[FM] Sneaking away while babysitting to hook up with my boyfriend

In early July a couple years ago, after dating my boyfriend Henry for about four months, it was finally time to tell my thirteen-year-old cousin, Shoshana, who, along with her friend group, had obsessively tried to set us up when [Henry was her teacher](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gxk4m9/fm_i_24f_let_my_cousins_hot_teacher_26m_finger_me/) and believed she had failed. As per my twice monthly babysitting-Shosh-during-her-group-sleepovers arrangement in exchange for unlimited exploitation of their car, laundry machine, and pantry, her parents asked me to watch over Shosh and her ten-year-old brother, Isaac so that they could go to a hotel for the weekend and get away from their kids’ constant bickering and pleas for attention. I usually wouldn’t complain about upholding my end of the deal, but Henry had recently moved to a city an hour away for a job training program. We only got two days a week together. I didn’t want to miss a weekend if it could be avoided.

After some bargaining, during which I agreed to take Friday off of work to watch the kids for an extra day, I got their permission to invite Henry over for the weekend and help me wrangle the little monsters. This was a big fucking deal. Their mom, my second cousin Miriam, was finally coming around on Henry after months of stubbornly insisting he was a heartbreaker and several tense double dates during which Henry and I tried to prove that he was here to stay. We were determined to keep up our lucky streak and continue to make a good impression.

That Thursday evening, Miri gave me a hug and a list of do’s and don’t’s for the weekend. She ended her rant with “Make sure Isaac eats at least one green vegetable per day, and please dear GOD wash the sheets in the guest room at the end of the weekend.”

“Gross, Mir,” I laughed, hugging her back.

“Are you ready to tell Shoshana?” she asked as we let go, a knowing look in her eye as we both thought about her daughter’s flair for the dramatics.

“I thought about just having Henry show up tomorrow night for dinner, but I didn’t want to be responsible for a teenager’s untimely cardiac arrest. I’ll tell her as soon as you guys leave. Please have your phone handy in case there’s a melt-down.”

“I’ll take it off vibrate,” she snorted, taking a deep breath and looking me in the eye resignedly, “Good luck.”

They left soon after, giving each of their kids a hug and a kiss. Isaac immediately ran upstairs to watch TV on the family iPad in his room, knowing that I never enforced his parents’ screen time rules. I turned to Shoshana. Fuck. It was time. “Shosh, I need to tell you something,” I said softly, pulling her to sit next to me at the kitchen table and resting my hand on her forearm as my heart pounded in my chest.

“Is this another fake disease? Because it’s not funny anymore.”

I smiled to myself, thinking about the time I convinced her I had the deadly “gluteus expandous disease” and then sat on her until she laughed so hard she cried. “No, it’s not that. It’s actually good news,” I insisted, taking a deep breath and steeling myself for her reaction, “I’ve been dating Mr. Yang for a while now. It’s getting serious, and we agreed that I should tell you.”

She stared at me, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. “That’s not funny.”

“I’m not trying to be funny, I’m trying to be serious.”

She yanked her arm away from my hand. “Stop messing with me! It isn’t funny, Lily!”

“I’m not messing with you! Look!”

I pulled out my phone and flipped through my camera roll, showing her pictures of Henry and me at a bar, at a concert, on a hike, at the beach. “This is real, Shosh, I’m not joking around.”

She yanked my phone from my hand and scrolled up through my photos as I privately thanked the gods that I had moved all the scandalous images to a locked app. “This… is real?” she asked slowly, her brow furrowing in disbelief as she quickly scanned through picture after picture of Henry and me being grossly, sappily in love.

“Yeah. It is.”

She put down my phone and slowly walked out of the kitchen into the hallway. My muscles tensed as I waited for the explosion. “OH MY GOD!” she screamed at full volume.

And there it was. I couldn’t stop myself from giggling. Shoshana ran back into the room, picked up my phone to make sure she hadn’t imagined the photographic evidence, and then dropped it back on the table, pacing around the room and rubbing her face with her hands. “Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my FUCKING god.”

“Shosh! Language!”

“What’s going on?” Isaac called from his room.

“I’ll tell you later!” I called back up.

“Ok!” he shouted down, “Tell Shosh to take a chill pill!”

“SHUT UP, ISAAC!” Shosh screamed upstairs before directing her anger back to me, “HOW LONG?”


“HOW LONG have you been DATING?”

