatings, drugs, and worst of all, being raped by one or men. Some of the girls were bound, others were so drugged up they didn’t even know what was happening to them, and then there were the newer captures or what I assumed were the newer captures. They cried with stuffed mouths begging for their mothers or fathers to save them. The tears streaming down their faces were all the motivation I would have needed to do something, anything, to ease their suffering. Unfortunately, like them, I was a captive who couldn’t even help myself.**

**Our walk of horrors came to an end as the two men approached a closed door that was a short walk down the entrance hall. They opened the door to the room and it was empty but smelled like sex. I’m sure that every one of the rooms would smell like that. This room in particular had a subtle ash smell to it. I assume someone smoked in it recently.**

**The appearance of the room was more or less bare. Against the back wall was a mattress held up by a wooden frame with a wooden headboard. There was a slight red tint to the wood. I hoped that was natural. Imagining the alternative of some poor girl’s head was split open on the wood only made my stomach churn with disgust.**

**Other than the bare mattress and bed, there was a basic wooden chair sat to the right sidewall. Another thing I didn’t want to think about was what happened or might have happened in those chairs. For my mental sanity, I disregarded them simply as chairs with no extra purpose.**

**The young man carrying me threw me on the mattress chuckling with his friend at my yelp. Their disgusting lecherous eyes were on me for a moment. I could feel them fantasizing about various things they wish they could do to me. I tried shouting obscenities at them which only earned me another laugh. They turned to leave but a figure appeared in the door causing the two boys to stiffen.**

**“Oh, what’s this? You two brought a new plaything back I see.” The figure’s voice was obviously a man’s. It was rather deep but not very loud.**

**He walked into sight as he towered over the two boys. Long red tendrils of hair poorly maintained sprawled from the man’s head. His nose was bent and crooked with bite marks. One of the girls must have gotten free to an extent and tried to tear off his nose with their teeth. His eyes, a dark forest green, seemed to be latched on my body.**

**The way he was looking made my stomach revolt and churn. If the two boys weren’t here I think this man would already be attacking me. I tried pushing myself further into the bed trying to distance myself from this red-haired villain. Shade at least had some level of respect and decency and the two boys just talked a big game. This man gave me a vibe that said he was much more than just talk.**

**“What’s the pretty little thing named?” He gestured with his chin to me.**

**“Lyncis,” the still hooded boy started while removing his hood, “Shade says she’s off-limits to everyone. She’s part of the contract we got from that scary dude with red eyes.”**

**With the second man ditching his bandana I noticed the two who carried me here were identical twins.**

**“And why should I care Clay? She is a rather fetching one. On top of that, those angry eyes tell me she’s got fire.” Lyncis stepped forward but the twins stepped in front of him adamantly.**

**“Shade was more serious about this one. She’s mega important,” the unnamed twin spoke.**

**“Zeke you barely listen to Shade anymore than I do. Hell, I imagine you already have plans to sneak in here when Shade’s busy to get the first crack at her.”**

***“Zeke and Clay. At least I knew everyone’s name. Not that I could tell them apart.”*** **I thought to myself.**

**“Lyncis,” a voice boomed from behind. I thanked my lucky stars as Shade had now joined in with his terrifying dark look. Lyncis seemed to make himself smaller in Shade’s presence.**

***“So Shade’s the big boss or maybe he’s just stronger then Lyncis,”*** **I thought to myself again.**

**“S-Shade,” Lyncis said with a childishly meek voice with a small hint of the deep voice he used with the twins.**

**“This goes for all three of you. Touch her even once inappropriately and you’ll never touch another of the girls again. Got it?”**

**All three of them nodded to Shade’s order. The twins were quick to scurry from the room. Shade gave them dark looks before they could flee. They ran out of sight quickly, both from fear and eagerness to find their own playmate. Lyncis remained a bit longer before sulking his way out as well. He stopped for a brief moment, and I thought that maybe I saw him turn back to smirk at me. This man wasn’t going to give up.**

**With the others gone, Shade now stood alone in the room with me. His dark gaze cast on me, he stood silently in the middle of the room. The sounds of screaming girls and muffled moans were still very noticeable. I could hear some men growling as they finished with their fuck. I tried to block it all out, forcing my eyelids shut.**

