(M4F) She knows I know about her other instagram account and Dropbox but her husband doesn’t

So this is based on a true story, the first part actually happened, the second part is, let’s say speculative erotica! It’s also my first post here so hope it’s ok! Enjoy:

[Part 1 – true story]

Last year, pre-pandemic, the 6 households that form our cul-de-sac (small residential street with no through traffic) met up to discuss communal issues like maintenance of the shared driveway etc, we had a few drinks and it was good to catch up.

The youngest couple moved in a year ago and I hadn’t properly met them yet, Martin is an architect, quite a timid, skinny build 5ft 9ish, brown hair, struggles to grow facial hair, baby faced, shy type of guy and Alice is a financial analyst, 5ft 6ish, blonde with some curves, athletic physique with stunning blue eyes, appeared shy but friendly. I had seen Alice a few times doing yoga in the field in the summer and running in the village at the same time I would sometimes go running in the evenings.

I asked the group if they wanted to stay a bit longer for a few more drinks and they all declined except Martin and Alice, the other 4 neighbours were older (50s+) and I was the next youngest in the group. Martin and Alice are both in their late 20s and me, mid 30s. We talked a lot about work and commuting. Martin talked about craft beer and other stuff I don’t really care for but listened anyway.

Alice asked about what kind of exercise I did as she had seen me out running, and I mentioned it was mainly cycling and running, but also swimming, tennis and HIIT. She asked me about cycling as she was keen to get into it and as I was taking, it was clear Martin was losing interest so to be polite I changed the subject after a few minutes.

The conversation moved onto social media (as we are all connected on a Facebook group) and Martin mentioned he uses Twitter for work a bit and Alice likes instagram. I mentioned that I did some social media marketing for a few small businesses as a side thing and Alice started asking some questions on getting more followers. Again, Martin looked disinterested. He went to use the toilet.

As soon as he left, I said to Alice “sorry I can tell Martin isn’t into fitness talk right?” And she replied “He thinks it’s a waste of time, he’s stick thin and doesn’t have to try, I’ve asked him if he’s interested in exercising to build up his cardio fitness and a bit of muscle but he prefers his craft bloody beer”.

I mentioned that I have to exercise 4-5 times a week and she was the same. I asked if I could follow her instagram and she gave me her instagram details. She asked if there was a way she could easily get more followers and I talked her through a few ways to help. I told her about hashtags and tagging interesting locations. Also about taking interesting photos and uploading them later, I showed her some interesting photos from long cycle rides I had done that autosaved to my cloud storage and she thought it was really cool.

“I can’t post anything too exciting on my instagram because Martin follows it but I want to connect and network with other like minded people without Martin getting the wrong idea, also, Martin knows my iPhone PIN so can’t really keep any photos of me in my gym gear proudly showing off my weight loss because he doesn’t like it”

I explained that she could set her iPhone to upload all her photos to a secure cloud storage and then delete them off her phone, from there she could directly upload them to a different instagram account and any other social media that could specifically be for networking.
She asked if I could help and I agreed.

Once they both left, I took a look at Alice’s instagram and it was very standard with a new post every 5-7 days, usually of them both at a new restaurant or having a drink in their garden on a nice day. It didn’t seem to have any photos of just Alice, and definitely not in the skin tight yoga pants and little top she wears to do her yoga or the tiny running shorts and vest top she wears while out running.

She sent me a message that evening “Thanks so much Joe for the info earlier, I’ve set up a new instagram account and signed up to Dropbox, here’s the login details, can you look to see if I’ve done it all ok? Thanks so much for the help in advance xxx”

I forgot to check it out and after a few days passed, I saw the text again and looked at the instagram account, it was all fitness based, talking about reps, sets, a few photos of her at the local gym of her wearing her usual workout gear with the hashtags I recommended, sure enough, a few other gym bunnies and small sportswear brand had liked her photos and started engaging with her with the usual positive and encouraging comments one would expect to see.

