(Welcome to the Saga of Sally! This is the story of my relationship with a girl called Sally. I recommend you start from the [start](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hsqikr/mf_the_saga_of_sally_cumstained_jeans/) – each piece will link you to next part at the end.
A brief reminder what Sally looks like (there’s a reference photo in the first part): she’s a pocket rocket, thick, redhead tomboyish girl, with an hourglass figure and the thickest ass this side of the Equator according to the Guinness Book of Records inside my head.)
You’re all eager for the next part of these memories. I’ll start with the juicy stuff right away: the Nokia 3310. What a fucking phone that was. I’m sure some of you reading this will only know it as a meme phone, an indestructible machine that could not be beaten but for readers who are my contemporaries you know how this changed the game. The Fucking Game in particular. You could now conveniently message your booty calls and then play Snake while waiting for them. It was a new world. As long as I’m not getting my dates mixed up (which I might be – I’m sorry if you want precise accuracy my memories aren’t that good – I’m working from long ago), both Sally and I had one soon after they came out which was only a couple of months or so before the cum-stained jeans incident. I have a feeling they were expensive when they came out but Sally’s parents were loaded and bought her one. My father was loaded *and* absence often so got me one out of guilt. We had messaged each other plenty in the last month or so, but now Sally was blowing up my phone with messages.
The reason was that I was giving her the cold shoulder. Except for bumping into her once on campus I hadn’t spoken to her for a week, since I left her house with my pride dented and my jeans stained with my own seed. It wasn’t that I was angry with her. It was because my entire world had turned upside down. Except for staring at her plump derriere occasionally I had never thought of Sally as a girl I wanted to fuck. She almost occupied a position as a guy in my brain. She was a friend. She was (dare I say it) a bro. But now everything had changed. I wanted her. I thought about her curvy, short figure and I thought about fucking her raw. More than that, I even thought about her as a girl I wanted to date. She was cool. She was amazing. Imagine having Sally as a girlfriend. Imagine living with her some day. I was in over my head. For the entire week I basically dropped an awkward dorm room shower boner every day thinking about her. And I couldn’t face her. She said I wasn’t her type. She thought as me as a friend. I couldn’t just hang out with her and everything would be okay. So I gave her the cold shoulder and ignored her for a week. And my Nokia lit up with message after message: *you ok?*, *please don’t be mad at me*, *i’m really sorry i was just messing around*.
You can tell how confused I was by the fact that not once did I consider just swallowing my pride and hanging out with her just because her house was warm. There was a cold snap and my dorm was fucking freezing. My roommate and I got by through smuggling an oil heater into the dorm (we weren’t meant to have them due to a fire risk but we put the fucker in an old television box and carried it up to our room) and even then it was cold. Whereas I knew that Sally’s place was so fucking well heated you could walk around in shorts. But I stayed sulking in my freezing room, concentrating on my studies, probably improving my GPA the most in a week possible. The weather was miserable on this particular day, windy and wet. I was happy to be inside my room with my illicit oil heater while my roommate had to brave campus for classes. I was reading a book in bed when there was a knock at the door.
Sally was in so much of a state I had to look twice at her to see it all. The first time I saw just the effects of the weather: her red hair was wild and messy under, her coat was glistening with rain, her jeans were soaked, her canvas shoes squelched. Then I looked closer and I realized that I wasn’t 100% confident that the water on her face was rain and not tears. She looked awful and my heart broke. “Jesus, Sally, get in here and warm up.” I pulled her inside and tried to get her to sit down right next to the oil heater but she stayed on her feet staring at me. “I’m sorry!” she basically yelled and I have a memory of it feeling like I was punched in the stomach. I realized how mean and how much I had fucked up by not replying to her. “I’m sorry! I just thought it would be funny! Please don’t be mad at me anymore!” She carried on like this for like a minute and I didn’t know how to respond. I stared dumbly. She even at one point offered to let me jerk off onto her jeans right then and now to make everything fair.
“Sally, stop” I said eventually, finding my voice. I pulled her into a hug unexpectedly. It seemed like the only thing I could do. It broke me to be this close to her body, the body I so desperately wanted, but I needed her to be alright but the hug seemed to help and when we parted she had a little smile. “I’m sorry, Sally. I’ve been an idiot.” And I explained to her then, unable to stop myself, why I hadn’t spoken to her for a week: that I wasn’t mad at her but I was confused and I had feelings for her. I laid my cards out on the table. And Sally erupted like a volcano. She was angry and she was right to be angry. I had given her the cold shoulder for a week, had made her feel awful, had made her think she lost her best friend for an entire week because I *liked* her. Sally was always loud for her short height but this was like a small scrappy dog attacking you. I was well aware that everyone on my floor and possibly the student population in several different states were hearing all this.