**I felt the weight on the mattress shift. My eyes flicked open to find Shade had seated himself on the edge of the bed looking outward towards the hallway.**

**“I never did like this side of the hideout. Disgusting pigs, the lot of them.” Shade turned back to look at me with the softer expression. I didn’t think cruel men like him could show softer expressions. “I’ll do what I can to keep them away from you. You’ll be here for a day, maybe two tops. I’ll be back later with food.”**

**Finished with me, Shade stood and left. Shutting the door behind him, I could hear some throwing of locks and the sound of Shades muffled voice ordering some poor underling to stand guard outside my door. I couldn’t make out the words but only the tone of the conversation.**

**I was thankful to be alone now but I felt so exhausted. The walls of the room appeared to be quite thick so the sounds were quieted enough for me to ignore them. It was a decent thought to know that I was important enough to have a guard sit outside my door, whatever good that will bring. If it really was a scrawny underling like I thought, he’d not be able to stop Lyncis.**

**I was still subject to the smell of my room and the bindings holding my wrists and ankles together still. I tried testing the binds again only to find they would dig painfully into my creamy skin leaving red marks behind. I exhaled defeatedly and just rested my eyes on the mattress. It was a decently comfy bed. I assumed it would be the last time I get to enjoy one of these.**

**I jolted awake at the sound of a child begging for their life. The walls kept most of the sounds out but I don’t think the door was meant to keep out those sounds. Where was the guard Shade left to guard my door? My nerves were not pleased by the sounds filtering through the door causing my body to shake in an unhealthy manner.**

**As I awoke more, things becoming more lucid, I remembered my situation. Wrists and ankles were still bound and my mouth was still taped shut. I couldn’t scream for help even if I wanted to. Another tidbit my lucidity brought me was that the voice begging outside my door wasn’t that of a young boy. My mind pushed me into a state of shock as I remember the moments before I slept. The guard that Shade had left to watch over me and protect me sounded like he was a young teenage boy.**

**As if the thought of someone killing my protector outside my very door wasn’t scary enough, I know who was threatening my guard, Lyncis. I could hear him cooing at the boy gently as they whimpered beneath Lyncis. Lyncis must have had a weapon to the boy’s throat. That just made me even more angered.**

**I heard a body being tossed aside but there were still whimpering sounds faintly emitting from beyond my room. At least the boy would live. Even if he was evil and someone who stomached the horrors of this place doing nothing to stop it, he was just a kid. He had a long life ahead of that he could change. Unlike, of course, Lyncis.**

**The locks to my door were shifted around and eventually, they went silent. The door started to warp and wither. It was as if the door was aging at an abnormally fast rate. Wood splintered and creaked loudly as it aged. Lyncis had to be using some kind of aging magic or maybe it was something else that just affected the state of the wood. I might never know the particulars of magic but I did know what Lyncis was doing to the door was unnatural.**

**Finally, the door snapped. Falling from its hinges into a rotted pile of scrap wood on the floor. Lyncis stood in the now open entryway staring at me with the same wicked grin he had before Shade scared him off. I glared at him angrily, my hate for this monster boiling over to a height I never thought I’d reach.**

**He strutted into the room confidently, never once taking his eyes off me. His movements were dulled, slow. Lyncis could have been suffering from a side effect of his magic or maybe he’s just intentionally trying to draw this out. A triumphant noise skipped free of his mouth.**

**“Shade should have had someone stronger protect you, little spitfire.”**

**I grunted my disdain for the man as he edged ever closer to the right side of my bed. Our little staring contest came to an end and Lyncis violently pushed me back into the headboard. The force of his shove caused me to scream out in pain. With my gag however, it was just a muffled noise. He laughed and smiled at my displeasure.**

**“Aww did that hurt little spitfire?” Lyncis mocked.**

**“Fnch mnn png!” I screeched.**

**The words were unintelligible to me but he seemed to understand me as the back of his hand struck my left cheek harshly leaving a stinging pain in its wake. Lyncis grabbed my face before I could recover from the blow causing the stinging to hurt more. He forced me to look into his forested eyes that seemed glazed over.**

