Shame On Me [FF, Fdom, Humil, Inc] (Part 2 of 2)


I awoke next morning with an odd thought…I never looked in on Sarah before going to bed. I always looked in on her, and it bothered me that I could be so thoughtless.

I immediately went to her room…her bed had not been slept in. Downstairs a note, she was good at leaving them.

>Mother where are you? You didn’t come home from work. Heather phoned and ask me to come over and stay the night…that’s where I’m at. Why didn’t you call? – Love, Sarah

Jesus, I didn’t even call. I totally forgot. And the groceries, I had left them in the car. Ice Cream, milk, all melted and spoiled.

I made myself a cup of coffee, downed two aspirin…finally allowing my previous night of lust, and its possible consequences, to play thru my mind.

As hard as I had fought my new found sexual cravings I feared I was losing the battle. But teachers and students at my daughter’s school fraternizing…having abnormal sex…I couldn’t afford to be a part of that. But I was a part of it! Somehow I knew, in my weakest moment, I would succumb, no matter how shameful and depraved it might be.

I was slowly losing control, I was allowing all sorts of vulgar thoughts to dominate me…it could effect my employment, I could even lose my job!

And my friends, my family…if they knew of my lewd behavior.. the thought of how humiliating that would be sent a surge of pleasure to my mound.

Suddenly, I was insanely calm as I let my mind conjure up the image of Annie, and me on my knee’s in that filthy bathroom…God I loved that luscious cunt of hers.

As I prepared to dress for work I scanned the clothes I purchased on Sunday. What the hell, I thought…I wanted to look as slutty as I felt, I put on the extremely short skirt and the sheer see thru blouse.

My nipples immediately erupted, the soft silk setting them afire. With the light weight cotton blazer buttoned at the waist, I thought I could hide my exposed breast but…but I would know I was nearly naked under the jacket. It was such a sexy thought, a sexy feeling.

Strolling through the hallways at school, I could feel the leering eyes of the boys on me. The skirt, or what there was of it, showed a lot of leg. I also knew they could see the sway of my unencumbered breast under the thin cotton blazer, It felt so obscene, so indecent, my panties were soaked before first period was over. My life, as I knew it a week ago, was slowly slipping away.

At lunch time the teacher’s lounge was buzzing until I walked in. It was clear, to me at least, that most of my fellow workers took exception to my choice of dress. The tinge of guilt I felt was my conscious telling me they were right. I just couldn’t fight the demon inside of me.

My fourth period class was my final class of the day. As soon as the last student was gone I removed my jacket…an hours worth of test papers to grade called for some comfort.

I was lost in my concentrated effort to grade each paper properly when Bridget burst threw the door.

“What are you doing back here,” I asked quizzically.

“I…I forgot my purse Mrs Callahan.”

For a moment I wondered why she was staring at me so intently. It suddenly dawned on me, she was staring at my breast…breast clearly seen thru my blouse. I didn’t cover up…I didn’t put on my jacket, I stood there while my nipples swelled and my weeping pussy tingled. I stared back at her, my god she was so hot looking…a blonde Lolita, and I searched her face for an approving look…that she liked what she was looking at, that she wanted her cunt sucked. I knew the likelihood of that was nil…not everyone was on the slippery slope to hell…just me…and my daughter.

She hung her head, grabbed her purse and left. My indiscretion’s were mounting.

Sarah was making herself a sandwich when I arrived home. She did a double take when she saw the clothes I was wearing.

“You wore that to school today?” she asked in amazement. “That’s so cool. Do you know how hot you look?”

That last statement made me extremely uncomfortable. My daughter looked hot too…standing there in shorts to tight, halter top to small, but I didn’t’ t tell her she looked hot.

That’s not what a mother tells a daughter. There are different depths of depravity…I wasn’t going to let myself hit bottom. But standing there in the kitchen, looking at her perfectly round ass…my pussy moistened…god help me, my own daughter!

I went upstairs to change. I was so hot…I needed to…I slipped out of my room and tiptoed down the hall. In Sarah’s bathroom I found the panties she wore to school that day.

Back in my room I removed my blouse and skirt…stood in front of the mirror, the crotch of her panties buried in my mouth. With one hand I pinched my left nipple till I whimpered in pain, my other hand buried in my cunt…I came so hard my legs turned rubbery as I crumpled to the floor. I finally realized something…the depths of depravity has no bottom…you just continue down.