Her Dropbox had quite a few photos already, all presumably auto saving from her iPhone but it also had two separate folders, “fitness” and “30/60/90”. The 30/60/90 folder had six photos in there, 3 photos of her in black underwear doing three specific poses in front of her mirror and the next three in red underwear doing the exact same poses – I assumed she was going to track her weight loss over 1, 2 and 3 months”

I messaged her saying “new Instagram looking good Alice nice job!” And she messaged back almost immediately saying “I’m so happy thanks for your help I’ve already made a new friend, Katie from the gym and I’ve also been approached by a London based fitness brand based in our head office building because of the office gym location tag so really excited!”

I’d occasionally check her instagram and could see her modelling a new brand of yoga pants and a range of tops, which she had mentioned to me, he been given to her free in exchange for her uploading one new photo everyday showcasing the sportswear with their hashtag.

What I didn’t realise, until after a few weeks, is that my Dropbox app was still logged into her account, and I literally had access to everything Alice’s iPhone was auto saving…

[Part 2]

Alice sent me a message at 11.30pm one night in the winter months and said “Hey honey, sorry to text so late, do you remember gym-tech7 that sports brand I was telling you about?”

I replied “the one based in your office?”

She texted back “Yep – so they want me to do a photo shoot of some of their new product, but not for their website or social media, just for my page and they’ll help me get more followers and pay me a small fee, but I’m not sure about it”

I was intrigued, “what are you not sure about? Martin finding out? It’s might be a good opportunity for you?” I replied back.

Alice sent back “well they’re launching a new neon coloured range for next Spring and they’ve asked if I’d be comfortable being topless, you know with my arms covering myself or a towel etc but I can’t help but thinking I’ve perhaps got myself into something I shouldn’t have done really”

I didn’t really know what to say, I had encouraged her into this a bit and felt partly responsible if she was getting uncomfortable. Before I could send her a message back, she sent another message “I’ve met the social media guy who they’re proposing does the photo shoot, he’s a bit of a slimeball and I don’t really like him so the thought of him being the photographer is making me really uncomfortable, but they’re paying a really decent amount, it would pretty much cover 12 months of my London gym membership”

Of course I couldn’t let her go ahead with it, it would be all my fault if it turned sour in any way. I sent her back a message, at this point, at around 1am “yah Alice sorry that doesn’t sound ideal – if you’re still keen, rather than ask them, take some photos at home or at the gym super early in the morning before anybody gets there and then show them the kind of photos you’re capable of taking and see if they’d use those?”

Alice sent me back a photo, it’s of a gym-tech7 running short with a towel round her neck, it’s a mirror selfie and she sends a follow up message “well this is what I took last week and they didn’t really like it, I actually posted it and they asked me to take it down, wasn’t professional enough apparently, and I can’t exactly ask Martin to take any photos he doesn’t know the half of all this”

So I just said to her in one last message “Look Alice, don’t be drawn in by the money if you’re not 100% comfortable with it, there’s money involved because it’s risqué, you’ve got lots more followers, done some great networking, helped a new brand establish themselves and have enjoyed some free sportswear for a while, quit while you’re ahead and focus on your fitness and weight loss you’re doing an amazing job and you look incredible! Sleep on it and see how you feel tomorrow. Gnite x”

About 20 minutes later, I get a reply, which woke me up that simply says “but I’m loving the attention and I think I have a risqué side to me…”

At this point, I felt it best not to respond. This was a married young lady not more than 100 yards away in a neighbouring house while her husband is probably asleep next to her, having helped her become an instagram model without Martin knowing.

I couldn’t sleep though. And for the first time in months, I opened Dropbox on my phone. It had logged out, ok, so perhaps that was a good thing. I put my phone back on the bedside table and tried to sleep.

Again, couldn’t sleep, picked up the phone, decided to log into Dropbox, password is still the same, wow so many photos and a few new folders. Photos of lots of fancy salad type lunches, photos of workout equipment, gym selfies. Old folders were still there but also “Neon” and “GW”.

I looked in “Neon”, yep, lots of attempts at home based photos for that campaign, all mirror selfies with awkward mirror reflections or shadows, I could see why these couldn’t be used. Looked in “GW” and quickly realised that Alice must have set up a NSFW Reddit profile to use GoneWild. There, less than a handful of photos, most of them more GoneMild but a couple of them topless and showing off her perfectly round 34D boobs, her delicious looking nipples and her ass, well, her squats were definitely paying off.