**“I like a girl with fight in them. So much more fun to break,” Lyncis said emphasizing his final word.**

**Lyncis hit me with another backhanded strike to my stinging cheek forcing me to scream out again. My only hope was that my guard had scampered off to get Shade and that they would return before it was too late.**

**I was caught off guard when Lyncis’ hands wrapped around my neck choking me between his oddly deformed hands. It was like acid was poured over the skin causing it to boil and wrinkle. The texture of the gross oily skin only heightened the discomfort of being choked. He waited just a few moments before I would pass out before he released. I quickly inhaled and exhaled from my nose taking in deep breaths.**

**“Each breath from now on little spitfire is a gift, a gift from me.” Lyncis smacked me again amplifying the pain in my cheek.**

**I threw my legs out trying to kick him. Either he had predicted my move or I was just that slow with my legs forced together. He caught my left ankle with a tight vice grip. The squeezing pressure caused me to yell out. This man was enjoying the pain I was being forced to endure.**

**I regarded the fucked up sadist known as Lyncis with a pained expression to which he smiled giddily. The helplessness of my situation started to sink in affecting my mind, creating a mixture of fear and anxiety. Not ready to give up, I pushed myself off the headboard trying to ram my shoulder into his throat. He predicted this move, slithering his deformed hand back around my throat and forcing me back against the headboard. Lyncis twisted my ankle causing my loudest scream yet.**

**“Yes! Yes! Scream for me, little spitfire!”**

**Lyncis kept his hand around my throat but released my ankle. His hand,w now free, slid under my top groping my breast. I tried to shake his hand off but it didn’t do any good. He held me still with ease. I whimpered as tears formed at the corner of my eyes. I wasn’t a virgin by any means but no girl wants to be truly raped.**

**“You’re not giving up already are you, little spitfire? I was just starting to have fun with you!”**

**The hand around my breasts squeezed roughly, nails digging into the tender sensitive skin. I wailed in pain. I shook and writhed and squirmed in my bindings but nothing I tried freed me of him. Raising my knees into his back was a weak and flimsy move with the cuffs still locked. My struggling didn’t even bother him a bit.**

**Lyncis started laughing as his grip around my throat tightened. I couldn’t breathe again and while I was being choked he treated my other breast with the same treatment, digging his nails into my flesh. The tears started their journey down my cheek as I cried fully now. Lyncis loosened his hold and I found myself able to breathe again taking in sharp breaths through my nose.**

**Lyncis grew tired of reaching under my shirt. Releasing my throat and using both hands, he tore my top in two. The scraps of clothing fell away revealing my chest still marked by where his nails had pressed into my skin. My blue satin bra on display for him made me wail louder. Lyncis used both hands to grope me now softly like he was trying to show me how nice he could be, how much pleasure he could give me.**

**I didn’t take the bait. I squirmed again, turning my body side to side in an effort to shake off his grip. Mad at my continued resistance, his hands tore into my skin and I winced at the slight pain. Lyncis just looked at me with his wicked grin. He leaned in closer, his hot breath smelling of alcohol and cigarettes. The pinkish-red tongue reached out to lick my stinging cheek.**

**“I’m glad you didn’t care too much for my charade, little spitfire. I was really hoping you’d do exactly what you did. It’s so much more fun to fuck with you.” Lyncis burst into laughter.**

***“What the hell is taking you so long kid!?”*** **I thought to myself.**

**I clung to the hope that Shade would be informed about Lyncis’ betrayal and I’d be saved. Although, the idea of a kidnapper coming to save me was quite a laughable thought. What would he care if one girl got trussed up by a subordinate? They’d all do it to me eventually I’m sure. Lyncis was the only one with the backbone to do it first.**

**The sound of a zipper being unzipped stirred me back to reality. One of Lyncis’ free hands had slid down to my crouch and begun opening my jeans. I crushed my thighs around his hand and quickly jerked to the side. The motion caused his hand to slip out, earning me another slap.**

