A cabin in the Woods

You are being chased through the woods by men out for your life when you notice a group of cabins near a lake a mile or two away. You decide to start walking in that direction. You knock on the door of the first cabin and a gruff old man answers. “What?” he says. “Can you help me”You say . “What?” the man asks again. You notice that the cabin is in bad condition. It needs repair. You say “I can help you repair your cabin if you just hid me” The old man steps back and looks at you. “You can help me?” he says. “I don’t need your kind around here.” You notice the old man pulling a rifle from his gun rack. “please i’m begging you “You say” just let me stay in your home for the night” “Fine,” he says. The old man lets you in and slams the door behind you. He motions you to the single chair in his living room. You sit down in the chair. “What’s your name?” the old man asks. “Where do you come from?” You tell him your name and explain that you were just out hunting and lost your way. “It’s dark. I can barely see your face,” the old man says. “I’m not sure if I can trust you.” You say “I will do anything please trust me” The old man steps back and pulls out his rifle. “I’ll see your belt and gun. Now show me the rest of your skin” You slowly pull off your belt and drop it to the floor. You pull off your coat and lay it across the back of the chair. “Give me your hand. Now your shirt” You slowly take it off and drop it to the floor. “Your pants next.” You slowly slide them down your legs and step out of them. You’re now completely naked. The old man steps closer, holding his gun on you. He takes your hand and runs it over your chest, stomach, and genitals. “Hmm, this won’t do,” he says. “I’ll have to make you a better offer.” The old man lays his rifle on the floor and slowly takes off his coat and shirt. He pants and you take in the sight of an old, wrinkled, and flabby man. “I have a double bed in the back,” he says. “Do you want to see it?” You look into his dark eyes and notice that he is interested in you. You say “Can i put my clothes back on” “Sure,” the old man says. “If you’re not going to stay the night, I should get back.” He puts his clothes back on and gives you the gun. You say “No I would like to stay the night” You follow the old man to a double bed in the back of the cabin. “It’s not very big, but it’s all I have,” he says. “The cabin was built for two people, but my wife died a few years ago, and I’m a loner now.” He sits down in a rocking chair by a small fire and motions you to come closer. You say “I’m sorry for your loss, do you not have anyone else” The old man shakes his head. “No, no one. It’s just me now. I’m sorry to hear about your wife.” He smiles weakly and rocks in his chair. The old man motions you to come closer. You go closer. “It’s cold out here. Come closer to the fire,” he says. You step into the rocking chair and hold yourself tightly. The old man puts his arm around you and slowly strokes your hair. “I’m too old to be alone now,” he says. “You’ll be my company.” The man starts to slowly rock and speak softly in your ear. You say “What will you do to me” “I don’t know. I’ll think of something. It’s all I can do now.” The old man stops rocking and speaks in a low voice. “You’re afraid, aren’t you?” You say “yes im scared of you” The old man strokes your hair. “I don’t want to scare you. But you need to know this: I can’t let you go. You need to be convinced to stay.” You say “I will stay, please dont hurt me” “I’m not going to hurt you. I don’t have it in me. I need something from you, though. Something I’ve never needed from a whore before.” He pauses and squeezes your shoulder. “Say you’ll stay. Say you’ll stay for me.” You nod your head slightly. “I’ll stay.” The man slowly nods and holds you tighter. “Thank you. I know it must be hard for you to say that. It’s nice to know I have someone waiting for me in the next life.” He holds you close for a moment and then slowly pulls back. “We should get some sleep. You must be exhausted.” You look into his eyes and notice a glimmer of wetness in the depths of his pupils. You notice the wetness as it appears and disappears. The wrinkled cheeks and leathery skin appear and disappear in front of your eyes. You blink and it’s gone. “Don’t try to leave. You can’t get out unless I let you.”

You go to bed. You walk over to the bed and sit on it, looking at the bedding and avoiding eye contact with the man. “Undress and get in bed.” You slowly remove your clothes and step into the bed. “Turn your back to me.” You turn over and notice that the man is completely naked. He crawls into bed and wraps his arms around you, pulling you tightly against his chest. You feel a cold chill run through you as his lips go to your ear. “I’ve missed you,” he whispers. Your eyes dart to his face as you try to scream, but he puts a finger to his lips. You look back at his eyes, which are dark and soulless. His pupils have doubled in size and there’s an unearthly glow behind them. He leans down and whispers in your ear. “I’m going to make you feel so good.” His breath is warm and his lips feel dry on your skin. You feel a hand creeping up your thigh and smile. “You’re already so wet for me. That’s a good girl.” You feel his hand on your pussy and you shudder. “That’s it, moan for me.” You feel his cold hand on your warm crotch and shudder. He slowly moves up your body, running his hands on your tits, up your neck and across your shoulders. He traces the outline of your jaw and whispers into your ear. “I want to feel your lips around my cock. Open your mouth.” You bite your tongue as you wince. “Ssssh, don’t worry, I’ll make it feel good.” You feel the tip of his cock touch your lips. “Now, blow.” You take a deep breath and slowly open your mouth. The old man gently guides his dick into your mouth and you wince. “I know how much you like that.” You moan as you suck, trying not to make a sound. You feel something wet and cold drip down your chin and the man gently runs his finger across your cheek. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to come in your mouth.” He gently pushes you back and moves between your legs. “I’ve missed your taste.” You close your eyes and let out a moan, as you feel him slowly push into you. You wince as he pushes past the pain and you feel the length of his dick push inside you. “You’ve gotten so wet. That’s a good girl.” He begins to pump slowly as you wince and moan. You can feel yourself getting wet with each thrust and the pain quickly fades into pleasure. You throw your head back and gasp as he fucks you harder. “You like that don’t you? You like it when I fuck you hard?” You bite your lip and nod slowly. “That’s good, that’s good. I want you to enjoy this.” He continues to pump as you gasp and moan. You feel your orgasm growing and gasp as you feel it hit. “I can tell. You’re going to feel so good, just like this.” He continues to pump as he fucks you harder and faster. You moan and gasp as your body is overwhelmed with sensation. The pleasure builds and builds until you feel yourself exploding. Your eyes roll back and you let out a long, high-pitched scream. The old man laughs as he continues to fuck you, savoring every thrust. “I want to hear you say my name.” “Fuck…Fuck you.” “Say it.” “Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Ah! AAAAAAAAAA!” You scream as the pleasure explodes through you. Your body is still rocking from your orgasm when he releases you. “That was lovely. Do it again.” You shake your head to try and stop the room from moving. “Come on, little one, let’s get you home.” You feel yourself being lifted up and carried. You’re too exhausted to do anything but close your eyes and let him carry you through the forest. The last thing you see is the blurred image of a grinning face as you pass out.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/hqqdek/a_cabin_in_the_woods