The remainder of the week I went back to my normal dress habits, the Bridget encounter had instilled a new fear in me. Bridget didn’t appear to act any different in class, and I could only hope she would keep our little secret to herself.

Friday, Sarah called me from her school at noon. “Mom, there’s this woman whose having a party tonight at her house and Heather said I should call and let you know you’re invited.”

“What woman?” I asked. “What are you talking about. I don’t want you going to some party at some strange woman’s house.” Spoken like a true mother, I thought.

“It’s a teacher here at school mother.” She was whispering in the phone. “Mrs Barker…Annie, Heather said you knew her.”

I was glad this conversation was by phone are how would I have explained my flush red face…my need to take a deep breath before I answered her. My bathroom escapade with Annie rushed thru my mind…short circuiting directly to that spot between my legs.

The phone was silent. “Well mother? Are you still there?”

“I’m here. Listen, we’ll talk about this at home tonight. I just can’t think right now. Okay.”

“Mother, I’m going to the party. I wasn’t calling for your permission. I was calling to see if you wanted to go. You’ve been invited…do you want to go or not?”

“Listen, young lady, you don’t tell me….

“Good-by mother.”

She hung up the phone. I was livid…I was hot…I stepped into the supply room, locked the door and masturbated. To clean myself of my discharge I licked my fingers dry. I continued to use my fingers, scooping at my pussy till there was nothing left…nothing but the smell of my sex which permeated the little room.

That night I arrived home about seven. Sarah had already left. On the dining room table was an address, and a map. ANNIE LIVES HERE marked by a big red X.

I tried to relax, watch TV and forget about what I may be missing, what my daughter might be doing…I couldn’t.

I went upstairs, lay out my other sheer blouse, a skirt even shorter than the one I wore to school, and my one and only pair of string panties.

After showering, and dressing, I stood in front of the mirror, the string up my ass quickly setting my mood…and in the car, my arousal so intense my hands were shaking as I grasped the steering wheel. I was totally overwhelmed with anticipation.


Annie’s apartment wasn’t an apartment at all. It was a duplex house sitting at the very end of a cul-de-sac in a residential area. There were at least twenty vehicles parked around the house when I arrived.

I hadn’t stopped shaking, but now it was nerves, not anticipation of a good time.

Stepping out of my car into the darkened street, the cool breeze blowing over my mostly exposed legs, sent a shiver thru me.

Before leaving home, In my bedroom…in my mirror, I thought I looked sexy. Now I felt slutty. I even thought maybe I should just go home…to my safe, mundane home.

A sign on the door said “DO NOT KNOCK, COME ON IN.” The living room was full of girls, young teenage girls, the familiar giggling, a trait of theirs, and flesh everywhere, apparently each trying to outdo the other in dress. A literal sea of pussy…but my sensibilities telling me I didn’t belong there.

I didn’t recognize anyone. I quickly scanned the room for Sarah, Annie or even Heather. I didn’t see anyone I knew. I was almost relieved. This was not the type of party I was expecting…although I really wasn’t sure what I was expecting.

I suddenly had a panic attack and left…back to my car. As I sat there, getting my bearings, there was a tap on passenger side window. It was Bridget, the blonde from my class, my fantasy Lolita. I quickly thought of a valid reason why I happened to be there.

I unlocked the door and she climbed in.

“I saw you come into the party, then leave,” she said. “You’re not staying?”

I felt so uneasy, her seeing me here. I knew I had to protect my reputation as a teacher, so far as I knew it was still intact.

“No, I was looking for my daughter,” I convincingly lied. She forgot her house key and I didn’t want her to get stranded if she happened to get home before me tonight. I was just on my way to meet some friends for dinner. How about you, are you attending the party?”

“Ya, I get invited to a lot of Annie’s parties,” Bridget said. “My parents own this duplex, Annie and her husband rent from them.”

“Oh, that’s interesting. Annie have a lot of parties?”

“No, not really. Only when her husband is out of town…and only when my parents go to our summer cabin. My parents don’t allow parties in their rental’s so….

“So, your parents are out of town…they allow you to stay home by yourself?”

