Spider and Storm – Chapter 1 – Peter Parker X Sue Storm, Marvel, Spider-Man, Invisible Woman, Cheating, Blowjob

The Baxter Building seemed awfully quiet as Peter Parker reclined on a comfortable green couch watching the news. There was still some lingering coverage of the Human Torch’s death on the news. The valiant Johnny Storm had perished during an invasion from the Negative Zone. It was obviously something for the news vultures to pick at again and again, but it still surprised Peter. He’d taken enough pictures for the press in his life sure enough, but he never did that wanting to capture and rehash events that deserved more respect. This was never the case more than Johnny’s death. Johnny why’d you have to do it? Ben was ready to. He had accepted it. The questions never seemed to leave Peter, especially during the dark nights.

If he hadn’t already spend most of the evening busting up three different meth deals and trying to chase the Punisher down from killing two Capos of the Ilustaro family Peter would still be out there. But now he was tired, growing ready for sleep and yet it wouldn’t come. He hoped for Reed

to have a mission for them soon, he had to give his mind something to focus on rather than the loss of his friend. Peter was so involved in thinking about something that could keep his mind off that he didn’t even notice Sue Storm entering the room till she was right behind the couch.

“Peter? Is everything all right?” The beautiful perfectly sculpted blonde mutant asked him. When Peter looked back his acute senses picked up on hints of strain around her eyes and just the barest trace of water around them. He realized Sue had been crying and he figured that they shared a common cause for their grief; Johnny had been her brother after all. Peter didn’t know what to say to her, he didn’t want to bring her more grief recalling the times he and Johnny had fought together and he didn’t know how much he should console her. Peter felt that was Reed’s job during this hard times, but it seemed Mr. Fantastic dealt with grief by simply setting higher and higher goals of experimentation and testing after a tragedy. It had surprised Peter, but it wasn’t as if it was his place to call Reed out on it. Everyone grieved in their own way.

“No.. no it’s not alright Sue. Heh… I keep expecting Johnny to come through the door or give me a call he can convince me to go out to a new club or something so we can party. I think we actually only got to one of the clubs once or twice, every other time it seemed like we ended up fighting Mysterio.”

Sue nodded to him and then he slowly watched a sad smile form up on her lips. The Invisible Woman was dressed in a simple grey sweater and black sweatpants and slippers. It looked as though she may have been trying to sleep before she started wondering the Baxter Building so late at night. She climbs onto the couch and settles in next to Peter after displaying a bottle of Jack Daniels in her left hand. “I never drink much but late at night sometimes all I can think about is Johnny. Reed hasn’t been any help. Just focused on his experiments and the Future Foundation. I don’t think he understands sometimes that… that this isn’t just something you can deal with in some calculated way. He just… I don’t know sometimes.” Sue told him before she took a small drink of the whiskey before offering a drink to Peter.

Peter’s eyes watched her for a moment as her lips pursed against the drink and then handed over the bottle. Those lips were as magnificent as ever. How did Reed not spend every waking moment with this woman? It was a question a question Peter figured he’d never have a good answer to. Still it was better that he didn’t make her drink alone wasn’t it? The whiskey burned in his gut, but he enjoyed it all the same. He didn’t have answers for how to talk to Sue either but at least the two could share a quiet moment.

“I can’t imagine how it feels for you Sue. He was my friend, but he was your brother.

When Peter felt her lips pressing against his he felt a light tremble. He was a bit surprised himself but when Sue didn’t pull away neither did he. He couldn’t believe that they were doing this. Sue was his friend and the Fantastic Four were almost like family to him. How could he betray them, yet all he could think of right now as the blonde beauty’s soft lips against his own and then he felt his hand reaching up to cup her cheek as her own hands rested against his side. The two lay there together on the couch feeling each other’s lips against their own before Peter finally pulled back slightly. His eyes opened up slowly and stared into Sue’s bright blue orbs. Looking down he felt her hands were still on body, still holding him tight.

“Sue… I… we shouldn’t… What about Reed?”

“Reed doesn’t care about how I feel. I could be crying right in front of him about Johnny and he’s just trying to figure out the scientific way to cure me of my grief. I want this. I want to do something beyond his control, something he’ll never figure out because even his mind couldn’t fathom that he doesn’t have the right answer to please his wife, or care for her after she loses her brother. Guess what Peter? Sometimes there is no cure that can be thought up in a lab with test tubes and computers! Sometimes you… you just have to do what feels right. I want you Peter. It… It feels right feeling your lips against mine. I want to feel your hands on me… all over me.” Sue said quietly with a hint of seduction. Peter wanted to object but right now Sue was giving him something to focus on that was far enough away from the grief he had been feeling earlier that it felt like the Peter who was focused on his friend’s death was a universe away.

So his hand on Sue Storm’s cheek caressed her more before his other hand moved to her side to stroke her sides. Peter continued to feel her tender heartbeat and it seemed to flutter when he leaned in and started to kiss her again. There was a peaceful serenity to the kiss as if the only things in the universe right now. There was just Sue and him, alone on that couch. Her heartrate increased when Peter’s hand gently started moving up over her chest as the two continued to moosh their lips against one another.

