A Walk in the Woods [MF]

“Hurry up! What’s taking you so long?”

Matt zipped up his backpack and shut the trunk to the car. He walked toward the trailhead, where Tara was practically vibrating with excitement.

“I swear, you’re worse about getting ready than most girls. It’s not like we’re climbing Everest here. It’s a four-mile hike.”

Tara poked at Matt’s backpack, which he had filled with snacks, sunscreen, extra water, a towel, and a first aid kit. Better to be over prepared than the other way around, right? He was about to make exactly that point aloud, when he realized Tara had already started walking down the trail.

Matt stood for a moment longer, admiring his friend’s tight little ass, which was just barely concealed by her shorts. Stopping suddenly, Tara turned around and grabbed the bottom of her tank top, lifting it up to reveal her almost comically undersized sports bra before quickly putting it back down.

“Come on already!”

Tara turned back to the trail, feigning impatience with a hand on her hip. Matt smiled to himself. It was going to be one of those kinds of days. He felt his dick suddenly shift in his shorts in anticipation of whatever his friend had cooked up.

“You can be really pushy sometimes, Tara. Anyone ever told you that?”

Matt caught up to Tara and nudged her arm a bit. She stuck out her tongue and pushed him right back playfully. Matt leaned down and attempted to kiss Tara, but she turned her face at the last moment offering him her cheek.

“Stop, Matt. Someone will see.”

Tara walked a few paces ahead of him, lifting the bottom of her shorts this time to display the bottom of her round, toned ass. Matt chuckled to himself and followed along, looking around the trail to make sure no one would see him clearly adjust his quickly hardening cock.

Matt and Tara made small talk for a while as they hiked, stopping a few times to pet a fellow hiker’s dog or take a swig of water. It was slightly overcast, but the trail still seemed to have attracted a decent crowd today.

“Hey, Matt. Come look at this.”

Tara frequented the free classes at the park’s nature center, and considered herself an amateur botanist. She was constantly stopping to point out this or that flower or mushroom. Matt had little interest in the local flora, but found his friend’s curiosity adorable and would humor her every time she broke into an impromptu lecture.

“What is it this time? A fern? Some herbs? A pomegranate?”

“Nope. Something way more interesting.”

Matt walked off the trail barely a few meters to find Tara crouched behind a large oak tree. Her shorts were around her ankles and she was slowly rubbing her clit with her legs spread open. Matt stared in shock, expecting some mundane plant life, not Tara’s immaculately shaved vulva.

“What are you doing?”

He nearly shouted the question in disbelief as Tara bit her lip and moaned softly.

“Shhh … I’m getting in touch with nature. You ought to try it.”

Matt could feel his cock throbbing and straining against his shorts at the sight of Tara touching herself. He looked back toward the trail. The view was mostly blocked by the tree and the thick foliage. Mostly.

“Get over here. I need your cock in my mouth.”

Unbuckling his belt, Matt stepped to Tara’s side, trying as hard as he could to conceal his broad frame behind the trunk of the tree. He unbuttoned and unzipped his shorts, pulling them down just enough to give Tara access to his cock, which now tested the limits of the elastic waistband of his underwear.

With her free hand, Tara reached up and grabbed the bulge in Matt’s underwear, yanking gently on his shaft through the fabric. Matt closed his eyes as the pleasure of his friend deftly working his cock mixed with the thrill of her doing so out in the open. He felt Tara’s nimble little fingers dance blindly up the length of his cock until they reached the waistband of his underwear.

“I can’t believe we’re doing this.”

Matt gasped as he felt the breeze touch his cock, now exposed to the open air, but not for long. Tara licked the bead of pre-cum spilling from the head of his cock before enveloping all of the head and much of the shaft into her warm, wet mouth. She encircled the bottom of the shaft with a couple of fingers and pumped it up and down quickly and forcefully.

Typically, Tara luxuriated in sucking Matt’s dick. She’d slowly tease and play with his cock until he was practically crying for her to even take it into her mouth. And then the real torture would start. This time, however, Tara worked his cock with a hungry urgency. He leaned against the tree to steady himself as she rocked back and forth, convulsing every few seconds when her fingers touched just the right spot on her clit.

“Oh, shit! I’m going to cum!”

Matt put a hand on Tara’s head and readied himself as he felt the intense pressure rise in his swollen balls. As suddenly as the sensation rose, it left him, as his friend simply pulled back from his cock and smiled mischievously up at him.

“Not yet, you aren’t. We’ve got a few miles yet to go on this hike.”