“Sometimes. I have a job at the mall now…I work on Saturdays so I had to stay.”

As she talked I could hardly take my eyes off her…especially when I tried to not be so obvious…but my god, she looked so good, her blonde hair in a long pony tail, a short plaid skirt and bobby socks.

Would you like to come in for a drink? Her question jolted me out of my trance. “I have a bottle of wine…or my parents do, but we can drink it.”

“No, I don’t think I should be seen at a party of young girls. It doesn’t seem…well it’s just not appropriate.”

“I didn’t mean the party. I meant at my house…we live in the other half of the duplex.”

“Oh…I see, you and your parents live next door. Well…I don’t know Bridget, I have these people to meet and…”

Bridget shifted in her seat allowing me a quick glimpse of her thigh…I choked back a moan… My world was shrinking. My best judgement was telling me to go home. I didn’t need to be in one of my student’s home…alone with her. I glanced in her direction, the thought of those white panties I occasional glimpsed in class, my demon answered for me.

“Sure, why not. I can’t stay long but a glass of wine sounds nice.”

I followed her up the steps to the front door, her hips swaying with each step, her ass so tight, so perfect, It was hard to imagine anyone so impeccable, so unblemished, ever had to take a shit.

As I sat on the couch she went to the kitchen for wine. Returning with two glasses, she sat opposite of me, crossing her legs. There, in all their splendor, were the white panties I adored.

“Can I ask you something Mrs Callahan?”

“Sure Bridget, what?”

“Why do you allow your daughter to, you know…go to parties like Annie’s?”

I knew I should have left when I had the chance. Bridget’s question…I didn’t want to answer it…I had no choice.

“Well, I trust my daughter Bridget. I believe she would make the right decisions if she found herself in an improper situation. I think she was invited to this party by some friend. Why? Is there something about the party I should know about?

“Wow, I wish my parents thought like you. That’s sooo cool.”

“What about the party Bridget.” I suddenly felt reckless…I wanted to put her on the spot. After all, I hadn’t done anything improper, and it was a logical question. Is there some kind of danger I should know about?”

“No, nothing like that. It’s nothing, just a party. Can I ask you another question?”

“What?” Bridget refilled my glass…I already felt warm from the first glass.

“Remember the day I returned to the classroom to get my purse?”

“Yes, I remember. Why?”

I sort of walked in on you when you were, you know, wearing that shear blouse. How come you wore that to school?’

So she did notice! God I felt warm. The wine was having a quick effect on me. “I don’t know Bridget. Bad choice I guess. Did it upset you?”

She didn’t answer.

“Why don’t you take your jacket off and make yourself more comfortable Mrs Callahan.”

Tossing caution to the wind I removed my jacket knowing full well I would be putting my breast on display. I also knew full well that’s why she suggested it.

Throwing the coat aside, I looked up at her stare…and as I thrust them out proudly, harden nipples and all, my gaze fell on her legs. They weren’t crossed any more…feet on the floor, slightly spread, but with an unobstructed view all the way to her crotch.

My innocent Lolita, Bridget was coming on to me!

“My cunts wet, you know,” she said as matter of fact. “It’s been wet for sometime.”

“Can I see?” I said huskily.

She didn’t hesitate, spreading her legs wider, sliding slowly down in her chair, leaving no doubt what she wanted from me.

I was on my knee’s in an instant, my head dipping between her legs, my lips caressing her soft thighs.

“Are you going to eat my pussy Mrs Callahan. Are you going to fuck me with your tongue, make me cum?”

“Yessss,” I moaned. “Your lovely, sweet pussy.” Her panties were so wet and warm, a sign of new discharge. I hungerly suck the crotch into my mouth, sucking on them as my nostrils sniffed in the familiar aroma only a teenager could produce.

Suddenly the front door opened…my head jerked away, a cold fear washed over me. As my eyes quickly adjusted to the semi darkness I could see it was Annie. I started to rise.

“No, no, don’t get up on my account Mrs Callahan. I know how much you want to eat my neighbor’s pussy. Or should I say their daughter. You do want to lick her pussy don’t you slut.”

I felt so powerless around this wicked woman…woman? She was one of my former students. She could be my daughter. Daughter! My choice of comparison bothered me…it made me that much hotter.