**“Now now little spitfire. That wasn’t very nice.” Lyncis struck me again.**

**I glared angrily at him and I was struck by his backhand quickly for a third time. I didn’t bother raising my head to face him again. A silence extended between us but I could still feel his hand on my chest. The deformed wrinkled skin pressed on my smooth skin was a stark contrast.**

**Lyncis made cooing sounds as his free hand forced me to face him. I stared defiantly even as tears rolled down my stinging cheeks. He leaned in close and licked at the salty lines of water. I made a retching sound like I was about to vomit causing him to laugh.**

**“Have I told you little spitfire that I quite like the tears of pathetic bitches like you.”**

**With a sharp pull and my attention focused on his face I didn’t realize that he had unbuttoned my jeans. He tugged down my pair of skin-tight jeans to about mid-thigh. My blue cotton panties were now exposed to Lyncis’ disgusting gaze.**

**“Cute color. They match your bra. I wonder how many men have seen you like this little spitfire?”**

**“Gn phn hmmm hnphphnrn.” I replied.**

**I braced my body for the strike I thought would come. However, the blow didn’t come. Instead, his hand found its way under the waistband of my panties. My eyes popped wide in shock.**

**“What an interesting expression. I do like seeing the first reaction when I defile new girls.”**

**I desperately shook my head in a pleading fashion, begging him with my eyes not to do it. Lyncis just smiled with a light chuckle before he pressed his disgusting fingers against my clit. I screamed out, pain and pleasure mixing together. A vulgar laugh was his only response to my reaction. I could feel my cheeks flushing and my chest rising more and more from the surprise.**

**“You’re a lovely creature, little spitfire. I’m going to enjoy fucking you over and over. There is no salvation for you here girl.”**

**“Neither is there any for you Lyncis.”**

**I looked over Lyncis as his eyes turned to the door. Standing in the rotted scraps of my door stood Shade. The little boy was beside him making himself smaller. He feared both Shade and Lyncis but looked like he was more afraid of Shade.**

**Lyncis pushed himself off me and the bed in a quick awkward motion. He stood tall straightening his shriveled up tank top trying to make himself look presentable. Lyncis then moved his hands behind his back clasping them together.**

**“Lyncis, what was it I said to you earlier today?” Shade questioned.**

**Lyncis didn’t respond and his hands trembled behind his back. I assumed that was why he had them clasped together, to give himself a sense of peace.**

**“No answer?” Shade asked. Lyncis still didn’t reply. “I see.”**

**In smooth but fast motion, Shade drew a pistol stashed somewhere in the back of his pants and shot Lyncis in both knees. Lyncis fell to the floor screaming in agonizing pain. Shade walked over, bending down to examine Lyncis as the bleeding man clung his shaking sweaty hands over his two wounds.**

**“I told you she was important. I told you not to touch her. And you ignored both of my warnings.”**

**I noticed some of the men who must have been occupied fucking in their rooms had come out to see the source of the commotion. Many of them didn’t bother to regard me as they focused on Shade. Those that did look my way lingered for a few short seconds before they too shifted their attention to Shade.**

**“Personally I wouldn’t give two shits you wanted to fuck her. Unfortunately for us both, now I have to explain to Apodis who it was that defiled his future wife.”**

**Lyncis, every man in the door and myself all stared, stupified. The fear in everyone’s eyes suggested that despite how scary Shade was, he was a kitten compared to this “Apodis” person. I couldn’t understand the words Lyncis was saying. He was probably begging for his life if I had to guess. To me though, the whole world tuned out and my mind focused on the last few words of Shade’s comment. I was to be Apodis’ future wife. That was the whole reason for which I was kidnapped.**

**“PHhnnm!” I screamed as loud as I could.**

**Shade looked up at me, Lyncis stopped his begging and prattling, and the men outside went stiff. Shade stood up regarding me for a moment then tore off the pieces of tapes covering my lips.**

**“What?” Shade asked commandingly.**

**“Who is Apodis?” I replied sternly.**

**Shade waited there for a moment considering. Everyone else remained deathly still.**

**“Everyone get lost,” Shade barked. “And take this piece of trash with you.” Shade jerked his gun to Lyncis who was still bleeding on the floor.**

Rest of the story @ [](
