Test Relief [MF, handjob, casual]

I set my backpack down on an empty seat. I was the first one there, as usual, alone and with plenty of time to review for the final exam. I checked that I had everything I’d need, sat down, took out a notebook, and began to read. The minutes passed and my confidence grew. I checked the clock. Not much longer to go. I decided to use the restroom now so I could come back and focus until the test began
I left my materials behind and went to the bathroom. I opened the door and froze.

Jackie was in the room.

Jackie was not in her clothes.

She was just beginning to slide a pair of black and red panties up her long, pale legs as I entered, the slip of fabric around her thighs, her lithe limbs guiding my eyes up to a reddish-orange bush, the jewel in the middle of her wide, womanly hips. Her stomach was flat and toned. Her full, heavy, milky-white breasts lay bare before me, hanging pendulously, tipped with deliciously pink nipples, decorated with freckles. Her collarbones stood out strongly below a slender neck that led up to her face, now looking at me, realizing she wasn’t alone. Her eyes went wide as her jaw dropped, her fiery tresses cascading down her shoulders. Her cheeks already smoldered, flushing deep crimson.

We stood there, frozen, just looking at each other for what felt like minutes. I knew I should close the door. I knew I should at least tear my gaze away from her perfect, round breasts and long, sleek legs, worthy of a goddess, and make eye contact. But the only parts of me that weren’t completely frozen were my racing heart and my growing cock.

Finally, the spell broke.

“Sorry,” I said weakly. I closed the door with trembling hands. It felt like a taiko concert was being performed inside my chest, the thundering of my heart beating against my rib cage. I could feel my cheeks burning and my cock straining against my pants. I looked down at the obvious outline, bulging down my pants leg, threatening to tear its way out to freedom.

I could scarcely believe that had happened. It felt unreal, dreamlike. Had I really just seen my classmate completely naked? Was I truly that lucky? Or was I just hallucinating from stress and sleep deprivation?

The door opened. Shit, I really should have spent that time walking away, I reflected ruefully.

“Oh good, you’re still here!” Jackie exclaimed, her face still the color of cotton candy. Despite being fully dressed now, my mind’s eye saw right through every thread and stitch as if they didn’t exist, and she stood as naked before me as if she had just exited the shower. Every curve, every crevice, every ridge and valley, every inch of her divine form lay visible to me. I took a deep breath and swallowed.

“Yeah, I’m really sorry about that. I didn’t realize anyone was in there.”

“Oh, it’s my fault! I forgot to lock the door and I had practice right before the test so I had to change here and then you walked in and I’m so sorry I flashed you and-”

“It’s okay! It’s my fault. I should have knocked. Besides, it’s not like I minded,” I blurted out thoughtlessly.

“Oh! Um, good,” she said, biting her lip. “Thanks for being cool about it.” She moved in for a hug and embraced me tightly before I could back away. Our hips made contact. “Adam?”


“Are you hard?”

Well, there wasn’t much point in denying it… “Yeah…”

She pulled back slightly, although our loins stayed pressed firmly against each other, her hands on my lower back keeping me from preserving my dignity with a little distance. “It’s really hard… Is that because of me?”

I nodded, chagrined by her inquisitiveness. I felt like I was being interrogated, my hard-on under a harsh light while a prurient police chief grilled me with questions.
“Are you going to be able to focus on the test like this? I know guys can’t really concentrate when they’re like, well, this, and I don’t want you to get a bad grade or anything because of me.”

“I’ll manage. It’s really alright.”

“Okay…” She said, sounding skeptical. She pulled away and stood for a moment in pensive silence. “ So, um, I have some hand lotion in my purse, if you want to take care of it. That would help, right? Like, you’d be able to focus on the exam instead of…you know? I really think you should get off right now.”

I was embarrassed to admit it, but she was right. I’d definitely think and focus a lot better after some manual relief. Wouldn’t even be the first time I had done it before a test. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to give calculus my full attention if the only curves I could think about were Jackie’s. I sighed. “Sure, I think it’ll help. Thanks.”
“No problem! I mean, it’s sort of my fault, right?” She looked down at her chest and then to my crotch. “That’s really just from these?” She gave them an experimental jiggle and smiled, seemingly impressed by their power.

“They’re pretty incredible. I can’t help it.”

She beamed. “Yay! Alright, let’s get you relaxed.” She dug through her purse and pulled out a small, plastic bottle. I held out my hand, but she didn’t even notice. She walked straight past me and held the door open. “After you.”