The last photo in that folder was of Alice laying on her bed naked with her covering her pussy with her hand. The clock on the bedside showed “21.09” and yesterday evening’a date on it, I looked out the window and noticed Martins’s car wasn’t there. Perhaps he was away for a few days with work.

Completely unprompted, I got another message from Alice “so, what do you think of some of the new photos babe?”

What the fuck! How did she know! Could she see me looking?! I was in bed with the window open a tiny bit and at this point I had been starting to stroke my increasingly erect cock, but how could she have known?

I replied “Sorry Alice I haven’t seen your instagram in a few days, I’ll check tomorrow, gnite x”

I was dying to know how she knew. I figured I’d catch her tomorrow and not start quizzing her by text at 2.30am.

She sent a photo, it was a screenshot “new Dropbox login from IP address xx.xxx.xx from device “Joe iPhone X””

Fuck! She knew. She knew I was looking at her photos in her Dropbox. Can’t deny it, and straight after she was talking about how she had a risqué side to her. So there I was, well and truly busted.

I had to respond, but I didn’t want to admit any of this over text. What if Martin went through her messages? What if she had her iPad linked and Martin took it with him on his trip? It would be undeniable on my part, it was too risky for me to leave any trail that would lead back to me. Alice could always deny everything if Martin found out, plus, she wasn’t cheating, just being a bit risqué in secret. What could I do!

I was wide awake by this point and still didn’t know what to do. I opened Dropbox again and noticed a new folder created within the last 10 minutes titles “4_Joe”. There was a photo of Alice in bed, a selfie of her in her nightie, showing a lot of cleavage and the time on her bedside clock was 02.49, she was the only one in the bed.

Fuck, this was so hot, and then it occurred to me, I could upload photos and other files into this folder, I guess she would be checking!
I composed a message, took a screenshot and uploaded it, it just said “sorry I shouldn’t have logged into your Dropbox but you had me super intrigued and I couldn’t help it, and wow you’re sexier than I imagined, Martin is a very fucking lucky guy”.

A screenshot from Alice appeared “Well he’s never interested and doesn’t give me any attention so not sure he knows he’s lucky or not, I’m going for a run in the morning at 6 x”

And that was it. I uploaded another screenshot message saying that he definitely is very luck but didn’t hear back.

I decided to try and sleep so I could get ready to go for a run at 6am too, if not to run the usual pre-work 5k than at least to try and catch Alice to talk face to face and understand where we both stood.

The next day, I got up and put on my running shorts and top, sure enough, Alice was walking out her door at 5.58am, she looked, understandably, tired and not very happy, but as soon as she looked up, she gave me the biggest smile. I didn’t want to stand there and talk in front of all our neighbours so walked towards the road, Alice started jogging and looked back at me as if to say “come on then we’ve got a 5k to run”. It was awkward, it’s like she didn’t want to talk really, she seemed focused on the run and the small-talk was about the things we were running past. I couldn’t understand it?

After the 5k was completed, she walked over to her garage and didn’t look back at me, so I walked back to my house, she looked at me surprised, and said “come in for a cup of tea?” I noticed some of the neighbours had their curtains open and windows ajar and wanted to be careful, Alice also clocked this and said “can you look at this bike I’ve got in the garage?”

I walked over to the garage and as we got inside, she shut and locked the garage door, she opened the door that led to inside the house and walked into the kitchen and put the kettle on.

What the fuck was going on? I had no idea if this was going to be a friendly cup of tea, if we were even going to speak of our text and Dropbox exchange from the night before. She looked at me and asked “when is your first call today?” Knowing that I worked from home most Fridays. I replied “not til 10.30” and she said “ok mine is at 11”.

She walked towards the door and said “back in two minutes, can you pour the tea and a bit of milk please?”. A few seconds later I could hear the shower on upstairs. I now was super confused. All I wanted to do is go upstairs and talk to her, well, and see her naked in the shower but mainly talk to her to understand what the fuck was actually going on. She was longer than 2 minutes, she was longer than 10 minutes actually.

I decided to go upstairs. I figured I’d announce as I got closer to the top of the stairs, how many sugars she takes. As I was halfway up the stairs, she emerges from the bedroom wearing a big fluffy bathrobe and comfy slippers with some thick jogging pants underneath. It was abundantly clear that any encounter today was not going to be risqué in the slightest. “Just 1 sugar thanks, I’m coming down”.

