So this took place at a friends house on halloween this was being prepared for a couple weeks. There was 20-30 people at the party and everyone had to be in a costume and had to have a mask or helmet or something so no one would know who you are. The idea happened from one my friends that I give dares to and that dares me, I mentioned them in a different post I made. During the party we done a lot of different slutty stuff and had to wear masks/helmets so no one knew who each other was to make it more interesting. We done different stuff for example we had masturbating contest to see who would orgasm first, a contest where people voted who looked the best, played music chairs but the chairs were guys with their dicks out, we had random people pair together and have sex in different areas of the house we did this 3 times with different people paired together and did other sexual stuff. We all ended up staying the night there and I woke up with cum on my face from the night before and someone sucking my boobs.
Would u do it again? And where is it? I’m wanna go
The musical chairs included penetration every time you sat down?
Please elaborate! This sounds hot!
Sounds like one fun party