The princess of all daddy issues [fantasy] [vignette]

Let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Becca. It’s short for Peccata Carnis, but Becca is easier to say. How old would you say I am? I know, it’s hard to guess, but young, I would say. Somewhere between 18 and 25, right?

Wrong. I’m actually 399 years old. See, I’m a half-demon. Half-Devil, if you want to be pedantic. That’s right; my father is the Beast himself–Lucifer, Satan, Mr. Fire and Brimstone. Although I’ve never met the guy, of course. He’s not really the fatherly type. He and mom met right after she came over to the colonies on the Mayflower; Daddy always did love irony. Mom always said that he raped her, but somehow I doubt it. When pitted against the raw sexual energy of Satan himself, something as pitiful as human piety and willpower probably wouldn’t have cut it. Either way, they did something…sinful…and I was the result.

I’m sure you thought that Lucifer was bound in Hell until Judgement Day, but honestly he just doesn’t get out much. Greatest trick the Devil ever pulled, etc. etc. But mostly, it’s unnecessary. He’s got so many agents and helpers out there doing his work that he doesn’t need to involve himself. Daddy doesn’t travel for business. Daddy travels for pleasure.

Which is where I come in. Mom died after a few decades, as mortals do, but being half-demon, I lived on, barely aging. I earned my keep for a hundred years or so on my back, in the world’s oldest profession. Nobody was better suited for it than me, and it helped me satisfy my desires in the meantime. Considering I could afford to take the long view, I built up a nice little nest egg, and once the American economy really got going and I could start investing, I could afford to do basically whatever I wanted. And with all the cash I needed and nothing but time, I could decide what to do with myself.

In the end, I think it’s hardly surprising that I eventually decided to go into the family business. Tempting the hearts of men into sin, and so on. Although that’s just proverbial “men;” I’m not really that picky. Men, women, doesn’t much matter to me. And it’s not much of a shock that I turned out to be good at it.

To be clear, I’m not a succubus. They’re full-blooded demons, and they can entice humans with a glance, and start corrupting their soul just by touching them. Daddy started phasing them out centuries ago. A little too obvious, and probably overkill. Also, just a theory here, maybe he wanted to keep them all for himself.

No, as a half-demon, I only have a few abilities. The obvious one that I’ve already mentioned is my age. I’m sort of…frozen at this nubile age, which suits me fine. I’ve heard that some of the 1000-year-plus half-demons mature into what they call “MILFs” these days, but I’m happy to wait on that. Besides, I have basically the perfect body. What can I say? Modesty isn’t exactly one of my virtues. The picture of youthful sexual energy, innocent but tempting, delicate but vibrant. And it doesn’t change; which is awesome, because I can eat whatever the fuck I want and still keep these rockin’ curves.

Other than that, only some basic improvements on the human body. I’m a little stronger, a little more flexible, have a little more endurance. I heal quickly, and I’m immune to disease (considering that disease was a little gift to the humans from Daddy anyway). Most important of all, being a demon conceived in lust, I have a prodigious sexual appetite, and the stamina to back it up. No sucking souls out through my vagina, but it’s pretty good at extracting other things.

I’m *pretty* sure that I don’t have any sort of demonic seduction powers, but honestly, you don’t really need them when it comes to humans. Especially these days, after that whole sexual revolution thing. Boy, that was a trip. Back in the 18th century, I could only get pounded as often as I needed when I was a whore. Now, I can get laid as much as I want–on my terms. Life is good, and business is booming.

Without any sort of demonic taint to directly corrupt the souls of my victims, I need to damn them the old-fashioned way: tempting them into impure thoughts, and then, impure actions. Usually, I find this remarkably easy, not to mention enjoyable. I get the satisfaction I crave, and start another soul down the path that leads to Daddy.

Because in the end, it’s all really for him. My demon half might let me live for centuries and savor the finer things in life, but my human half still has weaknesses. I miss my mom, even though she’s been dead for three centuries. I still sort of hope I might find love someday. And most of all, I lament never having a father. I knew who he was, of course, mom didn’t have any doubt. But I knew almost nothing about him for a long time. I only know as much as I do now from some witch friends I made in Salem. I felt kind of bad letting them take the fall for me after I left, but I don’t fancy meeting my oldest half-brother any time soon. (I’m talking about Death, and it’s a long story. John Milton wrote a thing or two about it. Got most of it right, which makes me think he knew a guy on the inside)

But living a life as long as mine without a father has been tough. I still act differently around older men, even if I’m actually centuries older than them. I seek the approval of men, and for their affection, I’ll let them do depraved things to my body, even as I’m doing depraved things to their souls. I try to please them even if I’m a little repulsed by them. These days, they have a word for that: daddy issues. And I won’t deny it. If anything, I’m the princess of daddy issues (the queen would have to be “capital S” Sin, which is part of that same long story that Milton can clue you in on). I do everything I do, damn all these souls, in hopes that Daddy will finally notice me. He’ll come and find me, and tell me what a good job I’m doing. He’ll give me a new purpose on Earth, or maybe even take me back to Hell with him. And when I finally meet him, I’m still not sure what I’ll do–either slap him across the face, or get down on my knees and suck his unholy cock.