“A couple months.”

“A couple MONTHS?”

“I got his number at your Bat Mitzvah.”

“At my BAT MITZVAH?” she squeaked.

I couldn’t help but laugh at her expression. “Have you had sex with him?” she asked, her eyes wide.

“What’s sex?”


She whipped out her phone and started typing, her fingers flying across her phone screen. “Who are you texting?” I asked.


I cackled, and she shot me an angry glare. “You do NOT get to laugh at this!”

“Oh, I absolutely do.”

“You’ve been keeping this from me… for MONTHS.”

“We had to make sure it was a real thing!” I said defensively, smiling in spite of myself.

“What, so, he is, like, your boyfriend?”

“Yeah, he is.”

“And you guys, like, go on dates, and kiss, and say ‘I love you,’ and stuff?”

“We [just started saying that](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hq5t0t/fm_the_first_time_i_25f_let_my_boyfriend_26m_cum/) a couple weeks ago, but yeah. We do.”

“OH MY GOD,” she shouted, slamming her phone against the table and glaring at me, “HOW COULD YOU KEEP THIS FROM ME? THIS IS MY LIFE’S WORK.”

“In my defense, you’re very young, and your life hasn’t been going on for very long.”

“That’s not the POINT, you condescending ASSHOLE!”

Her phone started vibrating repeatedly against the table as text messages flooded in from her class group chat. She tossed it overhand into the living room, where it hit the front of the couch and slid down to rest on a cushion, still buzzing away. She stared at me for a moment, fuming and clearly thinking over what choice words she wanted to call me, but instead she ran over to the living room to pick up her phone again. She pressed the screen a couple times and then held her phone to her ear, her other hand on her hip. “Who are you calling?” I asked, struggling to stop laughing to avoid fanning the flames of her anger, “You never talk on the phone!”

“Yeah? Well, this is an EMERGENCY!” she shrieked.

I shoved my knuckles in my mouth to stop myself from laughing. “Mom?” Shosh screeched into the phone, turning away from me, “Mom! Did you know about Lily and Mr. Yang?”

Her body tensed as Miri’s muffled voice came out of the phone, too quiet for me to hear. It didn’t matter, because Shosh then screeched, “THE WHOLE TIME? Oh my god.”

I lost it, grabbing my phone from the table and subtly recording her as she continued working herself up. Shosh stormed out of the living room and into the hallway, coming back around through another doorway into the kitchen in a loop. She stomped her way through the loop several times, listening to her mom over the phone and giving me the finger during each pass. “THIS WEEKEND? I HAVEN’T HAD TIME TO PROCESS,” she screamed as she stopped short in the living room.

I shook with laughter, the video sliding out of focus as my hand became incapable of holding my camera steady. “FINE. Yeah, ok, I love you too,” she muttered, ending the call.

She stopped walking when she saw my phone trained on her. “Are you recording me?”

“Henry asked me to describe your reaction, and a video is worth, like, a billion words.”


She pounced, but I ran, holding my phone out of reach and turning it in selfie mode, still recording. “These are the things I do for you!” I called into the phone as I sprinted away from Shosh’s grabbing hands.

I hit send before she could reach me, and we fell on the ground in the entryway in a fit of laughter. I tucked my phone against my body and curled around it, protecting it and myself from Shosh’s tickling/grabbing onslaught. We froze when my phone started ringing, locking eyes. I pulled out my phone from its protective cocoon. Henry’s caller ID was on my screen, a selfie he took of us cuddled in bed with my face nuzzled against his neck. “Disgusting. Put it on speaker phone,” Shosh demanded.

“Hi, handsome,” I answered, “You’re on speaker, and Shoshana is here.”

“Hi, Shosh!” his tinny voice called out, “I take it Lily told you?”

“Yeah, HENRY, she did!” Shosh yelled, emphasizing his first name, “So you gave me a B even though I set you up with the love of your life?”

“I wasn’t going to play favorites,” he laughed.

“UGH. I can’t even BELIEVE this! I was OBVIOUSLY your favorite even BEFORE I introduced you to Lily. You’re — UGH — you both SUCK.”

Shosh got off of me and stormed up the stairs, slamming the door behind her and screaming loudly. I took Henry off speakerphone. “That went well,” I giggled.

“Does she even know about this weekend yet?”

“I’m pretty sure Miri told her between her screams.”

“Well,” he said, his laughter making me smile, “this should be interesting.”