“Ahhh…” Sue sighed out quietly as she felt his fingers move up against her upper body. Peter was surprised as he felt that she wasn’t wearing a bra or anything else under her sweater. He gently pulled his hand away slightly, but Sue stopped him and placed it back against her covered breast.

“Peter, I want to feel your hands on me. Your warm hands just make melt, just like your lips.”

Peter let her pull his hands slowly back to her before he saw a sharp smile forming on the Invisible Woman’s mouth. She grabbed the edges of her sweater and then pulled up her sweater to reveal her full plump perfect breasts. They bounced in just the slightest way when they were revealed and then Sue quickly grabbed onto Peters hands and slowly placed them back onto her breasts.

“What about Reed and Ben?”

“They’re both at a meeting with shield agents. Some sort of temporal distortion that they’re looking into. He didn’t even ask me to come along and join them, said I should just rest and try to put my grief behind me. But either way…we have the building to ourselves.” She said and then squeezed her hands around Peter’s. The move forced an elicit sliver of a moan right as Peter kissed her lips again.

Her lips were so warm and wet and inviting that Peter stopped thinking of stopping very quickly. His fingers pushed in against the silky soft material of her bare breasts as his lips continued pushing, licking, and gnawing against her own. Sue moaned out and leaned further into Peter’s grip as he pulled his lips off hers for a moment to move down and reach her unguarded neck. Soon enough as Peter moved to her other side of the pretty blonde’s neck she shivered and moaned out again from his pleasing tongue. Moving deftly across and over Sue’s body he started to kiss and lick down in between Sue’s full breasts as she slowly leaned back as Peter moved up on top of her. The Invisible Woman moaned underneath Spider-Man and slowly she removed her hands from his and started moving her hand down along his hard muscular abs and down to his awakening groin when suddenly both of their cellphones started to ring.

Peter got to his phone first. “Aunt May…” He said quietly.

“Shield…” Sue said with no attempt to hide her dismay in her words. “Tomorrow…. We… I want to continue. I don’t care whatever is going on, but I want you Peter. I want to feel you, to taste you.”

Peter gave her a slick smile. He had forgotten all about the misery, the grief. All he wanted to do was be there next to Sue. Well, maybe that wasn’t the only thing he wanted to do with her. “I look forward to it. Till next time Sue.” He said and then stopped slightly when Sue leaned back against him quickly, holding his head in hers as she kissed him once more. When her lips gently pulled, back her eyes remained fixed on him.

“Till tomorrow.” She whispered to him.

>>The Next Day<<

When Reed called Peter in to observe an experiment based on what he’d discovered at the temporal anomaly Peter couldn’t help but feel a bit worried. But as Peter stood there waiting for Reed confront him about what had happened with Sue, but the confrontation never came. Instead Reed asked Peter what he thought about some of the data analysis in the disruption. Peter gave it his best shot but even he couldn’t get an exact read on the strange disturbance. “No one was in the area when you went last night?” Peter asked as he turned towards the older man with grey hair covering the edges of his ears and temples.

“We had some rumors of some local hoods in the area but no one big. Still I spell Doom’s hand in this. It’s too close to the Baxter Building to be a coincidence. But it will still take time for me to figure out exactly what kind of energy fluctuations that are going on here. I should have something in an hour?”

“An hour? Heh.” Ben said with a low grumbling laugh. “Sounds like something even you can’t figure out Reed.” The Thing said before patting Reed on his shoulder. Peter turned when he heard a door open into the lap behind him. In walked Sue in a simple black tank top and short grey shorts. She walked right in and stood next to Peter as Reed continued deliberating about the strange signatures that he and Ben had encountered. As the scientist and his friend continued Peter felt Sue get a bit closer to him. At first Peter grew nervous about Reed seeing them being so close to each other but when Mr. Fantastic didn’t even really give Sue a second look, he felt that maybe Sue was right. He really doesn’t seem to care. Peter said and decided to make an experiment of his own. Peter’s left hand reached down along Sue’s side as she rested beside him and he slowly started grabbing and squeezing the perfect curve of her ass while also rubbing one of his fingers in between her cheeks. His heightened hearing picked up on a subtle pleasure laden sigh that sprouted from her full soft lips.

Sue’s eyes turned towards him slightly and he could see alarm spelled out in those deep blues but he could also see that same alluring look and he continued to pinch and squeeze at her ass as Reed continued his deliberating with Ben enjoying the fact that his friend couldn’t come up with a solution to something Unfortunately the additional problem that his wife was being fondled roughly right in front of him went right over Mr. Fantastic head as he continued studying various diagrams while his hands stretched out quickly as he moved one test tube over to another and prepared other advanced technology so that he could figure out a way to deal with the anomaly.

Sue’s lips parted once again and then she turned her gaze back to her husband. “Reed I think I’m going to go out and visit Johnny’s grave. I shouldn’t be long. Why don’t you take Peter with you?” Reed suggested as he was bent over a microscope. Peter himself almost scoffed at that suggested but Sue took care of the issue.