We sat down at the table, she looked and smelled nice and fresh, I looked, felt and smelled far from fresh. Why would she invite me in so I could make her tea while she showered for 15 minutes? It was so weird. She sat down and looked at me, reached into her bathrobe pocket and handed me a plastic package.

“So this is a brand new blank SD card that fits Martin’s camera. You clearly know how to take photos because that cycling trip to France you did last year looked amazing”.

Confused, I just said “oh, well I took those with my iPhone, probably just a good filter or good luck”.

She said “look, I really would like the money from the gym-tech7 guys, they’re happy if I did a photo shoot with an independent photographer”. I said “ok, well, yep ok I guess I could help you, when is Martin back?”

She said “not til 9pm tonight”.

I sipped my now slightly cold tea, “Ok yep, no worries, you want to try this today?” I said to her as I looked down at the SD card.

“Yes, let me make you breakfast first?” Alice offered.

“No I’m good Alice, I’ll have an early lunch later” I said, my stomach in knots not knowing what I had exactly signed up for.

“Ok, so our dining room is essentially my workout area which Martin absolutely hates, but it should work for photos there, I think it’s light enough in there even if I close the blinds a little bit does it look ok? Alice asked.

I looked around the room, making sure it would work for professional looking photos, as I moved a few things around, Alice took out the camera and started changing the SD card. Once I finished re-arranging the workout bench, she looked at me and said “last chance to back out babe!”. She looked about as nervous as me! But she was still dressed in about 5 layers of warm clothing. It didn’t feel like anything was going to happen, the anticipation started getting to me and I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest, my cock getting a little bit harder in my running shorts.

As I looked at the camera to figure out where all the different settings were, I looked up to see Alice undressing in the corner of the dining room-now-workout area, she took off her robe, her comfy slippers and then pulled down her jogging pants, she was wearing a pair of the Neon gym-tech7 shorts. She kept her sweater on and put on some new and clean Nike running shoes.

She said “can we try a few photos and see how they turn out?”. “Of course, lets take a few different ones and see which angles and backgrounds work best” I said.

I took a few photos, Alice had a photogenic side and I could tell she liked posing, I had to try not to get any reflections from the small mirror in the background and wanted to get an angle that would of course show the branding of the shorts.

“If you can help me upload these photos from the SD card into Dropbox before you go too that would be good, I don’t know how to do it unless it’s from my phone” she said.

“Sure no problem” I replied. Alice said “these we can put in a new folder or the Neon folder, but I don’t think these ones will go in the other folder you saw babe”.

I walked over to her to show her the photos and she said she liked the ones without any of the background detail apart from one which showed her sitting on the workout bench.

“Ok, let’s do this” she said. I stepped back to get ready to take some more and as I looked through the viewfinder, Alice took off her sweater, she wasn’t wearing a sports top or any kind of bra, I was within touching distance of her now as she stood topless in front of me. I looked at her and almost reminded her that for this shoot she would need to cover herself, but she quickly said “don’t worry, we can do the GW photos later” and gave me a huge smile, she looked more relaxed, even somewhat relieved.

She then continued to pose like a professional model, covering her stunning boobs with her arms, with different props including a towel, gym bag, different angles so her back was showing, holding up a dumbbell etc and then she came over to look at the photos. She asked me to take a few more and after a few minutes it was all over.

She picked up her clothes and started walking upstairs. Almost at the top of the stairs, she called down “come on then babe” so I followed her with the camera still round my neck.

She was in the bedroom stood there topless when I walked in, she went to lay down on the bed and said “these next photos cannot show my face ok?”, we we’re clearly moving onto the GW part of the photo shoot.

Alice posed on the bed in different poses, she squeezed her gorgeous round boobs between her arms, she spread her legs, she started pulling her shorts down and this revealed a tiny lingerie thong, I took photos of her in this, she pulled it to one side and asked me to take some more close up photos of her clean shaven pussy, as she posed I could see her pussy lips glistening in the morning light, my cock was getting so hard it was pushing through my shorts very noticeably.

She said “keep taking photos throughout all this ok?”. Slightly confused as to what “throughout all this” meant, it became very clear once she got on all fours on the bed and crawled over to me, that she meant, the encounter that was about to ensue.

