How I got this nickname [TF] [F] LONG

Some background: After a long hiatus, my spouse (let’s call her Alana, MtF) and I (F) have been exploring our kinkier sides again. It can be awkward and hesitant at times, and needs a lot of communication, but this night reminded us of how much we love having kink in our lives. It was lots of fun, and got me the nickname I used for this account.. I’ve been instructed to write this up as a final task.


Date night started out as it usually does during covid.. watching a movie on the couch. Halfway through, I reached over and paused it.

“I.. had an idea for tonight. If.. if you’re into it?”

Alana heard the nervousness in my voice, saw the blood rush to my cheeks, and a little knowing smirk came across her face.

“..yeeess, I could be into.. something. What did you have in mind?”

I couldn’t look her in the eyes, but pushed forward anyway. “I’ve been having a bit of a fantasy, you know, something along the lines of free use, if you feel okay with what you know of my limits. I’d be yours to use as you wish, all I ask is that you let me shower first, and I’d like to have an orgasm *eventually*.”

She laughed. “Well, you know I’m more into pushing the limits of how many orgasms I can get out of you, so I don’t think *that* will be an issue.”

We quickly went over the basics of limits (consent is sexy!), and then settled back to finish the movie.

A few minutes later, she texted me. My first task was to find a sexy story for her to read while I was in the shower. Well, one immediately came to mind, probably the best story I’ve read about people getting creative around covid restrictions:

Her mind was furiously at work, thinking of what naughty things she could have me do. She reached out to her friend (let’s call her Cherry), a domme-ly woman she has gone on a couple dates with (we’re polyamorous), and it seemed they were kibitzing on what possibilities there might be.

After the movie and a shower, as I was drying off, Alana instructed me to lie down on my back on the bed. She kissed me deeply, and let me know a little of what was in store for me. We would be going out to do something.. naughty.. after it was dark outside. Before that, we would have a game of Magic (the gathering, a card game), and if I won she’d give me oral and let me orgasm, but if I lost I’d have to wait a bit longer for that. “And let’s just make sure you really really want that orgasm..” she said, as she pushed a hand inside me, immediately finding my g-spot and making me moan. “You are not allowed to cum yet. If you get close, you will tell me. If you don’t tell me, I will.. have to think up a consequence, and I don’t want to do that, so behave!”

“Yes mistress!” I gasped, as she bent down, pushing open my legs, and burying her face in my mound, licking and sucking my clit slowly but insistently, continuing to press against my g-spot. It didn’t take long to bring me to the edge, and I called out just in time for her to stop.

“Good girl.” She patted my thigh, and got up to have her own shower. “After a short break, you will continue to touch yourself, keeping yourself ready for me, but absolutely no orgasms, you hear?”

“Yes mistress!” I couldn’t do anything but lie there for a few moments, as I came down a little. I wondered.. what did she have in mind for me later? After dark.. we’d talked about my somewhat exhibitionist tendencies, but of course that side of me has been hard to satisfy during covid.. no bdsm clubs or swinger options, and much as I talk the talk, outside is risky and well, full of mosquitos! What could she have thought up? I was pretty sure it was going to push my comfort levels.. I got so nervous and SO turned on pondering the possibilities. I reached down and slowly swirled my clit as I waited for Alana to get out of the shower, and that was how she found me.

“Alright, that’s very good, but I need you to stop. Now, pick something out to wear that will cover you up enough for any neighbours glancing in our windows, but leaving me access whenever I want. You will also select a toy that will fill you up but let you perform a punishment for 10 minutes if you lose.” She went downstairs to set up the game while I got ready. Well, perhaps part of my strategy should be to distract her during the game! I picked out my sluttiest babydoll lingerie, with polka dot pushup bra, just barely covering my butt.

Being the nerds we are, of course, the game got super intense. I thought all was lost when she played Huatli, Warrior Poet, but luck favoured me and I rallied with The Immortal Sun, completely disabling the plainswalker. It wasn’t enough, though. After a bit more back and forth, she brought me down with a hexproof flying creature. Alana handed me the rather large plug with a smirk, “no orgasms for you yet! Clean up everything and organize the cards into the right places, and we’ll see how you do at that by the time I get dinner together.”.

I pushed the toy inside me with a gasp, it felt a lot larger than it looked! Alana took a few snaps of me for Cherry as I blushed in embarrassment. I have been in various states of undress in front of audiences before, but I wasn’t entirely sure what Cherry would think of all this. We hadn’t talked about it before, and somehow it’s a bit more nerve-wracking when the person knows me, and well.. I care what she thinks of me!

A little distracted, I did my best to clean up, and managed with time to spare! “Well done, slut. Uncomfortable? Hmm..” Alana pushed me back against the sink in the kitchen. “Hold on tight, you’d better not fall!” She grabbed the handle of the plug and shoved it in and out of me while playing with my clit until I cried out in ecstasy and my knees buckled. Satisfied with me for the moment, she put sexy times on hold while we settled into a delicious (and recharging) meal. As I took things out from the kitchen, I noticed the window was wide open! Oh. Shit. Well, I guess the neighbours got a brief concert?? I blushed deeply again.


After dinner, Alana revealed the next steps of the evening so that I could dress and prepare appropriately. I would need an outfit that covered my torso fairly well, but still allowed easy access for our outing. I was also to gather whatever I would like to masturbate for her entertainment. She ordered me to strip (causing a great deal of wetness on my part), and wait for her upstairs once I had everything I needed.