“I think Peter is fine right where he’s at. Besides maybe you’ll need another egghead to deal with this problem you’ve been having.”

“Of course dear. Good thinking.” Reed said but he was so focused on his studies that he didn’t even bother looking up at her. Sue smiled slightly and then turned away, getting out of Peter’s grip, and heading out the door. Peter didn’t turn to watch her go figuring it would draw more attention. Even though Reed seemed completely focused on everything except for his wife and Spider-Man’s wondering hands there was still Ben to consider. Luckily the need to go out into the city seemed to take the big rock covered beast of a man and he left the two ‘eggheads’ to their work.

“What if I try reversing the polarity and then inhibit the signal with a mixture of Gamolids and Positrons…. Hmmmm.” Reed said as Ben left through the door. Oddly enough Peter’s sharp senses picked up on quieter footsteps coming into the room when Ben left the room. When Peter turned around towards the sounds of the footfalls, he saw there was no one coming in, only there was someone. Peter’s spider-senses picked up on a female’s scent and with a bit more concentration he easily figured out which particular female it was. What surprised Peter even more than the fact that Sue had turned invisible inside her husband’s research lab? Even more surprising was when Peter felt her fingers rubbing up against the crotch of his jeans.

Peter gulped back the sudden note of fear. It was surprising that he could face down all the underworld and Super Villains that New York City had to offer and yet right now he could feel a dark cold thrill of fear in his hear. It quickly faded however when he recalled how good it felt feeling Sue against him, holding her form and having her lips teasing his own. She was right. Reed didn’t care, what did it matter that they both got what they want. Pleasantly enough this acknowledgement came right at the time that Sue’s fingers pulled down his zipper and then yanked down his boxers as the Invisible Woman freed Peter’s manhood. Peter fought back a short quick breath of marvel when he started feeling Sue’s perfect finger work on his cock.

Peter couldn’t believe how easily Sue settled into giving him a handjob as her husband stood not more than five feet away from him. “Uh… Reed. Anything I can help with? Uh… feel like I’m just standing around, wasting your time.” Peter said before his eyes closed when he felt the tip of his cock disappearing into Sue’s wet warm mouth. If it felt good when he put his tongue inside of her orifice having the tip of his well sized cock inside was quite uplifting.

“Nah nah Peter you’re doing fine. I’m just… well sometimes it takes me a bit to get used to new lab partners. No offense meant, Peter” Reed said as he turned back and gave the younger mutant a warm welcoming smile before he started typing in some of his new research data. The whole time Sue’s tongue was wrapping and waxing itself all over the head of Peter’s crown while one hand stroked his cock and the other caressed his balls as they stuck out of his boxers. Peter felt his heart starting to beat harder and he didn’t really know how much more he could concentrate on standing there looking like he wasn’t in the middle of intense pleasure.

“No no of course not. Just uh…nngh… just let me know if you need a soundboard.” Peter said though his breath was getting shorter and shorter now. Sue was now taking more and more of his length down her throat while her hands never let up either. Her tongue rubbed up and down along each inch of his wet flesh while she started to pump him harder and harder. Peter suddenly felt his cock starting to throb more and more as an intense heat bubbled up deep inside of him. When he looked down, he was captivated when he saw Sue’s blonde-haired face, hands and most of her cleavage looking up at him. The edges of her lips curled so that it looked as though she was smiling even as she was sucking his hard pulsating cock down her throat.

As his eyes looked down a bit further he saw Sue’s shimmering in and out of being invisible. His hazel eyes registered that in the brief glimpse she gave him of everything that wasn’t concentrated on his cock Sue wasn’t wearing a single thing. She didn’t ‘flash’ him again however and merely gave his cock a long slow lick before she started sucking in his entire length once again. It didn’t take long before Peter felt his release arriving and soon enough the coursing heat spilled forth through his loins as Peter came down Sue Storm’s throat.

“Haha I think I’ve got it Peter!” Reed’s loud announcement nearly made Peter hop back onto a wall. Sue’s hands on Peter’s butt kept him in place as he finished filling her mouth with his thick cum as Reed explained how it appeared that if he could test out some of his hypothesis on the anomaly itself he’d be able to figure out exactly which solution would work. Reed gathered up his supplies and quickly took off after contacting Ben to find out where he was. “Get suited up Peter. We’ve got business, see if you can call Sue. We may need her.”

“Yup… course. I’ll be right with you.” Peter said before Reed left. Peter gave out a slow sigh of relief as he felt Sue pulling off his cock after giving him one more long kiss. Peter smiled down at her.

“That was amazing Sue.”

“We’re just getting started big boy.” Sue said and Peter nodded, looking forward to the next time the two would play, especially if it was done so blatantly while Reed was in close proximity. He had a feeling Sue really enjoyed that particular element of their most recent activity. Yes, just getting started.

Next Chapter –


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Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hrzw18/spider_and_storm_chapter_1_peter_parker_x_sue