And then Sally said something that made my eyebrows jump: “I can’t believe I ever fucking thought I had feelings for you.” Sally liked me? And then my dumbass brain put everything together. Why would she tease me about my choice in women so often? Why would she point out her own body was better? Why would she *fucking bet to jerk me off* if she didn’t like me? 19 year old boys aren’t smart at realizing what women want.
You now probably think you see very clearly where this is going: I realize the girl I’m crushing on likes me, I apologize for my behavior, we throw ourselves at each other and we live happily ever after. It turns out my brain didn’t work like this. Instead of being happy, now it’s my turn being fucking livid. I go off at her. She had feelings for me? Did she plan the whole thing last week? Why didn’t she just fucking tell me? Why did I spend a week with my life in a fucking tailspin? For the first time ever I think Sally was scared of something beyond her own energy and I managed to take a deep breath and shut up. We were both now standing in our dorms, red-faced, angry and panting from our worked up emotional state. So Sally did the only logical thing left in that moment: ~~she walked out of the dorm~~ she fucking launches herself at me and kisses me hard on the mouth. I’m taken by surprise for 0.000001 of a second and then I’m kissing her back.
There is about 5 seconds of passionate kissing, our lips basically battling to establish dominance like a pair of lions, before I realize this means I can touch her body rather than my hands hanging by my side. There is absolutely no hesitation as to where my hands are going to first. I fucking maul her thick ass through her jeans, squeezing and groping it and I can feel Sally moaning into my mouth. But her jeans are so fucking tight, struggling to deal with this work of ass/art that should be in the Louvre, that it isn’t satisfying enough to squeeze her. I try to slip my hands down the back of her jeans and I genuinely growl like a fucking savage animal when there isn’t enough room to get my hands in. Sally shivers against me and even today I don’t know if it was from the cold or from my sudden turn into a raw, aggressive sexual being. My hands move to her front and make short work of the buttons of her jeans, fucking yanking them down her thick thighs as quick as I could. Then I realize my flaw. It is very hard to pull off a girl’s pants when she is still wearing her shoes. The mood is somewhat broken as we laugh and she has to bend down to untie her shoes, but I’m treated to an amazing view of her panty-clad ass in the air, her jeans around her knees. She’s wearing classic briefs panties, cotton, a single color, nothing fancy, but the purple underwear straining against her plump backside is, I realize with a start, the hottest thing I’ve seen in my life. Memories of Ana are relegated to the Minor League. My heart tries to send more blood to my cock to grow a second erection.
Once her jeans are off, we’re back trying to eat each other’s faces off. I’m not sure it would have looked sexy to any voyeurs, but to us it was amazing. My hands were all over her ass again and this time squeezing her through just her panties is deeply arousing. I can’t get enough of it. At one point Sally pulls away and looks at me very seriously and says: “I thought I wasn’t your type.” “Shut up” I say and for good measure I smack her ass. I file away the look of hunger and lust in her eyes as I do so. I realize this is going to be interesting. It doesn’t take long for the rest of our clothes to join her jeans on the floor and I have her naked, pale white body up against the wall, kissing her hard as my knees spread her legs and my hand disappears between her thighs. I had intended to make sure she was wet enough to accept my now achingly hard cock, pressing into her stomach. It turns out I shouldn’t have been worried. My finger presses against her sex and I realize Sally is wetter than the fucking Niagara Falls. I groan against her mouth at the discovery, realizing I could take her right there and then. I let my finger tease her clit for good measure. She gasps against my mouth. Her hips move against my hand. Soon she’s fucking begging me to fuck her. Sally, the confident pocket rocket, is fucking begging. She’s saying *please*. I feel very good in that moment.
We think about moving to my bed but its cold and away from the heater. So that’s how we end up on the floor of my dorm room, right by the oil heater. She’s on her hands and knees and I’m kneeling behind her, looking at the Gates of Heaven. Otherwise known as Sally’s asscheeks. I squeeze and spread them, enjoying the front row view and I see her puckered, pink asshole staring back at me. For a moment I think about going for it. Then I decide there is time for it later. Cock in hand, I press myself against Sally and push my cock into her soaked pussy. She groans as I bury myself to the hilt inside her. “Please wait” she pants breathlessly. “Just give me a minute.” A minute I scream internally. But I don’t want to hurt her. I think my minute was probably only about 15 seconds but when I start moving again she doesn’t complain.