In the bedroom, she led me over to the bed and got out a bright red length of rope. She constructed a beautiful and constricting chest harness, causing my breasts to plump out quite a bit. Even with a high-necked dress over top, I felt very exposed. I suppose it didn’t help that I had chosen a *very* short dress, and Alana forbade me to wear underwear. My heart raced as she led me down the stairs and to the door.. I was going outside like this?? I peeked outside to check whether the coast was clear, and then scooted quickly to the car.

“Now. We are going for dessert at the drive-thru across town, and you will entertain me with your orgasms while I drive on the highway. It’s dark now, but you’d best be careful, who knows how much people can see from other cars going by.” She flashed a rather evil grin my way. “Then we will pick up dessert for Cherry, and deliver it to her.. and I will show off my rope handiwork.”

“Uhhhhmm you mean show off.. me? In person?? And all wet from cumming in the car???” I may have squeaked a little. Well, mission accomplished, consider my limits pushed. But.. I was super turned on. “You’re sure she’s okay with this? I mean, you’ve only just started dating, and you hadn’t really gotten sexual yet.. and I’m just the metamour!”

“Well, I really wanted to help you out with your fantasies, and she’s told me she’s game, but you can absolutely ask her yourself, if you like.” Heh.. we may like to push things, but we’re allll about safe and consensual kink. No matter how anxiety-inducing it is to ask a recent acquaintance point blank.. “Okay, here goes.”

I composed a quick text as we drove out to the highway. “Cherry, are Alana’s plans really okay by you? I’d love to hear your (enthusiastic?) consent, if you don’t mind.. no pressure!!” My fingers hovered over the keyboard, ready to apologize profusely if I’d read the situation wrong somehow. But, I quickly got a reply, “yes, you have my very enthusiastic consent!”. “Okay, phew, I’m just so nervous that we’re overstepping, or teasing too much.”

I had to leave it at that for the time being, as we reached the highway and Alana instructed me to get to it. I squirmed around a little to get the right positioning, lubed up my favourite dildo, and slowly began fucking myself. Oh. My. God. It felt deliciously good, and I started to moan as the streetlamps flashed me in and out of the light. Every now and then we’d pass by a car. I really didn’t want to be caught, but I couldn’t entirely stop, so I would flip down my dress and just grind with the dildo inside me, trying not to show too much on my face, gasping with pleasure under my breath. Alana teased me the whole way “oh look, a truck! Let’s catch up to them, I bet they could easily glance down and see you.”

I glared at her, but of course I was having a blast. As we reached the exit for the ice cream shop, I sped up my pace and screamed out an incredible orgasm. Thoroughly into subspace, I tried to catch my breath as we approached the drive-thru. “That was very hot, thank you. Now get yourself together before someone sees you!”

As she ordered the ice cream at the speaker, I noticed I had a voice message from Cherry, so I put my phone up to my ear.

In a sultry voice I heard Cherry say, “I am finding this incredibly hot, an incredible tease, and it’s so fascinating to see this side of your and Alana’s.. personalities. And truth be told, I had to go masturbate earlier because you guys got me so hot *gasp* and bothered!”

Fuck. Me.

Well, that solidified my sub spacey state. I was honestly a bit stunned as we got our ice cream and headed to Cherry’s house.

When we arrived, Alana went in first and let me clean myself up a little before going in. Feeling more than a little slutty, I stepped into some sexy underwear in the parking lot (hidden by cars), and followed her inside.

Cherry admired my outfit, and teased me about what I’d been up to. She and Alana sat me down between them on the couch. Cherry offered to close the curtains, if needed, but she was looking forward to seeing this rope harness Alana had done on me. Alana asked me to take off the dress and show it off. I couldn’t refuse, I was so deeply in sub mode. “Y-yes mistress!” I got up and tried to close the curtains, awkwardly failed, so gave up and shyly pulled my dress over my head and quickly sat down again in between them, feeling very much on display. Cherry admired the ropework, both of them pulling me this way and that to get a better look. I felt a bit objectified, just a conversation piece…I loved it.

The tone turned a bit more casual.. I honestly can’t recall too many details as I was overly aware of being exposed. Cherry seemed pleased to see me like that, but we haven’t really had a conversation about anything between us yet, it’s only the second time I’d been in her house, and she and Alana have barely started seeing each other! I was painfully shy, and super turned on at the same time. It’s probably a good thing that they are very respectful dommes, because I’m pretty sure if they’d said the word while I was under their spell, I would’ve done anything they asked to please them.

It was getting late, so we wrapped things up (and got me dressed) so Alana could finish up the evening with me at home.

At last, it was time for her to have her way with me. She led me by my harness upstairs, and pushed me onto the bed, ordering me to get into position. She fucked me hard, her cock pounding into me and sending waves of pleasure through me. When she tired of that, she ordered me on top of her.. I was pretty spent, but I pushed myself up.. and cheekily took a moment or two to lick my juices off of her before mounting her. It wasn’t long before I was having constant orgasms, rendering me complete jelly. She let me down after that, and had me lie next to her as she took the hitachi to herself, but ordered me to keep myself on the edge until she came. Her arm clamped me down to the bed, so I could hardly move other than to keep my fingers sliding over my clit. Finally she shuddered and moaned to a climax, and I had my release. 

We slowly got caught our breath, and rolled together to cuddle and check in with each other about how it went. She was considerately concerned that I’d had a good time and she hadn’t pushed me too far, and I reassured her it was exactly what I was looking for. I’m still floating on a bit of a high..
