A touch of yellow and vanilla fever [MF]

So a few years back my office was in Downtown LA. A former co-worker of mine (Kyle) invited me to his birthday party up in the Valley on Saturday night. I lived in West LA at the time but had a friend (Dave) who lived in the Valley close to where the birthday party was going down, so Dave and I decided to play golf that afternoon. It was hot and they had a special on beer sold by the hot girl in the golf cart, so we had a nice buzz by the time we got back to his place to get cleaned up.

We pre-partied and had some munchies after we’d showered then took a taxi over to the club hosting the birthday thirty minutes after the party had started. When we found him, Kyle was pretty hammered already and introduced us around to his friends. I knew some of them from a few years back and we exchanged greetings. As we were talking I realized that I was just as drunk as Kyle as neither of us were really saying anything that was coherent. I thought it might be a good idea to have a few water bottles as a spacer and throttle back, so I chilled out in the corner for awhile with Dave. I noticed a group of cute Asian girls arrived a few minutes later and they hugged Kyle and gave him a birthday gift. I exchanged long glances with one of them and Dave laughed at me.

“Dude, that girl just eye-fucked your brains out! You should go talk to her.”

I did as instructed and went over and introduced myself. She told me her name but between the loud house music and my drunken stupor, I couldn’t process her name. Eventually I gave up on her name and tried to talk to her but since I was still pretty hammered everything came out in drunk-speak. She giggled at me, then gave up trying to understand what I was saying. She shrugged her shoulders and smiled at me but eventually walked back to her friends. I walked back over to Dave, frustrated that I had gotten anywhere. For the next hour, she looked over at me a few times but then Dave and I decided to bail, realizing that we were just too drunk to accomplish anything good.

After fighting a massive hangover on Sunday on my couch, my office phone rang on Monday morning a few minutes after I got into work. I heard Kyle’s voice on the line.

“Where did you disappear to on Saturday night?”

“Sorry about that,” I laughed, then shut my door so nobody could hear my private conversation. “I was just knee-walking drunk and realized I needed to pass out so Dave and I bailed. Ee were so drunk we probably forgot to say goodbye.”

“No problem,” Kyle replied. “Hey, did you hit on a girl named Koko that night?”

“I remember trying to talk to some Asian girl at the party,” I admitted. “But I never got her name. I remember her being kind of cute but not much else. What’s her story?”

“I used to date her older sister but we broke up a few months ago,” Kyle replied. “She’s from Japan but she’s been here for a couple of years. She works as the Japanese concierge at the Hyatt down by your office.”

“Okay, and that is important to me how?”

“She called me yesterday and wanted to know everything about you. She thinks you are hot. More important, her parents are recalling her to Japan in a few weeks. She’s really upset about it. I think she wants to have a fling before she leaves.”

He gave me her work phone and hung up. I stared at the number for a minute, trying to work up a game plan, then just said fuck it and dialed the number. She picked up on the second ring and greeted me with a cute, sing-song voice that barely showed any hint of her Japanese origin. I introduced myself as Kyle’s drunken friend from Saturday night and she started laughing at the memory of my drunken antics. We chatted for a few minutes then I asked her if she was free for lunch sometime that week since we worked a few blocks from each other.

“How about today at 11:30?” she replied.

My calendar was clear so we decided to meet at a little Italian place halfway between our buildings. I got there a minute early to secure a table and as I sat down, I suddenly realized that I didn’t remember exactly what she looked like. I started to worry that I would look like an idiot nodding and smiling at every Asian girl that walked in the restaurant. Lucky for me, she walked in a minute later, spied me at the table and walked straight up to me. She was wearing a red business suit complete with the hotel logo and her nameplate on her left breast. I appraised her quickly and realized that she was really pretty and had a much fuller figure than other Japanese girls I had previously dated. She was probably 5’3″ and 115 pounds and had medium length hair just reaching her shoulders. We exchanged an awkward hug then sat down. I ordered water but she surprised me by getting a glass of white wine.