I hung my head. “Yes,” I answered obediently.

For some reason I wanted Bridget to see me so submissive, so slutty, so degraded. God, I could feel my panties filling….

“Then do it bitch, suck that little cunt. I have to warn you though, when she cums, she cums like a river. But then you’d like that wouldn’t you Mrs Callahan.

“Yesssss,” I answered as my head dipped between Bridget’s legs again.

Annie sat down next to Bridget, attacking the young girls mouth with her tongue, Bridget moaned as she greedily sucked it into her mouth.

I continued lapping at Bridget’s luscious slit, my two finger slipping inside her up to my knuckle. She was beginning to moan…and groan…louder, her tone changing as she approached her first orgasm. My lips surrounded her entire slit, my tongue flicking at her clit…I didn’t want to lose a drop if she came profusely as Annie had suggested.

“Are you about ready to cum Bridget?” Annie asked.

“Uh huh,” she moaned. “So close…going to cummmm…going, uhhhh, oh god…yesss…going to…CUMMMMMINGGGG!”

Her undulating hips, fucking her fuzz covered cunt against my mouth, she mewed in ecstasy, her cream filling my mouth with sweet, runny cum. I swallowed…and swallowed again, the familiar coating of my tongue and throat, to be washed down with wine.

My own panties filling again…so much I leaked out on to the carpeted floor.

My entire mound was throbbing, never had I experienced such a lustful need…I straddled Bridget’s ankle and humped it shamelessly.

Her shin bone became greased in seconds, the friction of my cunt lips slipping up and down on her skin set my pussy afire, the pain…my god, the pain was exquisite.

Suddenly, in a fit of superiority, Annie shoved me backwards…I lay sprawled out on the floor.

“Pleaseeeee, I have to cummm. Annie, Bridget…please help me. I’ll do anything. need to cum…to cummm”

“It’s not time for you bitch,” Annie ordered. “I’ll let you know when you can cum.”

Standing above me , Bridget, Annie, student and former student, watched as I groveled at their feet begging for sexual relief. I had become their slut pig, wallowing in shame…

“Get the collar,” Annie order.

Bridget left the room, back in a second with a short leather looking belt. Annie fitted it around my neck, Bridget snapping a long chain to it.

“Get up,” Annie ordered.

I struggled to my feet reaching for my jacket.

“You don’t need your jacket bitch,” Annie barked. “Where we’re going everyone wants to see those fabulous tits of yours. Let’s go.”

Annie pulled on the chain…I followed. She lead me out the front door, the cool air blistering my already aching nipples. Leading me across the lawn, we entered the other unit of the duplex, the side where the party was in progress.

I halted at the door. “Please Annie, I can’t go in there like this. Your humiliating me…my daughter is in there. Please, I’m begging you, don’t do this to me.”

Tears were streaming my cheeks…my pussy steaming from this degradation.

She jerked the chain, I had no choice but to follow. Everyone in the dim lit living room turned to look as we entered. Annie continued walking, pulling me through the crowded room, all the young girls reaching out to grope at my body. I could feel their hands on my ass, my tits, pinching, rubbing, laughing at my despair.

As Annie led me towards the stairs I could see Sarah, standing nearby, watching as I allowed myself to be displayed so shamefully..

As I neared her I tried to explain, to tell her I was sorry. She didn’t say a word. Annie stopped for a moment, letting me stand in front of Sarah in all of my shame. Sarah reached out, pinching my nipple, her other hand sliding under my short skirt.

“What a slut you are mother,” she said. My hips pushed forward, wanting those fingers to fuck me, make me cum…she pulled away from me.

Annie pulled me up the steps. A fear of the unknown swept over me…I didn’t know where they were taking me.

At the end of the hall, the very last bedroom, Annie released me from the collar and pushed me through the door, locking it behind me. I was standing alone in a room with a bed.

Not for long. The room was dark but I could make out a figure entering thru another door across the room.

“Hello Kelly. Long time since we’ve seen each other. I peered thru the semi darkness, trying to see who it was…the voice was familiar.

The woman moved towards me. It was Betty! My friend for years…but how? “Betty, what are you…”

“You remember calling me two weeks ago to see what you could find out about a girl named Heather?”

“Yes, but…I don’t understand…what, why are you here?”

