One Night stand with a Nurse (35) on my (28m) Buddy’s couch [MF]

This happened five years ago. I (28m) was visiting one of my best friends in San Francisco late in the summer, before grad school started back up for me. It was a lot of fun and a beautiful city, but as I remember, my friend was kind of a shitshow at the time. He got very drunk the first night at an after-work thing and didn’t get home until very late, somehow with a hammer in his pocket. I gave him a REALLY hard time for that. He also boasted about all the girls he had met via various dating apps (Tinder, CoffeeMeetBagel, etc) and how many he was fucking.

I myself was sort of at the beginning of my manwhore phase right around that time, and so when we were at a bar one night and I noticed this one woman glancing at me multiple times, with some encouragement from my friend, I went up and talked to her. She was short, with curly black hair, a sort of disfigured nose (this I remember–it wasn’t totally repulsive or scary, just maybe a birth defect or something) and an otherwise sweet face/demeanor. Her name was Rachel. She was talking with another girl, whom I also spoke to a bit, but one of my jokes offended her and so it was Rachel who I decided to keep pursuing. She was a nurse from Wisconsin, had lived in San Fran for a few years, had recently broken her leg in a skiing accident and I could see that it was in a cast (this last bit of info is important by the way).

We talked for a while and then I had to go back to my friend’s apartment to drop off my bag and for some other reason that I don’t recall…anyway, I told Rachel that I’d ‘be back in a little bit,’ not being sure if I really cared. But my friend told me I should go back and just let him know my plans. I returned to the bar and the look of pleasant surprise on Rachel’s face that I’d returned made me feel pretty confident about the way things were going to go…I bought her a drink, we conversed, we started making out at the bar. I asked her about going back to her place but she lived with her sister and her sister’s newborn baby, so that was a no-go. So in the bathroom I texted my friend that we were coming to his apartment and he said that he’d be out of there in a bit.

So Rachel and I went to my friend’s apartment and what you’d expect to happen, happened. We kissed more, undressed each other. She asked “bed or couch?” The only thing I regret about the night is I should have just said *bed*. (Oh well, maybe next time). In a few minutes more I was going down on her on the couch. I ate her out until at one point she said she wanted to kiss me and guided my body-fluid stained mouth up to her’s. Then I kept on pleasuring her. Until I’d had enough. I had brought a condom in my luggage–you know, just in case–so there was no awkwardness in obtaining one. She had taken off her cast but asked me to be careful with her leg. I fucked her on the couch, slowly for a while, then I asked, without thinking about her leg, if she liked it rough. She was already pretty riled up and said in a sexy voice,

“Yeah…I love it rough…”

“I’m gonna fuck you harder,” I whispered.

So I did just that. To be clear, by some people’s standards my version of rough sex is not that rough. I don’t do any bdsm type stuff…just not me. I AM capable of going quite fast. And I will spread a woman’s legs if I’m in the mood– which I WAS, but then I remembered her broken leg. Oh shit I thought…was this sex going to turn ugly on a dime? She was enjoying it for now–eyes shut, mouth open, hand clawing at the cushion–but what it my body shifted just a little? Or I rammed her too hard and it sent pain into her leg?

But somehow…this didn’t affect the quality of the sex. It made me pace myself–stall my orgasm–and focus on things other than her face, i.e the TV, my friend’s bed where I could be fucking a nurse right then. All distractions that still had her moans playing over them of course. And when I was getting close, I looked at Rachel, whose face was getting very squinty, and told her,

“Look into my eyes when you cum.” To which she responded,

“I AM…cumming…”

And her legs rose a few inches into the air–even her broken leg! It came to life only then! The Leg That Lived By Orgasm!

I only didn’t give that title to the story, because I’m afraid I would have been told to get the fuck out of here. But in a sense, that’s what happened. I came too, and fell on top of her, both of us sweaty, heavy-breathing piles of one-night-stand.

We exchanged numbers shortly after and she left. When I gave my friend the all clear, he returned and you’d better believe I gave him a taste of his own medicine (Yeah dude, I banged her on your couch, yeah there are probably stains, yeah unlike you I didn’t have any help from the Internet, thank you).

And that made me feel pretty good. I’d dare say it even strengthened our friendship. It was the highlight of my trip.

And yes, he would later inform me, there were stains on the couch.