My cock twitched. My curiosity soared. I suddenly realized that neither of us had actually mentioned masturbation. Was Jackie really planning to offer me a helping hand herself? I walked into the small room with a feigned nonchalance that hid my growing excitement. I heard the door lock behind me.

I turned and looked at Jackie, who had already opened the bottle of lotion and was squirting a generous dollop onto her palm. The scent of lavender filled the room. She kneeled down onto her backpack and looked up at me with her big, emerald eyes, parted her luscious, pink lips, and said, “Let’s do it. Gotta hurry before test time, right?”

I unzipped my pants, reached into my boxers, and grasped my hard, throbbing cock. I took a deep breath and pulled out my manhood. Jackie gasped. “Oh wow,” she whispered. She looked up at me as her cheeks changed from coral to scarlet . “Um, sorry. I’ve never actually done this before…”

“Oh, this is your first time?”

She nodded. “But I’ve seen videos and stuff. Just tell me if I do anything wrong.” Her hand wrapped around my shaft, the cool softness of the lotion against my hard and hot cock. She slid her hand back and forth, her grip tight, along my throbbing erection. “It’s really warm,” she observed. “I like your head, too. It’s big. Is your cock pretty big or is this normal?”

“Thanks,” I replied. “I think I’m a little above average. But I don’t really compare with friends or anything.” She giggled. I watched her at work, her head tilted to the side, her expression one of curiosity rather than lust, studying my cock as her hand pumped back and forth, seemingly holding my soul in her grip the way my entire body ached for her touch. And yet she appeared unaware of the power she held over me. She pumped away efficiently and steadily, as though she were conducting a perfectly innocent science experiment, one that required all her attention, but no romance. “How is it so far?”

“It feels really good.” I could feel the ecstasy rising in my cock, my manhood feeling like a rocket ready to blast off at any moment. My whole body tingled, but it was all gathering in my manhood, preparing for the climax. There was something about the completely platonic way Jackie stroked my cock, like it was just a favor between friends, nothing more than a way to calm me down before a big test, that made this all the more thrilling for me, adding an extra erotic edge to what would already be an incredibly titillating experience. I felt like a toy in her hands.

“Are you going to cum soon? It’s throbbing a lot. I can feel your heartbeat,” she giggled. “Ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump.”

“I think so,” I confessed. I definitely wasn’t going to set any endurance records today. Not with a busty redhead on her knees in front of me, her smiling face practically begging for my cum. I was just proud I hadn’t cum the second she touched it.

She tugged at her neckline with her free hand, exposing her breasts one at a time until the voluptuous pair sat firm and exposed. [“Does this help? You like these, don’t you?”](https://imgur.com/GrnTqng)

“I do…” Fuck, those were gorgeous…full and heavy, pale and freckled, her round breasts pushed together, her deep cleavage like the gates of Heaven, her pink nipples poking out proudly, pebble-hard… I clenched my teeth and surrendered to the point of no return. The heat in my cock overwhelmed me, a burst of pleasure. My knees went weak. My body quivered. My cock spasmed as built up ecstasy coalesced inside me into a powerful orgasm that took my breath away.

“You’re cumming!” Jackie superfluously cried as my first gush of cum exploded out of me and directly onto her cheek. Another splattered onto her lip before she had the presence of mind to aim my cock downwards, and my next few spurts went straight onto her plump tits, dripping down her cleavage. She looked up at me, my ivory essence glistening on her grinning face. “That was fast! And a lot! Wow! Did it feel really good?”

“Definitely,” I said, ignoring her first comment. “Sorry for making a mess,” I lied. She looked amazing marked with my cum like a sign of ownership. I couldn’t help but wish she would take her test like that, my semen slowly drying on her skin, tits out, so everyone would know just what we had just done.

She let go of my satiated cock and waved her hand with a turn of her head. “My fault. I wasn’t paying attention where I was aiming. She stood up and looked in the mirror. “Wow, aren’t I a sight?” She took out her cell phone, smiled, and snapped a quick selfie. “I’m working on trying new things this year. This definitely counts.”

She pulled out some paper towels from the dispenser and started to clean herself off, dabbing my cum off of her breasts and face. She tucked her tits back into her top and washed her face before examining herself in the mirror. “How do I look?”

“Perfect. Thanks for helping me out with that.”

“Anytime. That was fun! Like unwrapping a gift and you get a big surprise at the end! Ready for that test now?”

“You bet.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hsbn2o/test_relief_mf_handjob_casual


  1. can’t just leave us hanging like that. How’d you do on the test?

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