“Because I want to fuck you Kelly. It took some doing to get this far…after you called I made Heather hook up with your daughter, although after Heather saw her it didn’t take much of a effort on my part. They’re quite a pair, those two. I catch them almost every day in the girls restroom, if they’re not eating each other, they’re seducing some other unsuspecting teen pussy. You should see some of the fine young pussy they’ve supplied me with. ”

“You used my daughter to get to me. Why? I still don’t understand.”

“What don’t you understand you fucking slut. I’ve wanted to fuck you for years. You just never knew it.

She leaned over sucking one of my long nipples into her mouth. Pussy juice gushed from me, adding to the gooey mess between my legs.

“Betty, my god, I never knew. All the dinners and trips together with our husbands. Even in college, we were roommates, I never knew.

“You know now cunt. And you want me to fuck you don’t you. Tell me goddamn it. YOU WANT ME TO FUCK YOU!”

“Oh Betty, god yessssss, I need to be fucked! Pleaseeeee?! MMmmmm… yes…fuck meee, pleaseeee?!

She threw me on the bed. My legs immediately spread, an invitation to eat me…fuck me…anything that would relieve my throbbing clit..

As I pawed at my pussy, whimpering, Betty slowly slipped off her skirt. There, hanging heavily between her legs, a replica of a huge…humongous cock.

In my naivete’ I thought it must surely be a party gag. Betty wasn’t laughing as she crawled between my legs, mounting me with this incredulous thing and placing its head against my sopping cunt.

“NOOOOOO!,” I screamed. But it was too late…the cock plunged into me.

“You like my big cock bitch…YOU LIKE MY BIG COCK BITCH!”

Her intensity, her glazed eyes, scared me. I couldn’t answer…I couldn’t breath, she shoved again forcing the phallus deeper, my hips responding, my need to cum overpowering. I could only grunt incoherently as she thrust at me violently, whispering in my ear what a good fuck she was giving me.

“I’m going to stick this cock up your ass next,” she hissed. “You want it up your ass don’t you Kelly…Answer me goddamn it.”

“Yessss, up my assss. God yessss. Fuck meeee…want to cum…want to…to cummm.”

My thrusting hips, reaching for, begging for this cock to enter me deeper, deeper, my legs wrapped around her ass, my ankles locked together, holding her in me.

“Going to cumm…going to….” I gasped for air. “Goddddd, CUMMMMMINNGGGGG!,” I screamed as my entire body convulsed, my hips slapping against her body…so lewd, so exquisitely painful. Time…time seemed suspended…pleasure, pure unadulterated pleasure, uncontrolled.

Within minutes, reality stepped in., I realized where I was at and what I had allowed to happen. I prayed that this bizarre night, this whole month could be forgotten, put behind me.

Betty still lay on top of me, slobbering, sucking my lips, tonguing my nostrils. She was slowly warming me up again…I didn’t want it.

I suddenly remembered…Sarah watching me being led around like a dog…my tits hanging out for all to see. So humiliating, oh god…..

“Fuck me again Betty, pleaseeeee…give me that big dick…”

Betty pulled out of me, I could see the slimy dildo, my cum dripping from its head on to my stomach.

“Turn over bitch,”Betty ordered. “Turn over.”


“Turn over goddamn it. And suck on these.”

She stuck a pair of wet panties in my mouth…sopping wet…suddenly she flipped me over on my stomach.

I raised my hips from the bed, spreading my thighs submissively…where is that big cock, I wondered. God I needed it…waiting for her to bury it in me again.

“NOOOOO!,” I screamed as the head pressed against my anal ring. “PLEASE BETTY, NOOO, PLEASEEE, I CAN’T…… big, to big…nooooo…….

My God, the pain, the unbearable pain…she thrust the huge prick deep into my ass. Deeper, deeper, I passed out.

When I awoke I was alone, disorientated. I tried to move, the pain in my rectum was excruciating. Suddenly it all came back to me, Betty, the enormous dildo!

I forced myself out of bed, every movement of my legs exacerbated the pain. I moved slowly out into the hallway, searching for a bathroom.

Two doors down, I turned on the light, my movement reflected in a full length mirror…the image was not pretty. Especially the dried blood that had streaked down my legs.

