[FM] Summer night sex club

Being in a sexually charged atmosphere with so many delicious people surrounding you is so amazingly hot. And I really miss it. I was thinking back to a specific experience last year and wanted to share.

We wanted to go to a sex club. Mostly for exhibitionist reasons, but also because you never know what fun people you’ll meet (and fuck) there. My boyfriend Jake wanted to take me out to a nice dinner first though. He had me meet him at Terra in Tribeca. It was a warm evening, and so all I wore was a jog bra and skirt. Summer in the city and whatnot, nobody batted an eye, despite the fact that my nipple bars were clearly visible.

The small plates were delicious. Jake picked out a nice pinot grigio that went down way too easily. Second bottle did as well. When it was time to pay the check, we had a nice buzz going on, and instead of taking an Uber to the club, we decided to walk. It was only about a mile, and the summer evening wind in my hair felt amazing.

Neither of us had been to this particular club, but it came recommended by my friend Ashleigh. There was a clothes check at the entrance, and while Jake stripped down to his boxer briefs, all I needed to do was slide my skirt off.

At that point it was around 10:30, and despite it being a Saturday evening it still felt late. I have this bad habit where it’s hard for me to say no to helping out with research I find interesting, even if it’s unpaid. And Dr. Jana is a god damned machine who prefers 12 hour day after 12 hour day after 12 hour day. Being part of the team is great, but the energy drain is real.

That being said, while the wine buzz felt great, I’d been up since the crack of way too fucking early, and didn’t know how late the night would last.

It also didn’t help that the club was sparsely attended… There were a few pockets of people hanging out, but no play going on whatsoever. And even worse, while there were some decent looking guys there, nobody had that “jump into my lap now kitty cat” look.

However, Jake and I don’t really need any motivation to get going. Despite being in his early 30s like me, he has the libido of a 15 year old that just found his dad’s stash of Penthouse. So we plop down on a couch and immediately start making out. His hands feel great. I love how he bites my lower lip, and let him know by grabbing his cock over his boxer briefs. He responds by grabbing the back of my head, pulling it back, and licking down my neck. Instant goose pimples.

It became very clear that we were about to start getting hot and heavy, and this random couch was probably not the best location for it. The club had these little areas sectioned off by what kind of looked like sheer mosquito netting. It offered no privacy, but allowed for a transparent boundary, which seemed nice for keeping undesirables out.

Inside our little bungalow, we picked up right where we left off. Jake took my top off, and my nipples were aching for his touch. I was seated on the bed, with my hands down, pushing my chest up. At this point, some people gathered outside the netting, and I wanted to make sure they saw everything that was going on. I arched my back, whipped my hair back and moaned as he sucked my nipples. And yeah, I was getting crazy wet.

As much as I love having my nipples played with, I knew that we would shortly be progressing to Jake’s face in my pussy. It took a little bit of teaching to get him up to speed with what I like, but holy shit he has taken it to another level. It’s a combination of several fingers massaging my g-spot, several fingers up my ass, and his tongue and lips on my clit. And I don’t know what kind of black magic voodoo he does, but it’s insane. My first orgasm took all of three minutes.

At this point, it’s also worth mentioning that I’m loud. Like imagine the most tortured, blood-curling scream from a B movie vixen you’ve ever heard. And repeat and repeat. Combine this with that when I cum, and there’s nothing deep in my hungry cunt, it’s like a water fountain. So if we didn’t have everybody’s attention before, we certainly did now.

Jake made me cum two more times in this fashion. Most of my focus was staying present and this amazing pleasure he was giving me, but I couldn’t help but sneak peeks at some of the other couples who were in amazement watching. We hadn’t inspired anybody to fuck just yet, but hopefully soon.

Cumming this way is so amazing, but my poor pussy can only take so many orgasms this way before needing a break. Plus it had been way too long since I had his cock in my mouth, and that needed to change. Like now.

So I pushed Jake’s head off of me and gave him a deep, sloppy kiss so I could taste everything, and got him down on his back. For the past month or so, we’ve been doing deep throat training, and I was excited to show off what I’ve learned. I love giving blowjobs, but the combination of his cock’s length, girth and rigidity makes it tough to get down my throat. The warmup was with him laying back, as I knelt between his legs. One hand worked the top half of his cock in conjunction with my mouth, and the other hand worked the bottom half. He likes it when one of my wrists twists in one direction, and the other in the other, while I’m bobbing up and down. I also alternate pressure with my hands, and get his balls involved. Combine that with my telling him how fucking amazing his huge dick is, and how I’m just a fucking cock whore for him that only exists as a means to get him to cum as many times as possible, whether it’s in me or another stupid slut is doing the trick. His cock head is nice and swollen, and the precum tastes so so good.