Tara stood up and pulled her shorts back on, completely unbothered by the trails of wetness running down each of her thighs. Matt’s cock released an indignant stream of pre-cum, which dangled from its head. Seeing this, Tara reached down and slid two fingers up the underside of his cock, gathering the thin string of pre-cum.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s go.”

She inserted her two, sticky fingers into her mouth and sucked, moaning as if she were savoring the taste of Matt’s desire. Matt did his best to tuck his raging erection back into his underwear and configure his shorts in a way that wouldn’t make his arousal completely obvious to everyone on the trail.

“That was cruel, Tara.”

Matt walked alongside his friend, who was still quietly laughing to herself.

“I thought you liked it when I sucked your cock.”

Tara looked far too pleased with herself as Matt felt his cock throb again at the mere mention of what had just occurred.

“You know what I mean.”

She simply shook her head, her dark green eyes wide with feigned confusion.

“I haven’t the foggiest idea what you’re talking about.”

The two walked another few miles until the breeze became noticeably cooler. This trail was popular due to the small waterfall at its end. Matt knew from the sudden drop in temperature that they must be close. Soon, his intuition proved correct – he and Tara came upon an idyllic scene straight off a postcard. Or rather, what would be an idyllic scene if it weren’t for the half-dozen other hikers taking selfies for their Instagram pages.

“Follow me. I want to show you something I read about on the park’s website.”

The scene from twenty minutes prior flashed through Matt’s mind. Tara could have suggested he jump into the small pond of green, frigid water beneath the falls and he’d probably have done it. Instead, she grabbed his hand and pulled him toward a narrow trail leading around the pond and toward the falls.

“Where are you taking me? Are we going to get wet?”

Tara was so unpredictable sometimes, he didn’t put it past her to lead them under the falls themselves. Matt was pretty sure that was against the park rules.

“One of us will.”

She veered away a meter or so away from the falls and led Matt to a rocky alcove behind them. Before he knew what was happening, Tara had pulled her shorts down again and leaned against a large, moss-covered rock.

“What are you waiting for? Come and fuck me!”

Matt watched her reach back behind her legs and begin once again rubbing her clit. He instinctively began rubbing his cock through his pants as he unbuckled his belt with his other hand. Once his shorts and underwear were lowered down his thighs, he stepped forward and rubbed his cock up and down the opening to Tara’s vagina.

“There’s no time for that. Are you going to fuck me or not?”

He felt thin fingers grab the head of his cock and pull it forward. Matt relented to Tara’s impatience and bucked his hips forward, thrusting his entire length into her until it met with fleshy resistance. He heard his friend stifle a moan as he began slowly pumping his cock in and out of her sopping wet vagina.

“Fuck me faster! Harder!”

Tara somehow managed not to shout her commands to Matt, though her words seemed to reverberate off the stone walls of the alcove. He hoped the loud rushing of water over the falls would be enough to mask the sound of their fucking. Again relenting to Tara’s demands, Matt started thrusting with greater force and speed until his friend was pushed nearly upright against the rock.

“Fuck! You ready?”

He could feel the muscles in his pelvic floor contract and his balls pull close to his body. He was about to explode inside of Tara, when she pushed up off his cock completely and stepped aside at the last second. Matt stared at her in disbelief, his chest heaving up and down and his cock standing red, arrow-straight, and seemingly about to burst.

“Not right now, you aren’t.”

Matt’s stomach turned in knots and, once he caught his breath, he released a loud sigh. Feeling a potent mixture of arousal and frustration, Matt tucked his cock back into his underwear and pulled his shorts back on. Tara’s self-satisfied grin somehow seemed twice as wide as it had been in the moments after the interrupted blowjob as she pulled her shorts back on.

“You’re not going to be this pouty the rest of the hike, are you?”

Tara gave him a light kiss on the cheek and ran her hand across the front of his shorts as she started down the narrow trail back around the falls. Matt tried his best not to grumble too loudly as he followed, adjusting himself with each step to try to achieve some degree of comfort. He was glad he’d hidden the worst of it when he passed a few teenagers on the trail, who giggled and made stupid faces at him.

As Matt caught up to Tara, he could clearly hear the echoes of the teenaged boys in the alcove shouting “Come on and fuck me!” and “Fuck me harder!” over the rush of the falls. Matt wiped his hand down his face, which he was sure had turned beet red in embarrassment. Tara, ever the shameless one, was chuckling when Matt joined her on the main trail. Still sore from two denials and now a smidgen of public humiliation, he pushed past Tara and continued on.

