[MF] I hate fucked my ex-wife last weekend and man that felt good. Part 2

Part 1: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hrrow5/mf_i_hate_fucked_my_exwife_last_weekend_and_man/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hrrow5/mf_i_hate_fucked_my_exwife_last_weekend_and_man/)

First off, I did not mean this to be a 2 part submission. I thought I was saving the draft yesterday and accidentally clicked “post”. If it seemed that the story was unfinished, that is why.

The last time I remembered looking at the clock is was almost midnight and I remember feeling Marice kissing my dick as I drifted off. I woke up at around 2:30, looked for Marice and she was gone. I figured she went home.

I got up, went to my bedroom and found Marice sound asleep in my bed. The thought of waking her up and sending her home did occur to me, but I was too tired to deal with it so I let it be. At least she didn’t lay on my side of the bed. I went back to sleep.

Throughout the night I felt Marice touch me. I felt her rub my back, my leg, my ass, my dick and there were a few times I felt her kiss the back of my neck. It didn’t occur to me until that moment that I missed having a woman’s affection.

Prior to her infidelity, Marice was very affectionate. The first thing I notice that something was wrong in our marriage was when Marice started to hold back her affection. She seemed cold and distant, very unlike her. I asked her about it and she said she was just in a funk.

During the last two years of our marriage, I put in a lot of hours at work. Marice wanted a new car, to renovate our house, and have nice things. At the time, I felt she deserved all those and I didn’t mind working to provide her with anything she wanted. Because I was working 50-60 hours a week, during my days off, I just wanted to chill around the house. Watch TV, play Xbox, or stay in bed the whole day with Marice.

Marice on the other hand worked about 35-40 hours on an average, ran and went to the gym almost everyday. At first, our different lifestyles did not bother her, but eventually she started to say that I was letting myself go and often made comments that I was fat, I was out of shape, etc. This was also around the time she started to withhold affection.

The biggest irony was, as much as she withheld affection, she was always horny. She would come home from the gym and she didn’t care what I was doing, she would fuck my brains out. And it wasn’t just wham, bam, thank you ma’am sessions. We would have 2-3 hour fuck sessions 2-3 times a week. I remember that there were times I was so tired, I’d fall asleep in the middle of a fuck session and Marice would keep going. She would either suck or fondle my dick as she played with herself to completion.

A few weeks later, Marice came clean about having an affair with her personal trainer, a guy she went to high school with. Marice was a completely different person. She felt that she was too pretty, too good for me and that I did not fulfill her needs. My jaw dropped on the the accusations she hurled towards me and she had me convinced it was all my fault she cheated on me. It took me over a year to get over it.

It was those memories that let me strengthen my resolve. If Marice wanted to fuck, I’ll fuck her but I was not going to show her any love or make love to her. Marice was using me to feel better about herself and the reason I was somewhat indulging her, was well… I was getting some good pussy.

Morning came and the sunlight from the window woke me up. Marice was kissing my chest and she was masturbating me. I did not move and pretended to be asleep. Marice took her time kissing me, making her way down to my dick. She probably knew I was awake because my dick was getting harder and harder by the second. When she got down there, she did her “loving on my dick” routine and when she was satisfied, she got up on top of me and slid me into her pussy. I still pretended to be sleeping, but this didn’t stop Marice. She nibbled on my ear and kissed me around my neck and licked my lips. The gyrations of her hips got faster and harder and it felt really good. Marice was fucking me, no doubt about it. I reached for her tits, fondled them, pinching both her nipples. This drove Marice crazy and at one point I worried about her breaking the bed. Marice asked me to tell her when I was cumming and she wanted me to cum in her pussy. I thought about the last time I came in all three of her holes and sadly it brought me back to the night just before she admitted her infidelity. I felt my horny-ness fade, but I did want to finish this fuck. It took me a little longer to cum but I finally did.

Marice collapsed on the bed and kissed me on the cheek. With my lust gone, the memory ate me up. I got up and went to the bathroom not saying a word. I thought about everything and I asked myself if it was worth keeping Marice as a fuck partner. I knew she would be at my beck and call since I was well aware of her personality. She has co-dependency issues. Plus this blow to her ego, she needs me to feel good about herself. She would want me to want her. Basically she could be my booty call anytime I want.

Good thing I orgasm-ed not two minutes ago, otherwise my little head would have said yes. But I strengthen my resolve and knew this will somehow lead to disaster. Besides, I already have another woman in my radar. A woman I really liked. We were supposed to meet up the night before, but the plans fell through.

I got out of the bathroom and Marice was still in my bed. She tried to seduce me. She laid there uncovered and was playing with her pussy. When she saw me, she put her finger that was in her pussy into her mouth and told me how much she missed the taste of my cum. The she suggested I come back to bed and fuck the whole day.

I told Marice, she should get dressed and leave. Clearly she was not expecting this. She tried to make suggestions about us having coffee and coming back to bed and just like I said before, she was using me to feel better about myself.

I started to get dressed and walked into the living room. Gathered her clothes and brought it back to her. I told her she was welcomed to use the shower and walked out of the bedroom.

Marice came into the kitchen a few minutes later all dressed. She tried to kiss me and I stopped her. She asked if I was sure I wanted her to leave and I said yes. She said she didn’t understand.

