[M]arried [M]an’s First Naughty Craigslist Encounter

# This will be the first installment of my confessions on my erotic deeds / misdeeds. I offer these not to brag, though there was often joy and exhilaration, or with a sense of conquest. And I offer them without moralizing, though there was also at times degradation. I tell them because we are all storytellers and where else but on an anonymous board like this one can I tell these stories? You can judge them and me if you want, but I can promise you that they are all true. So read on.

About me — I am now in my mid-to-late 60s, well liked and respected in my profession, a ‘success’ I suppose in that sense, and also have grown children and a few grandchildren who hold me in esteem. And I have been married to the same woman for several decades, the only woman I have ever been married to … unless you count that period of my great affair, when I loved and was loved by two women and somehow managed to get through it with everything more-less intact. But that is not the story for your ears, no offense, as I hold my experience with the other *her*, may she rest in peace, as sacred. But I digress.

A final few words on me … I hold an advanced degree in the liberal arts, lived a number of years in Europe and speak a couple of foreign languages, and am fit and attractive for my age. I was a wallflower in high school and overlooked, but bloomed late. I came into my own, sexually and otherwise, well after high school. I now live in a major Texas city, in a house that is paid for with retirement around the corner, not wealthy but comfortable. I know how fortunate I have been.

I begin my confessions with a story about craigslist, long before the moment when the personal pages were pulled down. You know the ones. I can’t begin to count the hours I spent — wasted? — browsing those ads. This would have been in the early 2000s. I had answered and posted ads before, but with no luck, till one Friday when my wife was away for the weekend, on an impulse, I posted an ad with the unoriginal title, Playtime? I had the idea to pretend that I was from out of town, visiting family but staying in a hotel, or with friends but able to get away … I can’t recall that detail. But I can tell you that to say you are from out of town, whether it’s true or not, will increase your chances of getting you laid if you are a man. Some women do want a true no-strings experience, and what better way than with an out-of-towner? I did this many times after this, and and it always seemed to increase my chances. Sometimes it was even true,

What I do recall is that I almost immediately got a response — it only takes one — from a woman living on the other side of town. We swapped a few emails and Yes, she wrote, she would love to meet me, in a hotel that very evening. She just needed time to get ready. So I chose a modest (OK, maybe a bit less than modest) hotel close to her place, a good 40 minutes from my home — I used it several times after this with several different women — and communicated its location and off I went. I prefer hotels that do not have a lobby, so she does not have to expose herself to the prying eyes of staff, and to lessen the chances of being seen by someone who knows one of us. Motels, really, I suppose. Motel 6s can be dumps (this was not a Motel 6) but some are perfectly fine for trysting.

I feel the need to get to the room before the woman, always, whether she is a regular — I did eventually found some of them and am so grateful for it … or a one-time thing. I like to get the feel of a place, clean myself a bit more, peek out the window in anticipation. pace a bit … it builds my excitement. I am at a place now where just being in a hotel or motel room arouses me. Even the smell brings back sexy memories.

This was one of those places off the frontage road of a major highway, backing up to some apartments (the room was in the back), near a couple of shopping centers… perfect for a tryst. We were on the second level, and there is no lobby here. You park, walk up steps, and find the room.

The knock came and I opened. I remember peeking through the curtain to make sure she was as she said, and alone. i opened and in she stepped, attractive, blonde, voluptuous, all dolled up. I knew she liked me right away, as she released a sigh of what struck me as pleasant surprise, and broke into a big smile. She asked that I be patient as we embraced and kissed, sensing my hunger. I certainly liked her. We took it nice and slow.

I undressed her, discovering she was wearing sheer black crotchless panties. This is a huge turn-on for me. She later offered to wear red ones for me, but that’s getting ahead. For now, I pushed her to the bed, kissing, hands on her thighs and tits … did I mention how lovely her tits were? Natural and grand, with pink responsive nipples … and grinding. I kissed my way down her breasts and torso, licking, kissing, then to her thighs, licking and kissing. I love to eat pussy and know that I am highly skilled at it, as many women have assured me of this, and most of them beg for more. I can eat pussy for along time, and enjoyed some trysts where that was the only reason we were there. I ate her her bald pussy greedily. But I have to say this is not what she met me for.

I will confess this now — I did not read this woman accurately. was still green at this sort of things, and my experience were too limited to know just how to handle her. Now I do but its too late. She really wanted me to dominate her, spank her, turn her around and fuck her hard from behind. She even said this after a time.. Will you fuck me hard from behind? Please? Which I did as best as I could.

Another confession within this larger confession: My ED was beginning to kick in at this stage of my life and I had not yet discovered the joys of viagra. I did not fuck her as thoroughly as I could today, or as could have a year or so later. But she liked it well enough to want to meet again.

This encounter finished with me jacking off on her lovely tits. This was the first time I had even done that. She squeezed them together, we did a bit of tit fucking, and I came hard all over those nipples This I liked and so did she!

We never met again. I wrote her again and said I was coming back to town, and did she want another meeting? She said yes, as I was highly erotic in gentlemanly sort of way, and did I prefer that she wear red hose next time? I said yes. But I canceled it, told her I had lost my job and could now longer come down. I am not quite sure why I backed out. I wish I had met her one more time at least.

But future encounters with other women awaited, and many were oh so much better. That will be story for a separate post. Feedback is appreciated, and I do plan to post more. Thanks for reading!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/htkawg/married_mans_first_naughty_craigslist_encounter