“What are you waiting for? Let’s go!”

Matt tried his best to imitate Tara’s enthusiastic prodding, but most likely ended up sounding more than a little sulky. Unfazed by his mockery, his friend walked in stride with him, casually patting him on the butt.

“You can be really pushy sometimes, Matt. Anyone ever told you that?”

To the delight of all their friends, Tara had always been able to perfectly emulate Matt’s expressions and inflections. While some guys might have found this light ribbing insulting, Matt had always found it quite endearing. Even in his sullen state, he cracked a smile.

The two walked for a solid half-hour. Every few minutes or so, Tara would wander toward the side of the trail and Matt would experience a Pavlovian erection, hoping that they might finally finish what they’d started. And each time, Tara would instead point out wildflowers or weird bugs to Matt’s chagrin.

Soon, the waiting became too much for Matt. Every step was agony as his swollen balls brushed against his leg. His cock remained in a state of near-full arousal. Tara had teased Matt’s typical mild-mannered demeanor into something more primal. When he saw his friend walking before him, Matt felt an urgent, animalistic need to take her. To be inside her. To fill her to overflowing. Now.

Matt spotted a large deadfall where two trees had fallen on top of one another a couple meters off the trail. Without a word, he gently, but firmly grasped Tara’s arm and pulled her off the trail and around the thick, criss-crossed trunks. Turning her around so that she faced him, he put a hand on the back of her neck, the other cradling her face, and kissed her fiercely.

Tara’s nimble fingers unbuckled his belt and blindly managed to get his shorts loose enough to tear them, along with his underwear, down. He felt her hands begin to stroke his cock, one working the shaft and the other rubbing a slow circle on the underside of its head.

Matt continued kissing Tara as his hands moved down her body, running roughly over her breasts and down to her waist. With one quick, fluid motion, he yanked her shorts from her waist, baring her clean-shaven vagina within a few centimeters of his throbbing cock. Matt walked Tara backwards until her ass pressed against one of the fallen trees. He then lifted one of her legs, positioning it around his waist. She released her grip on his cock and placed both hands on the log beneath her for balance, staring into his eyes with a pleading hunger to match his own.

“No more teasing. No more tricks. Promise me.”

Tara’s pledge to put aside her mischievous ways never had a chance to coalesce into words as Matt plunged his entire length into her vagina. She gasped at the shock of suddenly being filled with his cock. Matt never broke his eye contact with Tara’s dark green eyes as he slammed into her in a steady rhythm so forceful dry leaves rustled down from the branches of the dead trees with each thrust.

Tara adjusted herself carefully until she felt stable enough to brace with one hand. With her free hand, she began frantically working her clit as Matt fucked her with an intensity she’d never seen before. Looking into his usually gentle grey eyes, she saw only a fierce hunger for her. Tara shuddered and she felt a rush of water spill from her. She was so lost in the moment, that she didn’t bother to stifle her moans of pleasure.

“Ready for me to fill you up?”

Matt felt the all too familiar pressure rise as Tara’s vaginal walls tightened and convulsed around his cock. He continued thrusting in a steady rhythm, eagerly anticipating his long overdue release.

“Yes. Please. Fill me up. Do it.”

Tara’s leg wrapped more tightly around Matt’s waist as she prepared herself to be filled with load after load of piping hot cum. But the moment she thought he was about to explode inside her, Matt ceased his thrusting and pulled himself from her. Holding his swollen cock in his hand, he stroked it once, twice, three times before groaning and releasing a thick stream of cum across Tara’s face and tank top. He continued coaxing forth more and more shots of cum, which splattered abstract patterns of white across Tara’s bright red tank top. After what seemed a full minute, Matt collapsed on the log beside her.

“What the fuck was that?”

Tara’s tone was indignant, but her cum-covered face was creased in a smile. A few stray hairs were plastered to her forehead, and two thick trails of cum were rolling down her neck into her cleavage. Matt exhaled loudly, leaning forward with his hands on his knees. He began to laugh, and Tara couldn’t help but to join him.

“You teased me all day. Turnaround is fairplay.”

Matt dug into his backpack and removed the towel. He offered it to Tara, pulling it away when she leaned in to reach for it. Matt instead darted his face forward and, unconcerned by the glaze of his own cum covering her face, sweetly kissed Tara. First wiping his own face with the towel, he handed it to Tara, who began attempting to get the most obvious clumps removed from her hair, face, and tank top.

“Don’t worry. If anyone asks, we’ll tell them you fell in the pond.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hqhx4t/a_walk_in_the_woods_mf