Shosh was cold to me for the rest of the evening, occasionally asking extremely invasive questions that I refused to answer seriously but otherwise staying quiet, tapping away at her phone under the dinner table. Isaac took the news very differently. “Cool! Does he like *Star Wars*? Will he rewatch *The Force Awakens* with me?”

“He’s as big of a dork as you are, so yeah, probably!”

Shosh stormed off to her room again after dinner, slamming the door behind her just in case I was still unsure how she was feeling. Isaac and I watched a movie together, some action flick with little plot but hot leads. “Lily?” he asked quietly, pausing the movie during a lull, “Do you and Mr. Yang love each other?”

“Yeah. We do. But you can call him Henry.”

“That’s weird.”

“Yeah, but he isn’t Shosh’s teacher anymore. He isn’t teaching at all, actually.”

“Are you and Henry going to get married?” he asked, trying out the name.

“We haven’t talked about it, but it’s possible.”

“Can you not invite Shosh? She’ll make a scene.”

We laughed, and I pulled him against me, wanting to enjoy the last few years of him being a sweet little kid before he turned into a surly teenager. “I’ll think about it.”


Friday was fairly uneventful during the day. Shosh slowly started talking to me again, though her eye contact still had a bit of an “I’m going to murder you in your sleep” vibe. I took the kids to the neighborhood pool, where Isaac went off the diving board again and again while Shosh and I traded trashy magazines and tanned. She finally started asking less invasive questions about my relationship with Henry, inquiring about things like what he eats for breakfast (“Annoying teenagers”) and where he was going to sleep that night (“The roof, but I’ll be up there with him”).

After a couple hours, I got a text from Henry letting me know he could take off early, and I took a deep breath. Showtime, I guess. I gave the kids a ten minute warning that stretched into an hour, and we eventually strolled back home, Isaac dragging his feet. “How can you be so energetic going off the diving board and walk so slowly now?” I laughed, grabbing his hands and dragging him while I walked backwards.

“I used up all my energy,” he whined, “and now I can’t move.”

“Look who’s being dramatic now,” Shosh laughed.

Henry’s car pulled up next to us when we were about halfway home. “Need a ride?” he called through the open window.

“My mom says not to accept rides from strangers,” Shosh called out, making a family playing in their front yard stop and stare.

“Oh my god, Shoshana, get in the car before you get him arrested,” I laughed.

“Can I sit in the front seat?”

“Sure, if you make dinner.”

She climbed in the backseat next to Isaac. I gave Henry a chaste kiss on the cheek as I settled into the front seat, Shoshana vocalizing her disgust until I intentionally smacked her on her sunburn. Henry asked them questions about their summer plans, engaging with them enough that even Shosh started opening up, jabbering excitedly about her upcoming sleepover with her friends the next night. I smiled over at Henry, and he met my eyes, grinning right back at me. This definitely could have gone worse.

The kids sprinted towards the house as soon as Henry pulled into the driveway, fighting over who got to press in the garage key-code and tripping over each other to get into the air conditioning. Henry took the pool bag from me and held me back while he waited for the kids to get inside. The second the door slammed behind them, he captured my lips in a fiery kiss, his free hand resting on the small of my back to pull me against him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my tiptoes, deepening the kiss. Fuck, I missed him. The sound of the door opening again made us jump apart. “Shosh says to tell you that she can see you guys sucking face!” Isaac called out.

“Tell Shosh she should stop watching, then!” I called back, my face flushing.

Henry laughed and pushed me gently towards the house as Isaac disappeared back inside. After a moment, he subtly pinched my ass, smirking when I squeaked. “We need to be careful,” I murmured as I pressed the keypad to close the garage door, “No PDA, and nothing sexual until we know the kids are asleep.”

“Yes ma’am,” he replied, pressing a hand against the wall next to my head and leaning in to whisper in my ear, “But I’ve been waiting all week to make you cum.”

My bikini bottoms dampened faster than any pool could have wetted them. He wanted to play the teasing game? Fine. I knew how to win. Without warning, I shoved my hand down the front of his pants and grasped his cock, jerking it gently as it quickly stiffened in my hand. His eyes widened with shock. I kissed him softly and then kissed my way down his jaw to his neck, where I lightly sucked on his skin. “Lily…” he whispered, his cock now fully hard as I tugged it.

