A bit long so I apologize now.
Let me start this off with saying that I’m not the youngest guy on the block but I can certainly hold my own both on the the field and off. Secondly, I was married for 19 years until recently and life with my wife was great. We had our ups and downs like every couple but it was still a wonderful 19 years.
After 2 years of grieving and then a little bit of soul searching I decided to get out and start to enjoy the things that we came to enjoy over the years. With the kids out of the house I decided to take a camping trip to a campground that I have enjoyed over the years. I rented a site that sits right on the river and due to the current covid condition there were very few others in the campground at all.
I was enjoying a few days of relaxation and down the road comes this enormous 5th wheel camper. They pull in and park a few campsites down and in a short few moments 3 women and a Male began to set up. They seemed to be a bit new to the whole camping thing so I walked over and offered a bit of help. Guy was a bit of a know it all type even when it was obvious he didn’t but the girls welcomed the help when I offered to help with the canopy. I showed them what they needed to do and after a minute of the oldest of the girls fussing with the material we had it up and done. I told them if they needed anymore help I would be next door. I was already on the river all morning so the thought of lounging back and taking a nap in the shade was a welcome idea.
About an hour later one of the girls stops by and asks if I know anything about the water issues here. I was a bit apprehensive to get involved since the last thing i wanted was to deal with plumbing all afternoon but i looked at her and remembered that i did offer. I said sure let’s see what’s wrong so I got up and started to follow. This is when I really first noticed the girls for what they looked like. Each of them were in their early to mid thirties and it seemed that only one of them was wearing a ring.
To keep identities secret I will call the A ,D and J and the guy was R.
R was looking over the water connection when I got there and proceeded to tell me in a rather snobbish way that the camper is brand new and absolutely should not have any issues with it at all. They ran everything while at their house so he was going to call the dealer to get someone out there right away. I immediately thought that this guy was a male version of a Karen so I already was feeling bad for the person who was going to be on the other end of that conversation. I told him to hold on and let figure this out. I went over everything and finally learned after about 10 minutes of looking and talking that J and R were the married couple and that the other two girls were here for a overdue getaway. I also found out why no water. Seems that our know-it-all R broke the bypass valve with a pair of pliers yet he did not feel that it was important to mention that.
I know camper maintenance fairly well as well as the area that we were in so I told him what he needed and where to go. I also mentioned that the dealer will not replace a broken valve for free since it was obvious how it was done. 5 minutes later J was saying thank you and R was starting up the truck to go get the parts. That left A & D to hang out so we started to chat. Long story short we got on quite well. They were both sorry to hear about my wife and were both happy that I wasn’t grieving any longer and that camping was a completely new experience for them (I could tell). Next thing I know I was showing them the ins and outs of their camper and giving tips about this and that.
Now for descriptions:
A – about 5’5″ with a solid b cup and a perfect ass. She runs and works out every morning at 6 am as I found out later.
D – little bit shorter at about 5’2″ but with a DD cup without even an inch to spare. Was a little bit more endowed in other areas but from what I found out later she was an evening workout person.
Fast forward a bit and I was showing D how to work the bunks while A was getting us drinks. My wife always told me that I was dense when it came to women hitting on me and this seemed to be the case again as I look back on it. D seemed to be asking everything and anything possible to keep me in the camper but I obviously wasn’t taking the hint. Short while later we sat around a fire and were drinking a bit. Again, me being dense I did not even suspect anything when D brought up one aspect that its easy to notice if someone is having sex in the camper. I explained that it most often is if you don’t know what to do but if you know the tricks you can get away with quite a bit.
For all of you out there reading…. I know…. dense.
I didn’t get the hint and soon I was back at my own site enjoying some relaxing time.
In the morning I was up early at 5:30 and was strolling to the showers when A came running up behind me in her running garb. She was curious why I was using the campground showers when I had my own shower in the camper. After a short explanation of wonderful water pressure availability and using that shower when the park is empty she completely understood. I even told her that the #4 shower stall was the best. She then started off on her run again.
I got into the bathroom and was just climbing in the shower when there was a knock at the door. I figured it was someone knocking next door to make sure it was empty so I ignored it. A few seconds went by and there it was again, twice. I quickly wrapped my towel around me and went over to crack the door to tell them the room was being used. It was A and she was smiling and immediately asked if i would mind some company. Before I could answer she pushed her way in and went directly to the shower. It’s been a long time since a woman was ever forward with me so was what I would call a deer frozen in headlights. She woke me out of my stupor by saying “well you won’t enjoy the shower from over there.” Honestly I think I just stammered out some non-verbal “what the???” and that was it. She then came over to me and said one phrase I will never forget till the day I die….
“We wouldn’t want to rock the camper”.
At that point she took the towel I was using to cover up and proceeded to hang it on the rack then ask if I planned on joining her as she started to disrobe and the walk into the shower. I finally woke up to my situation and something clicked in my head that said what the hell. I walked into the shower and proceeded to enjoy a woman at least 15 years my junior. For the next several minutes I was in heaven as I was able to enjoy the touch of another and be solely lost in the moment. I’m not really sure how long we were in there but in what seemed to be about 10 minutes I had my cock in her pussy banging away a mile a minute when someone knocked at the door. I immediately froze but A turned slightly and said in a deep moan… dont stop it’s just D.
This is where I really did not understand what was going on. The door opened and I saw D walk in and close the door then turn towards the shower and said…. “there better be room for one more”. A simply said come in, the water is wonderful and company is always welcome.” D proceed to strip and walk into the shower and I can only say one bad thing about campground showers where we were at. The dressing chair that is often found at many campground showers were not here. I think that I could have used that chair for more than just changing had it been there.
For what I’m willing to tell beyond this I will say that A has the stamina of a racehorse and D can suck a golf ball through 100 feet of garden hose and not even flinch. The feeling of being completely consumed by our sexual desires and living that desire is more that I ever thought but in the space of a week long camping trip I found a new reason to enjoy life again.
Turns out that D lives about 25 miles from where I live and A about 40 so we plan to meet up again for another camping trip soon.
If more comes from this friendship and you guys want to hear more I will post.
Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hr8ip8/rock_the_camper_mff
This is great man! Enjoy yourself!
Good story. FYI, initials kill the readability of a story for a lot of people. Give them any name you want, it helps the reader connect to your words
Great story! For other readers’ enjoyment please edit the story, adding names. Hint. Replace A with Anne. Select the word and replace the A’s etc.
Holy shit. If it hadn’t been written exactly like you have, I’d never have believed this actually happened. But I 100% believe you, and you’re a lucky man.
Would definitely like to hear more.