I told her that one night of fucking would not make up for all the crap she put me through. She asked me what it would take and I gave her the “are you fucking kidding me?” look. Then I asked her to leave.

She nodded and then she said “I left my panties in your bed, just in case you change your mind.”.

I told her to wait as I ran into the bedroom, grabbed her panties, gave it back to her and told her goodbye.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hs91nf/mf_i_hate_fucked_my_exwife_last_weekend_and_man


  1. Weeeeell done.
    Now the strength: will or won’t last???
    The betting are open.
    Again, well done.

  2. Great story, good on you for not letting everything slide so easily. It was smart to get the “nut” out of your system so you would have a clearer mind when making your decision.

  3. Good for you bud. I’d prob keep fucking here but I’m weak. Lol stay strong.

  4. Good for you man. It takes a strong person to no fall back into it.

  5. Very well-written (both parts). Happy this was resolved in a positive way for you mentally and emotionally. Certainly a cathartic relief to get her out of your mind that way. Be strong, don’t go back. Good luck with your other lady friend.

  6. This story pretty much confirms my theory that “the nuttier, the sluttier”.

    She sounds like a great lay but a first class whack job. The fact that she gas-lighted you into making you believe that you were the problem and the reason she cheated just sucks. Deep down, she has a self-esteem issue and/or borderline narcissism issue that you are just better off without.

    Personally I would have given her the final gift of a facial as a final act of dominance, but to each his own.

    I commend you on how you handled this. Well done.

  7. Good job brother, I know it wasn’t easy for you, I had a woman do something similar to me.

  8. Hell yea, man! Fuck her. Hope you got in a few more episodes of Warrior Nun instead.

  9. Nice! From every guy that’s ever been fucked over- Thank You.

  10. Damn, don’t usually comment but this was a great story, sorry about that man and I’m glad you somehow manage to get over her, I hope you can update about you and that new girl!

  11. I never understood hate fucking. I don’t know how that works. People I hate, I don’t want to be on the same planet with them, let alone in the same bed…

  12. THIS WAS THE BEST!! Like the best. If you have more of stories like these ……keep treating her(the cheater) like that

  13. She might have cruising for a baby or at the very least a muddled pregnancy. I hope you used protection.

  14. Try to march forward with Warrior Nun. My lady was watching it so I was unfortunately subjected to it here and there, and honestly the character development around the main character was too fucking long. Not to mention that she’s actually really unlikable. The series really only start in the last 3 episodes I’d say.

  15. You definitely made the right decision here. She betrayed you, and everything you two ever worked for, completely. And for what, some workout junkie she used to know who clearly had deep mental issues?

    She deserved that, and I respect the hell out of you for sticking to your resolve and cutting her out of your life. You don’t need someone like that who can and will betray you again.

  16. My man!! So proud of you!! I also got to hate-fuck my ex-wife and leave her there on her bed begging me to stay. That was 5 years ago and she’s still wanting more. I’ll never touch her again! Crazy bitch!

  17. The greatest night of sex I have ever had was after a very hard breakup with my ex. We met up to hand off some stuff each of us had, and ended up hooking up and jesus. It was like a four hour fuck fight. I’ve never had sex like that again in my life.

  18. Bruh, as a man that’s been cheated on i really wish I could fist bump you right now.

  19. She’s going to probably keep chasing you now for a while.

    Now that you set boundaries, and you didn’t give her approval… she’s going to try hard to seek your approval.

  20. Can I just say OP, I’m glad you left it at that. I wouldn’t encourage you to have her as a booty call when you already like someone. This would eat you up as well because you’ll always be reminded of the infidelity. You deserve so much better.

    Also, I love the way you tell your story. Best of luck x

  21. Everyone will be at this one point in our lifes I think. A few months ago I was in a relationship that lasted not so long as yours. But it was a good one, we complemented each other, I knew her family and then all of a sudden they were all my enemies, and I say like that because I never tought she could do something like that and her family (obviously) sided with her despite what she did was wrong. But then karma kicks in and oh boy it kicks! But you always get that feeling of “what if” or “I don’t like what she’s going trough” Hope every person finds the peace they need whether it’s forgetting or fucking out of hate

  22. Someone get this man a freaking beer! My ex tried to seduce me after I met someone new. I told her I’d rather shit in my hands and clap.

  23. This hit to close to home, I honestly got flashbacks to a similar situation

  24. Kudos for the amazing lay, and choosing to take care of yourself

  25. You should keep her as a fuck mate anytime you want to get laid she’s there

  26. I don’t know why but half way through reading this I started picturing the author as Niles Crane from Frasier.

  27. Did it ever occur to you that she might be trying to get pregnant to trap you? Her pedo fuck buddy is going to jail and his life is ruined. She now has no one but she does have her old flame who she gaslit into thinking everything was his fault.

    And now you’ve cum inside her without a condom.

    I sure hope you have been snipped or you may now be on the hook for child support and you will never be rid of the bitch.

    Sorry to rain on your parade but I sure hope you are not screwed.

  28. Damn, the last paragraph about the STD was a bummer, ruined the story a bit.

    Hope you come through clean.

    Applaud your resolve, good on you man.

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