Anticipation [MF]

I knelt and I waited, as I had been instructed to do.

I couldn’t tell you how long had passed that I was kneeling, naked, in the dark room. There were no windows, and the door was firmly shut, so there wasn’t anything tangible for me to use to discern the passing of time. I heard him moving about beyond the door, and he knew I could hear him.

He wasn’t doing anything important, mind you. There were a few times where I could clearly hear him walking up to the door, standing there for a moment, and then turning to walk in the opposite direction. He knew that I was acutely aware of everything he was doing beyond the door and how my heartrate sped up every time I thought he was going to turn the doorknob and enter.

So, I waited.

It’s not like there was anything else I could do. The punishment he would inflict would be much worse than waiting the minutes or hours that he would have me kneel here. My lips formed into a smirk as I thought about how he would react if he came in here and found that I had enjoyed myself without him. It probably wouldn’t be pretty. His eyes would narrow, and his lips would take on a downward slant. He’d ask me what I did, and I would pompously tell him that I took care of myself because he wasn’t there to, which might earn me a smack across the face.

I squirmed at the thought of it, my body perking up at the prospect. My eyes slid to the door as my hands cupped my breasts, feeling their weight. In this fantasy I had concocted, he was so perturbed at me. His disappointment would be sharp, but it would only fuel me on further. I would stare up at him insolently, silently challenging him. I mean, if I were going to be punished, I might as well make it worthwhile and rile him up. I bit my lip and pinched my nipples at the thought.

I kept waiting.

My knees had begun to sting a bit, so I allowed myself to rest on my heels. I continued to massage my chest, squeezing and palming my tits until I let out a soft breath. I didn’t realize I had closed my eyes until they fluttered back open, adjusting to the dark room around me. I looked around sheepishly, listening to see if there was any way that he had heard my small moan. It seemed like the coast was clear, and I moved my hands down and ran my fingernails over my thighs, gently scratching the skin. I shivered as I imagined the same motion being done across my chest or the lips of my pussy. I swallowed and resisted the urge to put my hand between my legs, even though my clit was throbbing in time with my heartbeat.

Since my hands couldn’t roam freely without the fear that I would get carried away, I allowed for my thoughts to. I considered what he had planned for tonight. I wanted him to walk through the door, pull his cock out, and demand that I pleasure him with my mouth. It would be right in front of my face, long and hard, and I would look up at him coyly as I took it between my lips. Or, maybe, I would flatten my tongue against it and run it along the underside of his cock, repeating the motion until he took my head into his hands and slid himself into my mouth.

I squirmed at the thought, running my tongue along my bottom lip.

I pictured us in the room: me, on my knees still, and him looming above me. The room would still be mostly dark, but there would be some light from the doorway. His frame would be semi-shrouded in darkness, and the shadows from the uneven light would accentuate the angles of his face. He would look slightly sinister as he wrapped my hair around his hand, commanding me to take him into the back of my throat. The silhouette would cast a long shadow as my mouth worked furiously over his cock. I’d be gripping his thighs to maintain my balance as he took over, fucking my face with impunity.

He would snarl down at me that my mouth was his hole to use as he pleased, and I would moan my agreement at him.

I shifted on my knees, knowing my pussy was just as wet as my mouth. I was salivating for him.

I continued to allow my mind to wander. He might come in here and continue to tease me. He might lay me down and play with my nipples until I was a writhing mess on the floor, babbling for him to do anything he wanted to me. He’d undoubtedly remind me that it wasn’t my place to rush how he played with his toy.

I felt a sharp pang of need shoot right down to my clit. Surely, I could touch it gently, right? Just a small test to see how wet I was. I wouldn’t even play with myself – I would only run my fingers over it.

My eyes were locked on the closed door as I ran my fingertips down to the needy mound between my legs. I waited a moment, taking a deep breath before taking my fingertip and running it along the slit of my pussy. I applied almost no pressure, but I had to struggle to keep my hips still. The featherlight touch didn’t do anything to help my neediness, so I repeated the motion again, adding more pressure.

The lips of my pussy were so soft and wet as my finger easily parted them. The gentle pressure that I was applying felt like heaven as I ran the finger from the bottom of it to the top at an agonizingly slow pace. I gasped at the sensation before covering my mouth with my free hand, my clit screaming for release. The slick sound my pussy made was obscene in the silent room, and I marveled at the tight, slippery feeling of my lips wrapped around my finger.

I bit down on my lip as I slid my finger against myself again, the floorboard creaking beneath my knee as I pressed my hips forward into my hand. I let out a muffled whimper as I pulled my hand away from between my legs, trying to keep the promise I made to myself to just touch it once. I moved the finger to my mouth. I sucked on it gently, tasting myself.

I needed him here to watch me because I knew he would want to see it: me, looking up at him, tasting my finger after sheepishly touching my dripping wet pussy. Of course, I would offer the finger to him first.

I pouted as I continued to wait.

I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on anything else, but I was inundated with snapshots of what could happen once he opened that door. I found myself wanting his head between my legs. My back would be arched, and my legs would be pinned to the ground by his arms as he assaulted my clit with his tongue. His mouth would be covered in my juices, and I would want to lick it off his lips as he slid his cock inside of me after he finished.

As I heard his footsteps coming up the hall, my breath hitched. I repositioned myself into what he told me: on my knees, chest pushed forward, eyes down. I rested my hands on the tops of my thighs, steadying myself and waiting.

I heard the small click of the doorknob turning, and light came into the room. He flicked the switch on, and I blinked rapidly, allowing for my eyes to adjust to the sudden influx of light.

I felt his eyes on me, but I kept my head tilted downward despite every urge telling me to look at him. He made a small sound of approval as he walked towards me. I swear that I felt the vibrations from every footfall right in my pussy. I was so keyed up and ready for him.

He came to a stop as he stood in front of me, and his feet were the only part of him that I could see. His finger came under my chin, and he tilted my head up, but I kept my eyes downcast.

“Look at me,” he demanded softly, his voice slightly hoarse.

I took my time running my eyes over him. They languidly made their way up his jean-covered legs, and I swallowed reflexively as I eyed his tenting cock. I wanted my fingers to follow my eyes as they made their way over his stomach and chest, but I closed them just as I was about to see his face.

I was so ready for this to start. My heart was thumping in my chest, and I needed to see his facial expression as he stared down at me. At that moment, nothing else mattered but what we were about to do.

Before he could repeat his command, I looked up at him from vantage point on the floor, my dark eyes looking directly into his.

After all of my waiting, I was his to do whatever he wanted with.


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