[F] Extended Dares

After a while of giving out dares and punishment dares, Mandy, the leader of our little group, came up with a new addition to our games. Extended punishment dares. This is going to be quite a short little story to introduce the concept and detail an actual event.

The first person to ever receive this was a girl named Stacy. She had accidentally forgotten the rotation of dares and who had just dared her and ended up breaking the rules by daring Mandy, who had just dared. She was given the punishment dare for to wear nothing but this little sundress she owned for two months. Sounds simple enough, except this was a very sheer and thin dress that barely came to her knees and was probably too small. When she wore it the first day, it was clear there wasn’t anything underneath. It wasn’t obscene, except in certain light. Mandy took Stacey everywhere with her for the first week. I guess she got bored because one day at the lake she instigated a fight with Stacey. I came late enough to see them facing off, practically the whole lake watching. It was over before it began, within seconds Mandy was ripping Stacey’s dress right off, shredding it in the process.

When it was over, Stacey was left butt naked as Mandy walked away with the tattered dress and towards the little camping area we were at. Stacey chased after her.

“THE ONLY THING YOU CAN WEAR IS THIS!!” I heard Mandy yell as I caught up.
“But it’s shredded.” Stacey pleaded.
“STOP COVERING UP!! WITH OR WITHOUT THE DRESS YOU CAN’T COVER UP!!” Mandy yelled. This was one caveat of the dare. The crowd of people had followed us and Stacey was refusing to put her hands down.
“OH! REALLY? Fine.” Mandy said calming down. “Really not going to drop your hands to get this rag back then? You’re not going to wear another stitch of clothing, this is it.”
Stacey shook her head. Mandy calmly threw the dress in the fire. She walked right up next to Stacey. I could hear what she said, but I don’t think anyone else did.
“If I see you wearing anything or covering up, the whole church group is going to know what kind of slut you really are.” Mandy had said just above a whisper.
Stacey’s demeanor completely changed and she dropped her hands to her side.
“Too late for that today.” Mandy said and quickly grabbed up both Stacey’s wrist. In a second, lshe had slapped handcuffs on Stacey’s wrists. “We’re staying out here until deep in the night and you’ll be on display the whole time.”
It was just after noon and we stayed out there until 2 AM. Mandy didn’t take the handcuffs off until we dropped Stacey at her house, naked. Stacey was true to her word for the first two days of nudity, Mandy still dragged her everywhere she could get away with. Then, there was a party at Chad’s house and everything went crazy. Stacey was groped, fingered, and even cum on. She begged Mandy to get out of it. This was the way Mandy gave her answer.
“I can change it. How many clothes do you think you need each day?” Mandy asked.
“I don’t know. A shirt, shorts, panties, I guess.” Stacey said.
“Shoes? Socks?” Mandy asked.
“Shoes. Definitely.” Stacey replied.
“Alright. New deal. The only deal. You take this one over the other with no changes. For every article of clothing you wear that day, you must give a blowjob and prove it. So, you want to wear a shirt, panties, shorts, and shoes, that’s five blowjobs done that day. I’m counting the shoes separately and if you wear socks it’s seven. Also, if you have to change clothing for any reason, you have to add the new clothing items to your blowjob count. And for three months, not the remaining seven weeks. Understand?” Mandy explained. Stacey agreed and the next morning I was greeted with a blowjob from Stacy. She had to come over to show her outfit to Mandy. This continued for three months. Also, twice a week, Stacy had training with her instructor and had to change into a preselected outfit of what Mandy counted as eight new items, a sports bra, a tank top, panties, yoga pants, socks and shoes. The first training day, Stacey had forgotten about the changing clothes rule and had ended up giving 13 blowjobs that day. After that, she would only wear two pieces of clothing on those days. A dress and panties. And like I said, she had to prove every blowjob happened and I saw every one. Sometimes, it was right in front of us. Sometimes, she would just run up and show us a mouthful of cum. And other times, she would send an email with pictures from her digital camera. But she did it, the whole time. Even when Mandy started being a bitch and intentionally spilling a drink on Stacey or accidentally falling and pulling Stacey’s clothes down with her. On the final week, Mandy and her friends had taken a liking to just randomly stealing Stacey’s clothing right off her and refusing to return it.
The night before her last day, we had a game of truth or dare that got rather intense. After Stacey was naked with four guys in the game, at her house. It was after midnight when Mandy announced a new day and gave Stacey her dare. She dared Stacey to do a fashion show for us until Mandy was happy. She made sure to inform Stacey that each article of clothing would count towards tomorrow. It was like 8 outfits she modeled, it was literally 50 pieces of clothing according to Mandy’s methods, even counting hats and gloves separately. Stacey tried to do all the blowjobs the next day. She had stayed naked and called every guy she knew. But she only got 18 blowjobs done. And Mandy gave her another punishment dare, it was far worse. But not extended. She ended up making Stacey finish the other 32 blowjobs the next day, at an adult bookstore. They had these arcades, basically little booths with TVs that people could pay by the hour to use. Stacey stayed on her knees for hours, butt naked, and walked out covered in cum.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/hqx3lq/f_extended_dares