Removing my lips from his neck, I looked up at him. He leaned his forehead against mine, smiling softly. I bit my lip and ran my thumb over the tip of his cock to spread his precum, wanting nothing more than to rip my bikini and shorts off, bend over, and have him take me from behind right then and there. “Not that I’m complaining, but what happened to waiting until the kids are asleep?” he asked breathlessly, bringing me back to reality.

I gave his cock a final tug and then removed my hand, smiling up at him. “Starting now,” I whispered innocently, my eyes wide.

I turned and walked into the house, enjoying Henry’s scoff of frustration and disbelief. “You’re gonna regret that!” he called after me quietly.

For the rest of the afternoon, Henry and I worked each other up as covertly as possible whenever we were alone. An innocent brush of my ass against the front of Henry’s shorts. A less-than-subtle hand sliding up and between my legs to stroke my pussy from behind. By the time Henry and I were done cleaning up after dinner and the whole gang was ready to watch a movie, I was unbearably horny. “I’m going to take a quick shower before we start,” I announced, desperately needing a moment either alone or with Henry.

Shosh didn’t even look up from her phone as she sassily waved goodbye, and Isaac kept scrolling through the TV channels. Henry intercepted me in the hallway before I got upstairs, one of his hands circling my wrist to hold me in place. “Don’t you fucking dare finger yourself,” he whispered in my ear, “If I can’t cum yet then you can’t.”

I whined softly. “Henry…”

“You brought this on yourself,” he laughed softly, “Deal with the consequences.”

He kissed me on the cheek and rejoined the kids in the living room, loudly asking them what they wanted for dessert. I showered quickly, unable to resist rubbing my clit a couple times before feeling guilty and stopping. Stupid Henry and his stupid ability to effectively guilt trip me. I threw on a pair of flimsy pajama shorts and a tight t-shirt, knowing it would have the intended effect on him. He obviously didn’t say anything when I came downstairs and started the movie, but I caught him staring at my tits more than once.

I couldn’t follow the plot. I was too wound up and preoccupied, wistfully thinking about finally being able to get Henry alone. During the movie, I sat as close to him as I dared, angling my barely-covered ass cheek so that his open palm was cupping it, occasionally squeezing it as we stared impassively at the screen. At long last, the movie ended and I shuttled the kids into their bathroom to brush their teeth and get ready for bed. Henry left me to it, not wanting to overstep his authority and instead going room to room on the first floor to lock and clean up. I stole the iPad back from Isaac’s room and walked over to Shosh’s. She was sitting upright in bed in her pajamas, her arms crossed as she looked at me. “I’m still mad at you,” she said softly.

I sighed and sat on the edge of her bed. “I know, Shosh. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you sooner. We wanted to make sure we were serious about each other before I went and told one of his students, you know?”

“So if I wasn’t his student, you would have told me?”

“Of course! I tell you practically everything. I didn’t tell you out of respect for *his* privacy, not mine. Can you please try to understand that?”

She nodded, her expression softening. “Is he nice to you?” she asked.

“The nicest,” I smiled.

“He’s a good boyfriend?”

“The best.”

“Then I approve,” she stated matter-of-factly.

I laughed. “You know, I just assumed you’d approve since you tried so hard to get us together.”

Shosh slid down under covers. “That was just because I thought he was hot. It’s different now you guys are actually dating.”

“Why are you saying ‘thought’ in the past tense?” I teased.

“Ew, Lily, he’s your boyfriend, and you’re both like a hundred years old.”

“And yet he doesn’t look a day over eighty-three. Goodnight, Shoshito.”

“Goodnight, Lilypad.”

I hugged her and then left, flicking off the light switch and closing the door behind me. I walked over to the guest bedroom, my footsteps muffled by the soft carpet. Henry was laying shirtless in bed, and he jumped and pulled up the covers to his shoulders when I opened the door. “You ok?” I giggled, placing the iPad on the table next to the door.

“Thought you were one of the kids,” he laughed, flipping down the sheets to reveal his naked form, “Didn’t want to scar them for life.”

I met his gaze as I locked the door behind me, the satisfying click making me smirk. Turning off the overhead lights so the room would be bathed in soft lamplight, I stripped off my clothes and climbed into the creaky bed, immediately pressing myself against Henry and kissing him hungrily. He responded in kind, wrapping his arms around me and welcoming my tongue into his mouth. He gently pushed my back flat on the bed so he could climb on top of me, stopping short as the bed creaked loudly.