She started rubbing my cock through my shorts and pulled my shorts down, my hard cock bounced up out and she wrapped her hands around my throbbing stiffness. I almost forgot to take photos until she pointed at the camera, I photographer her pulling at my cock and taking the tip into her mouth, her tongue circling the head before then taking as much as she could into her mouth. She pulled my shorts completely down and continued to suck my rock hard dick for a few minutes as I clicked as many different photos as I could.

She then came up to me and kissed me, took the camera from me and laid on the bed, she spread her legs revealing her dripping wet pussy and I instinctively wanted to taste her. I buried my head in between her legs and probed her pussy with my tongue. I pulled my face away and licked her pussy lips up and down while she took more photos. I reached up and caressed her sexy boobs, her nipples now hard and couldn’t resist coming up to suck her nipples.

The camera was slightly slowing things down but was also the reason I was in her bedroom sucking her tits and pussy so I didn’t complain one bit. I looked up at her and she said “I want a few photos of you inside me like this, then a few while you fuck me from behind, then maybe a few of me on top, then I’m all yours babe”.

It was like she was a seasoned pro! I obliged and got some photos of the tip of my cock resting against her pussy lips, some more as I gently eased myself in capturing the moment the tip of my cock parted her pussy lips and even managed to get a couple of my balls resting right up against her pussy lips as I was fully deep inside her.

Alice experimented with taking the camera as I held her legs apart and fucked her deeply, she managed to use the timer to photograph herself on top of me a few times too. After a few of these shots, she put the camera on the side and just said “I’m all yours now fuck me babe” and I didn’t hold back, but also didn’t want it to end.

I tried everything I could to make this last, to the point where she said “wow you have some crazy stamina!” I felt her cum on my cock a couple of times, her pussy felt so tight, her pussy lips gripping onto my throbbing cock that was ready to explode at any moment.

As I was getting closer to wanting to cum, she said “cum on my tits babe!” And as much as I wanted to shoot a big load of hot cum deep inside her, I pulled out of her sipping wet pussy and shot my load all over her tits, perfectly glazing them with my cum.

I was shattered, satisfied and it was all a bit surreal. I collapsed on the bed and didn’t notice the red light on the camera, Alice had managed to set the camera to record a video, she grabbed the camera and laughed excitedly, “hey babe, the angle was perfect!!!”

I looked at her confused “what do you mean?”
She showed me the last few minutes of video, me pounding her so hard with the intention of pumping her full of hot jizz, showing a side on video of us from our knees to our shoulders and no faces, clearly a perfect anonymous sex tape video for GoneWild.

She looked so happy. “Martin doesn’t fuck me like this babe, he doesn’t last 2 minutes, this was amazing!”

She continued excitedly “babe have a shower and I’ll put the SD card in the laptop so we can see!”
I smiled at Alice at seeing her excitement and how pleased she was with her first recorded encounter, I had a shower and when I came out, she was wrapped in her robe but naked underneath.

“It’s all on the laptop but I don’t want it to be saved to the laptop, can it be saved straight to Dropbox?” She asked. I dragged and dropped the files and said to her “as long as I can keep a copy?”

She laughed and kissed me again, “of course my fellow performer, there’re as much your photos and videos as they are mine!”

As it approaches the time I needed to be leaving, Alice helped me put my running shorts and top back on, she opened the door to the garage and asked me to take the chain off her bike with my hands and then take the bike home. I thought this was a bit of a strange request but I trusted her and followed the instructions, I had bicycle chain grease on my hands and managed to get some on my top and face too.

She said she would message me later and to shut the garage door on the way out and she ran back inside the house. As I walked out with the bike, Ruth and Jerry, her neighbours opposite saw me emerge from the garage as they were outside watering the plants in their garden, looking initially surprised but then said hello and commented “Ah thats so nice of you to help Alice with that bike, I don’t think Martin is very hands on with those things that’s very neighbourly of you Joe well done!”

I smiled and continued to wheel the bike to my house, I had very much enjoyed the ride with Alice that morning!

Sorry that was a bit of a slow build up but hope you liked it!!!

Joe x

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/htsowc/m4f_she_knows_i_know_about_her_other_instagram