The pain subsided to a bearable degree as I cleaned myself as best I could. I was still wearing my skirt, completely soiled… my panties missing and my coat still next door at Bridget’s home. Sneaking downstairs, I found Annie asleep on the couch, Bridget’s head buried between her legs. It dawned on me my car keys were in my coat pocket next door.

“Bridget, Bridget wake up.”

Bridget opened her eyes. “Oh, hi Mrs Callahan. I didn’t know you were still here.’

“I have to get my coat from your house Bridget. Could you let me in?”

“For what?” Annie asked as she suddenly stirred. “Your coat… your daughter took your coat. She also took your car.”

“Well, how am I going to get home?” I suddenly felt so abandoned. “I don’t have any money. Can you loan me some for a cab?”

“I don’t have any money either,” Annie said. “But I can get you a ride home.”

“Thanks Annie. I sure would appreciate it.”

As mean as she had been to me earlier, she now seemed to be making up in kindness. She went to the other room and made a call. When she returned she said someone was coming to pick me up.

“Who?” I asked.

“Don’t worry, you’ll be safe. Take my word for it. If this person can’t get you home, no one can.”

I took her at her word and waited. Within ten minutes a car honked outside.

“There’s your ride cunt licker. See you around. I might call you to stop by my school sometime and give me a ream job between classes. You don’t mind a little ass licking do you?”

I quickly went out the door, her vulgar suggestion ringing in my ears. The cool air sweeping under my too short skirt felt good on my bare pussy. I had this eerie feeling something was leaking out of my ass but I couldn’t feel anything running down my legs.

An image of Annie’s anal hole flashed thru my head…what would I do if she called me. Would I eat her ass…I knew I would.

The car…the car was a police car! I turned to go back inside.

“Are you Mrs Callahan, the school teacher?” I heard a woman’s voice yell at me.

I turned back, it was a police woman talking to me.

“Yes, yes that’s me.” Me immediate concern was for my daughter. I thought something had happened to her.

“Come on. You need a ride home don’t you?

“Yes,” I said cautiously. But how did….”

“Annie phoned me. Said you didn’t have cab fair. Come on. I haven’t got all night.”

I approached the car to get in. “Get in the back seat,” she ordered.

I did as I was told.

“Boy, you must have had a good time tonight,” the police woman said as we pulled away. “I can smell you from up here.”

I was totally embarrassed. I didn’t answer.

We rode along in silence, a static voice from her police radio blurting out every few blocks. My heart beat quickened when she turned on to the little dirt road where my trip thru hell had started, the teenage lover’s lane. The spot was deserted..

Oh no, I thought. God, what now?

She got out of the car, removed her gun and holster, throwing it in the front seat. From the light of the moon I could see the outline of her curvaceous body, her long flowing blonde hair. She opened to back door. “Lie down on your back,” she ordered. “Your head down this way.”

“Please, I just want to go home,” I pleaded. She stared sternly at me. I did as she ordered. She pulled up her skirt, pulled her panties aside and sat down on my face. The familiar smell of pussy filled my nostrils… my swollen, overworked cunt began weeping again.

Her cunt was clean shaven, like a babies bottom, I hungerly dipped my tongue between the folds, licking upward towards her clit.

“That’s it baby, lick me good. That’s it. Jesus, you know what your doing don’t you.”

Within minutes she was cumming. Dribbles began to fill my mouth, I gulped down the sweet nectar…slurping after it all till she was clean and dry.

She stood up, straightened herself out and got back in the front seat. Within ten minutes we were at my home. I couldn’t wait to get inside and masturbate.

When I walked thru the door I could make out the outline of Sarah sleeping on the couch. As I moved closer I could see she was undressed, wearing only a pair of panties and knee socks. It took all of my will power to not kneel down and lick her feet…her creamy thighs…her delectable gash. The police woman’s taste was still in my mouth…I could even smell her on my breath. But the taste of teenage pussy…….

Sarah stirred, looking up at me. I’m sure she could see the lust in my eyes.

“Why are you standing there staring at me Mother. Do you want to eat my pussy? Right now, here?”

“What?…I’m …please, don’t baby, don’t …

“You heard me slut. DO YOU WANT TO EAT MY CUNT?’

I didn’t know what to say. I was so hot…that cop…she had me so hot. I looked at Sarah, her beautiful body…that sexy teenage body…I nodded..

