Road trip with my friend after college [FF]

My name is Kim and I would say I’m a pretty normal person. I decided to share a story from my post senior year college summer with the support of my boyfriend who fully has allowed me to embrace my writing side as a way to explore my sexuality in a way I best I can during quarantine. I’ve always thought it’s a little weird how people describe themselves in these type of stories but I’ve seen that readers like some sort of visual. I’m slim, curly blonde hair that gets out of control if humidity is anywhere near higher then usual, small boobs, brown eyes and I’ve always taken the cute girl next door comments as a compliment.

The summer after our senior year my friend Jess and I decided to take a road trip back home. We both grew up in California but went to school in the Midwest to get out of the typical California mindset. We were best friends since freshmen year and met at orientation where our love for California (from a distance) and Chicago deep dish pizza helped us bond. We both had similar personal interests but professionally we couldn’t be any different. I was an accounting major and had a job lined up home at a local accounting firm while she was a psych major who was planning on attending grad school in the Fall. Jess is short, wavy brown hair, and has a really cute face. I’ve always considered myself straight so never thought of her looks more than **oh she’s pretty!**

Anyway, the start of the trip was bittersweet. We were both struggling with change and the end of college was our first entry into the real world that neither one of us wanted to admit. We laughed, cried and joked around for the first day or two. Eventually, we talked about Jess’ ex boyfriend who she recently broke up with a month earlier. Despite being best friends Jess emotionally shut down after her and Christian broke up. I didn’t want to pry until she was ready to talk about things, but after 9 hours in the car together she admitted it was sex. The libido difference became too much and made her realize that graduating college was a good enough excuse to break things up. I totally understand where she was coming from. I broke up with my boyfriend in March after Spring Break because we weren’t on the same page. He wanted to move in together and I felt like he was suffocating me into making a decision I didn’t feel comfortable making.

After briefly talking their sex life, or lack thereof, Jess mentioned she might be bisexual and that Christian didn’t exactly approve or felt threatened by that. It wasn’t something she ever admitted to anybody and I could tell she wanted some sort of approval from me. She asked me if ever felt that way. I told no but she shouldn’t be embarrassed by something that is normal. To take the brunt of the conversation off of her sexuality I told her what I really missed about being in a serious relationship was the lack of consistent oral sex. She laughed and said in ideal world most partners would understand that oral sex isn’t a gateway to penetration but can also be the focus of the evening.

That moment was a little bit surreal. We both sat there and said nothing. Jess was driving but suddenly focusing on the road became harder as I thought back to the last time my ex boyfriend went down on me. I started moving a little bit to try and position myself in a more comfortable manor. I crossed my legs to try and be more casual about the thoughts and feelings both my mind and body were having. My body kept winning. Every time I would move my hips a little or we would drive over a pothole I could my wetness continue to grow. My thoughts went from my ex to Jess. My best friend just admitted to me her bicurious thoughts and her desire to experiment. At that point my 22 year old, newly college graduated mind, decided to do something I never thought I would do.

I looked at Jess and said “Jess, if you’re really serious about experimenting I am too.”

Jess looked at me and turned bright red. At that moment I know I probably crossed a line, but a few agonizing seconds which felt like minutes, she said “uh sure and nodded.” The next 10 miles were awkward. Did I just tell my best college friend that I wanted to go down on her? Am I bisexual? Who am I?

After twenty minutes of driving Jess pulls into a Marriot parking lot. It was still early in our driving day and I asked her what she was thinking. She told me she couldn’t focus anymore and if this was going to happen she wanted it to happen sooner than later. I remember the hotel and the long walk from her Honda Cviv into the hotel lobby. The lobby was pretty and I remember looking around thinking to myself “Oh my god does everybody here know what I’m probably going to do here?”

The room was small, probably was a closet in a previous life, with two chairs, two twin c!beds and a second floor view overlooking the parking lot. We dropped our bags and both looked at each other and thought “well what now.” I went to the bathroom and washed my face with cold water to see if I would wake up from this dream. I was wearing a dress and my hands were shaking, and heart racing as I reached down to waist band and wiggled out of my panties. I folded them nicely next to my shoes until I walked back into the room.

My body was going through the motions but I wasn’t fully there mentally. I stood in front of the bed and sat down. Jess came over and looked at me. I knew this was the last second I could say, but I didn’t. She laid me back on the bed with and raised my dress to the point I was totally exposed. I usually wax or shave so the brisk air conditioned room felt cool on my bare self. Jess has seen me naked dozens of times but this was the first time she’s seen me naked in a sexual fashion. She got closer and I could feel her breath against my body. I was dripping and titled my back basically asking her or giving her approval to whatever she wanted next.

After what felt like forever, she leaned in and I could feel her tongue gently but firmly lapping my lips. She pulled away for a second and I let out a little moan. I was a puddle. A few seconds later she brought her mouth back to my lips. In that moment nothing I’ve ever sexually experienced in my life felt like that. She found my clit and based on my vocal response she lapped it with her tongue. I’ve never been one to get to climax quickly, but within thirty seconds I pushed her back as my breathing continued to pick up and I orgasmed. I orgasmed with the help of my best friend’s tongue.

After a few minutes she came up sat down next to me. Her pretty face was still flushed and I could see some parts of her face were glossy which I could only assume was my cum. She laughed and asked me what I thought but I could only muster up a nod of approval.

Thanks for letting me share the start of my writing. It’s taken me a while to write this but if people care for more I’ll see if I can write part 2.



  1. FWIW, I enjoyed the writing and the story. I hope you think on it a bit, remember a lot of the details, and write a sexy sequel.

  2. I loved all the details! I could really feel the experience.

  3. We want more! We want more!

    I really enjoyed your description of how things led up to the experimenting, keep that up :)

  4. Great start. It was a hot story. Although maybe ask someone else to look it over for grammatical purposes or give it a second read. There were words missing and misspellings. Would definitely read a part two if you decide to write more

  5. Well-written, and having gone through the same situation, I understand why you felt the way you did.

  6. Good story, but you don’t need your boyfriend’s permission to post things on the internet.

  7. I think there is enough people including myself want a part 2… want to find out how it went and where you both ended up…

  8. Just started reading, but — as another Californian lover of deep dish pizza– I can see why you left. ???

  9. That was cool. Brief and to the point which for most first times is reality. Looking forward to the next story.

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