We stopped kissing, locking eyes and giggling as Henry carefully climbed between my legs, the mattress groaning loudly with every movement. So slowly that it might not have been perceptible to the naked eye, he kissed down my body, gliding himself down the mattress until his face was hovering over my pussy. He dove right in, his tongue licking my clit slowly at first. His warm mouth enveloped me, nibbling on my clit softly with his lips before licking it again and then sucking it into his mouth. Pushing two fingers inside me, he stopped his movements as the bed groaned. I giggled. “Don’t move around so much,” I whispered.

“I know how to eat your pussy, Lily,” he scoffed, smiling cheekily at me as he flicked his tongue rapidly against my clit and curled his fingers.

Whatever sassy reply I was going to give got swallowed by my soft moans. I covered my mouth with the back of my hand and closed my eyes, focusing on the way Henry was expertly massaging my pussy with his tongue and fingers. He took his time, gradually developing a rollercoaster of pleasure as he increased his speed and pressure and then slowed back down, teasing me and casually edging me over the course of several minutes. Ecstasy coursed through my limbs. After a week of build up and fear and dread, everything was ok. He was finally here with me, his face buried between my legs as he slowly, gently, lovingly lavished me with attention.

Opening my eyes, I looked down at him and watched him work. His eyes were closed, a soft smile on his lips as he moaned contentedly into my clit, shaking his face side to side rapidly for a moment to place vibrations on it. He curled his fingers and pulsed them internally, viciously rubbing my g-spot before slowing again. I whimpered. Fuck, he looked so sexy. His gaze locked with mine, the corners of his eyes crinkling slightly with happiness as he saw the look of abject pleasure on my face. He kept slowly pulsing his fingers as he removed his mouth to speak to me. “Are you ready to cum yet or do you want me to keep going?”

“Can you please keep going?” I asked softly.

He smiled and dove back down, rolling his tongue against my clit over and over again and starting a new rollercoaster ride. I moaned quietly and let my head fall back against the pillow again. This was heaven. There was not a doubt in my body that this was where he was supposed to be. I could have laid there for hours, getting slowly fucked by Henry’s fingers and mouth, but I needed to show him my appreciation. Maybe a couple more minutes. How the fuck was his tongue not getting tired? I began playing with my nipples, teasing and rubbing them until they tightened into points. Pinching one, I felt a jolt of pleasure fly down my body. “Ok, I’m ready,” I whispered.

The change was instantaneous. His fingers rapidly pulsed inside of me, eliciting a gasping breath from deep within my lungs. His tongue attacked my clit, and my hands instinctually grabbed his head to hold him there as my legs shook aggressively from the overwhelming pleasure. I was so sensitive, so ready to cum, that it only took seconds. Breathing heavily and barely containing the scream I wanted to let loose, I spasmed wildly, my whole body tensing and curling in on itself as I ground my pussy against his tongue. He moaned softly into me, his face relaxing into an expression of pure bliss and pride.

Slowing down as my shaking gradually dissipated, Henry placed a final few soft licks against my clit, easing me into post-orgasmic life. I stroked his hair and then pulled him back up to my face, wincing as the bed squeaked. He kissed me deeply, his tongue slipping into my mouth and allowing me to taste myself as I moaned against his lips. I wrapped my legs around him. The bed creaked. We broke the kiss and giggled. Henry pressed his chest against mine and gave a tentative test thrust, his cock nowhere near my pussy. The bed groaned loudly. I clapped a hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing. “What do we do?” he whispered, giggling but clearly frustrated.

“Go slowly,” I whispered back.

Henry lined up his cock against my entrance and pushed inside, the bed creaking louder than our soft moans of pleasure. He held himself there for a moment. “I don’t think this is going to work,” he murmured regretfully.

“Please,” I whimpered, holding onto him tightly.

He thrusted slowly, each inward push sending shooting sparks of pleasure up my spine. The bed squeaked rhythmically along with him. He grunted in frustration and buried his face in my neck. “Miri did this on purpose,” he huffed.

I laughed loudly, and Henry moaned. “Oh my god do that again,” he groaned. “Your pussy tightens sometimes when you laugh.”

I nibbled on his ear and clenched my pussy around his cock, thankful that I had gotten in the habit of doing regular kegel exercises since my late teens. Henry docked his cock inside me, our pelvises kissing. “Oh fuck that feels good,” he groaned.