It’s at this point where I know it’s time to show off my training. So I wheel around so my knees are now next to his head. Normally, this would be a cue for him to stick fingers or his tongue back in me, but I need to concentrate here. The point of this deepthroating isn’t to make him cum, but to let everybody know that I could if I wanted to. And because of that, he’s not allowed to distract me from the job at hand.

Wouldn’t you know it, the training paid off. It took about a minute, but his entire cock went down my throat. Opening wide enough so I don’t scrape him with my teeth makes my jaw ache, but I’ve learned to love the pain and even look forward to it. Once it was down I held my head there. One Mississippi, two Mississippi three. I held it for a five count, then went back to bobbing up and down and working that fat prick with my hands. Then another five count down my throat. Then up. I’m also sneaking peeks when going from technique to technique and I see no less than three blowjobs being given, and a girl in a leather bustier getting bent over and fucked hard on the couch we were on before. So hot.

After another few minutes of this, I took a small break from the routine, got up on my knees and told Jake that I really needed to be fucked. It didn’t take any convincing, and he reached over and grabbed one of the condoms he brought. I snatched it out of his hand, and rolled it down. I don’t know why I like doing this, but I do. Maybe it’s just another excuse to touch his cock.

Nearly all of the time when we fuck, I need to start on top. There are of course exceptions, but my strongest orgasms are from this position, and I like to start out with them. So after he’s wrapped up, I climb on. Even though we’ve fucked I can’t even count how many times, it still takes me a moment to get used to his size. And as an aside, I’m a size queen. Sorry not sorry. No shame. Massive cocks get me off in a way that nothing else does.

He has one hand on my ass, and the other on my tits. And I start riding. Back and forth and up and down. Grinding down until he hits my cervix, and then back up. It seems so basic, but it feels so fucking amazing. After only a few minutes I get so close. So I start in on my clit. Back and forth, fast. And the first of a metric fuckload of orgasms start. My cum gushes out on him, I’m screaming like somebody chopped off my arm, all while I’m rapidly bouncing up and down as we fuck.

The crowd that had gathered got right up against the netting as we started fucking. Everybody wanted to see the show, and I wanted to give it to them. But things were getting really wet, and I had no intention in slowing down my pace. This resulted in a lot of cum flying around. Like to the point where it was getting all over the netting past Jake’s head. This was not everybody’s thing, and most people took a couple steps back to stay out of the splash zone. I fucking loved it however, and Jake kept putting his hand at the spot where my pussy was engulfing his cock and then putting his fingers in his mouth. I love how he loves my cum. It’s almost as much as I love his.

This went on for a minute. I lost track after my tenth orgasm. I used to count, but realized this was an area that I needed to relax about. Quantity of orgasm becomes irrelevant at some point after 10 and before 50. My focus was on pleasure, both mine and his. And I know that Jake loves it when I’m on my hands and knees, pushing my ass into his dick as he grabs my hips and slams into me as hard as he can. He fucks me so hard, but there’s less splatter due to the position.

I usually don’t cum when he fucks me from behind either, so after a little while, we switch to me being on my back, but with both my legs together to the side. I’m not sure the name of this position, but it feels fucking amazing and gives me great orgasms. Jake likes it, because he says it’s a similar feeling to when he fucks me from behind, but he gets to play with my tits and look into my eyes. And because of this, I know he won’t be lasting long.

And just to push him over the edge, I start talking to him. Look at all the people who are watching us. Every single person either wants to be fucked by you, or to be fucking me. It’s so hot. I love how hard you fuck me, and how many times you make me cum. I’m such a fucking slut for this dick. I need it to cum in me. I need you to cum. I fucking need it so bad. Give it to me. Give it to me. Fuck me. Fucking do it. Fuck your cum slut.

That did the trick. He groans and growls, grabs my ass and slams into me as deep as he can go, and just holds it there. It’s so fucking sexy. I can feel his cock pulse deep inside me. Fucccck.

He needs a break, and while cuddling after, we realize that we lost track of time. Understandably so, but it was around 2 AM at this point, which is way past our bedtimes. Time to go. There are no wipes around, so we just decide fuck it, let’s just get our clothes back on and get the fuck out of there. A few people tried to come over and talk with us as we were dressing, but we just weren’t in the mood for any more.

Downstairs, we got and Uber and cuddled more in the back seat. Soft kisses. We were spent, and half dozed off on the ride back to Brooklyn.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hu72rs/fm_summer_night_sex_club


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