This wasn’t the sensual lovemaking of first time star-crossed lovers. We were both still young and horny and running off the adrenaline of our screaming match. I fucked Sally. My fingers dug into her hips, holding her in place as I thrust into her relentlessly. I didn’t care about the noise of our fucking now, the sound of my hips slapping against her ass. And sweet Jesus, what a sight that was. All my other sexual experiences to that time had been with thin, firm women. There’s some bounce to a pair of firm buttcheeks. But Sally’s? Sally’s ass fucking *jiggled*. My hips was causing a fucking 7.9 on the Ass Richter Scale. I watched it all in a trance. All the while the sound of our fucking was mixed with Sally’s breathless moans. I learned quickly she wasn’t a quiet girl in bed. She moaned and gasped and offered all sorts of encouragement which weren’t really necessarily. “Yes, fuck me, just like that, keeping fucking me”. Sally, I wasn’t going to stop fucking you even if my parents walked in.
At some point I try to reach around to tease her clit but it’s hard to maintain the savage momentum we’ve built up and to reach between her legs. Her pale asscheeks are already looking a little pink from how hard I’m slapping against them. So I tell her to touch herself. She gasps and a moment later I can feel my balls slapping against her hand as her fingers tease her own clit. The idea that I told Sally to do something and she fucking did it without comment was incredibly hot. And so we built up a rhythm, me roughly fucking her from behind, her stroking her own clit. I was in cloud nine. I wished I could have seen her face more, seen the pleasure on it, but I’d take the view of her ass as a consolation prize. A few moments later, the magic words: “Mark, Mark, I’m going to cum!”. I can feel her clenching around me as she does so, can feel her hips bucking against mine. It’s too much and I feel myself reach the edge.
And then I fucking remember. There’s a pattern in these stories that I’m a fucking idiot and should be used as a poster boy for future sex ed classes. I’m in Sally raw. And I don’t think she’s on birth control. I manage to pull my cock out a few seconds before disaster and then I empty myself across her body. My first squirt is so powerful that it basically splatters across her shoulder blades. By the time I’ve finished, reduced to a panting wreck and wanting to collapse on the floor, I have covered her lowered back and her ass cheeks with my cum. She drops down onto her stomach with a moan of satisfaction. I briefly think about wiping her off with her jeans as a form of revenge and then fortunately my brain thinks better of it and I use my t-shirt, cleaning off as best I can, her skin still a little sticky, before I too end up laying down on the floor next to her.
What follows is a little post-orgasm clarity heart-to-heart. I won’t tell you in full. A man deserves some privacy. But the general point was that Sally really liked me and I really liked her. She thought we could be a great couple, but we were both college students and she didn’t want to ruin the potential by moving too fast. So we agree that for the rest of college we wouldn’t be exclusive, we would see if we wanted to experiment in college, to see exactly what type of relationship we wanted and if by the end of it we wanted to have a proper relationship then that was perfect. To tell you the truth this was all Sally’s idea. I would have been happy to fucking marry her right there and then but I didn’t want to risk the opportunity I had with her.
And then as we were wrapped together naked on the floor of my dorm room, the oil heater keeping us warm in our romantic embrace – my fucking roommate walks in. What happened next is a little confusing in my memories. Sally screamed. I swore a lot. My roommate laughed, stared a little longer than necessary and then turned to face the wall as Sally got dressed and left. Once she was gone and I was at least wearing pants again my roommate comes up to me laughing, with the biggest shit-eating grin on his face. “Next time put a fucking sock on the door. But I appreciate what you did for me” he says. I look at him confused and he explains with a laugh “for letting me get a view of Sally’s fucking ass. I can die happy.”
Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ht3cby/mf_the_saga_of_sally_a_little_hatelovefucking
Excellent writing. Can’t wait to read more.
In a word. DAMN
Well fucking done
I love your writing, please tell me you got to fuck her ass!?
Short thicc gingers are the literal best. I know, been married to one for 12 years.
This made me cum
Yeah, this is going to be a good series. Really enjoying your writing style and it’s great to see a complete 180 in terms of your taste in women. Your descriptions of Ana v. Sally are equally erotic but in their own unique ways. Pocket rocket indeed! And there is nothing that compares to that clap of thigh to quad of a big-asses woman. Music to my ears. Keep writing and I’ll keep reading.
The erotic reading is amazing but his writing styles just makes it a thousand times better. I would read a full book of his sexual experiences if he wrote one.