We laid there for a moment, his cock deep in my pussy as I pulsed around him, whispering dirty nonsense in his ear. He reached a hand between us and rubbed my clit gently. I moaned softly into his ear, groaning his name on a breathy exhale. Almost instinctively, he thrusted once, hard, bucking against me and ignoring the way the bed groaned. I squeaked, the pleasure and the surprise making my moan go up several octaves.

He laughed and pulled out of me, resting beside me on the bed and huffing with amused frustration. I didn’t give up. I was going to repay the favor if it killed me. Slowly turning on my side and wincing as the bed creaked, I ducked my face down and took Henry’s cock in my mouth, spilling saliva down it as I bobbed my head. The bed squeaked with every movement. He stopped me after a moment, regretfully pulling me back up to cuddle. Determined to make him cum, I grabbed his erection and started jerking it, kissing his chest and cheekily flicking my tongue against his nipple. He chuckled and kissed my forehead. “As much as I appreciate the thought,” he murmured, “I don’t think I’ll be able cum from a hand job after I’ve already been raw in your pussy tonight.”

“Is that a challenge?”

He raised an eyebrow, laughing but looking excited despite himself. “It can be!”

I smiled wickedly and covered the tip of his cock with my hand, gathering his precum on my palm and spreading it down the length of his erection. Henry leaned his face down and kissed me, our tongues dancing together as I slowly massaged him. Moaning softly, I tightened my grip on his cock, tugging it faster and occasionally pulling back from our kisses to spit in my hand to help lubricate my forceful jerks. Henry rested his head against the pillow, smiling softly at me. “This is nice, but I really don’t think it’s gonna happen.”

I huffed in frustration. “You’re going to cum if it’s the last thing I do,” I hissed, releasing his cock for a moment so I could rearrange myself.

As slowly as possible so that the bed would stay silent, I cuddled against him, sliding my top thigh over his leg closest to me. I rubbed my leg up and down his, kissing his neck softly as I played with him and intentionally rested bare my pussy on his upper thigh. “Watch your cock in my hand,” I ordered.

He stared as my hand slid up and down his swollen erection. I started whispering insistently. “I fucking love your cock, Henry. Do you have any idea how wet I get the second I think about you? You make me so fucking turned on. I’ve been waiting all week to touch you, and it’s killing me that you can’t push your cock inside of me and pound me into the bed.”

I let out a series of soft, breathy moans and then continued, squeezing his cock tighter. “I know you wish you could be fucking me, but do you have any idea how fucking good you feel?” I whispered, “Getting to hold and stroke you. I just — mmm, I fucking love being able to touch you like this. Knowing I’m the only woman who gets to experience your incredible cock.”

Nibbling on his ear, I sighed quietly. He groaned softly in response. I gradually increased the speed and intensity of my tugging, my hand eventually flying up and down his erection. “Do you remember the first time you made me orgasm? How I came on your fingers and bit your shoulder so I wouldn’t scream?”

“Of course,” he murmured, his breathing getting heavier.

“I knew I was in trouble from the moment I saw you,” I gasped, moaning softly in his ear, “And then the way you took charge and made me cum so easily? It was obvious that I was going to fall in love with you.”

“Lily, I’m close,” he whispered, his eyes meeting mine, his brow furrowed with pleasure as he watched me stroke him quickly.

“Please cum, Henry,” I begged, “I’m not going to stop until I see you cum.”

I bit down on his shoulder. He groaned quietly, closing his eyes and leaning his head back against the pillows. A few more pumps of my hand and he was cumming against his chest, the thick sprays covering his soft, tan skin. “Yes,” I murmured triumphantly, licking and kissing along his shoulder to his neck and up his jaw, “Cum for me, baby.”

Turning and pressing his forehead against mine, he kept letting out soft groans, the final ropes of cum landing gently on his stomach. I slowed my hand with one long squeeze, loving the sight of the last dribble spilling over his tip and into my palm. Gathering up some of it, I brought my hand to my mouth. I locked eyes with him as I swirled my tongue across my palm to lap up his cum. He laughed softly and rolled his eyes. “Now you’re just showing off,” he murmured.

“Obviously,” I snorted, “Don’t ever doubt my prowess again.”

He kissed me deeply and then got out of bed, grabbing a washcloth from the en-suite bathroom to clean himself up. He paused in the doorway when he came back into the bedroom. “Lily…”


“We could have just fucked in the shower. Or on the carpet. We made this way harder on ourselves.”