“Was that a yes mother,” she asked sensually.. “You DO want to eat my cunt?”

Yesssss,” whispered loud enough for her to hear.

“God, you’re such a goddamn slut,” she said. “Well, go finger yourself, I’m going to bed.”

As she walked around me I fell to my knee’s in the middle of the living room floor, three fingers buried in my swollen and bruised gash. My eyes never left her tight, round ass as she climbed the stairs, her twin cheeks fighting each other within the confines of her white bikini panties.

She stopped, turned, and watched as my orgasm erupted violently, so intense I fell forward on the carpet…suddenly so tired, I fell asleep.

Over the weekend I barely left my room. I knew that somehow I had to get my life back, that the path I was on would have a tragic end. I also knew if something didn’t change I would lose my daughter forever.

The following week I put into action the plan I had conjured up over the weekend. First, I asked Bridget to stay after class so I could talk to her. I explained the bitter end she faced if she continued her ways. I didn’t try to talk her out of her sexual preference for women, but to stop being so promiscuous, to find someone she cared for and stick with them.

I also apologized for my moment in her life. She was very gracious, missing my point entirely…spreading her legs right there in the classroom…apparently thinking I wanted to eat her pussy again. And as much as I wanted to, I refrained.

Surprisingly, after she finally understood what I was trying to tell her, she took it well, even agreeing with me. I really thought our little talk would influence her. I knew, however, as long as other influences in her life remained she would have a hard time warding them off.

The next day I phoned Betty, my long time friend since college. At first she refused to come to the phone. She eventually talked to me. I was very direct. I told her if I ever heard of her having sexual relations with her students again I would turn her in. She tried to intimidate me…telling me I would also lose my career. I boldly stood my ground and let her know in no uncertain terms I didn’t care, I would ruin her.

She called me back within an hour begging me, promising me she would never let her sexual life spill over into her job, her students, again.

Then there was Annie…soft and sweet Annie, as hardcore as they come. I found out by accident she married her husband because his family had money. Annie understood when I told her I would tell her husband about her illicit sex life. I even eluded to possible criminal action. That got her attention.

But I didn’t trust her when she promised to stop her sexual practices. So I called her a few days later and gave her an ultimatum, quit her job or I would tell. She quit the next week.

Heather and Jennifer I didn’t worry about. I knew Sarah’s relationship would run its course with Heather and that would be it. But I did let Sarah know, in no uncertain terms, that I was back to being a real mother, and if she didn’t respect the rules I sat down, she would be on the street on her own. She didn’t know I was bluffing, she bought it. And in time she did have a falling out with Heather.

She graduated, finally, and went off to college. The last time I talked to her she even had a boyfriend. She couldn’t wait for me to meet him.

And thank god she didn’t want to be a teacher…computers seemed to be her new passion, programming…something I know nothing about.

The last I heard Heather had run away from home with Jennifer and no one knew where either on of them were. I sincerely hoped that everything turned out right for them.

For me, living alone, gets to be a dreary existence sometimes. I have no misgivings, I did some awful things, I tried my best to repair them. I didn’t, however, rid myself of all my perversions. The pleasure was to great for me to abandon them entirely. I’m just extremely discreet now, pleasure without worry so to speak.

Helen and I reclaimed our friendship of sorts…no, that’s not exactly right…we agreed to mutually pleasure each other occasionally.,,I drop by her house when her husband isn’t home. She straps on that big dildo and fucks me like no one else can. I even take it up the ass when I’m feeling especially horny….slutty.

And Gretchen, the cop, she also calls me once in awhile. I still love licking her bald pussy and she usually goes down on me.

It’s still difficult though, to sit in class and look at those young sexy girls, the Bridget’s of the world, they’re so sexy and innocent, their pussy’s so clean, so delectable.

Occasionally I get lucky, something to fine to pass up.. A young thing, selling magazines, came to my door one Saturday afternoon.. Within an hour she was fucking my tongue, her sweet, greasy cunt juices smearing my face.

With a savory mouthful of her sweet cum, mixed with the succulent, tart taste of sweat from the dark cavern of her ass, I felt sufficiently fulfilled until the next lucky occasion arises for me. After all, patience is it own reward…