“I’m nervous,” she admitted after taking a healthy swig of the wine. “I don’t normally ask Kyle to set me up with his friends but I thought I should follow up since you were so drunk on Saturday night. You didn’t even ask me for my number!”

“I was so drunk that I barely knew my own name,” I replied with a laugh. “We drank way too many beers on the golf course then pre-partied at my friend’s house. I was just a mess.”

She thought the whole thing was pretty funny and laughed at almost everything I said. I realized that most of her laughter was due to her nerves so I did my best to steer the conversation back to reality.

“Kyle said you might be heading back to Japan in a few weeks? Are you happy or sad to be leaving?”

“I’m really sad,” she admitted. “I love Los Angeles and don’t want to leave, but my parents are insisting that I come back and start acting like a proper Japanese daughter.”

She ordered another glass of wine with her meal and told me about her situation. It turned out that she had a green card and could stay as long as she wanted to, but she felt a duty to obey her parents wishes. I commiserated as best as I could, but I could hardly relate to her situation. We finished our meals and I picked up the tab, then offered to walk her back to the Hyatt.

“So what do you do as a special concierge?” I asked.

She gave me the low-down on her responsibilities, most of which involved coordinating logistics for large groups of Japanese visitors who traveled to LA on tours. She admitted that she was either really busy when the tours were in LA, or she was bored to tears when they were gone. We walked into the hotel just as she was admitting that when she got bored, sometimes she would swipe an empty room key and go take a nap knowing that one of her co-workers would find her and wake her up before her manager knew she was in hiding.

“Let me show you,” she said with a slightly drunken giggle. She walked over to the check in desk, punched a few keys on the computer, then walked back to me with a room key in hand. We rode up the elevator in silence. I wasn’t quite sure if she was just showing off that she could procure a free nap room or if there was a bigger plan, but I was curious to see what she had in mind.

We walked into an empty hotel room featuring a king bed. I closed the door behind me as she gave the standard room tour that Japanese guests were apparently used to. Once she finished the routine speech, her eyes searched mine, nervous with anticipation. I pulled her toward me, wrapping my arms around her waist and kissed her. She kissed me back gently, but after a few seconds of brushing our lips she reached up and pulled my head down, devouring my mouth with hers. She pulled off my coat and tie and threw them over the desk chair, then stepped out of her heels. Within 30 seconds both of us were naked. Her tits were the biggest surprise as her figure was really full, featuring a nice set of 36D boobs with medium size nipples protruding slightly from her areola. Her bush was natural, featuring slightly curled, jet-black pubic hair. I grabbed her left tit with my right hand and started to kiss her again while my left hand gently probed between her legs.

Her mound was slightly damp but as my middle finger penetrated her labia, I could tell that she was slick with anticipation inside her pussy. I bent down and sucked on each nipple for a minute. Koko cooed and whimpered, whistling in a long breath between her teeth as each nipple hardened and ripened under my touch. I pushed her down on the bed. She bent down as if to take me in her mouth but I had other plans, throwing her legs over my shoulders. I rang my tongue up and down the furrow of her now glistening pussy lips, gently licking and sucking each cunt lip into my mouth. Her cries increased in intensity when I introduced a my index and middle fingers into her pussy. I stroked the top of her pussy, caressing the little walnut inside her pussy revealing her g-spot. Her hips immediately bucked and she came a few seconds later. I was surprised as I’d never seen a girl come so quickly, but I pushed my head further down and started to nibble and suck on her clit, which was now fully exposed as her pussy was fully engorged. I sucked on her clit for a few minutes while her cries and moans fused into one-long yelp of pleasure. Her hips bucked again and she came a second time in five minutes.

I decided it was my turn. I kissed my way up her stomach, kissed each nipple gently, then now closer to her face, asked her if she had any condoms.

“I’m on the pill,” she replied. “That’s why my tits are so big. I used to be a B cup then I went on the pill and they got big.”

I’d dated enough women by that time that I was reluctant to fuck her without a condom, but she promised me she was on the pill.

“Fuck me then pull out and come on my tits,” she pleaded.

