Choose Your Own Ending Erotica

Ever wish erotic stories had a different ending? A surprise guest? A more dominating partner? Check out ChoiceErotica (google it), a new site for this kind of choose-your-own adventure erotica!

Here’s an excerpt from “Special Guests”:

The ceremony was beautiful, up in a lodge overlooking the green mountains. The weather was gorgeous, mid-70s and sunny, perfect for the yellow dress that hits right below your knee with the slit nearly up to your hip. You didn’t even have to wear the sweater you brought, giving me a view from your flawless shoulder to your perfect back. You haven’t seen the bride in a couple years, since she left New York, but she looks incredible in her dress, showing just the right amount of skin. The groom looks just as good as you remembered from that going-away party, still tall, still fit, still tan. Their insta always shows them working out and the results are on display.

You run your hand up my leg. I love how much you love weddings. You tear up just a little bit, fortunately not enough to ruin your mascara. The officiant pronounces them husband and wife, they kiss and walk back down the aisle, and everyone is invited to move to cocktail hour on the patio. We make our way over there with the few people we know at the wedding, laughing and taking pictures along the way. After we get champagne in our hands, you lean up to my ear and tell me you want to fuck me.

“I know, I can’t wait for tonight,” I respond. You lean back, look at me with a smirk, and tell me you meant now. You lean in again, “I want to fuck you while I still have these heels on, you know these give me the perfect amount of height. If we don’t do it soon I’ll be in my Converse.”

Not one to let an opportunity pass me by, I nod my head as you take my hand and guide me down the hallway. You quickly tell a server you’re looking for the bathroom when he asks where you’re heading. We’re around the corner before he can even tell us we’re going the wrong way.

You try a couple doors before you find one unlocked. It’s a small supply room stocked with extras of the same chairs you sat in at the ceremony. “This is perfect,” you say, with a smile on your face. You lean up and kiss me, still going to your toes even though you’re in heels. Your arms around my neck, my arms around your lower back. I kiss you again before breaking off and grabbing a chair, setting it down next to us. 

I come back to face you then slide down your body to my knees. I run my hand up your calf, up the inside of your thigh, up to the small strip of fabric covering you. I move it to the side before parting your dress and bringing my tongue up to taste you. I tease you for ten, twenty seconds, before hooking my fingers around your thong and pulling it down. I lean back to let you step out of them, putting them in my suit coat pocket so we don’t lose track of them. I bring my face back, licking up your length again before swirling my tongue around your clit.
