Fiendish Wrath [Fetish] [Stocking]

Once upon a time there lived a weenie class peasant whose job was to keep tidy the local golden brick road, whom the Princess Queen Gorgeous strolls upon. And by tidy, that is to be kept immaculate. It stretched for 3 blocks with handpicked weenies among the peasant population to run certain stores for the Gorgeous to shop at. There was a bakery, clothing shops, little trinkets stores, and a few others. They only exist to serve the Queen Princess Gorgeous. No one unauthorized is allowed on the golden brick road…
The weenie named Theodore did the maintenance. He was paid in crumb crumbs but also received a bonus. He received a second summons this year for little sock laundry duty. And so he skipped merrily to the courthouse to get his load. He received his load and went to Granny Laundry Palace. Theodore had the “Sugar Spice Everything Nice” soap, as it is instructed by the court order. He dumped the little gorgeous socks in the machine and noticed one seemingly different.. A pantyhose or a stocking. His weenie brain malfunctioned, already tapped out, and blessed with the presence of such grace twice in the same year.

He decided to take it… Stuffed in his pocket, he walked home past a couple of chubby chubby individuals blowing bubbles merrily. He walked into his little room and took out the stocking. It was saturated in the grace of the deity that rules the kingdom. Marinated in the grace of gorgeousness, it was. He held it close to his face, and his body tingled. He found himself rolling around in his bed sniffing fiendishly… ravenously for hours trying to get all the grace into his nostrils. He hugged the stocking… cuddled it… kissed it.. slept with it.

He had pulled it over his head to immerse himself in the grace of the fair ruler. Time seemed to no longer exist. He had no desire to eat, drink, or do anything other than roll around with the gorgeous blessed stocking over his head. Theodore was truly at peace…

Suddenly he heard a loud noise. “It sounded like the door was broken into, like a battering ram collided through it”, he thought, as his heart beat fluttered. He tried to pull the stocking off his head but it was stuck. Two furry handed entities pinned him down. It felt like paws or claws. And then he heard the voice.. The voice of the ruler of the land… “Weenie Theodore.. You have disappointed me. Sitting here for five days, not fulfilling your duties to the golden brick road, not doing your little sock laundry duty. You lay here fiendishly sniffing the stocking of your liege… Now peasant you prepare to fiendishly endure my wrath”…….