I couldn’t argue with her logic as my cock at this point was ready to burst, so still standing, I nudged her legs apart with her ass just perched on the end of the bed. I eased my cock into her now dripping cunt until I was plunged full to the hilt, then pulled myself all of the way out. She was puzzled but then I decided to play a bit. I grabbed my cock with my right hand and slapped it a few times at her clit. Koko sucked in a quick breath, then urged me to put my cock back into her.

“Just fuck me now. PLEASE.”

This time there was no teasing. I pushed my medium-plus sized (it’s like 6 1/2 inches) cock back into her and she arched her back, impaling herself onto me as hard as she could. She wrapped her ankles around my ass and started urging me on in Japanese. I’d taken two semesters of Japanese in college but didn’t understand much of what she was saying, but it didn’t take a translator to tell that she was really enjoying herself. I bent down and tried to kiss her, but she smelled her cunt juices on my lips and pushed me away. Nonplussed, I secured her right nipple between my teeth then swirled my tongue around her now-pinched nipple. Her gentle cries escalated into affirmative screams while her fingers dug into my hair, pulling me hard down onto her nipple. I was pretty sure she’d just come again but it was hard to tell. My hips were bucking furiously at this point and I felt the familiar sensation of my balls starting to tighten, telling me I would soon be spilling my jizz into this girl’s pussy unless I changed something quickly.

I pulled out and spun her sideways on the end of the bed so I could shoot my ropes on her tits as she’d requested. There was a big valley between her tits so I decided to aim my jizz at her left tit since it was the closest to me. The first two shots missed the target but the next two covered the nipple almost perfectly. I wasn’t quite done however and squeezed out one more rope, shooting at her open mouth. The jizz hit her upper lip perfectly, surprising her. She brought her hand down to her mouth and smeared the glop of jizz on her upper lip between her fingers. She looked at me, sated, then licked her fingers and upper lip with her tongue to savor the taste of my cum.

“Salty,” she observed with a pleased giggle.

“Probably tastes like beer after all I drank this weekend,” I replied, laughing with her.

She smeared more of the jizz on her tits with her fingers, then decided to clean up. She sat up and jumped off the bed then walked to the bathroom. I heard the door bump closed behind her. I looked down at the bedspread which now featuring a large wet spot of pussy juice. I heard the water running in the bathroom and followed her into the bathroom as the door was slightly ajar. I opened the door and found her sitting on the toilet, peeing. She was immediately mortified that I was watching her pee.

“Please don’t watch me pee,” she pouted.

“I just had my tongue about three inches up there a few minutes ago,” I replied with a laugh. “I don’t think watching you pee is more embarrassing than that.”

“All of the wine just hit me,” she stated, wiping her pussy as she stood up from the toilet. “But I’m glad I had some. I wouldn’t have had the guts to bring you up here if I wasn’t a little drunk.”

“I’m glad you did,” I replied, then got curious. “Have you done this with anybody else?”

She shook her head. “I’ve wanted to since I worked here, but never had the courage to do it. Once I saw you at the club on Saturday I realized this was my chance to fuck a white guy before I have to go back to Japan.”

“Did you like it?”

“I came four times. Couldn’t you tell?”

I had only counted three, but wasn’t going to argue, then looked at my watch. I was due back in the office for a conference call in a few minutes and needed to clean up a bit before I walked back. We wiped each other down and I gargled some mouthwash to rinse the taste of her cunt out of my mouth. Personally I didn’t mind the taste but I didn’t want everyone in my office to smell cunt breath in the conference room since I knew it was going to be a long call.

We put our clothes on and walked out of the room a few minutes later.

“What time do you get off work today?” she asked as we rode the elevator down.

“Probably around 6 or so. Why?”

She handed me the key. “I will be waiting in that room when you’re done. Come fuck me again after work.”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hsl0jq/a_touch_of_yellow_and_vanilla_fever_mf


  1. Bravo! As an asian guy, sleeping with a Japanese girl is on my bucket list. Did you meet up with her again? Shame you didn’t just let go inside her ;)

  2. Thanks for taking us with you on that adventure. Time for the after work story!

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