I paused, feeling stupid. “Well, at least this way I proved a point?” I placated, shrugging and smiling as innocently as possible.

Henry laughed and grabbed me, dragging me out of bed and carrying me firefighter style into the bathroom.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hrzneg/fm_sneaking_away_while_babysitting_to_hook_up


  1. HOT STORRRRRYYYYY ?????????
    You can fucking forget about Shosh making a scene at your wedding! If I find out where it’s being held I’LL MAKE THE *FUCKING* BIGGEST SPECTACLE of your wedding that you won’t even be able to watch the video on your anniversary!
    I will drink ALL ? the ? mimosas ? and I will fucking *yank* that bouquet out of the air like it was tip-off at a basketball game. AND I’LL ALSO GET THE GARTER!

    And if the best man is able to get through the toast uninterrupted it will only be because u/Mrquick83 is banging me doggy-style in the coat room!

  2. when the bed started squeaking my first thought was “just go to the floor??” and then my second thought was a flashback to when i had sex for the first time, on a squeaky bed in a full beach house, and we just ended up on the floor. my back was bruised the next day so i very much regretted that choice. although henry would be worth that, this guy just was not lol

  3. Ahh yes!! Another Lily and Henry story!! I anticipate these like a Star Wars movie (fuck you Ep. IX). The Force Awakens was definitely the best of the sequel trilogy. I’d rewatch that with Henry any day. Loved this story’s ramp up from pool with the cousins to its scorching end (and all the jokes in between). As always I hope there’s more. Thanks for another great read.

  4. Omg I swear Shosh and I are soulmates! That literally was my reaction [SPOILER ALERT] at the end of the “teacher fingering you in the classroom” story when he was all like “Please, call me Henry”!!!

  5. Up till now, I’ve always thought the way you end your stories was pretty impressive but I gotta say I’m having really mixed feelings about this one. On one hand I think that’s a nice way to close the story. On the other hand I am DYING to know what went down in the bathroom. Like what a tease how could you end it right in the middle of the sexy time?? But lovely story as always!!

  6. Hahaha! Shosh’s reaction was everything I could have hoped for! Please tell me you saved that video to embarrass her with later. This was amazing.

  7. What a typical teenager Shosh is – wanting something so badly until it happens and she sees it and immediately finds it gross!! ??

    Is she still smug now as she is nearing being an adult?

    Please tell me the sleepover happened and there was more conversation than you and Henry – and that you had some more fun in that bathroom!!

  8. Why is it that, as a straight male, every time I read a story involving Henry, I think to myself…

    “Now I really need to find out where the fuck I can find a man like him…”

    And I see what you’re doing, making your boyfriend look like a Demi got and making us be jelly asf! Haha

    To conclude my babbling, the lesson of the day, it’s awesome to have a niece / nephew, who has a good taste.

    P.s. despite me having a mad crush on Henry, you also are pretty darn spectacular ?

  9. So adorably funny. I hope you’re not only going to invite Shosh to the wedding, but make her wear some horrendous bridesmaid outfit.

  10. OMG THE STORY WHERE YOU TELL SHOSH I haven’t even started reading yet but I’ve been SO EXCITED for you to post this!

  11. What a real honest story love it. Who hasn’t enjoyed the trip down memory lane of getting a handy when in close proximity to relatives. Like you are a teen all over again except it takes her far more effort because you’ve experienced raw pussy. Ah yes the squeaky bed that is in all guest rooms like there is some secret furniture store where they sell metal on metal bed frames and mattresses filled with 3 times the normal amount of springs. So that the slightest movement even if not from intercourse sounds like train stopping and starting on non lubricated rails.

    Shoshana sounds like the youngest yenta ever good kid but my god dramatic with a capital D.

  12. Annnnnddd the story we’ve all been waiting for!!♥️♥️ Well, at least those of us who have followed you since the beginning. ?

    Gotta admit that I really wondered why the heck you didn’t move to the floor. It totally was my thought, but the suspense/struggle was way better. And even though you described what happened after he carried you in the bathroom in a previous comment, I really liked the ending. It’s not like we as your followers don’t know what he did to you! But making you watch yourself in the mirror is pretty hot.

    Also, seriously? You aren’t having a Jewish wedding?! What’s Mir think about that? But mazel tov when it finally happens.

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